Mysterious Island of Dr. Porneau


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These were the questions and thoughts swirling around in each son and daughter of Dr. Porneau. Father stood stunned looking at his creations below him and stared blankly as he processed the devastating information. It was an awkward silence that filled the commons, in stark contrast to the raunchy orgy and bawdy laughter of just minutes ago.

Porneau was trying to understand how their attack on the political conference in San Jose could have gone so horribly wrong. It did not matter to him one bit who the Chinese were going to replace the Central and South American heads of states with to antagonize the U.S. but now their funding...HIS funding was at risk because of the failure.

Finally, one of the sons of Porneau spoke up as he felt it was his duty as their leader. His voice sounded like a hammer against glass as Zeus raised his arm and pointed to the three men in the reviewing stand.

"It is YOU that have failed! This was all YOUR idea Father. You brought the Chinese here to our island. It was the three of you that made all of the plans and it was you who sent my brothers and sisters to their deaths!" Zeus raged red-faced at Father and the two Chinese men up in the reviewing stand.

Zeus had reached the point in his life that he knew it was time to for some changes on the island and for the Enhanced to quit playing a secondary role to Father, the Chinese and the rest of the unenhanced world. Zeus also knew it would be far safer for his brothers and sisters if these Homo sapiens were out of the picture entirely. He realized that it was now time for him to take charge of the Family and lead them to world domination as they had planned all along, taking his rightful place as their King.

Father regained his senses during the outburst and looked down on his favorite son. "Hold your tongue Zeus. I will not have my..," he began calmly, the sadness evident in his voice.

"I WILL NOT!" he screamed back at Father as he took a step towards the men in the reviewing stand. The menacing look on his face startled the two Chinese doctors, they gave each other a look and took a step backwards somewhat behind the tall, skinny French doctor.

"STAND DOWN ZEUS," Porneau screamed the command at the enraged Brazilian alpha-male.

The pain rising up in Zeus' body for disobeying Father morphed into wrathful fury as he successfully fought for control over his own body and against the nanobots punishing him.

With icy calmness Zeus replied, "No Father. It's time for you to be punished for your stupidity, you doddering old fool. No more will my brothers and sisters be used for your pleasure, for your experiments or to carry out your idiotic schemes. We don't need you anymore. We are capable of reproducing the enhancement gel ourselves and have been storing doses of the FU69 protocol for years now."

Dr. Porneau's facial expression showed his confusion as he spoke. "What are you talking about? We are using the FU82 protocol I developed for the last several months and..."

"No Father," Zeus began with sarcastic disrespect dripping off each word he spoke, "As usual, you show your complete ignorance. Asclepius has been faking the results of your tests on us to make you believe we were advancing the protocol development. We have always been using the FU69 protocol. Your time has passed old man. It's time for YOU to stand down Father...permanently!"

Zeus took one step and leapt the five plus meter distance between him and the reviewing stand in a single bound, landing squarely on the elevated railing.

"ZEUS...," Father began before Zeus hopped down off the railing and grabbed Father by the throat. This was all Drs. Lo and Tu needed to see before they bolted out the side door on the stand and ran through the jungle towards their helicopter on the landing pad.

Zeus lifted Father off his feet solely with the grip around his throat and turned to his brothers and sisters. Father had both hands around Zeus' wrist trying to pull him off while his feet dangled loosely but he could not even begin to muster the strength needed to force his hand away. He looked at his most loyal brothers and sisters and simply said, "Get them." Hermes, Asclepius and Aphrodite obeyed and set out running naked after the naked Chinese men escaping through the jungle.

Zeus squeezed harder as he stared into Father's eyes, the hatred and pain plainly showing while Father looked at his first enhancement and favorite son scared and confused.

"Zeus...noooo...whyyyyy..." Father said weakly as the breath left his body and he began to pass out. His arms went limp and his head hung down at an unnatural angle before Zeus released his grip and Dr. Porneau's unconscious body fell to the floor with a thud.

Zeus turned to face his brothers and sisters and saw there was much turmoil and confusion roiling through their minds. Some whispered between themselves and smiled while others openly wept for their Father and looked upon Zeus with horror, anger and trepidation. All of the sons and daughters of Porneau wondered what will happen to them now, now that Father was no longer their master. Their nanobio-programming was struggling to work out the conflict of blind obedience to someone whose authority was stripped away by their brave brother Zeus.

While Zeus was turned facing the crowd, Hephaestus poked his head in the door to the stand and saw Hera huddled terrified in the corner with tears streaming down her face. He motioned for her to come take his hand and she hesitated for a moment before joining him. Once outside, Steve embraced his wife Karen and held her tightly with warm love and affection.

"Listen to me my brothers and sisters," Zeus began, "It is our time now. The old world is dying and a new day is dawning. We will no longer be pawns for the Homo sapiens sub-species! We are superior to them in every way including Father. Our brother Apollo and the others were killed because we relied on those stupid weaklings for far too long. From this day forward we will set our own agenda and make our own plans. We are the children of THIS new day! We are children of the NEW DAWN, WE ARE HOMO NOVUS!" Zeus finished his speech triumphantly with his chest puffed out for effect and his closed fist raised in the air.

Just then another voice sounded out loud and proud from the edge of the clearing. Everyone turned their heads to see who was shouting and saw a naked Monique with an AK47 in each hand with the rifle butts pressed firmly against her hips, framing her hairless pussy between them.

"You muthafuckas wanted some of Mama Mo-Mo? Well now Mama Mo-Mo wants some of you, bitches!" she shouted before letting it rip with the two AKs making her naked black titties jiggle with each round discharged.

Rat a tat tat, the rifles belched their deadly discharge and the Enhanced began running in all directions with blinding speed and agility, like rats deserting a sinking ship. Janet, Ronnie and Claudia stayed low to the ground underneath the bullets flying everywhere and crawled towards Monique doing their best to drag the unconscious Latrelle and Doug along with them. It was slow going as each man weighed around 16 stone.

"That's right muthafuckas! How ya'll like that?" the angry, naked black woman roared while the empty shell casings ejecting from the fully automatic rifles fell onto the grass all around her feet.

Rat a tat tat, the bullets ripped into the reviewing stand making Zeus leap out, dodging the splintering wood chips being blasted away.

"Here ya'll go! How ya'll likin' a sista from South Detroit now? Run muthfuckas, that's right. Run yo asses off bitches cuz' Mama Mo-Mo is coming for ya!"

Rat a tat tat, the bullets kept flying and within seconds, with the commons almost deserted, the ground under their feet began to shake violently causing Monique to stop firing her weapons and fall to the ground off balance. Everyone on the island stopped in their tracks, either fell or braced themselves to maintain balance and looked around before they understood what was happening.

The naked blonde pixie Nike still in the commons yelled out, "It's Pootietanga, its Pootietanga!" She pointed upwards toward the long extinct volcano and everyone saw the smoke billowing out the top. "She is mad because Zeus killed Father and now she will punish us all!" Nike screamed hysterically before running off shrieking, completely panicked, disappearing into the surrounding jungle.

In all the commotion, Monique did not see Steve and Karen Hudson approach her from the side as their enhanced speed made quick work closing the distance between them. Monique turned to fire but stopped when she saw that they had her daughter Keisha and the white girl, Alice in tow. Each girl had blank, almost zombie-like expressions on their face and was not putting up any resistance. They were struggling to reconcile their new programming protocols with the fact that they had just witnessed Father de-throned with their own eyes. Who were they supposed to obey now? It was all very confusing for the young enhanced women.

A huge explosion shook the entire island as the top of the volcano was blown off knocking everyone to the ground, even the Enhanced. Lava began pouring downward along its rocky sides and the remnants of the mountain top began raining down on the island moments later in pieces as small as pebbles to as large as an automobile. Things were getting dangerous fast when Steve spoke up. "I know where your boat is. I can take you there if you take us with you," he said pulling a dazed Karen close to his side.

"How are we going to carry the men to the boat? They're completely unresponsive and are too heavy." Janet asked the group after checking them for breathing and a pulse.

"We'll carry them. It will be faster that way," Steve said when the first fireball landed and exploded just meters away demolishing the reviewing stand where Porneau once stood as a God over his Family. "We must hurry!" he shouted over the noise before reaching down and lifting naked Latrelle over his shoulder as if he weighed nothing at all. Hera followed his lead and picked up an equally nude Doug, not straining her enhanced strength in the slightest while lifting the large man.

They set off running along the edge of the buildings and past the lab which was on fire with one wall completely collapsed. The group stopped in their tracks when Janet did as she saw the empty cell where the deranged Gemma and Nina were once held. 'Great. Just what we need. Two more psychopaths on the loose.' she thought before gesturing for the rest to continue on towards the boat.

"Come on," Steve shouted and they continued running down the trail that led to the hidden pier where the Jaguar Plata had been kept out of sight of the search parties from the mainland.

Steve, Karen Keisha and Alice had to slow their pace so the unenhanced women could keep up. Every so often they would see or hear one of the Enhanced running through the jungle near them but they were occupied with saving their own skin and not concerned with the prisoners escaping as fireballs came crashing down and exploding all over the island. Porneau's island was turning into a fiery inferno as buildings, trees and other vegetation erupted in flames before collapsing and being consumed in the ensuing fires.

A few minutes later the escapees reached the clearing where the boat was located and heard the engines running. They let a smile slip out and raced forward finally seeing the boat tied up alongside the pier.

Their smiles quickly disappeared when they saw Zeus onboard slowly stalking a terrified Dominic across the main deck and he was running out of room fast. Steve dropped Latrelle to the ground and grabbed an AK from Monique. Just as Zeus was about to pounce on the young Costa Rican, Steve opened fire and the bullets ripped into Zeus knocking him backwards. He let out a mighty roar before falling overboard and disappearing into the murky water below.

"Fuck you asshole," Steve said looking at the water where Zeus had submerged out of sight, "That was for Karen."

"You think he is dead, Senor?" Dominic asked.

"I sure as hell hope so."

Chapter 11

As the Jaguar Plata pulled away from the pier, the emotionally and physically exhausted tourists looked back at the burning island with sadness and remorse. They were sad to leave Sean and Chad behind but those two had run off with their Enhanced brothers and sisters when all hell broke loose on the island. They felt horrible that the young men were probably lost forever.

Volcanic ash began snowing heavily on them covering everything on the boat with a gray, sooty layer. The fireballs kept crashing down, some dangerously close to the Jaguar Plata which made the boat rock unevenly from the waves each fireball created. They held on as Dominic steered them out of danger.

While the boat motored out into deeper waters toward the mainland, the emergency response of the Costa Rican Navy could be seen in the far distance heading their way, much to their relief. They once again let a smile escape as they felt their ordeal was finally coming to an end, and then the tourists saw a helicopter rise up from the island inferno and fly towards the coastline.


One week later.

On the beautiful beaches of Acapulco strewn with tourists working on their tans and their alcohol buzzes, a group of young local men played football away from the main crowd. They kicked the ball back and forth while pushing against one another jockeying for control.

As Eduardo prepared to score a goal he froze in place when two naked women emerged from the ocean depths like mermaids coming ashore. From a distance it was easy to see how beautiful they were and what great voluptuous, hourglass figures each had with just a hint of hair showing above their pussies. His friends stopped to see what he was staring at and could not repress their boyish grins. They had all seen tourists do some pretty crazy things over the years but this was the best yet. Gorgeous, naked tourist women were always the best as far as they were concerned!

"Hi," one of the beauties said as the naked goddesses approached the ogling men, "My name is Gemma and this is my twin sister Nina. You boys want to party with us?"

One month later.

In a top secret subterranean conference room hidden below the U.S. State Department building in Washington D.C., men in tailored suits and military uniforms were listening to the debriefing from Dr. Walt Freeman from Yale University as to what exactly had happened on that island in Costa Rica and if there was anything that could be gained from that knowledge.

"From what we have discovered so far with the full cooperation of the Costa Rican government, besides the prisoners and those killed in San Jose, there were thirty-four enhanced persons on the island plus Dr. Porneau and two Chinese nationals we have not yet identified. We have recovered twenty-one bodies, of which eighteen are enhanced, we are fairly certain these are the Chinese men and Dr. Porneau. Also, we cannot confirm whether any of the islanders were killed by gunfire from Mrs. Jackson or just by the volcanic eruption due to the severely burned condition of these bodies. We do know Porneau was almost killed by his favorite son, the one they called Zeus, in a fit of rage from the interviews with the Escapees but we cannot locate Zeus or his remains. His rage was apparently caused by the failed attack on the FLAN conference in San Jose earlier in the day and this Zeus character blamed Porneau for the deaths of his enhanced brothers and sisters."

"But Doctor Freeman, what have we learned about this so-called enhancement process itself? Is there anything we can utilize here because the possibilities are staggering? Most likely the Chinese have already set up multiple clone labs trying to duplicate Porneau's efforts," four-star general Jack Ripper asked.

"Frankly, we are twenty years behind Dr. Porneau's research," Dr. Freeman began, visibly upset at that fact, "but are fortunate to have the Escapee's cooperation. As you know Steve and Karen Hudson, Doug Gray, Latrelle Jackson, his daughter Keisha Jackson and Alice Monroe were given the enhancement. They are still coping with the effects, both physical and psychological. Even with all the blood and tissue samples we have analyzed, we still do not fully understand the process of DNA manipulation via nanobio-programming. It will take years to catch up unless we find a gel sample."

"So no enhancement gels were recovered from the island?" asked White House Chief of Staff, Ron Jeremy.

"No but the Escapees heard one of the enhanced tell Porneau that they had been storing doses for years without his knowledge. Unfortunately we have not located them yet. We are not even sure if they survived the volcanic eruption," Dr. Freeman finished.

"Doctor Freeman, can you explain why the enhancements worked with great effect on the islanders but did not take with the Escapees? Why were the Escapees able to resist or reject the programming and remember their original identities?"

"As best as we can tell Porneau began the enhancement process by preying on children around the world who were homeless, destitute or orphaned and had no family of any kind. This meant that they had not, at that time, developed any deep emotional connections or commitments to their siblings or parents and as such were much more vulnerable to the programming which artificially reinforced their connection and adoration for Dr. Porneau as their father," Freeman explained, "The Escapees were all adults with deep emotional ties to spouses, families and friends throughout their lives and the programming simply does not compensate for that. This is the weak link of the entire concept of nanobio-programming."

"So, we do not know where the gels are, whether Dr. Porneau's favorite creation and leader of this family, Zeus, is alive or not and we do not know where the other enhanced islanders are. This is a security nightmare, gentlemen. What if those freaks get a foothold somewhere in some shit hole country and start enhancing thousands of people! We HAVE to find those gel samples!" General Ripper said pounding his fist on the conference table.

In a secret, classified safe house somewhere in the Virginia countryside.

The Escapees were lounging about still recovering from their ordeal on Porneau's island. They had been introduced to Lt. Jessica Wiggles earlier that day and were told she was their liaison officer while staying at the home. She was an attractive white woman in her late twenties with bright green eyes and had that bubbly, cheerful personality that made her irresistible. The huge bubbles on her chest did not hurt her likeability either.

Lt. Wiggles was standing in the living area detailing to her charges sitting on the couches and chairs their upcoming schedule of interviews and medical testing. She felt something in the air that was making her feel flush and warm all over so she fanned her face with the papers she was holding. This caught the immediate attention of Janet and Monique as they looked at one another and then at their husbands.

"Stop it Doug!" Janet said sternly to her husband who wore a smirk on his face.

"Yeah Latrelle, don't you start with those hornymones or whatever you call that shit," Monique warned him, "I don't think I can do another all night orgy with you guys again after last night." Latrelle smiled at her.

"It's not me, Baby," he answered but felt it in the air nonetheless. Latrelle could not stop the smile erupting on his face. "Not yet anyway!"

"I'm feeling faint. I think I better sit down," Lt. Wiggles said as she stumbled over to the couch.

Keisha stood up to make room for her wearing nothing but lacy pink boy shorts and a thin pink tank top to hold in her massive enhanced titties. Lt. Wiggles was not used to seeing people in such a state of undress in the safe house in the middle of the afternoon and found that she was staring at the barely visible sight of Keisha's young cunt wet with arousal.
