My Wasteland Angel Bk. 01


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She is gone longer than I expected but after twenty minutes or so Gabriela was back. She had a sheen of sweat across her copper skin that gave her a lovely glow. Both containers full to the brim with clean looking water. The moment she rounds the corner from the path her eyes were locked on me. Her face brightens at the sight of me. She can't help but see my exposed breasts and belly, it doesn't seem to bother her a bit. She just stares at me a short time before she finally moves forward. I notice a stiffness to her walk, a nervous reluctance mixed with a new confidence. Her face twitched, trying to hold back a smile or a laugh. I could see something was up. Her eyes danced with a playful energy. It was an absolute gift to see Gabby's personality beginning to open up to me. She wasn't as afraid as usual, she had a friend and protector. This might be the first opportunity she had had in a long time to really truly be herself again.

God damn, she was so fucking cute! I had a distinct impression she had the intention of dumping some water on me. I can't stop a smile coming to my face as I watch her approach, I couldn't wait to see what was about to happen.

She sets the jug down near one of the supports then walks on her knees up to me and hands me the water bottle. Her twinkling eyes and impish grin still tells me something was amiss. I take a much needed long quenching drink but my eyes never leave my little companion.

Her eyes fall to the nearby magazine. "Couldn't wait to get a look a look at that, huh?" She asks. She brings her hands together and fiddles with her fingers nervously. What was going on here?

I shrug at her question in a "meh" sort of motion. She giggles and shifts closer. She was chock full of energy. Knowing we still had a whole other jug of drinking water I tilt my head back and finish the bottle. It was wonderful.

I lower the bottle and let out an ahhhhh. Before I could reach up to wipe the excess water from my chin Gabby had knelt up and done it for me. Her small soft hand wiping the cool liquid from my face. There is an intense few seconds as we just stare eye to eye, that bubbling energy finally gets the better of her.

Leaning in she kisses me! She kisses me hard and full on the lips. Her hands cup up in under my jaw as she leans into it, her slender body pushing down into mine, her rough overalls brushing roughly against my exposed nipple. Before I could even gather my wits it was over! Pushing off of me she sits back and takes the water bottle from my loose grip and goes on as if nothing had happened, continuing what she'd been talking about as if the kiss never occurred.

"I thought you'd like that picture book, that's why I grabbed it." She turns and crawls to the jug to refill the bottle. "Don't you find it weird that almost all of the women are white? I mean, what's up with that, right?" She'd obviously looked through it herself. "And those poses, my goodness! Leaves nothing to the imagination."

"Gabby?" I say.

She looks over her shoulder at me with a frisky grin yet she continues to pretend nothing happened. What was this girlish game she was playing? Did she want to get it on? Didn't she just say before she left that we couldn't?

As she returns she stops just short of my reach. A joyful mischief still crackling just under the surface. I extend my hand toward her and she pushes it downward and away. Whatever was going on in that kooky little head of hers she wanted to be the one directing things. She then pushes the water bottle back into my hand. "Thirsty? Hot?"

I lock eyes with her. She was practically daring me to take another pull from the bottle.

"Gabby?" I say again.

She gives me an almost imperceptible little shake of her head. "Shh, save your voice. Don't talk." She takes a tense breath then whispers. "Have a drink."

I slowly bring the bottle to my mouth and take a short sip. I bring my arm down to my side. Again she leans in and kisses me. This time she plants her hands on my biceps so that I would not grab her. I lean my head into it this time, her soft lips press into mine. All too quickly she sits back again. Her breath had noticeably quickened, a flush came across her cheeks. Reaching down she takes the water from my hands and takes a hasty drink. Lowering it just as quickly she looks at me and waits excitedly.

Fuck, I didn't need a second chance! I lean toward her and wrap my good arm around her. Planting her with hard kiss, my tongue this time pressing through our open mouths into her. She tasted sweet ambrosia. "Mmmm." She hums.

I feel her push against my chest. Gah! I wanted more! But I would follow her lead. I would play this game with her. Leaning back I return to my sitting back position. She hands the water back to me. Waiting with the cutest smile.

Taking the bottle I don't bring it to my mouth this time. Instead I tilt my head to the side and pour just a bit onto my neck. I feel the cool splash of water trickle down over my shoulder and down my bare back.

Her eyes widen, as does her grin.

Part 19:

I am not sure where this had come from. She had obviously been thinking during her trip to get water. She had just spoken about how we couldn't be together in a physical way and yet here we were. Honestly, I didn't care. In my time in this world I had never met a cultist or religious type that didn't have a healthy streak of hypocrisy running through them. And really, it just didn't matter why it was happening, I was just happy it was.

This wasn't like the offer before, when she had been in a bad place mentally. This time she was playful and full of life. We'd only known each other a short time but there was a chemistry here. Out here in the Wastes there were no long courtships, if you found someone you liked you grabbed them with both hands for tomorrow was no guarantee.

She delicately places her hands on each of my round shoulders. Standing up on her knees she leans down over me and gives three light kisses in quick succession along the tender skin at the base of my neck. Despite the rising heat I feel a shiver run through me and gooseflesh raise across my neck and arms. I go to grab her but she pushes off of me and sits back again. Gah! This silly game of hers, frustrating! Frustrating but wonderful.

I hand her the water and smile. Her eyes danced with anticipation. Pouring a bit into her hand she then rubs it across her right ear and along the bottom of her cheek. I play my part in our game. Sitting upright I nuzzle my nose into her short hair, taking a deep smell of her sweaty natural aroma, and take her earlobe between my lips. It was the softest, most velvety, little patch of flesh I'd ever felt in my life. Using just my lips I begin to nibble and suck. I work up along the edge of the wet ear. Then with my tongue I flick and tease closer to the center, feeling the supple cartilage of her ear move and flex to my probing tongue.

She lets out a sigh of escalating arousal that was music to my ear. "Ohhhhhh."

My turn to be the tease. Despite wanting to keep this going I instead sit back again with no warming. My wet lips slip from her tender lobe as I move away. She tries to follow for a moment before catching herself. I look at her with intense beckoning eyes. She was well flustered now, I could hear her heightened breathing through her parted lips and that lovely blush had set in full force. Unlike most of the world weary lovers I'd had Gabriela's face was wonderfully open and expressive, her desire for me was right there to see. She pushes the bottle impatiently into my hand.

One part of me wanted to pour the whole bottle onto my crotch and let her go to town. But this was far too enjoyable to cut short. Besides, such a blunt action would ruin this rising erotic energy we had going between us.

Lifting the bottle up and in front of me I tip it to allow a trickle to fall and land on my upper chest, the cool water running down over my breast. I tip it back up and bring the bottle down to my side.

Gabby lets out a burst of a giggle and blinks her eyes. She stares at the wet patch of skin on my chest. "I...I've never touched another woman'"

I smile and wait patiently. I knew she had touched another woman's breasts, she'd done so with me when she had washed me. But I knew what she meant, this was a whole different type of touching. Her nervousness was actually adorable. It reminded me so much of my first time with a woman.

She starts with her hands. Bringing them both to my near breast she rubs her fingers across the water, spreading the cooling liquid all across the top of my big squishy tit. Her soft hands felt so damn good on me. In an almost trance like state she continues to caress my breast in both hands. I let out a quick low breath as she brings one of her palms across my stiff excited nipple. My reaction brings a smile to Gabby's pretty face.

She says in a whisper. "It's different." Her hands begin to press and knead with a touch more strength. She was feeling the texture and weight of it. She giggles again. "Mine seem so pathetic compared to yours. Wow. They're...just...they're nice." She takes a deep breath. Then, as if forcing herself to say it out loud to the world, she says. "Your breasts are very nice Willow."

With that she leans in and kisses it. She presses her face down into it hard as both of her hands push up from the underside.

"Guhhh." I moan in my strained voice. Needless to say she had awoken my nether regions. I run the fingers of my good hand through her hair as she begins to kiss and nuzzle my breast with a growing confidence. "Guhh...Gabby!" I sigh.

My blood runs hot. The settling in heat of midday now seemed like nothing to my fevered mind and body. She licks and kisses, her hands push and grip and knead.

I grip her hair and she lets out a sigh of her own. "Mmmmm." She shifts herself suddenly and before I know it she had latched her hard sucking mouth onto my tender nipple.

"GUHH!" Grabbing the back of her head I push it into me harder. "GUH!" She sucks powerfully. Following this up by a steady suckle, her tongue lapping and flicking the tip. "GUHH!" Her steady hands becoming bolder as she goes, she rubs and massages. Oh fuck this was good!

I let her go like this for a time, I still held her to me. I didn't want to let her go. I gasp out. "Guhhh...teeth...bite."

It takes her a second to pick up my meaning but soon I feel her front teeth come down over my engorged nub. She nibbles down with just the right amount of pressure. An jolt goes through me, like electricity coursing along an exposed wire. I roll back my eyes. "Guhh...Gabby...good..."

When she pushes off of me this time it is both of us flush and flustered. We stare into each other in that amazing moment between lovers when we both knew we were going to go all the way.

Grabbing the water from me she tilts up her head and pours a thick stream down her exquisite slender neck. It cascades down over her chest in under her shirt and overalls. She plants the bottle off to the side, we were done with it.

"Come." I say as I pull her toward me. She shifts forward.

Reaching up I pull the strap of her overalls down over her shoulder. The loose denim falls down around her hips. I stroke her arm through her oversized plaid shirt. I take a some time just to admire her beauty, to feel her body through the damaged shirt. A woman like Gabriela...she deserved to wear a gown like the one on the cover of the detective book. My hand flat against her I run it up and down, back and forth across her. Her near hand runs up my defined muscled abdomen before cupping under the breast that hadn't yet received any attention. I run my fingers down her smooth cheek then down over her neck. She closes her eyes and sighs as she savors the feel of my touch, a dreamy smile coming to her perfect lips.

With only my good hand to work with I carefully begin to unbutton Gabby's shirt. One button at a time, my fingers caressing down the opening front as I move to the next, I unfasten the front of her shirt. I run the palm of my hand back up her soft stomach to her chest. I grab one side of the shirt and peel it back over her shoulder, then the other. Her small tan breasts and upper body exposed.

Gabby looks down and I see a moment of fragile insecurity come over her. She whispers. "Sorry. They're not as nice as yours."

Not as nice!? I couldn't believe my ears. She was quite simply the most perfect creature I had ever laid eyes on. She was perfection itself. All of her talk about prayer and bibles and that shit were pale hollow words. But as I look upon my Wasteland angel, as I drink in her transcendent beauty, I think that maybe, just maybe, there was a divine reality after all. It didn't seem possible someone so lovely could exist in this rough ugly world.

I caress her flank, feeling the gentle contour of her body. In a hushed voice I say with utter honesty. " So beautiful."

Her self conscious worry washes away and a shy yet affirming smile takes its place. She removes her shirt completely and lets it fall behind her. We sit. Gazing at each other. Our eyes and hands exploring each other. Her delicate fingers tracing the ridges of my hard muscles. Mine lightly running over her smooth unblemished curves.

Wrapping my arm around her narrow waist I pull her into me, she throws her arms around me and we kiss. Deeply and hungrily we kiss. Our sweaty hot bodies pressing into each other. The rising tide of our desire now an irresistible force irrevocably driving us onward.

Part 20:

The kissing heats up as our passion swells. Our hands run up and down each other, exploring the feast of flesh beneath our grasping fingers. Gabby is careful to avoid the bandages along my right side. Shifting herself to the side she steps over my leg with one knee then sits down on my thigh, her legs straddling it. I marvel at how light she is. With her thin fingers apart she plunges her hand along the sides of my head and through my thick red hair, combing her hands back through to behind my loose braid. We kiss and we kiss and we kiss. Try as we might it just never seemed enough.

My lips begin to wander. I kiss her cheek, her chin, and down her fine neck. Her fingers, still in my hair, grasp and knead as a hot sigh escapes her and brushes across my sweaty forehead. My good hand runs up her back as I continue sucking little kisses down her chest. With a twist and a flourish I snap my face across to the right and take her breast into my wide mouth.

"...hauhhhhhhh..." She sighs as her fingers grip tighter.

I lap and suck gently. I give her perfect pouting little tit a long wet lick and lower my bottom lip to allow a tusk to run across the nipple. I move to the other one, kissing along the way, and do the same. She arches her back to thrust her chest toward me. Despite having been married I could feel her inexperience, she was working mostly on instinct. Lapping, licking, sucking, and nibbling I work back and forth across her chest. Lavishing each tender bosom with meticulous tender attention.

Sliding my hand down her back I slip it right down into her loose overalls. I can feel her as she lifts her body up off of my thigh just a bit to give my hand space. I trace my middle finger along the crack of her ass and continue right on through until I make contact with her hot wet sex. I slide the long finger along her slit, her fold parting to either side of my digit, and bring the tip of my finger all the way around to her clit. Pushing just bit past so I could feel her tickly little muff hairs I then gently begin to rub. A slow semi-circular motion back and forth with juuuusst a smidge of pressure to let her feel it under her fleshy hood.

She pulls me harder into her chest and lets out another low sigh. "Hoahhhhh."

My tongue takes up a firm flicking motion across the nipple I had nibbled between my lips. My fingers continue their steady touch. I could feel her arousal beneath my fingers as blood rushed to engorge the area. Her pussy getting hotter and wetter by the moment. She rests her weight back down onto my thigh, trapping my hand beneath her, and she begins to writhe and grind against me. Her hands snake down from my hair to grasp onto the sides of my breasts. She grips and presses into them, her thumbs pushing and rubbing across my nipples.

Tilting my head up I allow her teardrop breast to slip from my lips and I bring my mouth to hers once more. We kiss deeply, savoring each other and tasting each other. She is humming and moaning as her grinding hips and my rubbing fingers continue to excite her.

"Uhhhhnnn." She moans into my mouth.

Her hands run down my stomach, delicate fingers feeling along the tight humps of abdominal muscle. She breaks our kiss and leans forward, her head over my shoulder and our chests pressed together, as her hands continue downward. She takes my rock hard cock in both hands. Feeling it and squeezing it through the straining rough fabric of my shorts.

"Ohhhhmmmrrr." I growl.

In a sudden flurry of activity we both claw at each other's clothes. She moves to the side, off of my thigh, to allow me to pull her oversized overalls from her petite body followed quickly by her loosening the waist of my shorts and pulling them impatiently off of my legs. As she turns back to look at me I see her eyes lock on my proudly standing cock and she freezes momentarily.

"It's...different..." She whispers. She had said that the first time she saw it too, but this time was different. This time she intended on having it inside of her.

What I knew she actually meant was: It's big. I was blessed with a large package. Gabby surely believed it was an orc feature, but it was more of a me feature. When Blitz had taken her she hadn't even had the chance to see his manhood as a point of comparison... I shake my head of the unwelcome memory.

She gathers herself and crawls forward. Her lean little body moving over my good leg as she goes. On her hands and knees she stops, her face mere inches from rigid pole. I reach under to fondle one of her small soft supple breasts in my good hand as she studies me.

"Oh boy..." She says under her breath nervously. She looks up to me with wide eyes. "My goodness Willow, my goodness!" I give her a smirk and a shrug. She nods and lets out a lusty giggle. "Whoo, okay. I'll do my best. Um...there will be a little's normal." She informs me. " gentle at first." I bring my hand up to lovingly stroke her cheek with the pads of my fingers.

Of course. She mentioned how each time for her was like the first time. The poor woman. She had to go through that pain every single time, that was just awful.

Biting her bottom lip she looks back down, takes a breath, then gives it a firm wet kiss just under the ridge of my knob. Grabbing my cock with both hands she pulls the foreskin down to fully expose my sensitive crown. She kisses it again in the same spot.

I relax back and gently rest my large hand across the back of her soft slender neck. I watch her as she begins her oral attentions. She kisses up and down the shaft. She grips and feels it. She holds it and inspects it closely, fascinated by it. She causes a growl to erupt from me as she suddenly nuzzles into the base of it, her open mouth giving sucking kisses to my scrotum right between my balls. Rocking her head side to side she squeezes each of my testes against a cheek as she continues her wet kisses. It was driving me wild!


Her nose the presses in and wiggles back and forth as her tender lips nibble the soft skin. My hand reactively flexes and relaxes around the back of her neck. She continues this for a time as her hands stroke my mighty member up and down before extending her tongue and slowly licking slowly up the length of my shaft then back down again. She stops to rub her nose and lips and chin back and forth across it, the edge of her nose forcing the rigid cock left and right as she does so. Her eyes meet mine and I see a playful smile. She was having fun!