My Wife's Infidelity

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My wife has a two year affair.
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My Wife's Infidelity.

"I swear if that boy does that to her again I will bloody drown him!"

Cher was losing it with Tony.

We were in a small secluded cove in North Cornwall just outside of Bude. Tony our eldest was tormenting our daughters, twins Emily and Rosie again. This time splashing cold water on Emily who was at the sea edge paddling. He greatly enjoyed the teasing and bullying them. She is only 7 and reacts every time he does it, so of course being a 12 year old boy he does it more.

Cheryle my wife gets a bit too angry when he does and gets annoyed with me when I don't step in and put a stop to it. It does tend to put a dampener on things when he does it so I try to distract them rather than blowing my top like she does, we are on our family vacation.

I am Bob Simmons, we are both 45 and had kids a bit later than most due to us being selfish I suppose. We did all the things most parents wish they had done before they had kids, the expensive holidays the long weekends away whenever and where ever we chose, the parties. To be honest we had the best 10 years a young couple could have. But the peer pressure got to us and we decided to have one before we were too old, and sure enough after a lot of fun trying Tony was born.

Our lives changed overnight. Gone were fun Bob and Cheryle, along came two very grumpy tired grown-ups.

We just didn't click for the first 12 months after he was born, I thought she had changed, she thought I had. Nothing I did seemed to please her, EVERYTHING I did was wrong! Things changed a little when Cheryle joined the local mother and baby group, she seemed calmer, nicer. She made new friends and started having coffee mornings at the house inviting a few of the ladies. The kids would all play while the women bitched about their hubbies and their (awful) lives. It was the release she needed.

I found as she started to lighten up a bit so did I, we started talking nicer to each other and even the flirting was coming back into our relationship. So I guess some of it was down to me too. Our lives almost did a u turn by the time Tony was walking. We were back to our old selves even the sex was good again, it was wonderful. Anyway, as Tony grew she kept the same circle of 4-5 friends and they all started at the same nursery together, the kids all got on and the coffee mornings were nicer for her without having to look after Tony.

Cheryle even learned to cook and I mean REALLY cook, she cooked things that blew my mind, she was really turning into the perfect wife and mum. Life was great again until one morning I had a file to drop at a clients by 9am. I had to pass by the nursery, I thought if she is not doing anything I'll wait for the drop off and take her for a nice breakfast in town on my way back to the office. I pulled up about 25 yards the other side of the nursery gate and waited until they came walking along.

She was with Sherry, one of her coffee crew. They took the kids in and I waited for her return. 10 minutes later Sherry came out alone. I waited another 5 then decided to go in and see what was taking so long. I had to be back sometime this morning, no rush but I didn't want to take the piss. Just as I was getting out of my car she came out arm in arm with another guy, she didn't look my way and turned the way she came in. She was looking up into his eyes as they walked up the path holding on to his arm. I fell back against my car shocked. My legs had turned to jelly and I felt quite faint, I sat back in my driver seat and wondered what should I do?

It maybe quite innocent but to be honest it didn't look that way. I locked my car and followed discretely ducking into hedges and gateways as they walked a hundred metres in front of me. She still had his arm.

"Fuck!" "Shit, what do I do?"

I decided not to confront them but to keep following to see what happened. They were walking towards my house....MY HOUSE!

But in another 10 yards turned to a small side road, I hurried up the path and hid behind a bush. They had stopped no more than 15 yards from me next to a new merc and BEEP BEEP he opened it with the key fob. He turned to her and she put her hands around his neck, got on to her tiptoes and kissed him.

"FUCK!" my guts churned, I felt nauseous. I should barge them apart and kick his ass but I stood frozen to the spot like a statue I couldn't move. She said.

"Ok, on Wednesday after nursery we can use mine, the girls are going to Sherry's for the morning. We have the house to ourselves."

She reached up and kissed him again, I turned and briskly walked away back to my car dry heaving all the way. I looked back, she still hadn't come out of the side street by the time I was around the next corner. I waited on the corner to see her appear and walk the 300 yards to our house. I sat on that street corner for ages, tears forming in my eyes, a lump in my throat. My wife, the love of my life was cheating on me.

It was only when I sat back in my car that I thought "You prick! You did nothing! you fucking fool."

She is having an affair and I did nothing. I didn't even take down his car reg to try to find who he was, I had my phone I could've at least took a picture?

"Shit, what am I going to do."

That's when I tasted that familiar taste in the back of my mouth, I leant out of my car and heaved up all over the kerbside.

I waited 5 minutes and rang Cheryle to say I was passing in 10 should I pop in.

"Oh hi love, no I am with Sherry we are going shopping in 5 minutes it's Friday, you know we go to town Fridays. You should've told me you were in the area we could've met up, phone and tell me next time you are around here ok."

Yeah like fuck I thought. And yeah I am DEFINITELY not letting you know next time I'm around here!

"Oh ok Cher, I'll go back to the office, see you tonight."

"Bye babe, love you."

I thought you were kissing some guy not 10 minutes ago and you say "Love you."

"Ok bye Cher, love you too."

Fuck you!

My work in the office was non-existent for the rest of the day, my mind was in turmoil. I had never felt so alone, so empty. I went through 5-6 pencils breaking every one, I needed to find out what was going on. Did she still love me? How long? Who is the fucker? I thought we were great, I thought I had the perfect marriage. It wasn't till late afternoon that Wednesday registered in my brain, "Shit, Wednesday!"

I quickly googled surveillance equipment in my area, three shops supplied in town and it was 3pm now. They would be shutting soon, I rang the first on the list and the lady asked the type of surveillance required. I could hardly say "I want to catch my cheating slut wife fucking some cunt in my house!" could I.

"Something that relays a live stream to my phone that's small enough to be hidden in the lounge or around the house, oh and is it recordable? Just for safety sake while we are out, that sort of thing"

"Yes Sir, I have what you need, they come in varying prices depending on the quality of picture you need."

Fuck it, she knew very well what I needed it for.

"How much is the best one?"

"I am afraid you will be looking at £800 upwards depending on how many devices you will require."

Oooh I thought, that's a bit steep.

"How much for three camera's with laptop or phone streaming?"

"I can do that for "£950 Sir."

I left the office and took the short journey by cab to the shop, I put it on my expense account and would find a way of paying it back before it was questioned too much. It could not go on my bank statement as we had a shared account. I had the weekend to sort positionings and get the best views out of sight.

I got back to the office and hid the equipment in the boot of my car under the spare wheel before I headed home.

"Hi babe, had a good day at work?"

"Same ol same ol, that smells nice?"

I tried to be as relaxed as I could so as not to give anything away. It was hard believe me.

"Oh just a little something for the main man in my life."

"Main man?"

"Oh you never know when I might find Mr Right!" she said laughing.

Any other time I would've found that amusing, not today but I chuckled a false laugh.

Cheryle was in a great mood as usual as she busied herself in the kitchen.

"Go through to the lounge with Tony and I'll bring you in a cuppa,"

She was acting completely normal, fuck she was good at this. How long had she had the practice to be this good at deceiving me?

Tony was busy building his lego sets, I sat and joined him in building a castle as Cher bought in a cup of tea.

"Thanks love."

"What no kiss hello?" she said with a pouty face.

I stood and kissed the lips that had been kissing another today, I worried where else those lips had been lately.

We all sat at the dining table and ate her lovely creation, she was getting to be a wonderful cook probably restaurant standard.

We talked of our day and settled in for the evening. She put Tony down about 7pm and came to sit next to me on the sofa.

"You look concerned, what's up?

"Oh nothing, sorry. Just a few things at work to sort out next week. But it's the weekend now, no work stuff ok." I smiled at her reassuringly.

"Good." She replied, she cuddled into me "Let's put a nice sexy movie on."

She was either so very good at this or I was completely out of my mind. Did I see what I thought I saw? I was starting to wonder if I was mad!

Cher flicked through the movies until she came to an old Richard Gere film, Unfaithful.

Oh fuck, that's appropriate I thought to myself.

We were about midway through the movie when I felt her hand touch my groin area,

"God this is a sexy film, I love Richard Gere. Now if HE came calling.......Mr Right."

She giggled, again I didn't find it that amusing but I tried to smile back. She fondled my cock through my trousers as we watched the actress being fucked by her lover. I couldn't help but get hard.

"Oh I see you like the idea of her being unfaithful eh?"

"No, No, but it doesn't help with you trying to make me come in my pants! YOU like the idea of being unfaithful?

As I said it I regretted it.

She looked at me in a strange quizzical way but blew the comment off and leaned in for the kiss, she took my face and licked my lips. We made out on the sofa with the movie in the background.

Cheryle rode on top of me as I laid back, She was looking at the TV as she came on top of me. All I had in my mind was her kissing that guy. I had to pretend to orgasm, I hated it. I had never done anything like that before and never wanted to again.

"You ok? That didn't feel like it usually does." she said.

"Yeah, I'm fine just a little tired."

She felt her pussy with her fingers and looked a little puzzled. I quickly pulled my pants up and went to the hallway toilet.

"You sure you are ok babe?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I called back.

We went to bed shortly after with her again cuddling into me. I really didn't sleep well at all that night. I tossed and turned all night, her on the other hand slept like the dead.


Saturday morning Tony was up at 6am I went in to him and took him downstairs. I changed him and sorted his breakfast out leaving Cheryle to lay in. It gave me an opportunity to stake out where to position the camera's.

I put one on the highest book on the bookshelves so it had an uninterrupted birds eye view of the sofa. It was risky putting one in the kitchen as that was her domain. I decided one up high next to the fire alarm in the corner of the hallway, the other had to go into our bedroom somehow.

As luck would have it when Cher got up she said "Mum asked me yesterday if I could take her for her hair appointment later, that ok?"


"Yes, no problem, I'll look after Tony, that'll give you time with your mum."

"Thank you babe, you're the best hubby you know."

Later that day when she was gone I spent ages trying to find a spot where our bed would be seen without the camera being seen. I decided on the top of our tall wardrobe, it was a big sturdy old thing made of oak. When I was sure it was out of sight I loaded up the programs to my work laptop and phone. The views and pictures were all I could've asked for, clear as day.


I was on edge all weekend in case they were discovered by Cheryle but it had all worked to perfection, I went out a few times and checked to see how things were going at the Simmons household. Picture perfect resolution, you could even zoom in. I just really hoped I was wrong but I think I was right.

The voyeur in me took over, I ended up walking aimlessly around just so I could spy. How fucked up is that? 99% of the time I was just looking at empty rooms until as I sat on a park bench Cheryle sat on the sofa making a call.

"Yes Sherry, Wednesday......I will find a big one too one day, I'm sure. What?..... yes he is.........very."

I couldn't hear the other side of the conversation but hers was enough to convince me.

She then scrolled through her phone and made another call.

"Steve, yes I cant wait either.......I know but I have to be careful......twice a week is all I can do at the know why...........ok, just let me check on Tony."

She put her phone on the sofa and left the room. I quickly changed to the hallway and just caught her on the foot of the stairs. I flicked to our bedroom, nothing. Back to the lounge, she appeared in the doorway. Picking up her handset she said.

"Yes, he is ok, asleep" then a big grin came over her face......"you dirty bastard, ok of course you can..........don't I always?........"

her hand slipped into her joggers as she listened, I wish I could hear his side!

"Yes....ok....I will swallow but you know that...,.....maybe but I don't give that hole up easily you know I do......maybe........we will see how turned on you get me..........yes I have got my fingers inside myself,"

I had pains in my stomach watching and listening to this but I could not take my eyes from the screen. I rocked back and forth on that park bench watching my wife finger herself while another man was talking dirty to her. My whole world was collapsing in front of my eyes. I loved her but I fucking hated her. I needed to talk to someone I needed to vent to someone, anyone!

I got up but couldn't go home at the minute, I was shaking with rage and pain. I am not a violent man but I needed to hit someone, I wanted someone to feel the hurt I was feeling. I sat at the bottom of a tree and sobbed my heart out. I felt so drained, so empty.

"You ok Mr?"

I looked up, I couldn't focus properly, the tears in my eyes were stopping me from seeing a young girl with her mum and dog standing at my feet.

"Yes, I -- I'm ok sweetheart. Thank you," the rage disappeared immediately.

"You sure, you seem awfully sad?"

"No, I'm fine sorry, I've just had a bad day. Thank you for stopping and asking."

"Are you sure you are ok?" said her mum.

"Yes, thank you both."

I wiped my tears from my eyes and stood thinking what a beautiful child to ask if a stranger is ok. Her mum has done a wonderful job with her. I broke down sobbing again.

The mother and child turned and came back, she held out her hand.

"Please, come sit down on the bench with us till I am sure."

It made me worse, I couldn't stop the blubbing.

She told the girl, "Beverly, go over there and play fetch with Billy for a minute, just for a minute."

"Ok, what is it, you don't have to say but I've a feeling if you let it out you will feel a bit better."

I was a mess, she handed me a handkerchief and I blew my snotty nose into it.

"Oh shit, I am sorry!"

"No problem, what is it?"

Over the next 5 minutes I relayed my sorry story. I let all the gory details out.

"So from what you say, you do not have proof that anything has happened yet, just a kiss and a bit of phone sex, am I right?"

"Well yes, I spose."

From the way I see it, you have four choices.

"1, confront her and it might go bad very quickly.

2, say nothing until you see what happens on Wednesday.

3, say nothing and pretend it doesn't exist.

4, tell her you know but it is ok you love her and you are ok with it or to stop it."

She made it all sound so easy.

"I have been there too, Beverly is not my husbands child, he is her dad but not her biological father. I love him deeply, more deeply now than ever."

I sat dumbfounded, this perfect stranger was telling me her deepest secret within 30 minutes of us meeting.

"That's the first time I have told anyone of that but I think now is the right time to tell it. It feels good to let it out to someone."

"Does he know?"


"Beverly doesn't and hopefully never will. I love my husband so much but had a lapse of judgement. I had a brief 4 week affair with a man from my workplace. I can't say I wish it had never happened because I have her out of it. But the hurt that I saw in my husband nearly killed him, us both........he went for option 4."

"He forgave you?"

"Sort of, it happened 9 years ago but I still see it in his eyes if I go out without him, it's still there but he didn't leave me even after we found I was pregnant. He is the best man I have ever or will ever know."

"Are you saying forgive her?"

"To be honest you don't even know what to forgive her for yet do you. I hope I have helped a bit."

"Thank you, you have."

Beverly came back with her dog, she was the spitting image of her mum, beautiful inside and out.

I thanked them both for their kindness and made my way home. I turned the phone off for the rest of the weekend.

When I got home all was as normal as ever, Tony was playing in the lounge, Cher was pottering about the house.

"Ok babe, did you enjoy your walk?"

"Yes, I needed it, thanks."

"Ok, I've put a stew on, I hope you have worked up an appetite it'll be a couple of hours though ok?"

You would never guess just two little hours ago she was furiously fingering herself for her boyfriend.

"I am not sure if I am hungry love, to be honest I feel like I'm coming down with something."

I went upstairs and lay on the bed, she came up and lay with me feeling my forehead.

"You don't feel hot?"

"I'll be fine, just an hour on my own."

"You sure you don't want some company?"

She grabbed at my crotch, I jumped away from her.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing, its ok, you just caught me by surprise. I am just tired."

"Ok, have a rest, I'll be downstairs if you need me, I love you."

I couldn't bring myself to say it back and turned away from her.

I could feel she was still there but I didn't turn to look. I heard her leave the room a minute later. I stayed there till late evening drifting in and out of sleep.


I was in two minds to go in or stay at home feigning illness for a few days, that would scupper the would be lovers plans, but then I wouldn't know for sure would I.

I had to turn my phone back on as I was at work, it was so tempting to go into the app but I resisted until after lunch. Nothing, the house was empty. I rewound an hour, still nothing.

10am there were the coffee crew, Cher, Jenny, and Sherry in our lounge, I couldn't help myself and now would be a perfect opportunity to listen in on the conversations that women have without men present......

"What makes you think that?"

"I dunno, he just seemed a bit off this weekend, he was behaving very strange like he didn't want me."

"It could've been anything Cher, it doesn't mean he suspects."

"It was just his mannerisms, he pulled away from me and just said the occasional weird comment about being unfaithful"

"Well be realistic, its been going on for years, wouldn't he have said something by now?"


I rewound a few minutes and listened to it all again, I had heard right. YEARS!