Naked in the Grass


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She wasn't cold at all because her core temperature was hot. It was absolutely blissful and perfect. It was a dream, in which countless raindrops touched her and then turned to steam like it was their fate. How often in life was something this perfect? The thoughts of her stresses, trials, and tribulations gave way to this rare, pure enjoyment. She hadn't felt something this wildly freeing in years.

She stopped for a second just to look down at her soaked nude body. Was this real? Was this really happening? It was a rare break from the prison of her life's four walls, which she rarely saw from the outside perspective. Now, she knew what she had been craving. There was more out there.

She looked around to make sure there was nobody around. It was completely deserted and safe. She noticed the raindrops gently landing on her head. She darted off again, going to the bush she aimed at. Upon reaching it and slowing her stride, the grass up ahead looked even more delightful. It was green like emeralds, and there was a beautiful lake up a few hundred yards ahead. There was nobody around, and she was loving the freedom too much to stop at that point. It was too delightful to go back just yet. So, she continued running forward. "Just another few yards...what's one or two more minutes of this?"

The further she got from her clothes, the more surreal her experience became, the freer she felt. She looked around on occasion, but it was as empty as always. Clearly, not a soul would come here all day. She had never seen anyone around here, especially so early before dawn. She went back to her blissful running enjoyment. She could feel the raindrops splashing on her face and all over. As she ran, she realized it felt more like the mist setting of a garden hose, but all over. Each step in the wet grass was like blessing between her and nature. A delightful little splash in carefreedom. She giggled to herself out loud as she frolicked and pranced.

The blissful experience captivated her mind, body, and soul. Only in the back of her mind was there even a faded awareness of keeping track of real-world facts: that this had now been about five minutes, that she was about 300 yards from where she left her clothes, fading further from her attention. As she ran, the freedom overcame her logic-prone mind. She gave herself permission and began to take long strides, leaping from foot to foot in the wet grass. Or maybe it was her body that decided. As she strode, she pointed her toes forward, as if doing ballerina leaps, just for the pure joy of it. She could never run down the street like that, but now just for a few moments, she was free. She sprinted and felt her buttocks flutter naked in the rain as she ran full speed, something she'd never felt before. They felt tight, substantial, and amazingly her own, free for once in her life. Her breasts simultaneously did their own shaking dance, as she ran another hundred yards and neared the beautiful lakeside.

She continued running joyfully, forbidding herself to think about when it would end for at least a few more seconds. She knew she would go back when she was done with the full experience, and that was all. She was so enthusiastically enjoying the experience she made wild silly facial expressions as she did a funky little strut dance, waiving her arms in the air, and getting into the step with hips taken over by a jazz and blues funk rhythm. She just witnessed herself challenging and breaking through the bounds of her normally modest and mild demeanor. The rain got even heavier as she ran along the lakeside, but it was never cold. The raindrops felt cool at times, other times lukewarm, on her overheated body. They sprayed every inch of her to a delight she had never known. In that moment, she worried she may be addicted.

She didn't need anything. She didn't need the material world. She didn't need approval of her friends or family. This was about her for once. And she realized she'd craved it so bad for so long and didn't even know it. This was a moment that helped see her life--who she had been recently and who she really was--from a new perspective. As she ran, she grew a crying face just for a moment, as she thought about her hardships and how she had longed for just a little slice of perfect joy in her life. She didn't even know where to look for it, only finding hints and shadows in books. Only by lifting the pain could she fully see it. Now, here it was. And now she is on the other side of that longing and seeing her personal growth from it. She knew this moment was touching her to her innermost, and would be something to process the meaning of all evening. She smiled again, with joy. Everything would be okay. Her life would be beautiful. She even giggled to herself a little bit, as she pranced and frolicked in the wet grass along the lakeside. She waved her upward palms in the air and did a carefree dance.

As she neared a big clump of tall bushes by the lakeshore, she stopped to enjoy perfect stillness for a moment. She became aware of her breath. She was breathing, and it wasn't a dream. She stood there, looking out at the low sky, with every shade of grey in it blended, from dark to thin lines of light shining between the dark clumps. It was still pretty dark, but now, it was light enough to barely see the far shore in a blurry deep grey distance. The sun would not technically rise for another twenty minutes, or so she thought, but it was too cloudy to even see any sunrise anyway. She simply knew the dark grey would slowly get lighter all around eventually. The surreal picture of the grey foggy mist and green surroundings brought a long-needed peace to her eyes and soul.

Just then, she heard voices, and she froze. Out of nowhere, young women's voices from an unknown direction saying "First 1500 yards was in three sixteen" and another young woman's voice, "five point eight....umm 37, 19." Another woman's voice followed up with "I'm at 35, 15...slowed after the fourth mile." Several young women's voices very close by were talking about miles and times. "Oh my god!" Kate turned her head fervently looking around. It sounded like the college women's track team just on the other side of those same bushes she was on the lake side of. She quickly ducked down behind the same large growth of bushes to avoid being seen, even though the bushes were larger and taller than her.

They hadn't seen her. She peered through the bushes. Several young women in their early 20's were standing around with no apparent awareness of her presence. Their bright glowing outfits shined through the bushes. They were just talking to each other, stretching, and checking their watches. As she prayed she wouldn't be noticed, her heart immediately began racing from the combination of dread and thrill. She expected them to come around to the lake side of the bushes to where she was at any moment. There were just a few feet of grass between the bushes and the shore of the lake by her. It seemed, any moment, they'd want to walk around the bush to the beautiful lakeshore. She looked around to try to grasp her situation.

"What on earth are they doing here?" She thought, though the answer was obvious. Cross country training. She became distinctly aware of her own nakedness, perhaps accentuated by the contrast with their high-fashion athletic outfits. She was halfway squatted down behind the bushes, yet on her tiptoes, she became conscious of her body. Her back was arched, and her whole sweat-covered body was shaking, each thump of heart pounding out of her chest, while being tickled with cool rain drops. Her fingers inexplicably gripped a couple of branches of the bush for a false feeling of security.

"What am I going to do!?" she yelled to herself in her mind. If they literally just walked thirty feet around this bush to the lake, she was caught. Kate peered through the bush at six to eight of them standing around stretching on the far side, casually continuing chatting about running and college life, coaches and class schedules. "What would they think if they walked around and just saw me squatting here completely naked?!"

"I have no excuse!" She agonized. She thought of her possible humiliation in front of those women. She thought of how she would be the topic of amused discussion around their cafeteria table later at lunch and continuing to their evening party. She imagined how this group of cool young women would gleefully discuss discovering her surprising nakedness. She imagined their casual laughter and jovial conversation at her embarrassing predicament. She imagined how, at the moment they saw her, they would react with a combination of confusion and surprise, accentuating their confusion with funny facial expressions and their sure-to-be-cool attitudes for their amusement. She thought about how they would hardly be trying to control their own smiles, later talking with their friends about how they were running by the lake and saw this completely naked woman hiding behind a bush.

She imagined their conversations. "What was she doing there?" someone might ask, laughing. "Oh I don't know, out for a morning thrill?" another might reply.

What would be a funny story they'd enjoy for years would be her humiliation. She imagined already their joking, laughing, all smiles at their story of the "bush woman." She blushed intensely at the thought. That was all she needed. She couldn't bear the thought of meeting one of them as a friend of a friend at a dinner party or restaurant, or heaven forbid, the professional business world, and have them remember her from this scene.

As she crouched there, panicking, half-squatted behind a bush, sweat and rain dripping off her, a chill ran down her spine. This was as real as it got. She felt her mouth open sideways with an awkward half-crying face for a moment, but suppressed it.

She thought about whether she could run back without them seeing. No, it was a miracle they hadn't seen her coming, and now they were even in a better position to see. There was nowhere for her to go. Would they start running again? Could she take the chance that they might just leave? Just then she felt the mortification of the sound of running on gravel and more young women's voices. More women were arriving. Was this their meeting place, or were they running in groups? She looked around for any escape route, realizing that her adrenaline was probably pumping and her thinking might be impaired. Her hands shook, and her thighs trembled. There was nowhere to run! She was trapped. She couldn't even think of a story or excuse.

After a few seconds in a daze, she noticed that there were weeds and reeds in the water along the edge of the lake all the way back toward the way she came from. The scene was still pretty dark, misty and foggy. She wondered if she could get in the lake and swim just behind the reeds, using them as cover. She worked through the scenario in her mind. "Could I? No, that's crazy. But why? What other options were there? Was the lake safe? Clean?" As far as she knew, yes. There were ducks and birds, and as far as she knew, it was as pristine as a freshwater lake could be.

What sounded like a crazy idea at first was looking like her only option. She couldn't stay there, hearing their voices just beyond the bush. The reeds were pretty thick-headed back the way she came, though not very tall. It was her safest bet. She scampered to the lake edge sneakily, one step after another, feeling out her idea. There was no time to think.

She dipped her foot in. It was cool and very natural feeling, but she was too overheated to be chilled by it. It actually felt cool and calming, like a dose of sanity for her racing mind and heart. The water was a bit slimy, a combination of clean soil mixed in with the water, nature, mud, and algae, finely blended into the lake water to give it a cool, creamy feel. Her internal body temperature was still overheated, so she still felt warm in her core. The water actually felt refreshing and primally natural.

She gently, and as silently as she could, eased into the creamy lake thinking "oh my gawd" She couldn't believe this is really happening. She couldn't believe what she was doing or fully process the sensations she was experiencing. To accept reality, she dipped her head under, ponytail allowing her hair to stay out of her face, and rose her head above the surface again. Yep, here she was, naked in the lake, arms, legs, and body slowly swishing around in the water, out in the middle of nature. The freedom of the run combined with the excitement and fear of being caught was just a little too much excitement. Now, suddenly and strangely, this was combined with her sweaty rain-kissed body, as she lifted her feet off the soft, muddy lake floor and started doggy-paddling in the silky-feeling lake. For a moment, it was strangely sensually erotic.

"Let's get out of here," she thought, immediately starting a very slow and low breaststroke, as low and smooth as possible so as to not disturb the water. At first, she felt shy to stretch out her legs in perfect frog kick form but realized she had no choice. Self-consciousness gave way to necessity. A slow, calm breaststroke was clearly the least splashy and noisy. She heard their voices near the shore as she slowly swam down along the lakeshore, trying to remain hidden. She was constantly reminded how this didn't seem real. Yet, it was so utterly vivid.

She glanced back. They weren't looking, but she could barely see their colorful running clothes through the reeds. At that moment, she thought that she might actually escape. It was out of her hands now though. If they spotted her, they spotted her. In reality, she probably looked more like a duck through the reeds, through the dark misty morning.

The sensation of being in the water was a wakeup call. It was better than being caught, but so out of the norm that a new perspective settled upon her. It was a feeling of helplessness and empowerment at the same time. She decided to let go as much as she could and just experience her once-in-a-lifetime swim, despite her harrowing situation. Admittedly, the water felt amazingly silky smooth all over her body. As her legs brushed against one another, they felt silky smooth, coated in silky lake oil. She still couldn't believe what was happening.

What was she doing, swimming naked in this lake right now in almost complete darkness? She thought about how she might enjoy it even more if she were reading about this story in a book without the mortal risk to her pride and modesty. But she was really here. And in some ways, she was glad, glad to be experiencing something real. It was the thrill of a lifetime, as long as she could get out of there without being seen.

The lake felt stunning. It was sensual in ways she could not imagine. Occasionally, seaweed or some kind of water-lily-type plants under the water tickled her body literally anywhere and everywhere in random occasional touches, and there was nothing she could do about it but experience the sensations. She had no choice but to swim through them calmly. The swirl of emotions and sensations was impossible to process: joy, fear, excitement, pleasure, sentimentality, freedom. It was too much. And if her nakedness in the creamy lake wasn't enough, the plants were literally touching her all over, in the strangest natural way. It felt like a great ancestor had swum in a lake like this hundreds of years ago, and she remembered the feeling passed down through to her. She had no choice but to let go and allow herself to fully embrace the experience for what it was. She tried not to think about the track team, though her heart was still racing, echoing beneath the water.

She grew a smile across her face for a moment as genuinely starting to enjoy the daring but amazingly delightful swim. Cold lake water refreshingly swished and sloshed all over her naked body, and she had no choice but to feel every sensation: the splashing on her face, the swishing of water on her buttocks that occasionally, unintentionally floated above the surface of the water, and water squishing between her wiggling toes.

There were too many sensations to process. She tasted the sweet and balmy lake water on her lips as she wondered why her buttocks kept floating to the surface. With each stroke, as it rose up and out of the water into the open sky, the fresh breeze caressed her buttocks in the most naked sensation she'd ever felt. And as the icing on the cake, raindrops then danced upon her bare ass until it submerged again with the start of the next stroke. She was a bookworm who had generally thought of that part of her body as her "buttocks" or "tush," but now, what was sticking out of the water was none other than her "ass." It was certainly not intentional, and she never noticed this happening while doing her breaststroke in swimming pools. Maybe it was the consistency of the lake water and algae, she thought. But indeed, it was happening with every stroke.

The sensation became more and more intense with each stroke, and there was nothing she could do about it. Breaststroke was the quietest and smoothest stroke she knew, so she had no choice but to keep swimming. Yet, with each stroke, her naked ass helplessly rose right up and gently kissed the surface of the lake as it broke through the surface. It then helplessly rose into the beautiful open sky and revealed it's most natural, unadulterated shape to the world. She had never felt such nakedness. Everything she was feeling on her ass intensified because the rest of her body was coated and covered in the sensations of swimming under the lake water, with only her face and ass rhythmically rising above the surface. It was like a jolt of nakedness to her pounding heart each time it surfaced. Nature had turned her ass into a very sexual erogenous part of her body, now of all times.

She accepted there was nothing she could do about it and tried to think of the irony of her experience, a bookish librarian naked in wild nature like this. She thought of how those track girls would laugh at her predicament. She thought of how she had no choice but to let go of such feelings of shame and embarrassment. She could only embrace them. Anyone who knew would find this ridiculous, maybe even hilarious. So would she, except it was her own ass. She had no choice in the matter, as she kept swimming, hoping nobody would see. Was it enjoyable? Despite being humiliating, yes. In a strange way, she accepted all of it, and the swirling combination of heart-pounding physical sensations felt wonderful.

As they intensified, despite that she wasn't trying to think of them as such, they became increasingly erotic and sensual. Each time her ass rose out of the water, she felt like she was mooning the entire world. A pleasurable physical liberation combined with an embarrassment she conquered with each stroke to give her a feeling of exhilaration. She had no choice but to enjoy the sensations she could not ignore. This was far too much liberation, far more than she has asked for. It was the thrill of a lifetime. She was vulnerable and trying desperately to save her pride, which was fully on the line.

The thrill began to intensify. The sensation coming from her butt cheeks grew in intensity every time they surfaced and wiggled in the open air. The thrill began to spread throughout her entire swimming body as she fully submerged again. The bare sensations began to grow more intense as her face grew hot and flustered, numb and tingly, as she continued disciplined stroke after stroke. She had another hundred yards or so to go until the next lakeside bush where she might have enough cover to climb out. The sky was getting lighter, though still a medium grey with lots of fog. There was nobody else around,and it seemed that, if she could get to those far bushes, she might get out of this stunt of a lifetime unscathed.