My Wife's New Life

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Eventually, he had no choice.
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Please do not expect a sequel to any of my stories. They are just moments in time; a few days, weeks, months or years in the lives of the protagonists.

As you read this narrative remember, it is just a story, just a figment of my imagination. None of the people in this story are real. Could you imagine anything like the events in this story actually happening. If you think they have, let me know, though I doubt if I would ever believe you.

My thanks to Darker Binding for his time and effort as my editor.


My Wife's New Life

My wife Janet was missing for two days before we found out.

She was a natural beauty and a big flirt. Most of the time I lived with her flirting because that was how I first met her. On Friday, at the club we often visited, I thought her flirting was getting over the top and told her, without much effect. When we got home we had a row about it, not the first we'd had and I didn't expect it would be the last. It ended with me in the spare room feeling very sorry for myself.

Early Saturday morning Janet told me she was going to visit her mum. It was something she occasionally did after we had a row so I grunted an acknowledgement and watched her leave. When she hadn't returned by Sunday afternoon, I phoned her Mum.

'Hi Mum, are you keeping well?' I liked her mother and knew she also liked me.

'I'm keeping very well Bert, when are you two coming over to see me?'

'Hasn't Janet been with you since Saturday?'

'No, I haven't seen or heard from her.'

'You've not seen her all weekend? She told me Saturday morning she was going to see you.'

'Did you have another row about her flirting?'

'Yes, she just went over the top at a club we went to on Friday. So where is she, did she phone you?'

'No, I just told you I haven't seen or heard from her.' I could hear her concern in her raised voice.

'Now, don't get all worried Mum,' I tried to sound reassuring. 'I'll phone around and come back to you.'

That was how it started. I phoned everyone known to both of us. No one knew anything or had contact with my wife since the previous week. There were no phone calls or messages from her and within days her phone went dead. A month passed and the police hadn't found anything other than her abandoned car just off the route she would have driven, seven miles from where her mother lived. Her phone was found in her bag with all her money and other stuff she always had with her.

It was only a month so I was still quite hopeful the police would find out something about her disappearance. God, I missed her, we had only been married five years and had so much planned for a long future together. She was twenty-six, a slim naturally beautiful woman almost exactly my height.

I'd searched every cupboard, drawer, and corner of our house looking for something that would give me and the police some explanation about why she had disappeared. Nothing, just nothing came up.

My family and friends offered support, help, and ideas. Some I took notice of others I just ignored. The days turned into weeks, the weeks into months. Work kept me occupied and probably sane. The evenings and weekends were the worst. I had two divorced mates who helped me the most in dealing with loneliness. Usually by taking me to cricket matches and insisting I join them at their BBQs.

Nine months after Janet disappeared I was asked to accompany detective Burrows, who had been dealing with her case to an office in the city. The plaque on the occupancy board indicated my destination was the local FBI office.

After the usual introductions to Agent Sullivan detective Burrows and I were shown into a room full of computer monitors, then we were led into a separate office and introduced to another agent. He was, Sullivan told me, a computer expert.

They told me to sit in front of a large monitor 'Mr. Winton, we only found out what you are going to see three days ago. What you will see was recorded then.'

A room appeared on the screen with a single bed in the middle and little else. The bed was covered with a black sheet and there was a large black pillow. A giant of a man stood on the opposite side of the bed. His massive, muscle-bound, tanned body glistened with oil. In his hand he held a huge cock.

A white woman entered the room, naked except to the highest heels I had ever seen a woman wearing. She was led into the room on the end of a leash attached to a studded collar around her neck. Her hands and elbows were bound behind her back. The man holding the leash was as huge as the other guy.

The woman climbed onto the bed in the most suggestive manner possible and immediately tried to take the other man's cock into her mouth. As he started slapping his cock across her face the guy who led her into the room was rubbing his equally massive cock over her ass.

'Get the big cock in my ass now, you bastard,' she demanded while trying to get the other cock into her mouth.

Immediately there was a change of camera angle as the man behind her drove his cock deep into her rectum. She made a gasping sound then turned toward the camera. 'Now fuck my ass, you bastard.'

'Janet.' My scream must have been heard throughout the whole building. There, looking straight at me was Janet, but not as I had ever seen her before. The screen went blank as the room reverberated to my cry.

'Mr. Winton, please forgive me for not warning you, but because she looks so different from the photographs we have of her, we needed your confirmation that the woman on the website was in fact your wife.'

In total shock, I just stared at Agent Sullivan. 'What did you just show me?' I was utterly bewildered by what I had just watched.

Five minutes later Agent Sullivan, Detective Burrows, Agent Gibson, the computer expert, and I were sitting in a small conference room. 'Mr, Winton, whenever a missing woman isn't found after three months, we include their details in a watch list of pornography sites. Unfortunately, that is where many abducted young women end up.'

'My wife is on a pornography site,' I shouted in anger.

'Unfortunately, yes, that is the case with your wife.'

I dropped my head onto the table and held it in my hands to stop it from exploding.

'We didn't think you would want you to see any more of the recording.' Agent Sullivan told me.

Slowly I raised my head and stared at him. 'You're telling me my wife had been abducted and forced to perform sexual acts on a pornographic website?'

'Yes, Mr, Winton. That is exactly what had happened to your wife.'

'No, no, Janet would never be persuaded to do anything like that, never,' I added vehemently, even though I had seen the look on her face with my own eyes. 'She's such a kind, loving, gentle person. They must have drugged her, that's not my Janet.'

It was then that agent Gibson told me that he had been monitoring the website for nearly six weeks. "Mr. Winton, from interviews with men we have arrested with connections to similar sites we know how they operate. The woman we now know is your wife first appeared on the site three weeks ago. From the first time we saw her it was obvious she was very willing and well trained in the performance of all the sexual acts she performed. They have already had her for nine months, Mr. Winton, more than enough time to break her and then train her to do exactly what they wanted."

I was so angry, so distraught. 'No, please, I don't want to hear any more. Just tell me you are going to get her back for me.' I was crying without any concern. 'Please,' I knew I was begging.

As I stared at Agent Sullivan he put a hand on my shoulder. 'I'm so sorry Mr. Winton. We can't do that for you.'

'What, why not!' I was raising my voice in indignation. 'You have the website, you know it my wife. My God, you're the FBI aren't you.'

It was Agent Gibson who answered. 'We have no idea where the website originates, even less where your wife is located.'

'But it's just a website,' I protested.

The computer guy gave me a sorrowful look 'When you look at a porn site Mr. Winton, do you have any idea where it comes from?' he asked me.

I doubt he could read my expression. 'I've never looked at a porn site. Certainly not one like that. Why would I, when I have a wife like Janet.'

Detective Burrows drove me back home. We did the journey almost the whole way in silence. All the while I saw Janet's face and that monster cock impaling her body.

Detective Burrows eventually broke the silence. 'You've never visited a porn site, Mr. Winton?'

I turned to him and saw the earnest expression on his face. 'No never.'

'Then I am so sorry that was the first one you had to look at.'

Two days later I gave in to my reservations and tried to find the Jezebel porn site. As far as I could see it didn't exist. I found others though and most of what I saw repulsed me, even though it was over six months since the last time Janet and I made love. That was what repulsed me, the total lack of love in every act I looked at.

I wasn't naive about the seedier side of life. I knew that prostitution in all its forms was part of man's history. Pornography though was a totally new phenomenon and I knew nothing about it until now. Now it was very personal. Now I needed to know all about it because someone had abducted my wife and was using her for something so abhorrent.

What the police and the FBI didn't know was that I had a contact who owed me big time and always told me, whenever we met, that one day he would pay the debt he owed me.

He had seen Janet at our wedding, though only I had known he was there. That was the type of man he was. Secretive about himself and his whereabouts. I had known him for six years, though I had only met him three times. Now I needed to meet him again.

It was another three weeks for Janet to endure her new enforced life before we could arrange our meeting. He listened in silence as I told him about Janet being abducted, just nodding. When I told him about the FBI showing me the porn site and seeing Janet on it, he offered his apologies. We now shared the same connection ever since my advocacy skills saved his daughter from a lifetime of incarceration.

When I asked for his help, he was ready to pay the debt he owed me. All I had to do was wait.

It was another three months before I heard from Agent Sullivan. Three months of knowing what my wife was being forced to do. I just could not believe that she would do it willingly.

I met him in his office, just the two of us this time. 'Mr. Winton, we have received information that appears to identify the location where your wife is living.'

I let my breath out. 'But you're not going to tell me where it is, are you?'

'Unfortunately, I can't do that. What I can tell you is that a joint operation between ours and other governments has been authorised to use force to enter the premises where your wife is living and also another where the videos for the porn site are made.'

I had so many questions. 'What more can you tell me?'

'We will know the outcome within a few days,' he assured me.

'Why have you told me now and not when it's over.'

'Because, apart from the parents of the younger girls, you are one of only two husbands who has continued to want their wife returned to them.'

'Do you mean to tell me that there are husbands who don't want their wives back?'

'Yes, Mr. Winton, some of these women have been missing for over five years and their husbands have either moved on or have remarried.'

I was shocked and at the same time wondered if I would want Janet back after five years. 'What will happen to the other girls?'

'Most will be unable to adapt to life outside the sex industry.' I nodded in understanding.

Then a thought struck me. 'How many nationalities are involved?'

'Five European, England, the US, Canada, and Australia.' He saw the shock on my face. 'Pornography is a big, international business, Mr. Winton. It makes our job much more difficult, and rarely successful.'

It was ten more days before Agent Sullivan phoned me. 'The operation was successful,' he excitedly told me.

I was as excited in my reply. 'Thank God. Did they find my wife, is Janet all right?'

'It's been confirmed that your wife is all right. She is in the hospital right now being checked out. The operation was delayed a couple of days because it was believed the kingpin behind the whole operation and another similar porn site was going to be there. He was, and together with him, several of his top men were also arrested.' I didn't think FBI guys ever got this excited.

'When can I visit my wife?'

'You will have to wait until she is flown home on Thursday.'

So, here I was, with the families of ten of the girls rescued from somewhere that no one would tell me. Whether it was an embarrassment because of what the girls had been doing, but we all wanted to keep to ourselves.

In almost total silence we watched them leave the plane. When I saw Janet, I felt an enormous lump in my throat, that only needed the chance to burst into tears.

Now I just had to wait.

When the door eventually opened two men came in and introduced themselves. 'We need to talk to each of the girl's families separately before you are re-united,' we were told. Then one of them asked for the Jacksons and the other for the Dixons.

After each conversation, the family was led out of the room. Finally, Agent Duncan introduced himself to me. 'I'm sorry it took so long to get to you, Mr. Winton.'

'That's all right, I saw Janet come off the plane,' I told him. 'When will I see my wife?

'Before you see her there are some things I have to tell you.'

'Yes, I know all about the porn site," I told him, wishing I didn't sound so impatient.

"I know you do Mr. Winton, but this is about when you meet your wife. She is no longer the same woman you knew before she was abducted.'

'I don't expect she will be,' I interrupted. 'I've seen just a glimpse of what they made her do.' The sight of Janet between those two huge men was still fresh in my memory.

Agent Duncan looked at me for a moment before continuing. 'Let me put it this way, Mr. Winton. The men who abducted your wife subjected her to three months of intense physical and mental grooming. First, it was designed to destroy her moral and ethical beliefs and any family relationships, that included any love for you. When that was achieved it was replaced with an overwhelming sexual craving. When that was achieved it was used to train her to perform depraved sexual acts with both men and women. In her case on the Jezebel porn site. They had other porn sites, far worse, where she would eventually have been moved.'

Slowly the enormity of what had been done to my wife sank into my mind. 'What chance is there for us, Agent Duncan?'

From the way he looked at me I knew he understood exactly what I meant. 'Mr. Winton, I have interviewed your wife on two occasions. I have persuaded her to meet you, but she insists for only a few minutes, just so that you can assure yourself she is still alive. She is not ashamed about what she is and the people she has been involved with, in fact, she is very proud of herself and what she does. She even blames everyone for destroying her life and forcing her to come back home.'

I don't know why I asked. 'Why didn't you leave her there?'

'The government insisted all the girls were returned to their country of origin,' he hesitated a moment. 'One more thing she insisted I tell you. After your meeting, she will apply for a divorce.'

I was shocked. 'No, no, no. I'm sure Janet won't do that. Not until we both know there is nothing we can do to renew our marriage.' I stared at Agent Dixon with as much defiance as I could muster

'Very well, Mr. Winton. Please follow me to be reunited with your wife.'

My wife wasn't there when I was led into a waiting room. Five minutes later, a woman escorted Janet in. 'I'll leave you two to get reacquainted,' she told us and closed the door behind her.

As I stood, I doubted she could be my wife. So much about her had changed; posture, demeanour, appearance. I was so unprepared, for a moment I was unable to speak.

'Hello Janet,' I eventually said. 'I've missed you so ...'

'I've not missed you,' she stated, abruptly interrupting me. 'I know who you are. Just don't think you will make me change my mind about divorcing you.'

I was taken aback by the cold-hearted sound of her voice and her callous words. Where was the softly spoken voice of the woman I'd loved? I remembered everything Agent Dixon had told me; how my wonderful, loving, affectionate, wife had been turned into the woman I was now looking at. Even her gentle, beautiful features had been distorted into something lascivious.

I felt totally demoralised. I tried to speak, to say just one of the things I had wanted to tell her ever since she went missing. All I did was stutter. Then I said something I immediately regretted. 'It was me who helped get you all released from ...' I never finished.

My wife's reply shocked me. 'You bastard, what right did you have to destroy my life,' her voice was so full of anger.

I sank back onto the chair and just gaped at her. It was at that moment I fully believed everything Agent Dixon had told me about her.

'Janet, you are still my wife...' I got no further.

'Not for much longer. I'm getting a divorce as soon as I get out of here.' Her eyes were blazing at me.

'Janet, please...' that was all I was able to say.

'My name is not Janet. My name is Jezebel,' she looked down on me with total contempt. 'You ... miserable ... fucking ... asshole,' she stated vehemently, her eyes blazing at me even harder, her voice totally unrecognisable 'Get out of my sight. I never want to see you again.'

That statement was when I finally understood how successful they had been in destroying my wife. That was the moment that broke my heart, and I finally realised I had to let her go. I slowly stood up and walked to the door, I turned and looked at my wife for the last time. Pulling the door closed behind me, I left her to her new life.

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EgregiousEgregious3 months ago

Interesting story and may have some merit, thanks for sharing. However, Bert's last word as he walked out the door should have been, "I told you many times Janet, your flirting would get you into trouble one day."

MrGrumpy035MrGrumpy0359 months ago

Why bother writing?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

If my cat wrote an Algebra book in Aramaic, it would probably be more realistic and be closer to reality than this pitiful turd.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The person that wrote this story has never dealt with women or people that had been in the sex trade. It is not glorious and glamorous and even today the women that I interviewed from backpage want away out. Putting your life in the toilet for someone who disrespect you buys you is know one's idea of a good time, sure girl's and guys say that they have moments but that they are moments. You are always looking for the John that's going to cut your throat. Of course there are the men and women too that generously offer to protect you from all harm except them when they think you are holding back on them the money you made. So anyone that believes this crap I have a lovely lot in Louisiana I would like to sell you, but first I have to see if they have removed all the debebre from the last storm and if the water has receded yet. Oh are you afraid of snakes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

this author writes such fucked up stories 1*

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