My Sister's a Ghost!


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As he walked, he noticed the others in the room. Shieldmaidens, if he'd picked up the right term. Those had their arms crossed and looked him up and down scornfully. They were in full battle dress. Most in lightweight leather armour, some with a few pieces of steel. None seemed happy to see him.

He got to the spit roast, and whispered, "What now?"

"No idea." Grace whispered back, before giggling, "Oh god. It's happening. Tell me this is really happening. We're getting married! Fuck. I'm marrying my brother. This can't be real."

He put his arms around her shoulders and went to kiss the top of her head. A blade appeared at his throat, making him squeak nervously. The female owner gave a deep chuckle, "Not yet, boy. First..."

The woman walked in front of them, and raised a hand. The hall went silent. "On this day, the day of Freya delighted, on my day, we assemble. Not for battle, but union. To join this family, with bonds unshakeable, chains unbreakable! Friends! Foes! Honoured guests and ignorant exiles! Today we all stand, side by side, for the fierceness and determination of one spell that can never be turned aside. For love, of two hearts."

The man who owned the warhammer quietly moved to standing beside the two of them, as his sister continued to turn the spit.

Freya smiled warmly at Grace, "Oh, fierce warrior spirit. What you had not in life, may you always find it, onwards. May your blade stay any who seek to part you, and may your fist assist to depart those who may speak ill of you. I bless this union, of man and woman, brother and sister, shield and sword. May your firstborn have the determination of her mother, and the endurance of her father. To her, I give the name Astryd, most beautiful of mortal souls."

Grace choked and stared, "Uh... What was that?"

"Goddess of fertility." Elliot mumbled under his breath.

His sister flushed, "We haven't even..."

"You will. Soon." The woman smiled at Grace, and then waved at the roast, "Time for the sacrifice. Give a piece to the lord of this hall. To the mighty Thor."

His sister fumbled with a silver knife, hanging from a leather strap on her wrist, that Elliot had missed. She carved a piece of the goat off, and nervously offered it to the god that she had kicked in the nads, when he first tried to bring her here.

He chuckled, "Usually, I take a leg. But you sought the tenderest part. Kindly, for one who is foreign to our ways. I bless this union! May the storms be called upon your enemies, and may the winds guide you swiftly home, each day. For as long as this family blade is passed from father to firstborn, I swear to protect your bloodline."

Elliot drew the sword slowly, and Thor nodded. He went down awkwardly on one knee, presenting it to his sister. "From my ancestors, seriously, they made me dig up a grave. From my ancestors, to you, to give to our children."

"They made me kill and skin the goat." Grace retorted, before taking it, "Well... This is going on a high shelf where Astryd can't reach it until she's old enough."

There was a sudden flapping of wings, and the old man from the gravesite reappeared in front of them. He peered at Elliot as he shuffled back to his feet, arms resting on Grace's shoulders, again. "I find you worthy. These two warriors shall join us against the Vanargund! They freely depart this place, but the path will return here, always. No fate or destiny shall keep these spirits apart. Reborn, living, or dead, they will always be reunited! These, I, Woden, declare to be wedded, and honoured friend."

The shields and swords deafened, before music started to rise above it. Grace jumped to her feet, carefully putting down the sword before snagging his hand. She grinned, "Don't care how badly you can't dance, El. Come on!"


Sometime later, after food, drinking, and more dancing, he and Grace found themselves outside. Both of them had tried to sneak their first wedded kiss, but every time someone had threatened them and told them off.

Now, they were following a path of fiery torches burning in the crisp night air. A half dozen warriors of either kind accompanying them. Leading them to what Elliot was dead certain was their wedding bed.

Grace kept skipping, and squeezing his hand. Grinning ear to ear, and biting her lip nervously. She was splashing mud from the wet ground as they went, and thunder boomed overhead. Thunder, but no lightning, yet.

She wasn't the insubstantial ghost she'd been, before. He was the one who didn't belong. He couldn't see through her, and he had to confess that he was looking forward to their first kiss, as much as she was. A chance to show her, how much he loved her.

The torches ended at a tiny shack, made of wood, with a thatched wood.

"Friends." Thor stated, "Here, you confirm your union. Witnessed, your marriage may never be broken. Tomorrow, you will awake, in the world of mortals."

Grace went bright red, "What exactly do you mean by... Witnessed?"

"He means you're fucking, and we're watching." Lily announced, the witch dangling off the arm of someone that Elliot didn't remember meeting. "It's a Norse thing. No arguments about your baby daddy, when everyone has seen you get deflowered."

Elliot coughed, "Uh... Everyone?"

"Everyone who is here." Lily shrugged. "Don't worry, we'll be quiet."

Grace looked up at him, "Just so you know, if you can't get it up, I'm going to throw a huge tantrum. And poison your deserts with... Kale! For the next month."

"And here I thought I'd be cooking for you, most days." Elliot squeezed her hand.

His sister shook her head, "Uh... I can't work, El. I'm dead. No ID. So, if you're working all day, then I get to play housewife. Not that I mind. And um... Astryd..."

"We're about to get pregnant." Elliot smiled at her, "I... Don't think I'm ready for that."

"I'm bloody not!" Grace replied, "This is my first time, El! No boyfriends, no nothing. You were... Everything. So I kinda..."

He dragged her to him, and kissed her.

No one interrupted this time as their lips met. Her softness, hesitantly pressing back into him. She put her hands behind his head, and he felt each individual finger as she pulled him in tightly, passionately making out with him.

The little sister he had known, all his life, kissed him deeply. Her tongue reaching out to him, twisting and joining, as their two crowns pressed against each other and into their foreheads. One of her hands moved down his back, tracing down his spine before grabbing the front of his belt firmly.

Grace giggled, walking backwards and dragging him into the hut, as the others followed behind.

She glanced at the audience, blushing, and then knelt down. Grace tossed aside her crown before unknotting his belt and dropping his pants to the floor. She looked up at him, eyes shining, "I love you, El."

He reached down, grabbing her under the shoulders and lifting her onto the edge of the skin- and fur-covered bed. He kissed her forehead, before kneeling down. "I think I'm going to claim going first."

"Oh, god."

"Want your brother to..." He trailed off, hyper aware of all the eyes on them, right now.

"Get on with it." Lily yawned, "I'm fucking my brother. None of us are going to care about a little dirty talk."

Grace rolled her eyes, "Not helping, witch! But, El? Yes. Fuck, yes. I want you to eat me out. Please."

He dug under the dress, which was longer and bigger than he'd thought, making it so he couldn't just flip it back. He ended up shoulders deep beneath the garment, whilst he pulled her underwear off. Elliot stared as he exposed his sister.

He could see the redness where a razor or something had recently neatened up her bush. It was still there, but there was no hair hiding her little crevasse. It wasn't a line, right now. His sister was gaping open a little, clear fluid beading at the bottom of her entrance. The red and puffy edges of the walls, just visible, before he dove in.

"El?" Grace asked nervously, before sucking in her breath. The delayed sensation reaching her as he began to run his tongue along the wet tenderness that was his sister. Her legs trembled, as his tongue patiently ran back and forth. Tracing the length to help him guess her sensitive places.

"Finger or clit?" Elliot asked between swipes, tossing aside his own crown.

"Hmm? Uh... Uh... Finger." It took Grace a moment to focus on the question.

His middle finger delicately entered her, as he continued to lick. Grace gave a grunt, followed by a satisfied coo. "Ooh. God. Oh my god. My brother is really fucking me. Holy shit."

"Not yet." Elliot gave a small laugh.

"Well, it ain't masturbation!" She announced, "God above. How can it be so much better when you do it, than me? That's... Mmm... Not fair! It's... It's... Ugh... My body!"

She tightened around his finger, caressing it, every time he pushed it into her. He curled his finger, running the tip along her textured walls, coaxing his sister towards her climax.

However, he also couldn't resist teasing, "What are the rules in an afterlife? Do you technically even still have a body?"

"Oh... Shut up and make me cum!" Grace yelled.

"Yes, wife." He grinned and resumed his tongue-work.

Grace moaned weakly, "Oh fuck. Oh, I am your wife. Oh god..."

Only a few moments later, her thighs snapped up and grabbed his head in a vice. Her legs trembled, from hip to toe, as they were locked around him. The hood in front of his face engorged and lifted, flexing upwards.

She didn't make a sound through it all. Not a single peep. He couldn't hear her breathing, let alone moaning, as the orgasm pulsed through his sister as she lay on their wedding bed.

"The time has come. Enter her." He heard Freya instruct.

"Indeed, you must prove your worth to your bride." Thor joined in.

"Just fuck her." Lily said with a pout, "So I can go home and screw Ryker's brains out."

Grace sat up, legs still spasming a little on Elliot's shoulders, "Would you all just shut the fuck up!? Hard enough losing my virginity in front of people, as is. Don't need a fucking commentary!"

"How do you feel about a kiss?" Elliot stood up, offering.

Grace eyed him suspiciously, "Well, you're not exactly dripping... Fine. We can try and make out."

The both of them climbed up the bed so that they could lie down next to each other. Elliot leaning in from slightly above as they shared their second passionate kiss. He needed to stop counting those. He had a lifetime, or longer, to look forward to, of them.

One of his hands was against her back, pressing through the dress, as he held his sister against him. Toying with the tongue that scampered in and out of his mouth, teasing at his teeth. Carefully breathing through his nose and pushing his chest down against hers.

Grace's hands roamed a little more freely. Starting by holding onto the back of his head, before first exploring his shoulders, and then slowly trailing down his back. Fingers pausing at every minor imperfection, memorising him.

When she reached her lower back, he felt her grin briefly, and then she spanked one cheek of his bare ass. Giggling as she kissed him.

Elliot rolled his eyes, murmuring, "That... Does... Nothing..."

"Nope." She laughed some more, and then pushed back on his chest, "But... It's mine. You're all mine, and I never have to share you, again."

"Apart from the audience."

Grace rolled her eyes, "Apart from the audience. So... Because I kinda want to forget them... Umm..."

He kissed her briefly, and then sat her up and tugged at her dress. Grace grinned excitedly and thrust her arms upwards. Leaving Elliot to figure out how the hell to get it off. There were a couple wooden toggles on the back, which took his clumsy hands more than a few tries each, before he was finally able to slide the white dress over her head.

He tossed it to the floor, and then kissing her, laid her back down on the bed. Grace spoke hoarsely, "Leave the shirt on. Vest, no."

The vest hit the pile of their clothes, and Elliot unbuttoned the shirt, smiling down at his bride. Her hands instantly ran across his rather unmuscled chest, looking up at him in a combination of fear and excitement.

He leaned forward, bracing one hand by her head, and used the other to guide himself towards her opening. He ran his cock back and forth, up and down the entrance. Slickening himself, before he gave him into temptation and began to push down.

Grace tensed up, biting her lip. There was some resistance as he moved in. Not from a hymen, but unable to find the perfect angle, before suddenly he found himself engulfed in her warmth. Elliot groaned loudly as the second half slipped in slowly until he was buried up to the hilt in her.

She let out a tiny gasp, "Oh. Oh fuck."

"Good, oh fuck?" He queried, himself in paradise.

She nodded quickly, "Aha. Just... Oh fuck. Did you know that... You feel big?"

"I'm really not."

She shook her head, "Uh uh. You feel big. Not too big. But... I'm filled. I'm filled with my brother's cock. And nobody... Will ever... Feel me like this, again. And nobody else... Will ever... Get me, at all."

He leaned down and kissed her nose, "I love you, too, Grace."

"Aha." She said, looking like she was having a tough time focusing. "I... I think... I'm ready. Gentle. And I don't mean an El's gentle. I mean a real one."

Lily tsk'd loudly, "Didn't want to say anything. But I kinda just spotted a vampire about to rip a werewolf's head off. But I can't leave until you're done. So can you two... Hurry up?"

"Ignore. Her." Grace said through gritted teeth, touching his cheek. "Just you and me."

Elliot kissed her nose, "Was planning on it. There's no way I'm not taking my time. I want this, us, to last forever. Guess what? We're married."

"Fuck." He felt her clench as she said the words, "We're... Married!"

Pulling back from her, sliding out of her sheathe, was an existential pain to Elliot. Driving back in, as slowly as the first stroke, was rapture. He'd lost her. He'd come to know just how he loved her. He'd married her.

He might not have physically popped her cherry, but he was hyper aware that this was her first time. She'd saved herself for him, in a way. Saved herself because she couldn't have the person that she wanted.

"No more... Unfinished... Business." He groaned, leaning one hand by her head to kiss her.

Grace gave a roll of her eyes, and a lopsided small. Lifting her hips towards him, as she ignored the corniness of his line. His sister was tight and warm, wrapped around him in a way that he'd never felt.

Her hands pulled at his back, and Elliot found himself leaning into her, planting a kiss as he slowly drew himself backwards. He felt Grace break into a grin, right before he slid back into her. She tightened around him, and sucked in her breath.

His sister clutched at him with each movement, both with her nethers and hands. Holding onto him as he pressed down on her, hearing her forgetting how to breathe with stroke. The whole world disappearing from his attention as he joined with the woman who loved him.

Girl who'd fought to be by his side, for a year.

She pulled herself against him, crushing her chest into hers, as the back of her ankles pressed against his. Trying to take him deeper inside her, locking her hands together, behind his back. Tiny and shallow breaths taken from beside his neck. Elliot groaned into her, kissing at whatever part of her that he could.

The girl who couldn't help but draw a loveheart on his shower, when she first let him know that she was there. The woman who had kicked a god in the balls, and ran from a witch, on the off-chance that he might return her affection. The one who had bought him a box of chocolates to say that she'd come back.

All of that. Grace had done the impossible, fighting every inch of the way, just to be by his side. To let him know that she loved him, adored him.

Elliot kissed her ear, "I... Love you."

"More." She rasped back to him, hips moving quickly. Her insides wrapped up tightly around him, even as they moved in little pulsing waves. She wasn't quite in step with him, showing her lack of skill, even as she expressed the depth of her own heart.

She was soft against him, all of her. His sister wasn't unfit, but there was give to the entirety of her body. Some of her skin felt silky, especially her stomach. Some of it was a little rougher, her arms featuring some roughness of sun damage. All of her still moulded itself up against him.

Elliot grunted a warning, "Can't."

Her eyes lit up, and she bit her lip, nodding frantically.

He was momentarily distracted as he heard the crowd around the bed holding their breath, having to refocus on the gorgeous woman in front of him. Her wide eyes and desperate excitement, pushing him back to that edge, until he gave one final groan and stepped over it.

He felt the flex and swell, before the relief and light-headedness hit at once. Jerking within her depths, as he painted the insides of his sister. It took her a couple seconds to notice, and then she gave a nervous laugh and grinned, "Oh. O-kay."

Elliot winced, "Oh crap. You didn't want that."

"No, I reeeaaally did." Grace laughed, and then shrugged sheepishly, "Hot as hell... Can I go pee, now? Like... Right now?"

He moved aside and his sister sprinted out the front door. Leaving him to awkwardly sit on the bed, surrounded by a bunch of strangers, with a semi and wet cock.

Lily checked her wrist, "Can I go, yet? Pretty sure that -"

"Leave, witch." Freya said in annoyance, "Mortals. They never comprehend what is truly important."

"She is seeking battle, and triumph." Thor stated, "Yet, that is not for this moment. We have seen the truth, and thus, our time is done. We have born witness to this union. May you fight strong, for each other."

Elliot honestly felt even more awkward as the gods and heroes left the room, and left him on his own. Clothing from he and his sister scattered around the room as he tried to come to terms with... The promise that he was now going to be a father.

"El..." Grace stated, as she returned, moving quietly as she shut the door gently.

He winced, "Something wrong?"

"Yes? No? I don't know." Grace shook her head, and sat down beside him. Naked thighs touching as she leaned onto his shoulder. "I was more... Why do I need to pee? I'm dead. I could get plastered in the hall, and I didn't need to."

"I guess... Because I'm not? Maybe the ale is magic or something." He shrugged, "Whereas stuff from me..."

"Huh. Maybe." She snuggled in tighter, "Can we... Um..."

"I am tired as crap. Wanna snuggle?"

"God, yes. So tired." Grace dropped backwards onto the bed and lifted her arms, "Tuck me in, husband?"

Elliot rolled his eyes, but went to do it anyways. As he did, Grace let rip a giant fart, laughed, and dove up the bed and beneath the furs.


Elliot came awake, spluttering. Staring up at an empty glass of water, and through the girl holding it with a grin.


The glass fell onto the bed, and she burst out laughing, "Morning!"

"I'm going to kill you!" He grabbed for her, arms wrapping around her and dragging her into his lap. He grinned and kissed her nose. "Morning. Torturer."

"Morning. Slowpoke." Grace shot back, and he became aware that she was fully dressed. She tapped her wrist, "You've got ten minutes to get ready for work. I let you sleep in and everything, so no complaints. So... What do you want for dinner?"

"Mmm... You?"

"Sure, cunnilingus." Grace nodded with a straight face, "Maybe with a side of pizza? And, something for desert."

"If there's anything gross in the desert, I will haunt you." Elliot teased.

She laughed and stood up, before suddenly sprinting out of the room, "You'd have to catch me, first!"

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shaknashakna4 months agoAuthor

"...the mistakes that you made while writing this story can be overlooked such as mixing two religions together"

Why would you call that a mistake? It was rather deliberate.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19815 months ago

Yeah I wouldn't go by helgakvioa hundingsbana ll either however it is a fantasy story so the mistakes that you made while writing this story can be overlooked such as mixing two religions together

MfkndragonMfkndragon10 months ago

@whitebankaiuser I see your point there lol and @shakna Im not sure I would fully go by helgakvioa hundingsbana ll but I do understand and see that you at least tried and I fully get that it's a fantasy story

whitebankaiuserwhitebankaiuser11 months ago

@Mfkndragon this is also a story that has a white witch that deals with mind boggling reality breaking things so things are allowed lol

shaknashaknaabout 1 year agoAuthor

@Mfkndragon - Sigrún's living maid, goes to, and returns from Valhalla, in Helgakviða Hundingsbana II. The story was not unresearched.

MfkndragonMfkndragonabout 1 year ago

This didn't make much sense they were from Australia yet it's a Norse religion fairytale that doesn't work the 2 don't mix and also if your living you're not getting into Valhalla not even in a fantasy that alone hurt the story so it only gets a 3 ⭐ rating learn the religion that you wanna write about first before you try another story like this 1

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I couldn't fap, the story was too good. Dunno if that makes the story good or bad for this site.

Delray23Delray23over 1 year ago

Beautiful story loved the Norse aspect

CharletteCharletteover 1 year ago

It seems I agree with most of the other commenters.

This was a great story to get lost in.

So much was left unanswered, but that left so much to the reader to imagine for themselves.

Good writing !

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