My Wife and My Virgin Friends Pt. 02

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Claire works as a maid for my nerdy friends.
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One day could change a lot as it turned out, and pass by quicker than you'd like.

A beautiful and relaxing Sunday morning moved onto a beautiful and relaxing Sunday evening, which of course transitioned into a beautiful and relaxing Sunday night.

Maybe I was avoiding thinking about it because the day was so nice, or maybe not bringing it up was the only reason the day was nice. It didn't change anything, because no matter how much I wanted to pretend like I'd miss heard or that not thinking about it would make it go away. Inevitably the elephant in the room would get tired of sitting there quietly.

"Sooooo, we don't have anything planned for tomorrow night? Right?" Claire asked.

I looked up from my phone and studied her. She was sitting up in the bed, facing the book in her hands, but she looked at me from the corner of her eyes. Peering at me from behind her glasses, she tried to act cool but failed to hide the tenseness in her body.

"No." I said. bringing myself up to her level. "Nothing special."

"Great... because I kind of... sort of accepted a second job." She turned to look at me, flashed a nervous smile and then returned to her book. "In a way..."

"A second job... who hired you?" I asked, knowing the answer. Dorian had already spilled that she was going to see him tomorrow.

"Just a friend." She blurted out. "A-a work friend! They had a friend that knew somebody who needed a part time cleaner."

Wait, what? Was she lying to me?

"It'll just be a few hours a couple nights a week! But it's two hundred dollars per night! Cash up front."

"That much for just a few hours...." Why didn't she want to admit it was for Dorian and the guys? And why the hell were they going to pay her so much for it.

"It's a last minute cover so they upped the pay a little." She kept avoiding eye contact. Nervously biting her lip. "And ummm... there's a...uniform..."

Okay yeah, now I was starting to see why.

"Tell me you're not dressing up like a French maid."

"No it's.... it's more of a Japanese maid style I think..."

"Which you know is based on the French maid style." I couldn't believe the sliminess of that bastard, asking her to clean for them dressed up like that. "And what do you mean 'you think'?"

"It's all gone so fast. I haven't seen the costume yet... but we really need the money Simon!"

"I know we do, but there has to be a better way." I didn't like the idea of sending her off to my friend's place, dressed up as a sex object. Especially not when those friends had just spent the last night feeling her tits up.

Yeah they were all virgin's, and probably wouldn't take things any further than they'd gone. But it didn't feel right letting her do something so skeevy just for a bit of cash.

"You know there isn't honey. We don't have the time or energy for a real second job, so this is perfect!" She put her book down. turning over to me. "Besides... I know you like it when guys look at me..."

"This is different."

"Is it?" She asked. A coy smile on her face.

It was. These weren't random strangers and it was more than a passing glance. She'd be in their house for hours, cleaning in a ridiculous outfit while they watched the whole time. Knowing the guys, they'd probably set up cameras to record the whole damn thing.

But she didn't know that I knew it was them. Didn't know that I knew she was lying. Was she ashamed to have taken the offer from them? Or did she think I would worry about her more, knowing the guys already pushed boundaries last night?

"Yeah I, I think it is." Was my weak response. Unwilling to call her out in her lie.

"Oh really?" She asked. Running a hand down from my chest to below the sheets. "If it's so different, then why are you so excited?"

She rubbed over the top of my shorts. Her fingers gently stroking the length of my shaft that bulged against the fabric.

"You seem pretty excited. Knowing I'll be wearing a tiny little maid outfit and bending over to clean somebody's house." She purred into my ear.

"It's not like that." I lied. My mind unable stop imagining her dressed up and bent over, dusting something.

"Come on baaaby." She drew out the word. Slow and tender. "I know how much your friends getting a feel turned you on."

She was curled up against me now. One arm wrapped around me, stroking my chest while the other worked my cock. She kept rubbing me over the top of my shorts, a little harder and faster now than she had been.

"Maybe I'll let them have a taste next weekend? Let them lick and suck on my nipples?"

Or maybe she'd be doing that tomorrow.... maybe she'd take things further...

"You- you promised nothing under the clothes..." I groaned out. Fighting back the oncoming wave of pleasure.

"And I'll keep that promise.... but you can't deny that the thought of it doesn't excite you."

She was rubbing me fast and hard now. Teasing the tip of my cock and bringing me closer and closer to the edge.

"Just admit it honey." She whispered faintly into my ear. "Admit it and I'll let you fuck me what that hard cock raw!"

Oh fuck that sent shivers down my spine. Claire didn't like taking birth control, it didn't agree with her, so we'd never done it without a condom before. The most she'd let me do was rub my shaft up against her entrance, and even that took some convincing.

"It's exciting!" I yelped. "I love the idea of you being watched and groped!"

"Good boy." She purred. Her hand not relenting as it caressed, rubbed and stroked my cock through my shorts.

And in that exact moment it was all too much. Her voice seductively whispering in my ear, her body pressing into mine and her hand teasing my cock. I grunted and moaned, by body shaking as she held me tightly.

She didn't let up with her hand. Milking all the cum out of me, getting my leg and shorts covered in it.

"Ohhh sorry baby! Better luck next time then." She laughed a little. An evil smile on her face. "Maybe after I finish up on Monday I'll let you take me raw for real!"

"You play dirty." I huffed in between breaths as I recovered in her arms.

"But you love dirty babe!" She giggled again, kissing me on the cheek. "Now let's get you cleaned up and get to sleep. I've got a big day tomorrow...."

I cleaned myself up and without any more discussion we both went to bed. Any of my doubts or concerns brushed aside and left in the corner.

The morning came like any other day, our routines unchanging despite everything that was to come. Claire kissed me goodbye as we drove off to work, and to all the world it would seem like this was just any other day.

It wasn't any other day. Or, that is, it wouldn't be. In only a few hours my wife would be 'cleaning' my friend's apartment. In who knows how skimpy an outfit.

Rational parts of my brain were telling me to stop this. To tell her that I knew she was lying about where she was going. To demand her not to go. We didn't need the money that badly. Not so badly that she needed to debase herself like she may just be doing tonight. There was just no rational reason to let her go through with this.

Other, less rational parts of me had other ideas.

Sure, she didn't need to go... but the money would be nice. And I'd get to see her dressed up in a cute maid outfit! My friends probably would as well, but they'd just spent the night with her in nothing but a bra. This wouldn't be any worse than that.

And I mean, what was even going to happen really? Claire was probably embellishing the story about them groping her. I knew these guys, and they just weren't the type to do something like that. She knew it turned me on to hear fantasies like that, so she played it up. She knew that I knew that they would never, so she didn't need to say the story was fake.

Yeah, that made sense.

So then, she didn't tell me she was cleaning their place because she was embarrassed. Yeah, they were pretty disgusting guys. She would have to pick up their dirty laundry and wash their stained clothes, not to mention how bad their sheets would be! And with a bunch of nerdy virgin guys like they were, I wouldn't put it past them to leave a mess of 'used' tissues behind. Hahaha who would want to admit to having to do a job like that????

And there was her promise. The chance of her coming home all hot and horny... willing and wanting to do it raw.

That certainly made for a compelling reason not to stop her. Not to catch her in this lie. Maybe that was me thinking with the wrong body part, but that part was being very persuasive today.

I'd had a lot of long days at work before, but none of them even felt close to today. Hours passed with me switching between worried and excited, then I'd look at the clock and it'd only been twenty minutes.

As the day dragged and dragged on, I only became more restless. The tension and anxieties building to an overwhelming need to do something.

It was 4:37, just over twenty minutes to go. I sent Claire a text, my first of the day. If I had done it sooner, I wouldn't be able to hold myself back from spamming her all day long.

"Hey babe!!! Hope ur day went fast, mine didn't lol. R u homing home before you head off to this new job...."

Would I get to see her before she was swept away to go sweep up their house?

No reply as the clock on my wall ticked onwards, the steady beats seeming more and more heavy as time went on. Twenty minutes to five and still nothing. Four forty two, five minutes since I'd sent it.

Still nothing.




5 PM

I sat at my desk as my co-workers packed up and said goodbye. Telling them that I was just staying back a minute to finish something up. Maybe she was just having a busy day and now that work was over she'd text me?






Okay, this was getting crazy. I couldn't keep waiting here just to get her reply.

I picked up the phone and called her, telling myself that if she didn't pick up she was probably just driving home to get ready.

She didn't pick up, the phone ring switching to her answering message. I hung up and was ready to come home, content that she was just on her way back as well. But right as I was about to pack up and leave, my phone lit up. Her loving face filling the screen above the option to accept or reject her call.

"Heyyy baby! Muupphpp, what's up?" She said as I answered the call. Sounding out of breath and like she'd just been struggling with something.

"Hey honey..." My voice trailed off as I heard odd sounds softly come over the phone. A faint wet squelching? "Is everything alright?"

"Ahhhahhh... Everything's fine." She caught her breath and I could hear a murmur in the background. Not loud enough to make out the words, but they came from a male voice. "I'm just in the middle of my first cleaning job. It's pretty hard, but I think I'm off to a great start! Right master?"

The voice metaphorically off screen grumbled in what I assumed was an affirmation. Her, 'Master'. It was a trope for Japanese styled maids to call the guys they were working for their 'masters', so I shouldn't have been surprised but it still caught me off guard.

"So soon? I was hoping to see you after work."

"Sorry baby. I got off early." She was Interrupted by her master saying something. She gave a confused 'huh?' but then giggled as she understood whatever joke the man had made. "and I came here for a head start."

I went to speak but there were more unintelligible murmurings and more giggling from Claire. It made me doubt this was one of my nerdy friends more than anything had. They never made Claire laugh like this.

"That's so you!" I joked half heartedly. "Just don't work yourself too hard."

"I can take it." She took on an edge with her voice. Like how she did when she was feeling naughty and wanted to tease me. "But don't worry babe. They're going easy on me today. I'm only polishing knobs today."


"You know, door knobs. Big hard ones that need all my attention!"

There was some sniggering in the background silence that followed her statement. From more than one source. No, I couldn't kid myself. She was there. At their apartment. Referring to my virgin nerdy friends as her masters...

"Okay well I won't keep you anymore." I said to break the uneasy silence. I didn't know how else to react.

The line stayed quiet. Faint whisperings both male and female the only thing I could barely make out.

"Claire? Honey?"

"Mmmshullp, yaahh Bahhby?" Her muffled reply came. The sloppy wet noises getting louder again.

"I'll let you get back to it." I repeated. Adding. "I love you."

"Louhhvve yosh tuuhh!"

Tone rang in my ears. She'd hung up the phone and now I was left with nothing but my thoughts.

Thoughts that were desperately trying to find any explanation for what I heard that wasn't the obvious. She was just scrubbing the floor, or their door knobs right? With her mouth full for some reason....

I wasn't so stupid to believe something like that. But maybe, just maybe, it was a joke? A prank? She was teasing me, like she loved to do. Making it sound like and implying she was dressed up like a maid, giving my nerdy friends sloppy blow jobs right now. She promised not to do anything under clothing and unless the guys were just naked, their cocks were under their clothes. So it has to be made up, just a mind game she was playing to mess with me.

It sounded pretty real though... but that could be faked? An ice block for her to suck on? An ice block. Not my fat friends unwashed cock.... Her tongue Their filthy balls so pungent she'd have the smell of them etched into her brains.....

Fuck. I needed to go home.

Or maybe not home? Maybe I needed to drop in to see the guys tonight?

Claire was going to be out for the night, so why wouldn't I go see my friends? No no no, I wasn't planning on finding Calire over there. I trusted her, I wasn't checking up on her. I just happened to shoe up and interrupt them from taking things too far...

Yeah. That sounded believable.

I grabbed my bag and shut down my computer. Heading to the elevator and mashing the button over and over until finally the doors opened. I looked at the time. 5:56. How long had the phone call been? How long had I spend thinking about it afterwards? The building was empty and deserted now, me being the last one to leave.

Heading out of the elevator and exiting the building, I kept my head down as I passed by the cleaning crew that were just getting in. Desperately trying to make it past them without anyone noticing how hard I was. That call had gotten me so worked up. I needed to get out of here and see my wife before anyone did anything crazy. Me included.

One of them waved hello at me, but I kept myself from making eye contact. Rushing out the door and to my car. I threw my bag into the back seat. Igniting the engine and revving off before I even put my seat belt on. Every second I wasn't at that apartment was another chance for the guys to use my wife as their slave, their toy. Would they not be satisfied with her just 'cleaning' their cocks? Would they get her to do more, filthier, things? Have their new maid swallow their cum? Let it dry on her face? Let them rub their balls over her face in some sort of sick real life teabagging?

My fingers dug into the steering wheel so bad it hurt. I was wound up. Worried about the worst possibilities that obviously wouldn't happen. That was okay though. Because soon I'd be at their place and I'd know for sure what was going on. Maybe she wouldn't even be there? And I'd come home to find her waiting for me in bed. This whole maid thing just a sexy fiction she made up to tease and excite me? I'd know soon enough.

I drove through the business park, through the long driveways and out to the exit to the main road. Only half paying attention, my mind in my thoughts, I had to slam the breaks on to avoid crashing.

The gate.

I'd never stayed back this late before. Hell, I was usually the first one out the door. But tonight of all nights I had to stay back. Had to be impatient and wait for Claire to respond. Had to get myself locked in like an idiot.


The chain link fence that locked me in this cage looked pretty flimsy. Just a small chain with a lock on it keeping it closed. I could probably back up a little, and ram it open without damaging the car too much?

Fuck, what the hell was I thinking? Ramming a gate with my car? That was crazy. I let myself breathe for a moment. Opening the windows to get the crisp evening air in. This was going to be okay. I couldn't have been the first guy to get himself locked in here, there must be something in place to get out or in.

The cleaners! They were here and I doubted they were spending the night! Obviously they had a key to the gate in them! I reversed back hard, burning rubber as I sped back down to my building.

I looked at the time again as I approached. 6:07. What would she be up to now? Bending over in a tiny maid outfit, her skirt rising far enough to give the guys a view of her ass?

I stopped myself from thinking about it further. I was going to be there soon. That's what I had to keep telling myself.

I pushed on the big glass doors at the front of the office and slammed against them. They were locked. Because of course they were. I banged on the door, shouting as hard as I could to get someone's attention. Nothing. Were they all on higher floors or-

Then a figure moved in. Headphones on he absently walked to the reception desk and grabbed a set of keys. I banged, waved and shouted to get his attention and for a brief moment I got it. The waving of my arms catching his eyes before he walked back out of the lobby. For a moment we saw each other and I recognised which of the cleaners this was. The man who I had ignored as he waved at me. Surely he wouldn't hold a grudge over something so small, right?

Wrong. Acting like he hadn't seen anything when I knew he had, the man turned around and walked into another room.


6:11 and I was back by the gate. Barbed wire surrounded most of the fencing, but not at the gate here. I could jump it and just grab a cab, but what would I say to Claire? I could make something up, but I still had one option. The number for security on a nearby sign.

I got my phone out to call them and saw that I had a message. From Claire, it was a picture of her all dressed up. The sexy black and white maid outfit had a skirt that barely covered half her thighs. A two set piece with the top nearly as small as the bottom. The crop top style showed off most of her slightly chubby stomach, accentuating her curves and making my heart beat faster.

It was very clearly not designed for girls of her size. There was a cat keyhole cut out on her chest, sexy enough on most girls but for Claire it was another level. Her tits pushing hard against the tight fabric, indenting them and making her cleavage spill out.

Under that first picture was one more. Captioned 'What do you think? I make a pretty good maid don't I!"

It was her down on the ground. Scrubbing the floor on her knees. Ass bent over and exposed in a way I had feared, but not quite as I'd expected. I had assumed she would be flashing the guys her panties, but she wasn't. She wasn't wearing any at all.

My heart skipped a beat seeing it. Her pale ass, so plump and juicy, bent over and exposed for the guys to see. Lacy white thigh highs clasping her legs and matching perfectly with the frilly skirt and armbands she wore. All framing her perfect ass in a way that made me want to reach through and just give it a slap.

Would the guys, my virgin nerdy friends, be slapping that ass right now?

I typed fast. 'WHat the he'll are you thinking!' Then waited for a beat. The black bar on the text box blinking on and off.

I breathed deep. Centering myself, deleting the message and starting again.