My Wife's Dirty Little Secret


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One thing that Carol had never allowed me to do was film her. We had taken a few nude photos, though I never could quite understand why she was ok with doing those, and not a movie. Regardless of that, I kept a very select few of those hidden away in my safe as well, and now pulled those out by way of a closer comparison of the female anatomy. I then zoomed in on the frames I had marked on the film, Pat lying there on the bed with a very explicit close up of her pussy, and one in particular where she was actually spreading herself a part exposing her clit. Looking at this one specifically, then at the similar photos I had of my wife, I was actually surprised to see that I couldn't actually see any major differences. All women were a little different in general anyway, just as men are. But there was nothing that I could see without doing a personal physical exam myself that would lead me to believe she wasn't a woman.

"Well," I thought to myself, "As far as I'm concerned, if Patricia ever was Patrick, she certainly isn't now." But even knowing this, and satisfied with the answer, I still had to deal with the fact that my wife was then having an incestual, lesbian affair with her sister. The more I thought about it, and thought about the things I had seen and admittedly enjoyed, I also realized it hadn't detracted from my relationship with Carol, if anything, especially recently, our sex-life seemed to have greatly improved.

Though I found a few of the admissions, and some of what their little "Book-Club" enjoyed doing together a little strange, I also reconciled to myself that I was enjoying it nearly as much as they obviously were.

I quickly finished transferring the tape and stashed it away. I headed upstairs to our bedroom fully expecting to find Carol sound asleep. Even the faint light from the nightstand didn't alert me that she wouldn't be otherwise as she often fell asleep with it on. But as I entered the room, I was presently surprised to see her lying there waiting for me.

"Took you long enough," she purred. She was using one of the toy's I had seen one of the other women using on herself as I entered. I smiled wickedly at her as I quickly shrugged off my clothes before slipping into bed next to her. "Do you enjoy watching me?" she asked lustily.

"If you only knew," I thought to myself then spoke, "You know I do!" I said sitting down next to her on the bed, though my hand automatically reached out to begin fondling one of her hard erect nipples. She pulled away, dislodging it.

"No...not yet, just watch, and while you do..." she grinned looking down at my rapidly growing erection. "Because I enjoy watching you too," she added.

I stroked my cock for her as she watched, and as I watched her, realizing that I would no doubt be doing so again the following day, though this time with her being unaware that I was.

"You remember Jack and Darlene?" she asked still purring seductively like a kitten as she continued manipulating her pussy with the now vibrating as well as rotating toy.

"Yeah? So?"

"Well, they've invited us over one evening to hot-tub with them."

"Sounds nice," I said trying very hard to not sound too interested. By now I had of course met most of the women in Carol's little club. Over the weeks it had been impossible for me to always stay afterwards and have lunch with the guys. So on a few occasions, I arrived home just as I began seeing a few of the women leaving. And so it was in doing this, I had naturally been introduced to the few women I didn't know or hadn't met before.

"Yes, it sounds like it could be fun, but you need to know before we accept their offer, they don't allow swim-wear in their tub."

I smiled, still slow-stroking my cock as Carol watched. "Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?" I prompted her.

"Well, they're pretty uninhibited, just wasn't sure how you'd feel about that," she stated simply. "You know how those things go, a little wine, feeling nice and cozy there together, everyone feeling a little frisky, what if they started fooling around with one another?" she questioned.

"Well then, if they do...then perhaps we should as well. Wouldn't want them to feel uncomfortable about it, would you?"

She was smiling even more broadly after hearing that. "No, I wouldn't, and it might be wickedly fun watching them anyway."

"Yeah, and them watching us," I responded back still jerking my prick as Carol continued masturbating herself.

"I'll be seeing her tomorrow of course,"

"Of course."

"I'll tell her then we'll be there."

"Sounds fun," I reiterated, "and speaking of fun, how about we have some?"

"I thought we were!" Carol pouted in a cutesy little girl way, then removed the fuck-toy she'd been using on herself and leaned over me, placing her mouth around my prick. "Better?" she giggled.

"Much...much better!" I sighed happily.


As I got dressed and prepared to head out to play golf, I reminded myself to put a grass-stain or two on my pants at the park as Carol had actually commented and wondered how I kept my clothes from getting too dirty lately. I noticed that the book they were currently reading and in the middle of was lying on the coffee table as I walked by. They were reading, "The Story of O".

"Interesting book," I told Carol nodding towards it.

"Yes it is," she blushed slightly. "And it's been pretty interesting discussing it as well."

"I can only imagine," I said imagining. She laughed at that.

"Yeah well, it's one of the few luxuries we permit ourselves," Carol began. "A chance for a bunch of women to sit together and discuss their most private thoughts and feelings without anyone judging them for it."

"As in men?" I tossed back at her.

"Well, some men anyway, not you no. But some of the husbands would have a cow if they knew what we were reading."

"And doing," I thought to myself. "Yeah...I'm sure, like George," I finished the thought for her.

"Exactly. And it really is too bad he's like that. Margie's a pretty open-minded woman if he'd allow himself to be, their marriage might not be in trouble the way it is now."

We'd discussed that previously. "Well personally, I think she could do a hell of a lot better than George anyway, hell baby...I wouldn't mind jumping her bones myself, provided you were there too of course!" I added quickly, though making it all sound like I was just joking around with her about it.

"You would huh?" she grinned. "I bet you'd like that too wouldn't you?"

"Sure...what man in his right mind wouldn't enjoy being with two women at the same time, especially if the two of them enjoyed one another as well."

"Hmm, who knows," she said suddenly. "Stranger things have happened!"

I didn't dare respond to that, leaning instead to give her a kiss before picking up my golf bag. "See you a little after 3:00 then," I stated. "Enjoy your book discussion."

"Enjoy your game," she replied, "And maybe later after you get can enjoy me too!" All she was wearing was her robe, and she opened it showing me she was naked beneath it.

"Maybe I should stay home and putter around here instead," I said half-seriously. For just a moment she looked alarmed as though I might actually do it.

" go on, go golf. And besides, it's too late to call the girls and tell them not to come. You just be thinking about what's waiting for you later," she said teasingly, then once again closed her robe and escorted me towards the door. "Have fun baby!"

" two baby," I grinned speaking more to myself than to her.


By now I had quite a collection of CD's all marked "Book-Club" that I had stashed away. What amazed me the most perhaps was that no two of them were exactly alike. It seemed as though each week there was something new or different going on than what I had seen or heard before. A lot of that was because of the books I supposed, depending upon what they were reading or the stories and fantasies they told and shared with one another. "Lady Chatterley's Lover" for one had been very interesting. That week all the women had actually driven to the meeting wearing nothing but their most revealing, alluring and sexy attire imaginable. Charlene had even shared how she had stopped for some fast food on the way over, and had forgotten that the guy at the drive-up window could see well down into her car. He'd given her, her food for free, telling her before she drove away that anytime she wanted to come by dressed like that, he'd pay for her order.

I had once again made it back into my shop safely of course and was already monitoring things though several women hadn't quite arrived yet. Carol had already spoken with Darlene about our coming over to tub, which was an interesting conversation in and of itself.

"After what you told me about his comments regarding you and Margie, I seriously doubt he'd balk at seeing you and I together," Darlene told my wife. "I know for a fact Jack wouldn't," she grinned. "He loves seeing that!"

"I'll bet," my wife giggled back. "Guess we'll see," she added, "But I have a feeling you're right about that. Even if we just start out playfully kissing one another, I'm willing to bet shortly after that the boys will be urging us to do a lot more."

They walked out of the kitchen and then down the hall towards the den, so I couldn't pick up any more of what might have been said, it really didn't matter though, I'd already heard enough and now looked forward to the naughty little tub party the two women were planning.

I soon after settled in for another erotic discussion as everyone had finally arrived. I think one of my favorite parts was actually just watching them all undressing together. One minute it was nine fully dressed women standing around together, and in the next it was nine fully nude women who could suddenly start doing just about anything. The fact that they were all so uniquely different added real spice to that particular soup. So many different sized and shape of breasts, some shaved as Carol was, others so trimmed they might as well have been. Only poor Margie so it seemed in the beginning had what one might call a naturally full bush, but even she as the weeks went by, somehow managed to trim it down to a much more modern-ish style.

"The part I liked the best was when she would sit on his leg, rocking herself very very subtly, as though he wasn't aware of what it was she was really doing, though we all know that he did," Debra had added to the conversation, which is when things started to once again get interesting.

"I used to do that as well," Laurie said joining in. "It was a great way of getting myself off."

"I wouldn't mind doing that now!" Suzanne giggled provocatively. "Any takers?"

"I'm game," my wife spoke up saying, been a while since I've masturbated that way myself," she mused. "Brings back a few naughty memories doesn't it Pat?" She said winking towards her sister.

I watched as my wife soon positioned herself in the middle of the couch. Suzanne, and then her sister applied a rather generous helping of KY lubricant to themselves, then each taking one of my wife's thighs, straddled it and began slipping and sliding against her this way. Carol sitting at the perfect height under the circumstances would first suckle one of Suzanne's available breasts while fingering and toying with one of Laurie's, then switching sucking hers while toying with her sisters. They in turn each placed a hand in between my wife's legs and pleasured her there with hands and fingers.

"That's fucking hot!" Darlene stated from across the room where she lay on the floor, Charlene happily going down on her while Debra knelt behind Charlene fingering her open available quim.

Pat was content to sit back in a nice over sized chair using one of several available toys to pleasure herself with while she watched, which she was obviously enjoying doing as Cathy and Margie lay in the middle of the floor, legs locked over one another in a scissors fashion, pussy to pussy, and sat rubbing against one another all the while watching everyone else.

Pat was the first to climax, pummeling her pussy with the toy fast and furiously.

"There she goes!" Carol laughed out loud. "Like usual!"

Hearing her sister, I watched as Pat stood up from the chair and slithered over to where my wife was sitting. Even as Suzanne and Laurie continued masturbating themselves against my wife's legs, she soon positioned herself between them and began licking my wife's very wide open pussy. "We'll soon see who comes last," she teased, then began a slow and very torturous tongue-licking against my wife's twat.

I lost track of who came next, or when someone who already had at least once did again. It was just amazing to hear the various sounds, moans and groans exploding almost at once throughout the room, then continuing in a wave of one orgasm to another. Laurie had spent herself against my wife's thigh, toppling over a moment later only to be assaulted by Cathy who immediately began going down on her almost before she'd even managed to catch her breath. This brought about a second very quick, almost more intense orgasm from her once again as she straddled the arm of the couch, one leg to either side with Cathy hungrily devouring the sweet ribbons of female nectar that Laurie had become known for producing.

Margie and Darlene had by now hooked up together with a double dildo and had been fucking one another with it in unison until Charlene moved in between the two of them and took turns licking them back and forth until they both came at nearly the same instant.

But it was when Pat finally allowed my own wife to climax that I finally exploded myself, not even realizing I had until I felt the first delicious spurt leap from the tip of my cock and actually splatter against one of the monitors. My wife was crying out in joyful orgasmic glee, Pat tonguing her clit rapidly back and forth just as she liked it, one of Suzanne's breasts almost painfully being squeezed in her hand as she did, though it was also evident by the expression on Suzanne's face that she was enjoying the painful pleasure of that very act, and then spent herself against my wife's leg just as her sister had done previously.

"Fuck," I need to get my ass out of here!" I thought glancing up at the clock. Not only was I running a bit late, but so were the girls, and a mad dash to dress and repair themselves took place rather quickly after that.

I was breathless by the time I made it back to the car, and horny as hell after having just witnessed one of the wildest orgasmic orgies of a sort I could have ever imagined. For whatever reason, either the story that had gotten them all hot and so bothered had done it, or just the pure decadence of rubbing themselves against one another the way they had, had inspired it. Either way, I now knew this would be amongst the favorite of my secreted CD's that I had stashed away.

I drove home soon after pulling into the drive, not too surprised to still catch a couple of women who hadn't as yet left. Pat and Darlene stood in the kitchen with my wife sharing coffee when I came in, still busily chatting away in excited tones though they soon quieted upon hearing me.

"Hey baby...your home! How was the golf game?"

"Damn nice one today!" I exclaimed, most exciting day so far," I told them all sitting down, trying to hide my rapidly growing erection. "I won't bore you all with the nitty-gritty details, lets just say I really had my putter working over time today," I said grinning, maybe even leering at the three of them as I spoke.

"And how was your dirty book?" I asked, "read anything interesting we should discuss?"

Carol shot me a look of course, but Darlene laughed. "That's one of the reason's Jack loves for me to come here and do this," she stated. "Because I always come home and fuck him silly afterwards!"

"Darlene!" Pat exclaimed in surprise.

"What?" She grinned. "That's what I do, and he loves it."

"Maybe so," Pat blushed looking towards her sister, "But maybe Pete doesn't need to hear that."

"What? Are you kidding?" Darlene continued. "I'd be willing to bet he'd love every fucking minute of it."

"Hell yes," I told them all. "As a matter of fact, I'm tickled pink that all of you guys do this every week. Carol seems to be a lot more enthusiastic lately for one thing, so I'm all for it. And if I could get away with it, I'd even put on a wig, shave my legs and wear a skirt just to join your book-club if these are some of the side benefits."

That brought about a wide-eyed nervousness from all three, though they quickly laughed it off.

After the girls had gone, Carol and I did indeed head upstairs to the bedroom where we fucked and sucked one another for hours. Like I said, the side benefits were certainly worth whatever else Carol enjoyed doing with her friends let alone her own sister.

But as in all things, this too would soon be coming to an end unless I could devise a way to do something else. The golf season was drawing to a close and with it my excuse for being away on Sundays. After that, I knew that they would go back to doing what they used to do, alternating between one another's houses (all except for Marie and George of course) kicking the men out to go and do other things while the girls met privately together and enjoyed their naughty little book-club.

At least I had a wide variety and collection to entertain myself with in reviewing again, not to mention the new possibilities that were beginning to present themselves with regards to getting together with Jack and Darlene on occasion.

I guess the one thing I have learned from all of this, is that we each have our own dirty little secrets. I certainly have one now. And I don't mean lying to my wife about my golf game or how much I've improved, because I certainly haven't. Even with all that weekend golfing, I haven't been able to lower my score at all. My strokes just keep on increasing for some reason.

But I don't I don't mind increasing my strokes at all.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

"But honey, it's not cheating. We're all women; we didn't fuck any guys." I'm curious how many guys would be OK with a discovery like this. I guess it's a pro vs. cons type of deal. The deceit and the fact she's getting sexual with other women vs. the increased horniness and sexual rewards the hubby gets. We know some of the sluts did cheat on their husbands already, like Laurie with her boss, though that doesn't have anything to do with the group. But they all seem to be accepting of such behaviour, which is worrying. It's easy to elevate this to full-blown affairs or group sex parties with guys. At least the husband has dirt on them just in case he needs it in future.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Cheating? Divorce? Etc., etc., etc, as Professor Higgins would say (in "My Fair Lady" or "Pygmalion"). Not sure how much 'cheating' was going on as some commenters seem to think. It's certainly consensual between the ladies and even with his (unspoken) consent. And any heterosexual cheating would have been confessed or discussed, and his wife said none. Like that one woman, but not the protagonist's wife. Should she be confessing this stuff to her husband? Maybe or maybe not. What it fetishistic? Probably. But if it kept their 'home fires burning' and made their marriagers happier, then more power to them. No one was being emotionally hurt for the most part, and most of the wives were not stepping out on their husbands, leading to questionable paternities, etc. Soooooooooo... I would have destroyed the club tapes, removed the cameras/mics, and found a way to approach the wife privately to ensure it didn't lead to thoughts of real infidelity after I 'accidentally' overheard them. That would have led to the wife rethinking about how/if she crossed a line regarding her transexual sibling. In all, an interesting and thoughtful story. Also, God willing, hope my wife of 33 years doesn't have this kind of secret. But if that spousal arousal and a Blue Pill brought back our more 'active' younger years, then WTF? - From an oldster of 67 years, two adult children, with a much beloved wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago


jimbo103jimbo103almost 9 years ago
Def erotic!

but this is how cheating starts, its always a sliperry slope it can never be stopped, no matter how much you claim to love ur spouse, once u keep secrets, it brings a hidden pleasure which makes u crave more secrets.......

if u seek thrill, ur life will be like a firework, bright & dazzling for a few moments,

if you seek contentment, ur life will be a candle burning through the night.

think about it, am not saying come clean abt everything, some secrets are better left untouched, atleast don't keep any more.

they say the divorce rate is abt 50%, hmmm, i wonder whats the percent of really faithful marriages i bet you my bottom dollar its below 20%

come on ladies wake up the clock is winding down on your self discovery bull.s

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
great story,

highly erotic. I agree about a follow up being needed. I'd like to know about the hot tub visit and also what happens when he tells her he knows about the book club events. Does he start to include some D&S from the story of O in their marriage? Of course this is fiction, in real life she'd be nothing more than a cheating slut. Even though girl-girl action is hot the fact is that she didn't trust him, she lied to him and she went behind his back which makes it cheating, and cause for divorce. Or hell, she opened up the marriage, does that mean she doesn't mind if he plays around to? Maybe he should test the waters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Follow up Needed

What happened when you and Carol visited Jack & Darlene's hot tub??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
well written, but not realistic

marriage is trust and respect.this was bullshit about wife having all these affairs.lesbians are not,they were affairs.the hubby let the wrong head do his thinking.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Novel story

Too long, and it just sort of ended, but a good read nonetheless.

bearleebearleeabout 16 years ago
What Orion said



Orion623Orion623about 16 years ago
Good Story

Enjoyable reading and pretty interesting. Word usage problems detract a little bit but not enough to make the story unreadable. The twist of all of the women having to share a secret to get in the club was nicely done and something of a cliffhanger as it got around to Carol. The ending was somewhat of a letdown as it did nothing to resolve the husbands discovery of his wife's elicit relationships or her deceit. Still, it was really entertaining and very well done.

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