Mysterious Stranger


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She took the drink and sat on the sofa. She thought about his questions in the tea room. Did she long to be captive Beauty in the books? She imagined herself leashed and led by Bram, and an aching hunger began between her legs. She set down the mug and slowly slipped her hand into the waist of her pajamas. Stroking herself to the thought of belonging to him, body and soul, she shuddered out her pleasure. At the climax she said his name. Bram.

After she lay awake for a long time. Wondering if he would come back into the shop tomorrow. She slipped off into sleep with that thought in her head.

Chapter two

"Tell me all about your mystery man." Viv unwound her scarf and stepped out of her snow boots. "I'm dying to know. Who was it?"

Natty sighed. She expected this interrogation but not this early in the morning. "Let me drink my tea, woman." She said, giving Viv a playful poke in the shoulder.

"Ow! Hurry up then. I can't wait much longer." Viv bustled about the shop, straightening books here and there, occasionally taking out a book and placing it back in its intended spot. Natty sat on her stool and watched the steam rise from her cup. Part of her wanted to keep it a secret, her own lovely secret, but Viv was her best friend, and they told each other everything. Finally she set her mug down. In an instant Viv was in front of her.

"Spill it, sister."

"It was mystery man." Natty admitted, blushing.

"OH MY GOD!" Viv screamed, putting her hands on Natty's shoulders.

"I'd like to keep my hearing, if you don't mind." Natty protested, a small grin forming on her face.

"Mystery man! Oooh, where did he take you? What did you do?" Viv hopped around impatiently.

"We went to his studio downtown. He's a photographer. He took some pictures of me."

"You let him photograph you? You, who duck out of every picture I attempt to take of you?" Viv was incredulous.

"Yes. I don't know what came over me..." Natty remembered the camera snapping over and over. Somehow it had seemed right last night.

"What else? Did he seduce you?"

"No!" Natty nearly shouted. "No. We had a glass of wine." She looked uncomfortably away.

"He kissed you." Viv breathed.

"Not really. It was sort of a near miss." Natty admitted, remembering the feather light touch of his lips against hers.

"You want more!" Viv squealed. "Admit it! It's so obvious. You never could hide anything from auntie Viv."

"I'm not sure..." Natty said slowly. "I was in a kind of a daze."

"You're just being your usual scaredy cat self." Viv put her hands on her hips and glared at Natty. "When's the last time you had sex?" Natty gasped. "See, you're even uptight talking about it. You have to get over that, woman, or you'll end up an old cat lady in a stinky apartment."

"Thanks a lot, Viv." Natty said dryly. "It was nice, but he was a bit...overpowering. We went for tea and he caressed my arm."

Viv's eyes went wide. "Caressed it? How? Describe in detail." She pushed up her sleeve and held her arm out to Natty. With a sigh, Natty began to trace along the inside of Viv's arm sensuously. Just then the bell over the shop rang and both girls jumped. The door swung open and a tall figure stepped in.


Viv poked Natty and Natty gave her a filthy look. Viv picked up a feather duster and pretended to be dusting the best sellers. But Natty noticed she stayed within earshot.

"Hello, Natty." Bram's sensuous voice enveloped Natty and last night came back to her.

"Hello." Natty swallowed hard. She didn't seem to be able to form a sentence.

"You must be tired, you got home late and it's early now."

"I don't sleep that much. Five hours is okay for me."

Bram smiled and produced a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. Viv let out a little noise but continued dusting. Natty looked at the beautiful flowers transfixed. "For me?" she managed.

"Yes, for you." He handed them to her and she buried her nose in them, inhaling the sweet scent.

"I'll go get a vase." Viv piped up, disappearing into the back room.

"That's the indomitable Viv, I take it?" Bram sounded amused.

"That's her. My best friend, coworker and nanny rolled into one." Natty smiled shyly. "Thank you."

"My pleasure. I was up half the night developing the film. I couldn't wait." He opened his coat and produced a small packet. "They came out beautifully. You're even more photogenic than I hoped." He opened the packet and took out a photo. Natty, close up, her eyes fathomless, the faintest of smiles on her lips.

Viv appeared behind Natty's shoulder and gasped. "Natty, you look so beautiful."

"Doesn't she?" Bram agreed, taking another photo out. This time Natty was on the fainting couch, draped languidly over the back, a look of dreamy sensuality on her face.

"Is that you?" Viv breathed.

"It is indeed." Bram smiled. "She's an excellent subject."

"I bet the wine didn't hurt." Viv observed, and Natty turned to glare at her. Viv held up a tall milkglass vase and waved it. "I come bearing gifts."

Natty laughed, and Bram joined in. Viv took the flowers from Natty and went to fill the vase with water. "Alone at last." Bram said, a wicked twinkle in his eye. "I'm whisking you away for lunch. Hope you haven't any plans."

"No, I don't." Natty said. "Viv can hold down the shop. Its never that busy in here anyway."

"Good girl" Bram nodded. "Oh, I brought you a present." He rummaged around inside his coat and produced a prettily wrapped parcel. Natty took it, eyes wide.

"You shouldn't have." She touched the rose colored ribbon gently.

"Open it. Before Viv comes back" Bram gave her a conspiratorial smile. Natty pulled the ribbon off and carefully removed the paper. Inside was a slim leather bound book embossed with gold.

"What is it?" Natty turned it over, not recognizing the title.

"Its along the lines of the Beauty trilogy. But I think its even better."

Natty blushed to the roots of her hair. "I couldn't." she held the book out, hand trembling slightly.

"Yes you can, and you will." His voice was firm, and Natty's hand withdrew. "On one condition."

"Condition?" Natty said.

"Yes. You have to read it to me."

"I couldn't!" Natty protested, looking anywhere but at the man standing in front of her.

"I assume you can read?" Bram quipped.

"Of course."

"You will read it to me. Starting tonight." His tone brooked no argument. Natty nodded, the unreal feeling coming over her again. Viv returned and Natty slipped the book under the blotting paper.

"What did I miss?" Viv set the flowers down on the counter.

"I'm stealing your boss away to lunch in a few hours."

"Good." Viv said, "Natty needs to have some fun."

"Viv..." Natty hissed. "I'm right here."

"So you are." Viv agreed. "But I was talking to your suitor."

Natty got up and stormed into the back room. Bram watched her go, thoughtfully. "Tell me about her." He demanded.

"About Natty?" Viv looked nonplussed, then warmed to her subject. "She's hardworking. Loyal. Stubborn. Dreamy. She can be funny as hell. Then it turns on a dime and she's melancholy." Viv paused, thinking. "She's generous and thoughtful, and she kicks ass at pool."

"That's enough to go on." Bram said with a laugh. "I'll be back at noon. Don't torment her any more." He left the photos on the counter and Viv went through them. After a while Natty came out.

"These are great, Nat." Viv said, holding up a photo of Natty, all eyes and cheekbones.

"He's talented." Natty shrugged.

"Its more than that. You have to come out of your shell sometime. Let it be now, please Natty?"

"I'm going to lunch with him, Viv. Let's take it one step at a time." Natty sighed.

"I just don't want you to blow it."

"Nice. Thanks for the vote of confidence." Natty started to rearrange the flowers idly.

"Sorry if that sounded harsh, Nat. But you know you're a homebird. When's the last time you were out on a date?"

"You probably know better than I do." Natty pulled a rose out of the vase and inhaled the scent.

"I can't remember. That's not a good sign." Viv looked at her friend with a mixture of exasperation and love.

"Two dates in two days, Viv. Get off my case." Natty carefully replaced the rose. "Voila. How does it look?"

"It's beautiful." Viv looked at the arrangement for a moment. "I think I might be jealous. Handsome man comes in and whisks you off your feet. It's the stuff of fairy tales, Nat."

"I know." Natty's hand moved subconsciously towards the book under the blotter. "I'm more surprised than you are."

"I'm not surprised. Look at you. You're beautiful, smart, caring, and a hell of a good friend."

Natty shook her head. "I'm nothing special."

"Someone seems to think you are." Viv touched the flowers. "Now, we had better get back to work, because I'm not busting my ass while you're out with Romeo." She picked up a catalogue and handed it to Natty.

"The January order!" Natty groaned. "I forgot about it." She sat down, paged open the catalogue and began to read. Viv smiled and picked up the duster, this time to go over the shop for real.


At twelve o clock sharp the bell rang. Natty, who had been engrossed in the January order, looked up to see Bram entering. Her heart began to race.

"Hard at work, I see." He grinned.

"I forgot to place my order for next month." Natty explained.

"I hope that won't preclude us going out for lunch" Bram said, raising one eyebrow.

"I really shouldn't..." Natty waved her hand helplessly towards the catalog. Just then Viv appeared.

"I know what we need. I'll finish the order and call it in." she offered.

"Perfect." Bram smiled warmly at her. "Now fetch your coat, Natasha. I have something planned."

Natty made a faint noise of protest but Viv bustled her into the back room. Natty emerged with her coat on and Bram offered his arm. Natty took it, feeling an electrical charge at his touch.

"Don't hurry back." Viv called after them.

Outside, snow was falling lightly. The shops along the streets were glowing with Christmas lights. Natty felt as if she were inside a giant snowglobe. "My car's just around the corner." Bram said.

"Isn't this a lovely time of the year?" Natty breathed.

"Yes it is." Bram agreed. "All the lights and the happy faces. What do you do for Chrismas, pretty Natty?"

"I usually go home. My parents live upstate, and I don't get to see them much with the shop being open year round and all."

"Are you a happy family?" Bram asked, guiding her over an icy patch.

"Well..." Natty began, unsure of what to say. "Every family has it's ups and downs, I suppose."

"I'm thinking that Natty's family had more downs?" His voice was gentle.

"When I moved to the city, to open my shop, things got better between my family and me."

"How so?"

"I wasn't constantly under their thumb, for one thing."

They got to the car and Bram opened her door. Natty slid inside. Bram got in and pulled away from the curb. "Where are we going?" Natty asked, looking at his profile.

He turned to smile down at her. "It's a surprise."

They drove for awhile, Bram turning on the radio which played Christmas carols softly. "Oh, this is my favorite!" Natty exclaimed. She hummed along to it for a moment, and then, without thinking, began to sing.

"You have a lovely voice." Bram said when the carol finished.

Natty blushed. "I love to sing." She admitted.

"You should sing every day." Bram put on his directionals and pulled smoothly into a long drive. There were no signs indicating what was ahead.

Natty looked around her. There were pine trees and slender birches, covered in a light dusting of snow. They seemed far from the bustle of the city. "I didn't know this was here." She said wonderingly. They snaked up the long drive until it turned suddenly revealing what could only be described as a Manor House. It was decorated with white lights, and the bushes and small trees around it were festooned with the same twinkling fairy lights. Natty gasped.

"Welcome to Corbyn Manor." Bram pulled the car smoothly into a huge garage.

"It's beautiful!" Natty exclaimed. "What is it?"

"It's a private club I belong to." Bram said, a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth.

"What sort of club?" Natty asked.

"You'll find out, Natty. In good time." He slid out of the car and came around to help her out. They crunched through the snow to the imposing front door. Bram rang the bell and in moments the doors swung open revealing a butler dressed in a manner befitting a royal estate.

"Mr. Jordan. Good to see you, Sir." The butler took Bram's coat, then Natty's. He led them down a long corridor into a spacious room that was set with a round table then disappeared down the hall. Bram pulled out a chair and Natty sat, eyeing the furnishings.

"It's very grand." She said, looking at what appeared to be a Louis XIV sideboard.

"Yes, it is. But it's my second home." Bram sat, then reached across the table for Natty's hand. She gave it to him, hesitantly. Just then the door opened and what looked like a footman in full livery entered, bearing a tray. He set the tray down on the sideboard and with a flourish, lifted the lid.

"I hope you like Cornish game hens." Bram smiled as the footman dished the small bird onto each of their plates. There were also asparagus and melted butter. Natty put her napkin on her lap and waited for Bram to begin. The footman took the tray out of the room, leaving them alone. Bram picked up a spear of asparagus and dipped it into the melted butter. He leaned over the table and said softly, "Open." Natty was confused for a moment, then heat flooded her body as she realized what he wanted. She opened her mouth and he slid the spear between her lips carefully. She bit down, savoring the buttery spear.

"I want to feed you, Natty." Bram said, pushing his chair back and motioning for her to come to him. She obeyed, not knowing why she was. He patted his lap and pulled her down onto it, then cut a sliver of meat off the bird. He picked it up with his fingers and slid it into her mouth. She made a little moan and he nodded. "It's good, yes?" Natty nodded, unsure if the groan was from the succulent morsel or from being fed in such an intimate manner.

He continued to feed her, taking bites for himself in between. Natty sat on his lap as one hypnotized, opening her mouth and tasting his fingers as well as the meal. When the plate was empty, Bram wiped her mouth with the napkin. The footman came in as if by a magical cue, whisking the plates away. He didn't raise an eyebrow at Natty sitting on Bram's lap. Natty flushed, and hid her head in Bram's shoulder.

"So shy. Pretty Natty, your shyness becomes you. But I will have you be bold for me yet." The footman reentered bearing another tray. He pulled off the cover to reveal a tall fluted glass filled with fruit and whipped cream. Bram picked up the spoon and slipped a bite of the cream into Natty's mouth. She closed her eyes and savored the creaminess. "Tell me, Natty. Have you ever fulfilled any of your Sleeping Beauty fantasies?"

Natty's eyes flew wide open. "How do you mean?" she whispered. Bram fished out a strawberry and fed it to her.

"Has anyone ever claimed you before, lovely Natty?" He watched her closely for her reaction. She sat rigid in his lap, trying to form an answer.

"Be honest. I know it's what you crave." Bram's voice was silky.

"I..." Natty began, then stopped.

"I don't think so." Bram mused. "But for such an exquisite prize not to be claimed..." he shook his head. "Unthinkable."

Natty's breathing grew rapid. "I think I want to go back to the shop now." She finally managed.

"And miss the other part of the surprise?"

"There's more?" Natty asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry I frightened you. No more of that talk for now." Bram lifted her off his lap and stood. He took her hand and led her out to the enormous foyer. The butler appeared with their coats. Natty wondered at how the staff seemed to know exactly when things were needed. Bram slipped the coat onto Natty's shoulders and led her outside. On the front driveway sat a sleigh, drawn by a snow white horse.

Natty gasped. "Is this the surprise?"

Bram chuckled. "It is. I thought you might like a spin through the grounds. "They're lovely this time of year." He offered her his hand and helped her up onto the high seat. He jumped up beside her and took the reigns.

"You're a man of many talents, it seems." Natty said admiringly.

"You haven't seen the half of them." Bram looked down at her with a wicked smile. Natty squirmed. "But you will in time, my lady." The ground seemed to fly under them as they made their way through the forest.

"It seems unreal that all this is here, so close to the city." Natty said.

"Yes. It's a hidden gem. And we do a lot to keep it that way."


"The members of our club. We enjoy the privacy the estate allows us." Bram looked thoughtful. "I doubt if an unwanted visitor has shown up here in fifty years."

Natty ventured, "You never told me what sort of club it is."

Bram turned to her, his expression serious. "If I told you, you'd never come back." Natty shivered. Bram reached down and produced a soft blanket. He stopped the sleigh and tucked it around her tenderly. "Is that better?"

Natty nodded. "Yes, thank you." She looked at the beautiful scenery but her mind was in a turmoil. If I told you, you'd never come back? What the hell did that mean? She was silent for long minutes. Finally she spoke. "You're not some sort of devil worshipping cult, are you?"

Bram laughed. "Oh Natty. Your imagination astounds me. We aren't a cult, no. But we do worship something."


Bram hesitated. Then he looked at her. "Natasha, you are a woman. You seem like a girl, but you have lived, yes?"

"Yes, I've lived." Natty said, confused.

"We worship the pleasures of the flesh." Bram said softly, watching for her reaction.

Natty swallowed. Even she had an idea of what that meant. "You mean you have orgies and stuff?"

"Not orgies, exactly. I can see I've piqued your interest."

"It's just that...I've never seen such a place." She said, uncomfortably.

Bram put his hand on her arm. "I know you're shocked, and a little frightened. I promised myself I wouldn't rush you. But I want you, Natasha."

"Want me?"

"Like in the books. I want to own you." Bram's voice was hoarse. "Like Princess Beauty."

Natty bowed her head, overwhelmed. "I think I need to go home now." She said softly.

"I understand. I will take you back. But consider what I said." Bram turned the sleigh back on the path leading to the mansion. In moments Natty could see the roof. "Don't be frightened. I wouldn't harm you."

Natty looked away, every line of her body that of a spooked animal. "Please."

"Please what, sweet girl?" Bram soothed. "I'll do anything you want."

"I need to go back." Her voice was small but firm.

"Certainly." The sleigh pulled up to the front of the Manor and the footman appeared out of nowhere, taking the reigns from Bram. They walked back to the garage wordlessly. Bram opened her door and Natty slid in. She was shaking a bit, she found. He drove her back to the shop, his eyes on the road. When they got there, Natty opened her door hastily before he could get out and open it for her.

"I fear I've ruined things." Bram said.

"I have to go." Natty said, shutting the door. He watched as she went through the door under the carved wooden sign. He gave a sigh and turned the car around, heading for his studio.

Chapter 3

Viv took one look at Natty's face and helped the shaken girl onto one of the plush seats normally reserved for customers. "What happened?"

Natty shook her head. "He took me to a club." She said.

"That sounds okay..." Viv said, cautiously.