My Sister Made Me Ch. 22


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Glancing at the clock, she saw that she'd made it to 8:00 PM. That wasn't too early to fall asleep.

Was it?


The next morning, Alex awoke slowly. Rubbing her eyes, she glanced over at the clock and saw that she needed to get moving to get to class on time. Glancing over at the door to her room, she saw that it was wide open.

"Odd," she muttered.

She thought she remembered locking it.

Frowning, she looked over at the closet and saw that it was open as well. She rolled her eyes. Toni had clearly been in her room last night, though she hadn't felt her climb in bed or out of it. Forcing herself out of bed, she pushed the feelings of irritability at her twin out of her thoughts and trudged off to get ready for her day.

School was as boring as it always was, so she was glad to have a shift at work that day, even if it was just six hours that afternoon. Once she'd gotten out of class, she had an hour to kill before her shift started.

At first, she was going to just head home for a bit, but then she realized that she hadn't heard from Bryce since Saturday morning.

She shot a text off to him as she walked to her car.

"Hey honey. Sorry I didn't message yesterday."

She'd gotten into her vehicle and started it when he replied.

"All good baby. I spent yesterday catching up on shit for school and studying. I'm just at work right now. How are you?"

She smiled upon hearing his words, automatically picturing his handsome face and arrogant smirk.

"I just had an hour to kill and was going to come see you if you didn't have anything going on. I'll just run home and maybe see you tonight."

"I can come up and say 'hi' at work on my lunch break if you want," he said. "We just got to a stopping point here and we're all just about to go eat."

She smiled. Seeing him in person would be delightful, even if nothing else happened.

"Deal. Meet you at work in the parking lot."

"On my way!" he replied.

She smiled, pulling out and heading directly to the restaurant. Once there, she found a parking spot and quickly put her work clothes on while she waited. She managed to get her bra off and top on, then pulled her shorts off and worked her skirt on as much as she could. Hopping out, she stood and quickly pulled it up the rest of the way, hearing a honk as she did so.

Turning, she saw her boyfriend smiling at her from his truck parked several spots away. She grinned and raised her hands up, shrugging at him.

She heard his truck power off and started immediately over to him.

"You know, you shouldn't get dressed in public. Any freaky weirdo could be pervin' on ya!"

Laughing, she went up to him and put her arms on the door, leaning in through the open window.

"What makes you think I wouldn't like that?" she asked.

"Oh, I know you would. A few more minutes of you dancing half naked and I would have had to start jerkin' off."

"Minutes?" she asked, frowning.

"Yeah, you make a good point," he said, reaching for his pants button.

She laughed, shaking her head at him. Surprisingly enough though, he unzipped his fly and pulled his cock out right there in the parking lot.


Laughter. A look of surprise. Smirk.

She climbs in through the window.

A honk from a passing car. Flesh. Wet.

Moaning as he forces her head down.

Panties being pulled off.


Another voice.

Familiar face in the window.


A feminine tone of voice.


Bryce laughing.



Jessie helping her stand.

"Come on," Jessie said, pulling Alex with her and waving flirtatiously at someone behind them.

She was momentarily out of it for a second, but then dismissed her confusion as she slipped her arm inside Jessie's.

"So how have you been?" she asked as they walked up to the back door of the restaurant.

"Good, I guess," Jessie said. "We need to hang out together sometime; you and me, Dex and Bryce."

The image of the four of them in a sticky pile came to her and she grinned.

"Oh, that would be trouble for sure," Alex said. "I'm sure we can arrange something."

Once inside, she waved happily at Jessie and made her way to the restroom. Work was only going to last until 6:00 that evening and she wondered if she was going to get to see her boyfriend again that day. She couldn't remember much about the conversation they'd had when he'd met her on his lunch break. She just wished that she'd had time to fool around with him, even just a little bit.

She shrugged, knowing for sure that she'd get the chance to do so soon.

The rest of her shift went by relatively slowly. She finished up and headed to go clock out, taking her apron off and rounding a corner. She smiled when she saw Jessie, her friend smiling back at her.

"Half-day?" she asked.

Alex nodded, then had a sudden idea.

"You and Dex want to hang out? Bryce is free."

"I'm closing," Jessie said with a frown. "I'm just about to take my break and I needed to take care of a cock really quickly."

Alex nodded, but then did a double take and burst out laughing when she realized what the little vixen had said.

Jessie turned and yelled, "John, time for you to take a break with me."

Alex smirked as the loud, jovial new guy came around the corner, grinning from ear to ear.

"Really? Him?" she asked quietly.

"Roommate's boyfriend, remember?" Jessie grinned happily as if that answer would suffice.

Alex didn't really have any stake in the matter, so she didn't press for details. Turning, she went to finish clocking out and get her things from the locker she'd placed them in.

Heading out the back door, she started for her car. Halfway there, she heard a loud voice followed by Jessie's endearing, characteristic laugh and glanced over.

Jessie was sitting on someone's lap, and she quickly realized that it was John, the raucous loudmouth that she'd met before. They were fucking. Amused, she got a little closer. Jessie was moving up and down on him. She looked down between the vixen's thighs.

Bouncing... moans

Jessie's naked breasts



warm flesh...


She sighed, turning the key in the ignition. Her face felt weird, damp. She raised her finger up and dabbed her cheek. Sticky.

She frowned, rubbing her fingers together.

Did she get something on them at work? She sighed, grabbing the shirt that she'd taken off when she'd arrived. Wiping her face, she took a moment to rub her temples, trying in vain to ward off the headache she was getting.

Putting the car in gear, she started to head for home. Surely, she had something to do there.

Didn't she?

She couldn't remember.



Thursday morning

The heat of their embrace seemed to seep into her pores. Though she felt the chill of the room around her, she relished the warmth she was feeling. She traced a line across his chest, smiling as he twitched in his sleep.

His arm was cradling her to him, his hand somewhere behind her back. It held her snug against him, a comforting wall behind her. She was making do with the thin sliver of mattress that he'd left for her to sleep on, the rest of the bed behind him undoubtedly empty.

Still, even if she ended up on the floor in a few minutes, she wouldn't have changed the previous night for anything. It had been... perfect.

She shivered as she thought back to how intense and incredible being with him had been. It was as if they'd ceased being two beings for one moment in time.

A flush came to her cheeks then as she realized how ridiculous she was being. Here she was, staring up at her big brother like he was an angel fallen from heaven and thinking about their night together like it had taken place in a dew laden meadow full of flower petals and singing birds.

As if to point out how ridiculous she was being, Dane's arm moved under the sheet at his waist, and he began to scratch his crotch.

She smirked quietly, but then heard a gentle knocking on her bedroom door. Sitting up in bed, she frantically smacked at Dane and caused him to jerk up in bed with a loud gasp.

The two were half out of bed when they both heard the *click* of the door opening. Wide eyed, they stared at one another and prepared for the worst.

Her mother's kind, caring face peered in, causing them both to sigh in relief.

"Sorry," she whispered. "I didn't mean to startle, but Toni's up and in the shower. Y'all should hurry and get up unless you want your sisters catching you like this."

Sam's heart began to ease back on the pounding it was doing in her chest. She managed to smile and wave to her mom as Dane began to move behind her. She swore internally, knowing that the two of them needed to spend some time talking, but also realizing that it just wasn't going to be that morning.

He scrambled around for a bit grabbing his clothes, then hurried to the door where their mother was waiting for him, his underwear clutched down at his crotch to cover his nudity.

Seeing that he was prepared, she turned and peered down the hall before looking back and nodding. The two promptly disappeared out of Sam's room, their footsteps fading in the distance.

Sighing, Sam stood and forced herself from the bed. Moving over to her dresser, she grabbed a clean pair of panties from a stack that had been placed there by her mother and began to pull them on.

Another soft knock on the door caused her to glance over and see her mother once again, this time smiling as she stepped in and closed the door behind her. She was surprised to see her again so quickly.

"Is it okay to talk?" she asked.

Sam felt refreshed and renewed. She knew that her mother was no idiot and likely knew what had happened the night before. By Dane's own account, she didn't disapprove of it, and had even said that she understood. She had no reason to be embarrassed or to feel ashamed.

Nodding, she turned and pulled on one of the old shirts that she normally wore to sleep in, before turning back around and joining her mother as she sat down on Sam's bed.

"I don't want to force you to have an embarrassing conversation," she began. "I'm happy to talk with you if you need to, of course. I just needed to let you know something before you got on with your day."

"Okay," Sam said, smiling at her mother.

The gesture made her mother seem more at ease in Sam's estimation and she smiled happily in return before continuing.

"I don't know if Dane mentioned it last night, but I wanted to make sure that you knew that I've already let your father know about what happened this past Saturday."

Sam frowned and cocked her head curiously.

"I thought he already knew," she said.

"Well, I saw you that night but didn't mention it to him. When Dane was talking with you last night, I sat your father down and talked with him about what had happened."

Sam nodded, silently digesting the information.

She'd been under the impression that her father was already aware that it was her that had been in the closet. The news that he hadn't known previously but did now didn't really change anything in the grand scheme of things.

"Oh," she said simply, looking back at her mother. "Um... how is he?"

"He's okay," her mother assured her. "He was shocked, of course."

Sam nodded at the information, not surprised in the least. She hesitated before continuing the conversation, though, unsure if she wanted to know the answer to her next question.

"Um... did he, was he... mad?"

Her mother reached out and squeezed her hand comfortingly and offered a warm smile. "No, honey," she said kindly. "Well, he was upset at himself, but I quickly pointed out that neither of you knew who the other was. It was a simple coincidence. He was more curious about how you came to be in there in the first place. I told him that if you wanted to tell us how that came about, then you would in your own good time. If you don't want to, then you don't have to."

Sam felt a surge of affection and appreciation for her mother then and leaned forward to give her a hug.

"I love you," she said quietly.

"I love you too, honey. You better get ready for class," she said, patting her back after a few quiet moments.

"I will," Sam assured her. "Thanks for being so understanding."

The conversation over, her mother gave Sam a final kiss on the forehead before standing and leaving the room.


Perhaps unsurprisingly, Sam found it harder than normal to concentrate in her classes that day. After her mother had left her bedroom, Sam had gotten dressed and left quickly, not wanting to risk her father being home. She went and bought her breakfast that morning instead of cutting up some fruit like she normally did. It wasn't really what she wanted to have for her first meal of the day, but given her current circumstances, it was the best that she could do.

Her mother might have assured her that her father was okay knowing what had happened, but that didn't mean that she wanted to test that theory and run into him. She figured that it was best that she continue to be a ghost in the house and just stay in her room as much as possible.

The trouble was that she had a very light schedule at work for the rest of the week. She only had an afternoon shift on Friday to keep herself busy. She wasn't scheduled on Saturday anymore, thanks to her having spoken to Bill and convincing him to let her have off on those days so that she could go The Mess Around.

She was walking to her car when that thought occurred to her, and she stopped short when she thought about the swinger club where she masqueraded as "Mystery Girl".

"Sorry, excuse me," someone behind her said, stepping around her as she apologized and stepped to the side.

She frowned, suddenly realizing something troubling that hadn't occurred to her yet. She started moving again and hurried on to her car. Sitting in the driver's seat, she put the key in the ignition and tried to start it, but it made a weird noise and took several tries before it finally turned over and began to run.

She sighed, sitting back after she put on her seat belt. She didn't know what she was going to do.

The Mess Around was a pressure valve of sorts for her. She used it to maintain her arousal at a manageable level and keep herself from getting into trouble. At least, that was the idea behind why she went in the first place. Now it seemed like that wasn't an option anymore.

She didn't think her parents were going to stop going to the place. From Kara, Kelly, and Duncan's conversation the previous Sunday, both of her folks had had a great time with the whole group.

She winced, remembering that she herself had been part of the reason that they'd had such fun, but quickly recovered.

She loved being "Mystery Girl". Now, that was apparently over and done with.

Sighing, she banged her hand on the steering wheel in frustration.

Of course, she'd have to tell Dr. Sanderson that she wasn't able to attend anymore. But then he'd want a reason why. She obviously couldn't tell him the truth. Then again, she didn't know if her parents already had.

Sam rubbed her temples at the complexity of the situation. It was giving her a headache just trying to make sense of things. Steeling herself, she knew that she wasn't going to find the answer sitting in the parking lot.

She pushed the brake pedal and put the car in reverse, then began to pull out of her spot. The drive home was uneventful, thankfully, and she pulled into the driveway and parked.

Briefly considering looking in the garage for her father's Jag, she dismissed the idea, figuring that he was almost definitely working at the hospital. She grabbed her backpack and hopped out, then headed inside.

Not bothering to stop downstairs, Sam hurried up the stairs and into her room, shutting her door and setting her backpack down on her bed. Breathing a sigh of relief, she kicked off her shoes and sat down on her bed, setting her purse and car keys on the dresser beside it.

Lying back, she looked at her phone and noticed that she still didn't have any notifications. She'd been hoping that Dane would text her as they obviously needed to talk.

She decided then to just go ahead and send a message to him instead and unlocked her phone. Browsing to her messenger app, she opened it and scrolled down to find Dane's name. A name caught her eye though, and she paused when she reached it.

"Zoey" she said, smiling, and clicked on it.

There were several messages from Zoey at the bottom that Sam hadn't replied to in her state of anguish. That wasn't what had caught her eye, though.

"Fuck," she said, immediately dropping the phone to the bed.

She closed her eyes as visions of Saturday night filled her head again. She couldn't recall anything else from that night, save for the cock that was currently occupying some space in a text message to her friend and lover, Zoey. She'd playfully snapped a picture of the impressive specimen after she'd been sucking it for a while, then had teasingly sent the picture off to her friend.

She realized that she didn't remember what Zoey's response had been and started to reach for her phone to check. Her hand hovered over the pink, sparkly case and stayed there.

She sighed, lowering it back down to her lap. She quickly realized how ridiculous she was acting and took a deep breath. Again, she reached down for her phone, and again she stopped a few inches away from it.

"What am I going to do, never touch my phone again?" she asked the empty room.

She closed her eyes and reached over, feeling around for the device and closing her fingers around it after only a few seconds of searching. She lifted it facedown and set it in her lap.

Shaking her head at herself, she tried to make herself turn the phone over but just couldn't.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," she spat. "You've had the damn thing inside you! It's just a picture, Samantha."

Sam opened her eyes and looked down. With a quick flick of her wrist, she flipped the phone over in her lap and glanced down at the bright screen.

Her father's engorged cock glared back at her from the confines of the image, as if it were angry that she was behaving so ridiculously and not staring at it. She tried to look down at Zoey's reply but found that she couldn't. Her eyes seemed drawn back up to the image of the angry, red shaft.

She gingerly picked up her phone, lifting it up and looking at the image closer. A quick flick of her thumb made the image bigger, taking up the whole screen of her phone.

She felt her tongue slide across her lower lip, her mouth starting to water.

It was undoubtedly large, though she clearly remembered having no trouble in dealing with the sheer size. The image clearly detailed her own saliva that coated the rigid exterior flesh of the large shaft. She keenly recalled the taste of his precum, could almost feel the flesh sliding through her lips and over her tongue.

She dropped the phone, her heart pounding in her chest as she squeezed her eyes shut. It took a few minutes, but she was able to get herself under control after deliberately ignoring her phone and willing her heartbeat to slow back down to a normal rhythm.

Deep inside, though, she knew that the ache had awakened within her yet again.

Eventually she opened her eyes once more and took another deep breath before reaching down and picking her phone back up.

"Read the words," she said several times.

She flipped the phone over and saw the image staring back at her proudly. She clicked the image away and looked down at the messages that Zoey had sent.

"OMG!" was the first one.

That immediately made her think of her adorable little friend.

"That's SO big and yummy looking!" was the second. It was accompanied by an emoji with hearts for eyes.

The third had come after a day or so and read, "Hey, haven't heard from you in a bit. I figured that you're still recovering from that dick you sent a picture of! LMK when you want to hang!"