My Playmate Ch. 02


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I stepped across the room and held Anna's head in my hands, my thumb stroking her cheek back towards her ear. She gasped a little and I saw her eyes go wide.

And then my lips were pressed to hers and all the pleasant feelings washed away my fears. I felt good kissing her. I felt happy holding her. And Anna's happy moan that spilled through our locked lips did wonders to assuage my rioting mind. I didn't yet know where this would take us. But I was willing to find out.

When we finally separated to get some air, Anna's eyes were shining with moisture, a single tear streaking across her cheek to be caught by the huge smile on her face.

"Let's see," I started, feeling much more comfortable and confident now that we were both on the same wavelength. "I think I'm supposed to say, 'Can I buy you a cup of coffee?'"

Anna half-snorted, not the most beautiful sound but a genuine Anna-reaction. "You know I don't drink coffee."

"True, but it's the standard way of asking a girl out on a date."

"So why the hell don't you just ask me out on a date?"

I grinned back at her. "Coffee. Friday. I'll pick you up at seven." And then I was heading out the door. I would barely have enough time to grab a sandwich on the way to my class.

Anna had just punched me in the shoulder as I went past her, a giggle on her lips. I still hadn't actually "asked" her on a date. This was a quirkier way of going about things, untraditional. Exploring a relationship with Anna wouldn't be the same as it had been with Courtney. We were finding our own harmony together.

And from the look of delight that had burst into Anna's eyes when I demanded "coffee" on Friday, it was the way we both would have wanted things to go.


Imagine my surprise when I showed up at the girls' apartment, on Friday at 7pm sharp, to find Courtney waiting in the living room for me.

I had come dressed for a date and waited outside for someone to come open the door for me instead of using my own key to enter in. Anna's face was the first thing I saw, sending a nervous thrill down my spine as I smiled at her in welcome for our very first date. No flowers. No chocolate. Anna had insisted I come without gifts.

Anna managed a smile back at me, but then as her face darkened I could immediately tell that something unexpected was going on. "Come on in," she told me and then turned away to return into the living room.

I followed after, closing the door and then got the shock of my life when I saw Courtney's bright smiling face.

Two thoughts tore through my head at the same time: **What the hell is she doing here?** and **Oh, my lord! MY COURTNEY IS BACK!!!**

She was sitting on the couch next to Christine, the both of them gawking over a magazine. Anna returned to her spot on the other side of her ex-roommate, her expression supportive and reserved at the same time.

Courtney herself was positively glowing, her makeup perfect, her outfit expensive and erotic while being tasteful, her hair expertly coiffed. She huskily whispered a warm "Hi" to me, then folded the magazine and held it up for me to see.

The first thing I noticed was the large font "PLAYBOY" across the top, and then a wonderful picture of Courtney, naked save for a high cut thong with her hands futilely trying to cover her large breasts. Nowadays, the Playboy centerfold rarely actually got to be on the cover as some semi-famous Celebrity usually got that coveted spot. It was an even more impressive accomplishment for Courtney to get the Playboy cover than it was to get Playmate of the Month in the first place.

I was floored, shocked into a stupor. A part of my head remembered that I was supposed to be here to pick up Anna on our date. But all I could process right now was that Courtney, MY Courtney, was right in front of me. "Wow..." I finally managed to croak out.

All three girls were patient with my obviously slow reaction time. And by the time I managed a warm "Congratulations!" to Courtney we all returned to a more comfortable ease with each other. Courtney then got up and walked around the coffee table to greet me.

It started off as a friendly hug, albeit a very close and firm hug, but then Courtney tilted her head to mine and captured my lips in the passionate kiss half-forgotten but still strong enough to knock my socks off. The embrace felt habitual, we had done it a thousand times in this very apartment. But then I found myself comparing the slow-burning affection of my kiss with Anna to this lightning-bolt- of-adrenaline kiss with Courtney.

And that thought of Anna brought me back to the real world.

I pulled away, and looked over Courtney's shoulder and straight into Anna's eyes. She stared right back at me, an expression on her face that I didn't recognize nor comprehend. I couldn't read her emotions at all.

Searching for help, I saw Christine, looking thoughtfully back and forth between Courtney and Anna. Christine had obviously known Anna and I had a date. She looked as curious as I felt to see how Anna reacted.

Courtney herself didn't notice a blessed thing, and pulled back to look at me with her bubbly energetic approach. "This won't hit the newsstands for another week. But the instant I got this advance copy I HAD to come show you guys. You want to see the pictorial?"

"Sure," I grunted. Then followed her back to the couch. Anna deliberately gave up her seat and went into the kitchen, leaving me to sit next to Courtney. So I turned my attention to the pages of the magazine, my breath catching as I realized some photographer whose name I didn't know had somehow managed to capture the true beauty of my ex-girlfriend.

The pictures were amazing. I had always known that Courtney was an angel sent to Earth by mistake. But now I had the proof on paper for the world to see. "You are so gorgeous," I breathed.

"Thank you," Courtney turned back to me and then gave me a new kiss on the lips, lingering there for just a moment to feel the warmth steaming off my face. It felt so good to kiss her. But then the pain of the past few months away from Courtney came rushing back to me, a dread tearing a hole right through my heart.

Courtney instantly saw the pain in my eyes, asking, "What's wrong?"

"Are you leaving me?" It was a fully loaded question. It wasn't a question about what time she would be physically exiting this apartment. It wasn't a question about whether she'd be spending the night in this city. I had a hope inside: now that she had her cover and her pictorial, perhaps she might return to school and return to me. My question was whether or not Courtney would break my heart again.

Her reply answered my question in every way possible. "Yes. I already visited my folks and then I'm leaving again tonight. It's a busy world out there."

**Kill me now.** I swear you could hear the final pieces of my heart break from across the globe.

Courtney looked into my eyes, brushing away the tears forming in their corners. It was rather strange. I'd balled like a little baby during our last fight. But after that I closed myself off into an empty, emotionless shell of the man I once was. I'd never cried in the days after she left me for the first time. They say time heals all wounds. In this case, time just set me up to feel the pain AGAIN.

Courtney looked at her two friends, both of whom were watching the soap opera of my mind intently. "Hey, let's take a walk, okay? I think we've got some things we need to talk about."

I glanced at Anna, just once. This was supposed to have been her night. She just nodded her head towards the door.

So Courtney and I left.

In true "guy" fashion, I didn't know what to say. So I stayed silent as Courtney held my hand and started us onto the sidewalk. I was back inside my shell, closed off to the world where I couldn't even feel her finger intertwined with my own, let alone any potential pain she might give me.

"I miss you," she told me.

I didn't think it would be fair to demand, 'Then come back.' So I just stayed silent.

"I know this is hard for you. It wasn't the easiest decision for me back then and it still isn't now. But I'm happy with what I'm doing." She rubbed my arm for emphasis, and the warmth of her touch started to seep through.

We walked silently for another block while she continued to rub at me, her physical affection getting through and warming my heart. I still felt closed off emotionally, but at least I could respond to her in a friendly manner.

I finally said. "And I'm happy for you. Really, I'm happy for you. And I'm ready to be without you. I am ready. I am fine." The words came out of my mouth but it felt like a Counting Crows song was behind them.

Out of habit, I realized then that we'd been walking the path from the girls' apartment to the house I was renting with my friends. And as my mind awoke from its momentary shut-down of shock and pain, I also recognized the chill in the night air.

"Why don't we go up into my room? It'll be warmer and we'll still have our privacy."

"Sounds good," Courtney replied. And she smiled at recognizing my old assertive self coming back alive.

There were so many things I wanted to say, things I'd wanted to tell her for months but she wasn't around. I started organizing those things into a coherent presentation format for once we got into my bedroom.

But the instant we got inside my bedroom, Courtney had launched herself into my arms and planted her tongue into the back of my throat. All those things I'd wanted to say were now forgotten.

I cried out into her kiss, a wail of agony and misery and relief. And then she was stripping my clothes off while I clutched her body to my own, desperately gripping her and never wanting to let go.

She pulled away just enough to start tugging off her own attire once she realized I wasn't going to do it for her. I was passive in this, neither encouraging her on nor discouraging her actions. "I'm leaving again tonight," she informed me.

"I know."

"But I want to feel you one more time."

"I can tell."

And then she was kissing me again. We were fully naked and Courtney propelled us until she'd planted me on my back across the bed. My body was quickly warming up to the idea even if my brain was five minutes behind. My prick was fully engorged and waving in the air, searching out Courtney's bare shaven pussy which was already dripping with moisture.

I gazed upon the luscious breasts that were hanging right in my face. I'd seen them on the laminated paper of a three-page centerfold just a half an hour ago. And they were even more fabulous up close and personal.

Courtney leaned up and kissed me, then glanced down to straddle my hips and hold my erection in its upright position.

I interrupted just before she impaled herself. "I... I..." We both knew I wanted to say 'I love you.' But I just couldn't do it. What difference would it make anyways? Before the sun rose again, she would be gone.

Courtney smiled at me warmly. "I know." And then she sank down, and I was fully embedded inside of my first love. My brain was split in half: one side desperately needing to be free of her and get on with my life, the other side equally desperate to hold onto her for as long as possible.

I wailed out again in anguish, and with a surge of mixed anger and pain I flipped us over and re-buried my cock into the wet snatch beneath me. My head was planted against the pillow, my eyes shut while I mindlessly pounded the pliable girl beneath me, the anger boiling. How could she do this to me? How could she fuck with my emotions like this?

And then Courtney moaned "Fuck me, baby."

So I pounded as hard as I could three more times before slowing down and letting sanity come back to me. For some reason, I felt cold all of a sudden, and I pulled at the blankets until they were wrapped around my shoulders, our two naked bodies huddled together underneath them. I looked right into Courtney's eyes, once again filled with tenderness for the most beautiful angel I'd ever laid eyes on. My first love.

"How does it feel to fuck a Playmate?"

"Feels good," I groaned, then pulled back and thrust forward slowly once again, savoring every little sensation as each ridge of my cock slid inside of Courtney's welcoming tunnel. And yet each feeling was bittersweet. My mind was caught in this dichotomy between pleasure and pain.

I looked down into Courtney's eyes, radiant in their individual beauty. And I also noticed the trickle of tears seeping out and down her cheek. I teetered on the edge of pleasure and sadness, feeling ever so unbalanced on this tightrope we were walking. "What are we doing?" I asked her softly.

She managed a hopeful smile, blinking past her own tears. And I knew she was experiencing the same confusion I was feeling. At last she answered, "We're making love."

And then there were no more words as I just rested my head on the pillow beside her, my hands gripping her hips to help me pump in and out of the wettest pussy I'd ever felt in my life.

Courtney moaned into my ear while she cradled my head in her hands, rolling her hips in time with my thrusting to achieve the maximum pleasure with the least amount of effort while we slowly absorbed each other's body.

I felt cocooned in my blankets, still over my shoulders and bunched up around our sides. Courtney lay quiescent beneath me, her firm tits pressed up against my chest, her labored breathing loud in my ears. We tenderly thrust at each other, building up friction while her legs intertwined with mine to make us as close to one person as could possibly be.

And then, the pressure built and the pleasure crescendoed. And while our movements did not speed up that much, the sense of urgency and the force increased until we were pumping firmly, and at last the release came as Courtney bit down on my neck to stifle her orgasm while I spewed a torrent of cum into her willing body. It seemed to go on for forever and at the same time didn't last nearly long enough.

It was the greatest sex of our lives. The kind you never recover from and carry in your memories for all eternity. Our souls had touched one another.

When it was over, I remained inside of her, clutching her body to me as if it was the last time I would ever have this chance. And Courtney hugged me back with a passion I had painfully yearned for.

"I missed you so much," she whispered.

"I..." I shook my head. My heart hurt so much, and the pain carried up into my brain. "I..." I couldn't say it. I needed to, wanted to tell Courtney 'I love you', but the words just caught in my throat. She seemed to sense what I was trying to tell her, simultaneously hoping for the phrase and frightened by it. After what we had just done, those words might actually make her stay with me. But could I do that to her? Was it fair? In the end, only the actual words could make them truly real.

My eyebrows bent into the frown I was fighting away from my mouth. Finally I said, "I... I'm happy for you. You deserve all the success you're getting."

"Thank you."

Eventually, we got dressed. Courtney stopped at the front door, turned and gave me one of our trademark fully passionate kisses. A kiss I had gotten very used to. A kiss I knew I was going to miss.

And then she was gone. Perhaps for only a few months. But perhaps forever. I sincerely questioned if I would ever see her again. But right now, my only choice was to move on.



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JodailyJodaily2 months ago

Aw jesus christ! What a fucking pussy. Hard to say wether his balls or his brains are smaller, though they're both vieing for that walnut size award. I know it was fucking hot while they were together, it is time to move on. Coutney is a total bitch for stringing him along, and he is a complete asshole for doing Anna like he is. Grow the fuck up!

Just sayin.

perversionsandtransgressionsfanperversionsandtransgressionsfanalmost 2 years ago

The first page is one of the best... I wish more of your stories involved this kind of partner swapping and teasing and soft swinging etc..

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good, but somewhat familiar....

This is sorta Kinda-Sorta-Maybe Nerd-Boy all over again, isn't it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Well done!!

It's gone past just a jerk off story and has given the characters complex personalities. Awesomely done, can't wait for Chapter 3, being a romantic sap, I hope he and Coutrney get together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Omg. This is your most enthralling work yet. I've been through it. And its the hevean and hell you described to a T. Your an amazing writer! Write a book and ill buy it! Keep up the AMAZING work!

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