My Sister's Dildo

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A guy sees his sister amusing herself!
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.

I've always been a bit scared of my sister Victoria. She's two years older than me, smart as a whip, and has a sort of sarcastic temperament that makes it clear she doesn't suffer fools gladly. Maybe she didn't think I was actually a fool--but it was obvious she felt I wasn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. She'd just turned twenty-one and, having finished her junior year at college, was home for the summer. (I'd finished my freshman year at a different college: no way I was going to compete with her on her home turf!)

The fact that she was home at all was a surprise. She hadn't come home either of the two previous summers: she'd relished her freedom from parental supervision, and had stayed in an off-campus sublet doing this and that. In some ways she didn't even seem a member of the family anymore. Maybe that's a little unfair: I loved her a lot, and so did our parents; but there was something aloof about her, as if she was a goddess looking her nose down at us mere mortals.

Let me add that she was a goddess in one important way--she was gorgeous! Five foot six, athletic, but with plenty of curves where it mattered. She'd given me some hints that her college career had been busy not only with schoolwork but with men doing everything they possibly could to get her into bed. Some had succeeded; most had not. She was pretty choosy!

In fact, that was why she'd come home for the summer.

She'd been planning on staying in the apartment she'd rented along with her most recent boyfriend. But this guy (his name was Steve) had committed a number of unspecified crimes against her dignity as a proud, independent woman, and so she'd cast him away. Actually, what she'd done was to abandon the apartment and let him fend for himself. She was home to chill out and get the bad taste of Steve out of her mouth while she gave serious thought to the next guy who might receive the formal invitation to have access to her body.

It was fun having her around, although I didn't actually see much of her: she was too busy catching up with old high school friends who were still in the area. But one afternoon I did catch a glimpse of her in a way I never expected.

My parents both worked, so Victoria and I were alone in the house pretty much all morning and afternoon. We'd both decided to loaf during the summer, since schoolwork had tuckered us out and we needed to recharge our batteries for the fall. So there was one afternoon when I heard some strange sounds coming out of her bedroom.

Hey, I'm not that stupid: I knew what those sounds were. I'd had a few girls during freshman year, and had learned enough about female desire to understand what Victoria was doing. It struck me as odd that she'd be doing it in the afternoon--but then I figured that, if she'd been getting regular sex (whether from Steve or his predecessors), being suddenly deprived of that would make the urge come upon her when she least expected it.

So there I was, standing there in the upstairs hallway, hearing Victoria pleasuring herself.

I felt a flush passing over my whole body. This was almost like listening to my mom masturbate! You don't really want to believe that these ladies do that sort of thing--but of course they do, and why wouldn't they? Guys aren't the only ones who like orgasms.

What I now noticed was that the door to Victoria's bedroom wasn't entirely closed.

I felt kind of dizzy as I walked (silently) toward the door. Luckily, the hallway was carpeted, and I was wearing moccasin slippers, so I don't think she heard me. As I tried to peek in through the narrow crack in the door, I wondered what I'd see. Maybe I'd see nothing: I'd actually forgotten where her bed was, so it was possible I wouldn't even be able to get a look at her. Sure enough, I couldn't see the bed, which was way over on the side of the room behind the door.

But I saw her all right. That's because she was sitting in an easy chair. And she was naked.

I thought I'd faint. Oh, man, was she a knockout! And since she was sitting upright, I saw just about everything she had to offer--well, except her backside. What I saw were her spectacular tits (large, round, and firm--with thick nipples sticking way out), flat stomch, and a huge patch of fur covering her delta. Her legs were spread wide; in fact, she'd hung one of them over the arm of the chair. That meant I could see her pubic area real clearly: her fleshy labia, already dripping with her juices, the surprisingly long and prutuberant clitoris, and the gaping opening of her vagina, that focal point of all men's desires.

She was fingering herself, but she was staring at the ceiling, her mouth wide open and her tongue hanging out. Her eyes were sort of rolling around in her head, and little choking sounds were now coming out of her throat. (Before that, she'd been moaning softly, which is what made me realize what she was doing.)

I was frozen to the spot. My first feeling--aside from the sheer naughtiness of what I was doing--was pride. I was so proud of my sister for being both beautiful and smart. Man, would she make a great wife to some lucky man! But you can imagine what happened to me as I watched her touching herself, getting her fingers all gooey with her fluid. I only had on a T-shirt and some sweat pants, so it was easy for me to pull my pants down and start pumping my own cock, which had gotten hard in seconds flat.

But then Victoria did something that surprised me.

She reached over to a little table next to the easy chair. The table had a drawer that was almost hidden: you wouldn't know it was there if you didn't look real carefully at it. She opened the drawer and pulled out--a dildo.

Guys, let me tell you something: this was no ordinary dildo. It was huge! I mean, it wasn't just long (I'd estimate about ten inches), but it was thick! It had to be about twice as thick around as any real cock could possibly be. This was a monster cock that really didn't have any relation to what your ordinary guy (or even the most well-endowed stud or stallion) has hanging down from his groin.

What Victoria did was first to lick the tip of the cock with her long, thin tongue, then reach over and get a tube of hand lotion. Opening the cap, she slathered a lot of stuff all over the cock, but especially toward the tip. Then she brought it close to that opening between her legs. At first she just rubbed it up and down between her labia, and even rubbed it a little on her clit. But then she shoved it into herself.

I almost gaped in horror as I watched the thing disappear into her pussy. When I'd first seen the thing, I was convinced there was no way she could even get more than an inch of it into herself. But as I stood there transfixed (forgetting even to pump myself, although I was pretty close to exploding), I saw more and more of it go into her. Actually, probably she got no more than five or six inches into her vagina--but that was enough.

Victoria was now whimpering with mingled pain and pleasure, and she'd brought one hand up to her breasts and was squeezing them hard while with the other hand she pumped that dildo back and forth into herself. I usually thought that girls really didn't have orgasms just from vaginal penetration; they needed to have their clitoris stimulated. But Victoria was really getting off on that mammoth dildo. Maybe her breasts were super-sensitive, so that might have taken the place of rubbing her clit.

In a couple of minutes she'd reached her goal. Her jaw dropped, her eyes opened wide, and she seemed to let out a silent scream (she knew I was in the house, so she couldn't actually scream) as she began trembling and quivering and even bouncing on that easy chair. Man, did she know how to enjoy a climax! It seemed to go on forever. At one point she pulled the dildo out of herself and then started stroking her clit and labia in the usual way; she even stuck her fingers into that poor, stretched vagina. After a while a kind of blissful peace came over her, and then she got this goofy expression on her face. She actually let out a high-pitched giggle as she finally came to the end of the process.

As for me--well, I was in pretty desperate straits. Somehow I managed to stumble back to my room, walking clumsily with my sweat pants around my knees. I tumbled onto my bed and onto my back just before I expelled a huge stream of come straight up into the air, with several more shots to follow. I couldn't remember coming so hard and so copiously in my whole life.

But it's not every day that you see your sister jerking off with a gigantic dildo!


Naturally, I didn't let on to Victoria that I'd seen her, although it was pretty hard to keep silent about it. Every time I saw her, even with her clothes on, the image of her nude body sitting in that chair, with all her parts (except her fabulous butt) exposed to my gaze, filled my mind. I think she even sensed that something had happened: I was even more tongue-tied than usual when talking to her--and she was, as I've said, no dummy.

I had a feeling, though, that what I'd seen wasn't going to be a one-off event. And the next time, I decided I'd--well, lend some assistance.

Sure enough, in a few days I heard those telltale sounds coming from her bedroom. Again it was mid-afternoon, and our parents wouldn't be home for hours. This time her door was closed, but I had a feeling she never locked it. I wasn't sure I had the, um, cojones to do what I had in mind, especially since I had no way of gauging what she would do or say. Would she chew my head off? Would she be so horrified that she'd never speak to me again? Somehow I didn't think her reaction would be quite that extreme; in fact, for certain reasons I felt she might even be pleased with my interruption of her amusement.

So, even though my hands were a little clammy with nerves, I opened the door of her bedroom. Did I mention that I was naked?

This time Victoria was on the bed, lying flat on her back. She'd just started the process, so that dildo was nowhere in sight. Good! It kind of made me feel... inadequate.

When she saw me, she emitted a little squeal that didn't sound like her at all: it was more the sound of some Victorian lady who'd been caught by a servant while she was adjusting her corset, or something like that. But because she was on top of the bedspread, there was nothing she could do to cover her nudity.

"Jesus, bro, what are you doing?" she cried--and then her eyes became fixated on my groin.

Let me say with due humility that I'm fairly well-hung. I'd say my organ is about eight inches--certainly nothing like her toy, but a lot bigger than average. And she knew it: she'd seen enough cocks in her day to know that mine was pretty special.

Here was the critical moment. She'd either say, "Get the hell out of my room!" or she'd say, "Well, well, what do we have here? Wanna have some fun with your luscious sister?"

She didn't say either of those things exactly; but what she did come out with was: "My goodness, that's some impressive apparatus you have there, bro."

I grinned, not only because I was pleased by her compliment but because I knew that this whole episode might turn out very nice indeed. "Thanks, sis. You have a lot of nice parts yourself."

I made my way toward the bed, standing next to where her head was resting on a pillow. The bed was pretty high, so her face was just about at the level of my groin. She watched me like a hawk as I approached her, looking up at me with a glance that said What we're going to do is super-naughty, isn't it? Then she turned on her side, stretched out her hand, took my cock in it, and stuffed it into her mouth.

She made "mmm" sounds, as if she was munching on a tasty piece of chocolate; and and she also reached behind me and took hold of my butt with one hand while holding the base of my cock with the other. Like so many women, she had a fine appreciation for a good male butt--and I think mine is pretty good: firm, smooth, muscular, the works. Looking down at her as she sucked and licked my tool like it was some big lollipop, I was almost inclined to let her finish the job (she was obviously pretty good at this procedure). But, much as the thought of showering her mouth with my come delighted me, I was hoping for something more.

So, after a few minutes, I said, "Hey, sis, can I go in you?"

She paused suddenly in what she was doing and, without taking my cock out of her mouth, looked up inquiringly at me, eyebrows raised. Then she did let go of my cock and said, "You wanna put this thing in me?"

"Yeah," I said eagerly.

She pondered that some more. I was counting on one thing: the sexual drought that had led her to these repeated acts of self-pleasuring. Hey, no one's gonna say that masturbating isn't a lot of fun--but it's nothing like actual sex, right? And I figured that Victoria was reaching the stage where she wanted the real thing, even if it meant it was with her little brother.

Sure enough, after a few moments she said, "Yeah, sure, why not?" Pretty nonchalant about it!

Given what a tough gal she was, I thought she might want to be on top. I wouldn't have minded that a bit: I love it when a girl rides me, because you get a real good view of her when she does that. But Victoria continued to lie down on her back, her legs spread, a silent invitation on her face: Get on top of me, bro, and stuff that cock into my twat.

I looked back at her. You betcha, sis!

I climbed onto the bed, and onto her. I have to admit that I was just a wee bit in awe of what I was about to. I guess this is illegal, right? But who's gonna know, unless one of us blabs or our parents come back unexpectedly early? I didn't think either of those things would happen--so I just forged into Victoria's pussy. Full steam ahead!

She let out a little gasp once she felt I was in all the way. I chuckled to myself at that: I figured mine was one of the bigger cocks she'd ever had. Maybe she was kind of overwhelmed at what we were doing too, because there was this expression on her face that was something between alarm and fear. But pretty soon, her body kicked into gear, whatever her mind was thinking. Her legs wrapped themselves around my hips, she flung her arms around my neck, and she was happy to receive the burning kisses that I plastered all over her face and neck and shoulders.

The best thing I love about the good old-fashioned missionary position is that the guy is pretty much in total control. I could pump her as slow or as fast as I wanted, and my hands could scour her breasts or her back or her butt or whever they could reach--and they did! I also lowered myself down on her at times, pressing my whole body against hers. I just love the feel of a woman's tits against my chest, and Victoria's were one magnificent pair of tits!

I really wanted to hold out a long time, but I had a feeling that wouldn't happen. I mean, here I am, fucking my sister! And I'd had a bit of a drought too--it had been months since I'd had a girl. So it was only about seven or eight minutes before I started getting that telltale tingling in my balls that let me know I was about to come. But when I did, I was rewarded with something I didn't expect:

She came too.

Not all women come just from intercourse: they usually need additional stimulation. I actually like to make a girl come first, just to show I'm a gentleman and interested in her pleasure just as much as my own. I'd been planning to do that when I'd invaded Victoria's room, but the desire to enter her had been too strong. So I was surprised when, just as I started bathing the walls of her pussy with my seed, she started shaking and quivering all over, letting out strange little gargling sounds from her throat. She clung frantically to me as if she was holding onto a piece of driftwood in the open sea. Her own paroxysms stimulated me even further, and I kept pouring more and more of my emission into her. My balls were really working overtime!

When we finally uncoupled and I flopped over onto my back next to her, she just stared up at the ceiling and said, "Wow, bro! That was something."

I grinned, even as I was huffing and puffing with exertion. "Glad you liked it, sis."

But there was something I was dying to ask. "Say, Victoria, what's with that humongous dildo you have?"

She eyed me sharply. "How the hell do you know about that?"

"Oh," I said, my voice shaking, "I saw it once..." I didn't explain how I'd seen it, but I'm sure she had a pretty good idea.

She kind of shrugged. "Oh, it's just something to amuse myself with."

"But sis, there's no way any guy's cock can actually be that big around."

"Sure, I know that. I guess I just like indulging in the fantasy that I'm being fucked by the Jolly Green Giant. Anyway, something a lot bigger than that may come out of there someday."

"I suppose," I said dubiously.

Suddenly she flung herself onto me, wanting to cuddle. Girls like that: they don't want to think that everything's over once the guy has come. Anyway, I had a feeling that maybe I could revive for a second round. So, as I stroked her back and especially her firm, round bottom while giving her little kisses on her neck, I did exactly that. And she noticed it.

She raised her eyebrows in that inquiring way she had and said with a smile, "Oho! You want some more, bro?"

"Yeah, I guess I do."

"Good for you! A lot of guys can't get it up a second time."

"I can--with you."

"How sweet of you." There was a bit of sarcasm in that remark. "Can I be on top this time?"

"I guess," I said contemplatively. "But..."

"But what?"

I was pretty hesitant about what I was going to ask. A lot of girls don't like this particular procedure. But I decided to blurt it out.

"Can I go into your butt?" I said.

Her expression, which up to this point had been all smiles, suddenly became blank. She glared down at me and said, "You wanna do what?"

Oh-oh! I guess she was one of those gals who didn't go in for butt sex. But I had to make sure.

"You don't like it?" I said, wishing I didn't sound so whiny.

That glare of hers became even more pronounced. Man, she could really intimidate a guy when she was angry! "I'll have you know," she said, emphasizing almost every word, "that I dumped my scumbag of a boyfriend for exactly this reason."

I was flabbergasted. "You dumped him just because he wanted to stick his cock in your ass?"

"Oh, there was more to it than that. But I am not having any man do that to me!"

Now she was in an ecstasy of outrage.

"But sis," I pleaded, "how do you know you don't like it if you don't try it?"

The blank look came over her face again.

I told you my sister's really smart. And she suddenly realized that, for maybe the first time in her whole life, I'd gotten the better of an argument. You can't really judge something before you've experienced it, right? That's called prejudice. And she knew it.

But that very realization made her even angrier. I could almost see the steam coming out of her ears.

"Have you done it before?" she snapped.

"Yeah, once," I said sheepishly.

"And you liked it, I suppose?"

"Well, sure."

"What about the girl?"

"Um, I think she was used to it."

"Well, bully for her. But you know, bro, it's supposed to hurt."

"Yeah, I know. But lube helps."

"I know all about lube."

"So why don't we try it?" Then I added (cleverly enough, I thought): "Then you can say you know what you're talking about when you tell the next guy to go fuck himself."

Once again I'd triumphed over her! With a surly look on her face she said, "Fine. Get the lube."