My Wife's Sister


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"Okay, we have issues it seems... and neither of us knows what we can do now. Maybe we need a trial separation. Give us time to figure out what we both want."

A large tear formed at the corner of one of Brenda's eyes. As it began to fall I saw that she had been expecting this... or worse from me. I sort of hated that I had a small little bit of enjoyment in seeing the pain my idea generated in her. I sort of hated that I got a certain feeling of 'so there bitch' deep inside. But, in other ways those feelings were good for me. I loved her still and I didn't want to lose her. Not without a fight anyway. But I also knew that to stay together while having those thoughts could lead to me getting even, or worse still, hurting her directly.

"I don't want to lose you Jeff, but I know that you have every right to want to divorce me. I have no excuse to offer and nothing I can say could stop you from leaving me. If a trial separation is what you think we need, then I guess... as much as I hate the thought of it... that's what we should do."


Jill stepped in between us and looked almost angry. I saw that she had something on her mind and she was going to push in and have her say, so I just sat there and said nothing.

"If you two go for this 'trial separation' you'll be divorced in no time at all. That's what my parents did. All that does is keep you apart, not communicating. Bit by bit you drift off, worse than you have been, and the memories will eat you alive. Pretty soon there is only divorce. You need to separate, yes. Maybe in separate rooms though, not different houses. Then you both need to be together and see if you can work through the anger and pain. I know this because I saw it when it happened to my parents. Today, you go ask dad who he loves... He'll say my mother. Mom will say the same thing, my father. Yet, they're divorced and apart. NO WAY can you do this. You BOTH have to face this... mistake... head on."

The authority in her voice rang with some truth to me. I knew what she was saying was reasonable. But what about those thoughts of mine, and my pleasure in Brenda's pain? I looked at Brenda, and thought hard for a bit. Could I let her into my house again? Could I not want to kill her, or hurt her over the next weeks or months? Could I ever learn to cope with all that had happened now?

Jill's voice cut through the sudden silence, "Jeff?"

"Dad?", My son's voice sounded his concern.

"What?" I was uncomfortable with the pressure being place on me and I could see that Jill and Mark wanted an answer.

Jill was impatiently standing with her hands on her hips, with a 'right in my face' attitude. Mark was behind her, staring at me too. Brenda was sitting at the table with a lost and lonely look, hardly able to meet my gaze.

"Damn you guys! You're being way too hard on this old man. Okay, maybe a trial separation is a bad idea. But, I'm just not sure how safe Brenda will be around me for a while. At times I want to choke the living... I mean... I do have more than a little anger over this, you do realize that don't you?"

"We know Jeff. Look, when my parents were at this very stage, they should have been together working it all out, instead of being apart dwelling on the negative. It won't be easy, that I do know, but you both need to be together if you are both going to stay together. If you can't manage that much then you need to be divorced. The only real way you can find out is to stick it out for a bit."

I knew that Jill meant only the best, but how much did she know and how much of this was a young person having wishful thoughts and unreal ones at that? I thought a bit more, trying to figure out what alternatives we actually had.

I was dubious. I mean I could hardly believe how angry I still was with Brenda., And they here they were, telling me to be with her and work it out? What if I blew up and really hurt her physically? Not only would I lose her, I'd probably end up in jail to boot. I also knew that having been apart this week had extracted a toll. One that I hated and, also, deep down, I realized that if it kept up, we would be a statistic in the scheme of life.

"I really don't appreciate you two kids threatening me and browbeating me into this," I said to Mark and Jill, "so I won't make a decision like this under duress. Mark, take me to a motel for now. I'll phone or come over tomorrow morning and let you know my decision after I've had time to think this all out.

When I returned the next morning in a cab, Brenda was seemingly still sitting in the same place, and Mark and Jill had distinctly more sober expressions on their faces than they had yesterday. It was obvious that none of them had slept any at all. I knew I had to give them my answer.

"Maybe you should come home Brenda. I promise I will try my damnedest to not hurt you or anything, but you need to know I will probably yell a lot once in a while. I suppose we do need to be together in order to work things out, if they can be worked out. I'll stay in our bedroom and you in the guest bedroom. Apart... yet together. I can't promise anything more than that though."

Brenda sat there, tears running down her face. I could see she was happy about it, yet apprehensive too. She was thinking what if I got violent, or something, I could see it in her eyes. I probably had the same look in mine too. Trust goes a long ways to dispelling that look, and the trust in our marriage was now long gone. It was going to be a long hard road for a while.

"How about counseling?"

Brenda's question cut through the air like a knife. It was a question I had thought of myself, way before all this occurred. Back when it was just Brenda and Marie having their nights out far too often, and locking me out.

"We have two right here it seems. At least, Jill is pretty damned good anyway."

"No, that's not what I mean Jeff, and you know it."

"I know. Okay, we both need it, apart and together, so we'll do that starting tomorrow. I'll call around and find someone... I mean we will call around and find someone to help us set it up."

Brenda got up and left the kitchen. I stood there, wondering what was going on now. A few minutes later she came back, suitcases in hand.

"Can we go home now Jeff?"

"Where's your car?"

"Dad, I'll get it, it's down at a local parking garage. Jill can drive, and she'll help out. Won't you Jill?"

"You betcha. After all, I am going to be the newest member of the family."


Both Brenda and I asked that 'what' at the same time.

"Oh... in all the excitement I guess we forgot to tell you. I proposed to Jill last Saturday night, and she accepted. She's going to be my wife."

"Jill is more than welcome in this family, no matter what happens. I hope you two are happy together."

I hugged Jill and then handed her off to Brenda. Shaking Mark's hand, I pulled him in and hugged him too.

"I hope you two learn something from what's happened this week. Sorry to have rained on your parade too Mark. You deserved much better."

Brenda made her welcoming and we left... together. It was a quiet and tense trip home though. Each of us in deep thought. That whole next week went the same way. The tension kept building and building. Our first appointment together with the counselor was the following week and I wasn't sure we'd make it. We did, but just barely.

We made that first appointment and the following ones, until one day the counselor cut us loose on our own. We had spent the last eight months going once a week together. Separate individual visits were interspersed in between those. We worked it out, and while it was not easy, we managed to get around the whole nightmare in the end.

Our sex life eventually resumed too. It was in the sixth month, one night Brenda had taken a shower. I was in the bedroom getting ready for bed, and walked in on her as she was stepping out. Her naked body had lost nothing over the years, and I got a hard-on in seconds. I apologized, and turned to step out. Brenda stopped me.

"Don't go. Please. I was... I've been thinking Jeff. I can see that you're interested... I need... I want... you. Could you..."

I turned and took her in my arms. It was a sudden and swift move and I detected a bit of fear in her eyes. She may have thought I was about to get violent or something. Instead I pulled her to me and smothered her with kisses. Hugging her close, I bent and picked her up in my arms, and took her into our bedroom.

Laying her out on the bed, I climbed between her legs, and began to kiss her. I started at her lips, and then moved around her face. I was brushing my hands over her naked body as I kissed her, and pretty soon my fingers were playing with her nipples. I kissed my way down her throat, and onto her chest, taking one nipple at a time into my mouth and sucking on it.

I moved down further, and played with her belly-button. My tongue delved in and out of it, causing her belly to ripple. Moving down farther, I could smell her need. My lips caressed her pussy lips; my tongue slipped out and began to search. With my tongue between her lips, her clit popped up and out, and I spread her open gently, taking my time, and looking at her.

Licking her clit, then sucking it between my lip and tugging on it, I started a cycle of licking and tugging. Brenda couldn't hold off and crashed into an orgasm. As her hands pulled my head to her, I kept working her clit and pussy lips. I slipped two fingers into her pussy, and massaged her deeply, searching for her G-spot. I found that just as her first orgasm died down, and when I contacted her there, she flew off again.

I kept up my attentions until she had cum several times. After that, I just moved back up and kissed her softly.

"I love you Brenda. I really do."

"Oh Jeff... I know you do. You are so wonderful to me. So good, and kind. I don't deserve you. It's my turn now though. Lay back honey. There's something I've wanted to do for a while now."

Brenda moved over me and began to kiss and lick my body. After a bit, her lips were around my hard cock, and she was sucking me off with an intense fever of someone in need. I laid there, accepting the feelings and arousal she brought out in me.

She was taking me into her mouth, and as always in the past, taking about half of me. Suddenly, I felt her lips around my shaft where they had never been before. Surprised, I opened my eyes to see and found her eyes on me. Her mouth was moving down, her lips caressing my cock, as she moved down it farther than she had ever been. She didn't stop until she had buried her lips in my pubic hair. She had just taken my entire shaft into her mouth and down her throat.

It was all I could do to hold off from cumming, and eventually, I couldn't even do that. As I started to cum I moaned and pressed my hands on hers where she held them on my hips.

"I'm about there honey..."

I expected her to back off and move up to fuck, like normal or like what we had done in the past. I had never shot off in her mouth before, as she had always told me that wasn't something she liked doing.

I started to cum, and as it boiled up my shaft, I felt her lips moving down my shaft. My thoughts at that moment were that I was about to not only cum in my wife's mouth, I would be shooting it down her throat, with her lips buried in my crotch. Two firsts.

I shot off, and my orgasm was so hard I nearly passed out. I did happen to notice that her eyes never left my face during that time though. At least, I don't think they did.

Afterwards, as I woke up from a sensational orgasm, she was still down there licking and sucking me.

"You didn't have to do that you know Brenda. But, thank you so much. That was... great."

"I wanted to Jeff. And so you know, I never took anyone as far as I just took you into my mouth before. I'm sorry that I never did this before too. Your cum is kind of sweet. I think you can expect this from now on. In case you're wondering, I've been practicing on banana's for a while now too. That's why I was able to do what I did."

Later on we had a nice comfortable fuck, and for another first, Brenda woke me up the next morning with a nice blowjob... to completion... and swallowed it all like it was the nectar of a God. I ate her out and we fucked some more. We ended up spending the whole weekend in bed together, fucking and sucking. Renewing our love and lovemaking was like starting out all over again. Like a honeymoon.

We were at Mark and Jill's wedding, and watched the happy couple leave on their honeymoon. I spent a small fortune and got them a nice trip on a cruise ship. Something Brenda and I had never had. That got me to thinking.

"Say, how about we take a cruise too Brenda? Second honeymoon kind of thing?"

I got a huge hug and lots of kisses before she finally tearfully shouted 'yes'.

We had a nice cruise filled with sex and sight-seeing. It seemed that the more we were together the more we had sex now. The counseling had worked wonders too. We were on our way to being a happy and loving married couple once again. Only now, we were in each others lives fully. Our sex life had been rebuilt to even better than it had been, and the other things in our lives were better too.

One day Brenda came home from the doctor troubled. I saw that something terrible was wrong, but she wouldn't tell me at that moment. She took a walk alone. When she got back she called me into the living room.

"Jeff... I have some bad news. About me."

"What honey? I'm here for you, so whatever it is we'll work through it together."

I knew that she'd never cheat on me again, and I also knew that she'd been bothered by something for quite some time now. Brenda had always been one that didn't like to talk about her issues with anyone, even doctors.

"Not this Jeff. Not this time."

She broke down crying. I was at a loss as to what the big problem was, so I just held her to me and let her cry it out on my shoulder. I ran my fingers through her hair soothingly, kissing her neck and hugging her to me, letting her know I was there for her and that I loved her.

"I-I am sick Jeff. Real sick. They said that I have... I have cancer. It started in my ovaries and its spread now. They didn't catch it in time...they don't think. Oh Jeff... Oh... God..."

I was numb for the second time in my life. What was she saying? We would fight this. Cancer was being beat all the time now. There were treatments. We would win this battle. Together.

I told her that. Each thing I said in order only brought more tears from Brenda. By the time I realized that there was more to her tears, I was beginning to wonder if she was going to fight at all.

"It's beyond fixing Jeff. This appointment today was with a specialist that my doctor wanted me to see. He... ran a few tests and made me wait for the results. He was about to cry when he told me the news. It, the cancer, has spread to my lymph glands and liver. It's also in some other parts of my body, and he's afraid that it may have spread up into my head too. The MRI... Oh God... I don't want to die Jeff. I don't! I love you. I wasted all that time with Marie and caused our troubles, when I should have gone in to see the doctor way back then. It's my fault. I ignored some of the symptoms... it spread. I wanted to be there for Marie, since I thought she needed me. It's too late now. I only have a few months. I am so sorry Jeff."

"Brenda... I'm the one that's sorry. What can I do for you? What can we do?"

"Just hold me Jeff. Love me and hold me. That's all anyone can do for me now."

I did just that. Forgotten were those days of anger and pain. We had new anger and new pain in our lives now. The dreaded cancer.

Other than the time when we were apart and Brenda had fallen, we had been a happy couple. I tried my best to keep a positive and happy attitude around her the whole time she wasted away. Once we thought that some of the treatment may have been helping her, but we later found out that was not the case. She lasted a few months longer than the doctor's original estimate, but she had her children and I with her when she passed.

So, you see why I have issues with Marie? Maybe I'm being unfair. Maybe I should forgive and forget. I just can't, because Marie led my wife into a net of pain and suffering, causing us to lose precious time together, even to the point of almost tearing us apart. Almost a whole year destroyed. A year that could have been spent with us loving each other, not struggling to overcome Brenda's one night mistake. Not to mention, maybe that cancer could have been caught... I don't know... I'll always wonder though.

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

The Jill character is ridiculous. The counselor superstition loses a star. RAAC with the gang bang slut is offensively rationalized, and the cancer bit is throwing emotional sand in the readers' to distract them from cuckery by the husband. Elderly, low T readers and cucks will lap this up. 1

AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

You have to understand that the target audience for this is people who take their extreme femdom fetishism to a delusional extent, where some idiot teen giving foolish commands to adult parents with life experience, by the power of The Vagene, is a real thing that makes sense. It's not for people who are playing with a full deck.

Reader2071Reader20711 day ago

Of course, it's all the husbands fault that she became a slut. Thankfully his son's girlfriend was able to set him straight and force him to take her back after she'd already been abandoning him.

AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

One less cheating slut. Good riddance. Now for some revenge on the sister slut. Sadly that was missing and would have made it 5 instead of 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

There is never any coming back from this. Jill is trash. The son isn't believable as a character and his dialogue seemed entirely wooden and unrealistic. The wife dying of cancer to be loved and forgiven does not work. It would have solidifies that the last thing your wife ever did in this life was to destroy your marriage. I think I would hate her for cheating and then dieing of cancer. No, nothing about this mirrors reality.

I can only assume the author is a cheating wife that blames everything but her self.

I am sure other stories by this author are better, but this story didn't work, and had no appeal. I viscerally hate this story. I don't usually give feedback like this, but damn this is just apology for evil.

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