My Women Ch. 01


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My eyes were hooked on my phone screen in anticipation. Instead of pulling the top on to her body, Navya put it back on the hook, leaving me confused. Her arms then went behind her. By the time I realized what was happening, she had unhooked her bra and pulled it off her breasts. Her perfect round tits stood proudly on her chest. The view of her perky tits topped by her dark areola caused a shiver in my body. My eyes focussed on her nipples and I jerked frantically. My knees went weak as my cock exploded, shooting long ropes of milky cum into the commode. My hips convulsed a few times as the cum got pumped out of my cock. I had cum so hard that eyes blurred a little. I supported myself by placing my hand on the flush tank beside my phone.

When my eyes regained focus, my phone showed Navya wearing the off-shoulder top. The light blue colour suited her and the top looked good on her. She took a couple of selfies with the phone albeit at a weird angle and pose. When she put the phone back down I understood why. Two small protrusions showed at the front of her top... her nipples. She was trying to hide her nipple impressions from being captured in the selfie. I realized that she would need a strapless bra to wear under this top. I wondered if she had one.

I started dressing up, pushing my cock back inside my pants... buttoning up my shirt and inserting it inside my pants and smoothing it over... to look just as I was before I came into the bathroom. As I did this, on the phone screen Navya had taken off her top and jeggings and dressed back into her black t shirt and jeans after wearing the pink bra. I grabbed my phone and pressed stop on the video player. I went into the file explorer app and changed the properties of the video file to 'hidden'.

I met Navya at the billing counter. She told me she had decided. As expected, she held the light blue off-shoulder top and the black jeggings in her hand. We paid for the items and came out of Shoppers Stop. It showed 2.35 PM on my watch.

"I have to drop you back at your college now," I spoke, "but I don't know what to do till your classes end... I don't have to go back to the office... I'm going to be so bored waiting in the car." I mock complained as we walked along the mall corridor towards the elevator.

"Even I don't feel like going back to college Jiju," she said, making a cute face.

"Shall we go home then?" I asked.

"No, mom will scold me if she knew I bunked classes." A naughty grin came on my face as she said this.

"What if mom didn't know?" I said. She looked at me not comprehending.

"I mean we can hang out here at the mall and go home at our usual time. I won't tell mom or Swetha if you won't. It'll be our secret." I made a funny wink at her. She laughed.

"I'm fine with it," she said at the end of her laugh, "but what will we do for 3 hours?"

"How about a movie?" I asked and fished out my phone. I opened the Movie Booking app and showed her as I browsed through the movies currently playing and show timings. She came closer to me to look.

"Ooh, this one," she selected a horror movie that was trending. I quickly booked two seats for the 3 PM show. We had 20 more minutes till the movie started. Just then an idea popped into my naughty mind.

"Hey, why don't you change into the outfit you bought?" I suggested. Her face brightened up at first, but showed hesitation.


"Jiju, it's an off-shoulder top... I can't wear it right now." She explained.

"Why not?" I asked, faking ignorance.

"Well," she tried explaining, "it's just that..."

"Well... what?" I prodded.

"Jiju... it's just that," she came closer to me as she lowered her voice, "I'm wearing a bra with straps right now... and the straps would show if I wore the top... I need a strapless bra for this top." Her face showed a hint of embarrassment. I acted as if comprehension suddenly dawned on me. Then I smiled.

"Okay," I spoke, "but that can be fixed... as I see it, we're in the midst of clothing stores and you need a bra... so let's just buy one." I had spoken in a reassuring tone. She was considering it in her head.

"We need to decide quickly though." I gave a little verbal nudge.

"Okay," she nodded. I fished out my wallet and took out my debit card.

"Go buy what you want and meet me at the entrance of the theatre before 2.55." I said as I handed it to her and gave her the secret PIN number. She took it from me and went off. I turned and walked towards the theatre. I waited at the entrance for Navya.

At 2.55 there was no sign of Navya. I tried ringing her but she didn't pick up. I paced to and fro at the entrance. Finally, at 2.59 I saw her running towards me wearing the light blue top and the black jeggings. Quickly, we showed the QR coded tickets to the usher and went through separate x-ray security checks.

"Come... it's about to start," I said and grabbed her wrist pulling her along as we ran to our movie hall. Thankfully, we entered the hall to find that the pre-movie advertisements were being shown. We made our way to the reserved seats at the middle of the hall. We were panting by the time we sat down.

"That was fun!" I laughed and she joined. I felt like I was a college kid like her.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"What? I had hardly 15 minutes to buy a bra, go to the ladies room, change clothes and reach the theatre. I think I did pretty good." She joked. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I hope you didn't compromise on the quality of shopping due to the lack of time." I shot back.

"No mister," she grinned, "for your knowledge, I bought a branded bra from enamor... and it cost you quite high an amount." She handed me back my debit card. I was quite taken by this funny bold avatar. I laughed along with her. It felt like the formality of the brother-in-law relationship was breaking down in her mind and being replaced by a special friendship. It excited me. I realized that I was getting really attracted to Navya. Her personality was endearing. While Swetha was a little introverted like her mom, Navya's character seemed to have been modelled on her dad... outgoing and energetic... almost tomboyish.

The movie started soon and created a dark vibe from the get go. Little kids waking up at midnight and wandering the dark corridors of their home following weird noises, dark humanlike forms creeping up from behind, haunting music... the movie had all the elements of a classic horror movie. Around 20 minutes into the movie, there was a really terrifying jump scare. A collective gasp filled the theatre as everyone flinched at the scary scene. Navya jumped a little in her seat and grabbed my arm in fear. Seated on my right side, her left hand came through the gap between my body and right hand... her palm grasped my bicep hard. As the scene grew scarier, she moved closer to me pressing her soft breasts on my right arm and placing her right hand on my forearm. She really clung to my arm. The feel of her soft breasts distracted me from the movie. I felt a butterfly-like flutter in my stomach and a stirring in my underwear. The forbidden nature of my perverted thoughts made them even more exciting. Navya remained close to me till intermission.

At the intermission she excused herself to go to the ladies room. She kept the shopping bag in her seat before going.

Once she left, I grabbed the bag and placed it on my lap, opening it. Inside it were her blue jeans and black t shirt... and her pink bra. I inserted my hand into the bag and felt the inner side of the bra cups. It felt so smooth. My cock grew semi-hard at the thought that her round tits had been cupped by the very part of the bra I was touching now. Just then my hands encountered a piece of paper. I pulled it out of the bag. It was the bill for her last shopping item... her bra. I brought it closer to my face to read. It revealed that my sister-in-law had spent ₹ 2000/- from my debit card to buy a 34B strapless bra. I put the bag back on her seat when I saw her enter the hall.

"Scaredy cat!" I teased her as she sat down beside me. She smiled sheepishly. This time, even before the movie resumed she was leaning towards me. As the movie resumed, she grabbed my arm and assumed her previous position... her breasts pressed against my arm.

It was 5 PM when the movie ended. We decided to have a coffee just to pass some more time... so that we would reach home at usual time. We sat opposite each other at a small table sipping hot cappuchino. A few sips later, I noticed a change in her face. She seemed sad. Her face was blank.

"Hey, what happened?" I asked softly. She didn't respond.

"Hey," I shifted my chair to sit close to her, "you know you can tell me anything right?"

"Jiju," she said almost sobbing, "I miss dad... he used to take me to the movies back at Calicut... he was always there whatever I needed." I put my arm around her back holding her close.

"Hey... don't cry... I know you miss dad... but would he like it if he saw you crying?" I consoled her. She leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Don't cry sweetie... I'm here... I'll take you to the movies... I'm here... just treat me as your friend." I spoke to her softly while my left arm caressed her shoulder. She calmed down in a couple of minutes.

We reached home at our usual time. I went into my room to change while Navya modelled her new outfit for Swetha and Mom. I took a bath and wore a casual t shirt and jeans. Swetha came into the room as I was combing my hair. She hugged me from behind.

"She really took advantage of the opportunity huh?" she said, "I hope it wasn't too expensive."

"No, it's fine. It's her birthday tomorrow. She deserved some retail therapy." I smiled. I told Swetha to get ready to go out for dinner. When I entered the living room, Navya and mom were sitting on the sofa looking at something on her phone.

"Mom, you have to get ready now... we can get back early if we reach there early." Mom went to her room to dress up. I sat down in mom's place and Navya leaned on me like she was leaning on mom a second ago. She held out the phone in front of us.

"What are we looking at?" I asked.

"Swetha took some photos of me just now... I'm deciding which one I'm going to post on Instagram." She said while she swiped through different poses. I too considered each picture.

"This one!" I said stopping her at one photo. In it, she had posed with her hands on her hips with a cute smile on her face.

"Are you sure Jiju?" she asked while she swiped back and forth between that and another photo.

"Don't you think I look prettier in this?" she asked about the other picture.

"Who said anything about pretty?" I said. Her face showed slight annoyance.

I continued, "I think you look hot in the other one." I winked at her and laughed. She slapped my arm playfully. She was blushing. She didn't reply to my comment, but she posted the picture I chose on her instagram.

We reached the restaurant by 7. 30 PM. It had rained heavily all through the drive. I dropped them at the entry door of the restaurant and then spent a few minutes trying to find a parking spot. I could find only one free spot and it was quite a distance from the restaurant entry door. I parked my car there and opened the door. It was pouring and we hadn't brought an umbrella. I hesitated to get out. Thankfully, a man got out of a nearby car which had just pulled in and offered to take me to the restaurant under his umbrella. I moved under his umbrella and locked my car. With quick steps we walked into the restaurant. I thanked him.

I tried to wipe rainwater off my sleeve as I searched around to see where the women were seated. I found them and made my way there.

"Should've brought an umbrella." I said as I sat down beside Swetha and opposite Navya. It was a stone age themed restaurant. I told the ladies about the delicacies my boss had recommended while they read the menu. When the waiter arrived to take the order we ordered Stone Age Chicken curry, two cups of steamed rice and few rotis.

While we waited for the food, the ladies chit chatted happily. I observed the three of them... the mother, the wife and the sister-in-law... engaged in hearty conversation and gossip. I realized with elation that the cloud of grief that had been hanging over my family had finally passed.

Our food arrived soon and we relished each morsel of it. The curry was really spicy and brought tears in our eyes... but the tender chicken pieces were packed with flavour and we ate till we were full.

While we were having some lemon tea after the main course, Swetha cleared her throat loudly attracting our attention. Once she had it, she produced a thin plastic stick like thing from her sling bag. Mom had one look at it and jumped up from her chair. She hugged Swetha tightly into her bosom. Couple of seconds later, Swetha let out a happy shriek and joined in the hug. I sat there confused. Then Swetha looked into my eyes and spoke.

"I'm pregnant Nitin!" she smiled like an angel. I was speechless. I brought my hands up and covered my mouth.

"Yesss!" I yelled into my palms, unable to contain my emotions.

Swetha laughed out loud. It was the happiest we had been in a while. When mom and Navya sat back down I stood up and hugged Swetha from behind, putting my arms round her neck and kissing the top of her head.

We ordered pastries to celebrate the good news. Mom and Swetha engaged in conversation about pregnancy while they had the dessert. I didn't know enough to be part of the conversation, so I scooped up small portions of the pastry with the spoon and ate, relishing the way it melted inside my mouth. In between I had a weird feeling that I was being observed.

I looked up from my plate to find Navya staring at me. She had a strange look on her face. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The look had a teasing, conspiratorial kind of vibe.

Once I paid the bill, I stood up to leave... but mom and Swetha excused themselves to visit the ladies room. I asked them to meet me at the entry door. They left me alone with Navya. We walked towards the door. Once we reached the door, we saw that the rain hadn't weakened a bit.

"So, how are you feeling... daddy?" Navya said in a teasing voice. The way she said 'daddy' induced some perverted thoughts in my head. I just smiled back at her. Looking outside, I realized that the rain wasn't going to die down soon.

"I'm going to make a run for it." I announced to Navya. I brought my right hand above my head to brace against the downpour.

"Wait, I'm coming with you." She said grabbing my hand.

"On three." I said and counted. We ran at the count of three, me leading the way. It took us about 15 seconds to reach the car and get in. We were drenched but we were laughing.

"That felt like I was back in college again." I said between laughs.

"We're so drenched!" she said.

"Yeah, I hope we don't catch a cold."

"We're going to, if we keep these wet clothes on." She said. A second later, I saw her hands grab the hem of her top. It felt like the world had slowed down as I watched her pull the top up over her head revealing a black strapless bra underneath. It fit tightly on her bosom. She crumpled the removed top in her hand squeezing out the wetness. Drops of water trickled down from the cloth. I sat in the driver's seat transfixed. I was mesmerised by the movements on her chest as she squeezed out her top.

"You should do it too." She said when she caught me staring. I mirrored her action and took off my t shirt. I squeezed the water out of it like she did.

"So, this is what cost me ₹ 2000."I spoke. As much as I tried, I couldn't hide the flirtatious tone of the statement. She giggled as she looked over at me. I turned my head to the side and caught her eye.

"Told you I had bought a branded one... you can't cheap out on my birthday gift mister." She joked teasingly.

"Is it pretty?" she asked in a flirtatious voice. My heartbeat increased its pace. I felt like I was crossing a fine line from being a friend, to being kind of a 'boyfriend'. But it felt so exhilarating after being a husband for almost an year.

"Who said anything about pretty?" I said and she smiled wide remembering our conversation on the sofa at home in the evening.

"Okay, I get it... I look hot!" she said, following the thread of our earlier conversation. She grinned like she had denied me my punch dialogue.

"No," I said, "It looks sexy on you!" That stumped her. She was speechless as she looked into my eyes... but I didn't hold the look for long... I couldn't... my eyes fell down locking on her cleavage in the bra. I studied her breasts for a few seconds with no reprimand from her. Once I was satisfied, I looked back up into her eyes and repeated the word.


I heard a quick intake of breath. Her face bore a strange look. It looked a lot like lust. The sexual tension in the car was climbing... but it got interrupted by the ringtone of my phone. I fished it out of my pocket. It was Swetha.

Me and Navya exchanged a look. Then we put our clothes back on. I answered the phone and told Swetha to wait at the door. I reversed from the parking and manoeuvred towards the door. Mom and Swetha got in at the backseat and we started the drive back home. Mom and Swetha kept on talking while me and Navya were silent. I drove like on autopilot.

My mind was elsewhere, reflecting on this new chapter in my life... that of a dutiful son to Uma, my mother-in-law... that of the soon-to-be father of the life in my wife Swetha's womb... and that of a secret boyfriend to my sister-in-law, Navya.

To be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

its like a family novel ,not literotica make it a movie

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

The characters calling each other baby every line got so annoying it took me right out of the story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Looking forward

Hey author, it's an amazing story and made me really excited. Please let us know when we can expect the next one 😊

adifferentindianfamilyadifferentindianfamilyalmost 4 years agoAuthor
There is no 'Carl' in this story. Period.

Hi, I'm the author. There is no character called 'Carl' in this story. An anonymous comment jokingly (I presume) asked "Whatever happened to Carl?", probably meaning to ask how the 'dad' in this story died (again I presume). He used the name 'Carl' probably coz I didn't mention the dad's name in this story.

No more 'Carl' comments please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Why is everybody talking about Carl ?

I can't find Carl anywhere

adifferentindianfamilyadifferentindianfamilyalmost 4 years agoAuthor
The story takes place in India.

But who is this Carl you mention? If you mean the 'dad' in the story, he died a natural death.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
What country is this taking place?

Whatever happened to Carl?

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