My Valentine


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“Nicholas? Nicholas? Is that you?” All the blood has drained from me. I sway, seeing nothing but his face through a golden tunnel.

“Nicholas?” Even my voice is faint and far away. Someone else’s voice.

“Kiyomi.” The roses are on the floor, he’s inside the front door, holding me in his arms, pressing me to him, holding me up, pinning me to him, and the strength floods from his body into mine, warming me, filling me, bringing me back to life. My head is on his shoulder, my arms around his neck. I’m crying, sobbing, clinging to him, unable to speak, unable to do anything except attempt to merge my body into his.

I’d promised my parents I wouldn’t try to find him. I’ve kept that promise but I made no promises about what I’d do if he found me.

He’s found me.

* * *

Alive, glowing, so happy I’m going to burst, I lead him to my room, I close the door behind us, and I cling to him on my bed as we undress each other. I worship his naked body. He worships mine. Kisses. Caresses. Our skin touching, every fleeting contact a little bit of heaven, until at last he possesses me once more, entering me, making love to me so gently, so tenderly, every movement an act of love.

His whispers fill my mind, his words of love, his breathing of my name as we become one, as our bodies merge together, our souls merge together, and I know he’s mine, just as I’m his, and I’m complete again as he takes me to my culmination and joins me, and I know I’ve found heaven again as we cling to each other, unwilling to separate for even a moment.

I've dreamed of this a thousand times, and I know that even in my dreams, I couldn’t love him more than I love him in this moment. He has my heart, he has me, he has me until the end of time, and he’s all I need, everything I need, for all of eternity.

* * *

We lie together on my bed, the duvet on the floor, the sheet flung back. We’re naked, the winter sun shining in through the window and down on us. White skin and olive skin, intertwined. Blonde hair and black hair. His hair glints, a golden halo surrounds his head. He’s Apollo, the Sun God incarnate and he’s brought me a gift beyond price. He’s brought me back everything I’d thought I’d lost. He’s brought me back his love. He’s brought me back my life, and now I’m living again, that dullness inside me vanished as if it had never been. Now? Now I’m glowing, sparkling, so alive that my skin feels too small for me.

He’s on his back beside me on my bed, one arm around me, holding me so tightly as I press myself against him, my head on his shoulder now, breathing in the scent of him. Inhaling him. A scent I remember so well fills my room. Nicholas and me. Roses and sex. Intoxicating happiness fills me. He turns towards me, both arms around me now, our legs intertwined, our bodies touching everywhere, each of us trying to touch as much of the other as we can, holding each other tight, so tightly that he’s almost crushing the air from my lungs.

It doesn’t matter in the slightest. As long as I have him, I don’t need oxygen, I don’t need food or drink, I don’t need anything except him. If I could meld myself together forever with him, I would. His nose brushes mine, one hand strokes my head, brushing my hair back from where it’s strayed between us. His lips brush my lips, so gently.

His voice is as gentle as his lips touching mine. “I love you Kiyomi. I’ve never stopped loving you, not for a day, not for a second, but I couldn’t find you, I’ve been looking for you for years. I contacted your parents, your brothers. Your friends even, the ones I could find. Nobody ever replied.”

“You found me,” I breathe, overjoyed. “You sound me, that’s all that matters.”

I know he loves me. He’s found me, after all. He’s given up everything to be with me. I know what his parents think of me. I know what my parents think of him. Neither of us cares. Not now. Not now that we’re together once more.

Four years of misery has vanished in an instant of time.

“I love you Nicholas,” I breathe. “I love you so much. I’ve never stopped loving you, not for a second. I never will stop loving you, not ever.”

I know every word is true. I press my face into his shoulder, inhaling him, tasting him, rubbing my face on him. I can’t stop touching him. He’s back. He’s really back and it’s not a dream and I can’t imagine ever having been sad. That sadness, it’s a remote and distant memory, something that happened to another Kiyomi an aeon ago.

I want to stay in bed, but I’m hungry. Starving. For the first time in four long years, I’m eager to go out somewhere to eat, but I can’t let him go. I cling to him..

Nicholas smiles, the fingers of one hand tracing my jaw. Every time he touches me I shiver with happiness. To feel his hands on me once more is a little piece of heaven. To see him lying in my bed, to have my body pressing against his, to know he’s here with me, that fills me a joy so intense I feel I may burst apart at any moment. I’m rubbing myself against him like a kitten. If I could purr, I would.

Instead I kiss him.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Kiyomi.” He kisses me yet again as I’m about to slip a dress on. The dress is forgotten instantly. I’m back in his arms. I’m willing to die for those kisses. For four years I’d have given everything I possessed to be with him again. Yet I’ve had to give nothing. Nothing except four years of utter misery. But that misery is gone now. Nicholas has been restored to me and it’s nothing short of a miracle.

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” I say, smiling. “I’m never going to forget today, Nicholas. Not ever.”

“Not ever,” he says, and I know that he wants me again. I’m more than willing when his eyes and his body ask me that question.

“Yes,” I say, smiling as he turns me towards my bed, moving with me and my own body answers his eagerly and he’s on me, sliding easily inside me, filling me, his body on mine, filling me, and we’re moving together. My hands can’t stop caressing him, my thighs, my knees, me. I arch my back, eager for that closeness, cradling him with my thighs, looking up into his eyes, and I can’t stop smiling as he takes me.

His urgency has dissipated now, he takes me slowly, his weight on me, his rampant desire filling my sex, easing in and out of me with a gentleness that is as close to being in paradise as I’ll ever know. A paradise that we’ll live in together for the rest of our lives, because now that he’s found me, we’re never going to be separated.

Never again.

* * *

Afterwards, after we’ve showered a second time and finally, we’ve dressed, he’s sitting on my bed, watching me brush my hair out, the scent of red roses filling my bedroom. It really is Valentine’s Day, I’m in love, I’m alive, I’m so full of life that I’m overflowing, life that bubbles up inside me, a spring in the desert, water on parched soil, and Nicholas has been restored to me. I know he loves me, we’re together again, I’ve been in heaven and I’ve been in hell, and now I know what heaven is once more and I’ll never let him go.

I know I was almost empty of me, of life, of everything, but now that’s only a bad dream. Only a memory of a bad dream. A fading memory that I can barely remember. Nicholas is with me once more, we’re together, and this time, nothing, absolutely nothing, will tear us apart. I can’t tear my eyes away from him, afraid that if I do, he’ll vanish and this will be nothing but another dream, and I can’t bear that thought.

I can’t bear that thought and I turn, heart pounding, afraid that he’ll vanish like a mirage and I’ll wake up and he won’t be there, afraid that this is all a dream, but when I turn, he’s there on my bed, and I reach for him, touch him, feel his skin under my fingertips, my hair forgotten, my hairbrush discarded.

“I always remembered you brushing out your hair,” he says, his eyes watching me. “Can I?” He reaches down for my hairbrush.

I’ve almost finished but I say nothing about that. Instead I smile and turn so that he can stand behind me, watching him in the mirror, feeling his hands on me. He takes my hair in one hand, my brush in the other, long gentle strokes down to my hips, again and again. To have him touching me again is everything I’ve ever dreamed of.

“Where are you staying,” I say, looking at him standing behind me in the mirror.

“Place called the LaSalle,” he says, his eyes looking into mine. “After I finally found out this is where you were studying. I flew into Toronto yesterday, drove down to Kingston and stayed there last night, and tracked down where you were living this morning.”

I ask the question that’s in my mind now that that first rush of ecstasy has ebbed. “What are we going to do now? Can you stay with me tonight?”

It comes out in a sudden rush. “I’m scared this is a dream, Nicholas. That I’ll wake up and you’re not here, and I couldn’t…” Tears trickle down my cheeks. “I couldn’t, not again.”

He tosses my brush onto my bed, his arms encircled me, body body presses against my back, his kisses rain down on my head. Gentle kisses. Butterfly kisses, his warmth feeding me strength, his kisses feeding me courage, telling me that he’s here, with me.

He smiles. “Yes,” he says, resuming his brushing, “tonight and every night.”

My heart is beating faster.

He’s smiling, watching me. “Or you can come and stay with me. I don’t want to be anywhere else ever again except with you.”

“I want to be with you,” I say, “I couldn’t bear for us to be apart, never again. Not now.”

“I don’t want us ever to be separated again, Kiyomi,” he says, watching me.

I’m seeing him through a veil of sparkling tears. Tears of happiness and joy. I’m smiling. “Never.”

“I’m going to stay here, until you graduate,” he says. “Will you move in with me? We can get an apartment together. Or a house.”

I look at him. Nod my head, unable to speak for a moment.

“What about your parents? I don’t have any money of my own. Not until I start working.”

He drops the brush, his arms slide around me, he’s holding me, kissing the top of my head. “I can afford it, Kiyomi.” He sounds very certain. “And I’m not asking them for permission about who I love,” he says. “I love you and they can accept that or not. I love you Kiyomi. I’ve spent the last four years looking for you and I’ve found you again and that’s all that matters to me. But what about your parents?”

I’m crying again, holding his arms where they’re around me. “Nothing’s going to keep us apart, Nicholas. Not my parents, not my family. Nothing. I love you so much.” I’m turning in his arms now, looking up at him. “You love me that much? You’re willing to give up your parents for me?” He’s risking giving up everything he would inherit from his Dad? He’s willing to give that up for me?

His arms fold me into his chest, giving me strength, giving me security. Above all, giving me the gift of his love.

“Yes,” he says, very simply. “Are you willing to do the same? I know how your parents feel about me.”

“Yes,” I say. “Life doesn’t mean a thing without you.” There’s no hesitation.

How could it be otherwise? Maybe I’m being melodramatic but he’s everything to me. Everything. If he’s willing to give up everything for me, how can I possibly do any less for him? One of his hands strokes my head where I rest against his shoulder. Held in Nicholas’ arms, I’m whole again. I’m me.

He strokes my hair, he kisses my head again and again. He holds me until I’ve stopped crying. Stepping back from my embrace, he reaches for my hand, takes it, sinks to one knee before me, kissing my fingers one by one. My heart pounds. What’s he doing? He’s taking something from his pocket, smiling up at me as he slips a ring on my finger.

“Be mine forever, Kiyomi my love,” he says. “Will you marry me?”

They’re the most beautiful words I’ve ever heard. Words I dreamt about before we were torn apart. Words I never thought I’d hear. I look down at my hand in his. A diamond engagement ring. The most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen but it doesn’t matter. It could be a purple plastic curtain ring and my answer would still be the same. He doesn’t say anything more. He doesn’t need to. I do though. I smile through a teary rainbow of joy and love and complete happiness.

“Yes, Nicholas…oh yes.”

Nicholas stands, he takes me in his arms. The scent of roses fills the air as we kiss, as he breathes my name, as I breathe his, as he breathes life and love into me. It’s February the 14th. It’s Valentine’s Day. It’s the happiest day of my life.

It’s the day the rest of my life begins.

* * *

Once again, and as always, thank you so much for reading this and I do hope you enjoyed my little entry in the 2023 Valentine Day’s competition, as well as everyone else's… all of you here on Literotica are a great audience and I love writing for you all … What can I say? You’re the best and you all reading my stories is the biggest motivation there is for writing them! … Chloe

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I really liked the story but also feel that further resolution of the family angst would be a positive addition! Please continue.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Amazing story. A tragedy with a happy ending. I fear the description of family forced isolation may be happening to real people. Racism has many ugly faces.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I gave the story five stars but it would have been even better if you had just balanced all of the loneliness and misery with more information on how the hereafter unfolded. I often shy away from stories that go on for page after page after page. This one was worthy of the time. I frequently check your list of stories for new ones and read the shorter ones first.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Can I give six stars, please?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I have to say that this story was very painful for me to read. That's about me, not Chloe. My now wife and I faced strong hostility from both sets of parents when we revealed our engagement. Not to the level in this story but very overt. [White male, Japanese female] It led to years of clinical depression in my wife, which eventually lifted, gradually. The perhaps ironic thing is that, years later, I became my mother in law's favorite, even over her daughter, her son and my sister in law. And my father backed down, without ever saying anything, when he discovered that my father in law had out ranked him in the Army, had received higher medals and had gone to a higher level law school.

nighthawk22204nighthawk22204about 1 year ago

Thank you ever so much for this epic tale, Chloe. I consider it a mix of tragedy and romance, of the blessings of growing up with a wealthy family, and being dominated by a controlling family. I wish that I could have bern so fortunate to have grown with wealth, but even more fortunate to never have had to deal with family control and set out at age 12 to start working every day, paying my own way through private HS, college and grad school, never having to ask for family support, never being dependent upon it, but also never having fond a true romantic love. My heart was breaking at reading of Kiyomi's tragic denial of her love by her parental bigotry. I knew that Chole would reunite the pair, and I thank you ever so much for not delivering a Romeo/Juliet tragic ending. I can forego any and all of these typos, in fact I was surprised by how very well it appeared to be edited, and the most blatant I recall was once Lester appeared to be misnamed Roger; a few switches between to and too and even v-v. But I loved the story and think you have a very realistic embrace of the classic Asian family dominance. Yet, I would gladly read every romance you write, and still look forward to the sequels to Jeong and Baby Blue. I hope you will never lapse into horror stories because I am sure you would do a horrific job with their delivery, but they would still be appalling to me. My very best wishes to you for a lifelong love in your own relationship.

miDlife_crisesmiDlife_crisesover 1 year ago

Love your stories, but can we get more of the Asian loving wives/cheat/reluctant stories.

Comentarista82Comentarista82over 1 year ago

Haven't read one of your stories in a while, as for whatever reason none of them grabbed me and kept my interest--until this one.

No doubt Kiyomi fell hard for Nicholas and that Nicholas fell hard for her. Seeing their interest, attraction and love grow evolved so well, although we knew they played with fire by having to hide meetings and dates...but it was the right match each time. I noticed a few posters thought the story punished Kiyomi for too long but you know what? It was her only possible response, to lock them out of her life, her thoughts and her emotions; the best way I thought of expressing what her so-called "parents" did to her equaled mental rape--but they didn't care--because it was the "haole" guy's fault. Just a pathetic justification instead of deciding to do what made their daughter happy, instead of insisting on something when it wasn't THEIR life and happiness on the line. Loved how she hung on against hope, and how Nicholas found her. The only chink in the story was she and Nicholas didn't give the finger to their disrespectful families and get married without their blessing. About the only other thing I could think of would have been to insert a comical element where John Cena shows up and gives every one of those louts an Attitude Adjustment. Would have been the cherry on top!

Despite having to rush to make the deadline, a no-holds-barred 5. One of your best I've read in a long time. :)

mcrr2225mcrr2225over 1 year ago

Great work, loved the story. Please keep them coming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love the story, love the ideal of true love conquering a 4 year hiatus!

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