Naughty Neighbors

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18 year old scores with the hot MILF next door!
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The first moment I laid eyes on Ashlyn Austin I instantly loved her. I'm eighteen but even I know that a lot of women fear what will happen to their perfectly sculpted bodies after pregnancy. Ashlyn didn't have to worry one bit. She ended up looking a million times hotter after having her baby. Her tits were much larger than they used to be and always appeared to be mere moments away from popping out of the top she was wearing. She always had the most ridiculous curves of any woman I'd ever seen and her pregnancy permanently made them bigger and rounder. She had a humongous bubble butt that even celebrities couldn't pay to have. Her wide hips allowed for her thighs to blow up in size without making her look fat. Of course a little bit of belly still remained. There wasn't much chub in her gut at all. I had no way of knowing but it had to have been less than ten pounds extra that went to her tummy. She was the definition of an hourglass figure. Her proportions seemed more unrealistic than a customizable character in a video game. Regardless, Ashlyn is still a complete smokeshow. Her body is still the same as it was. Despite being four months away from graduating high school, I still have never had a girlfriend. I assume obsessing over my older, married neighbor really distracted me from the girls at school. Part of me kicked myself for wasting my time gushing over a woman who was already taken. The other part of me knew that with a woman like that living next door there was no way anyone could blame me.

"Mikey come on we can't be late, we live next door!" my Mom shouted from downstairs. I closed the blinds in my room and took a deep breath. The Austin's had just gotten a pool and invited the block over for a pool party to break it in. I was never so happy to live in a warm climate. At the same time I was terrified. The woman of my dreams was going to be there. I didn't know what to do. My plan was to at least talk to her. If I hung around her throughout the party our paths would cross at some point. Having a good conversation with her might score me an invite to future pool parties as I doubt they'll invite the whole block each time. The only problem was that there wasn't a clear goal. She was older, married, and a mom. What did I think was going to happen?

My heart pounded loudly in my chest. Each step closer to Ashlyn's house made it harder to breathe. I peered down at my scrawny body. I was not muscular or fat, kinda toned in my arms and legs, though my chest was flat. It didn't matter. Nothing was going to happen anyway.

"Mikey, you made it through all the traffic!" Mr. Austin joked. He opened a small fence gate that encircled the new pool area. I rolled my eyes at his lame joke and forgot to say anything in response. A little click rattled from the metal gate once we were inside. My Mom laughed at the dumb joke and apologized for my moody behavior. I didn't mean to be rude, I was distracted. My eyes scanned the pool for Ashlyn. Wherever she was, I would follow. That would at least make it possible for us to speak. Besides that, there wasn't much I could do unless I was straightforward and talked to her directly.

Finally, I spotted Ashlyn toward the deep end of the pool. Holy shit, she was wearing a two piece swimsuit. It looked like her tits would break the strings of her top at any second. Either that or the small breast cups, which had flesh spilling over them from all sides, would slide off. Her bikini bottom disappeared into her soft flesh. It really showed off her curves well. The tiniest muffin top formed over the front of the bikini bottom. Her ass was so huge that from behind almost nothing was left to the imagination. My Mom disapproved. She frowned upon spotting Ashlyn and went inside to gossip with the other neighbors instead of swim.

I spent the whole day watching Ashlyn's wet curves jiggle and bounce when she moved. It was heavenly. She was always surrounded by people and in nonstop conversations. I'd smile whenever she'd laugh with her adorable little giggle. It looked like I wouldn't get that one conversation I wanted but at least I got a good show. Hell, I know some of my friends would've paid to see her walk around in that tight, bright red bikini. Just as I counted myself out of luck, a group of women got out of the pool and went inside to dry off. As they left the pool area Ashlyn waved to say goodbye. They were going home. Ashlyn stayed in the pool. Suddenly, it was just me and Ashlyn. I almost fainted, I couldn't believe it.

"Well if it isn't the champion, Mike," Ashlyn greeted. It was getting dark out but she finally spoke to me. I told myself I'd stay in the pool as long as I could if it meant spending time with her.

"Congratulations," I smiled nervously.

Ashlyn's hand flew to her tummy. "Wow you just gave me flashbacks to when I was pregnant with Josie," she gasped. She rubbed her stomach gently just as she had that day two years ago.

"I meant congratulations on the pool, it's really cool!" I added. Was cool really the best adjective I could come up with? I had only begun to speak and was already regretting it.

Ashlyn giggled. She stopped rubbing her belly and placed her arms on the sides of the pool as if it were a hot tub. "Well that does make more sense. So, how is school? You're graduating in June aren't you?"

I opened my mouth to answer only to be interrupted. "Come over here and talk. I could barely hear you all the way down there," Ashlyn called. I blushed deep red. We were at opposite ends of the pool. It was pretty awkward talking at such a distance with the vast, empty pool between us. I swam over to her side. My head pounded the whole way over. I'd never be able to have a normal conversation with her if I didn't control my thoughts. It was no use. Being just a few feet apart let me see every inch of her in extreme detail. Her swimsuit was already like seeing her in underwear, it was impossible to control myself. I was rock hard immediately.

A cold blast of water struck my face. She splashed me! I laughed at her randomness. "What was that for?"

"Speak!" Ashlyn commanded as she splashed me again. "I asked you a question and all I hear are crickets, literally, it's nighttime,"

Instead of answering Ashlyn's question I splashed her back. Her mouth hung open in disbelief. "Oh so that's how it's gonna be?" she teased. I wound back and splashed her with a tidal wave of water. Ashlyn giggled and held out her hands to block the water from getting in her eyes. The sound of splashing and laughing filled the emptiness of the night. She was so easy to entertain. I couldn't remember the last time I had a splash fight with someone. It had to have been a decade ago. The treated water stung when it got in my eyes though I pressed on. I couldn't help but smile and laugh. Ashlyn seemed to be really into it. She'd yelp and splash me back harder each time she was hit. There was something so beautiful about how much joy she derived from a simple, childish game.

Ashlyn's sweet giggling filled me with warmth. The only lights were those inside the pool, casting the rest of the world in darkness. All of a sudden Ashlyn shrieked and stopped splashing me. "Stop, stop!" she shouted. I ceased at once. For a moment I was paralyzed with fear.

"What's wrong?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"Oh, just this stupid bikini," Ashlyn complained as she clutched her right breast in her hand. It occurred to me that the string had broken and she was holding the swimsuit in place. "I can't tie it with one hand, can you help me?" Ashlyn explained. She swam up to me and turned around so I could access the strings to her bikini top. My hands trembled. Her bubble butt was mere inches away from my erection. The slightest movement would cause it to brush up against her. I tried to scoot back but she kept following me. She didn't know I was backing up on purpose. The string slipped through my shaking fingers.

"Did you get it?" Ashlyn asked. She started to release her grip on her chest. The bikini top started to fall. In a flash she covered herself back up. "Oops, not yet I guess. Are you almost done? Do you think you can fix it?" Ashlyn peaked behind her as best she could. The small movement of her twisting around to look at me was enough for her ass to brush up against my erection. I froze. She didn't react. It was only a fraction of a second and all it probably felt like was the material of my swim trunks. She didn't know what happened. I breathed a sigh of relief. Her bikini was almost fixed. I wasn't sure how long it would last with those huge melons of hers tugging at the strings but it worked as a temporary fix. My cock poked her ass for a second time. I froze up again. She seemed to notice this time. I quickly rushed to finish the job. I pulled the strings into a tight knot. It was too tight! "Ow!" Ashlyn yelped as the strings dug into her skin. The unexpected pain caused her to jump. Her round ass slammed into my rugged cock. It was impossible not to notice that time.

My eyes were wide with horror. There was nothing I could do now. Ashlyn knew I was hard as a rock. She was even staring right at my erection. Her face went white. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, um," Ashlyn apologized. Her hands rose to massage her temples.

I tried to cut her off. "No don't apologize. It's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong," I protested.

Ashlyn sighed. "It is my fault, I wanted this to happen. Not with you specifically, but I just wanted attention. I got married so young, I never got experience being with anyone other than my husband. Now I'm married and have a two year old. I wanted to feel wanted again. It's been so long since I felt sexy. I could've explored, traveled, even gone to college but I settled down immediately and now I feel stuck. All day long I hoped I'd have this effect on someone. All I heard were insults behind my back, people saying how inappropriate my swimsuit is, that I'm a horrible mom for wearing it and how much weight I've gained over the years. That's why it broke. It hasn't fit me since I had Josie."

It looked like Ashlyn was about to cry. "Hey, none of that is true. Josie was waddling around with the biggest smile on her face today. You're an amazing mom! You're also, well, I guess you can tell now I think you're gorgeous! They're just jealous that you're a young, hot milf of a mom while they're all turning grey."

"Thank you Mike, you're the only one to compliment me today," Ashlyn whimpered. She gave me a big hug. Her head rested on my shoulder. I placed one hand on the back of her head, feeling her wet hair on my fingers. My other hand stayed underwater and rubbed her back. Unlike the girls at school, Ashlyn's back had a bit of meat to it. It wasn't all skin and bones like most girls my age. Her huge tits felt enormous as they squished against me. My cock was pressed against her soft, pudgy little midsection. Over her shoulder I could see her huge ass sticking out. The bikini bottom was hardly visible, it was overwhelmed with flesh. We gently swayed back and forth in a strong embrace. I didn't know what to do. My erection was not going to go away if she was on top of me like this. She said all she wanted was to feel hot again. Her goal was to get compliment, she didn't say she wanted to cheat on her husband. I had to be careful and play my cards just right.

"You're flawless, Ashlyn. Honestly I've always been attracted to you and you've only gotten hotter," I whispered. My eyes darted all around to make sure nobody was watching us. Rubbing her broad back and feeling her thick body first hand made me realize what a big difference there was between a girl and a woman. Kids my age were girls, Ashlyn was a woman, and I wanted a woman.

"Hotter now than seven years ago?" Ashlyn giggled. "That's not possible, I'm-" I cut her off.

"It is possible," I affirmed. My hand slid down from her back to cup her ass. I wanted to emphasize exactly what made her so much hotter now. It was risky, though she didn't protest. We swayed in the warm water in silence. My hand remained gripped onto her plump ass the whole time.

Ashlyn seemed to understand I was referencing the change in her body. She lifted her head off my shoulder and pulled away just enough to look me in the eyes. There was something different about her. The sadness appeared to be gone. She bit her bottom lip as she stared at me. Her eyes glistened in the moonlight. "Really? You prefer me like this?" Ashlyn whispered. Our lips were so close, I could almost taste her words on my tongue.

I squeezed her ass and pulled Ashlyn in tight by her butt. "What do you think?" I asked suggestively while rubbing my erection on her belly. She bit her lip harder before leaning forward to kiss me. It wasn't a quick peck on the cheek either. Ashlyn passionately kissed me on the lips until we started making out. I was in heaven. The rest of the world melted away. All I knew was that the woman of my dreams was eagerly kissing me. Her hands even started to roam my body. Fireworks shot off in my head. It felt like my life goal had been accomplished. There was nothing better that I could possibly achieve than this.

My cock ached for attention. The constant motion with our bodies pressed together was teasing it like crazy. I reached down for a moment to lower my swim shorts just enough to free my cock. It felt incredible against her pudgy midsection. Ashlyn seemed to like it too she grabbed my ass and raised one leg to throw around my body. If her bikini bottom wasn't in the way this would've given me great access to her pussy. As if she read my mind Ashlyn spoke up, "Oh no, it looks like my bikini bottom broke too," she joked as she untied it. I slowly slid my cock inside her. I couldn't believe my luck. Ashlyn bit her lip and moaned as I bottomed out inside her. A few seconds passed as I took in the moment. Ashlyn was fucking me, I was touching her voluptuous curves, listening to her soft moans, and breathing in her sweet scent. I pulled out almost all the way before ramming my cock back inside. All the years of fantasies exploded out of me at once. I pounded her so hard she ended up with her back pressed up against the side of the pool.

"Fuck, Mike, calm down," Ashlyn gasped. She could barely speak I was going at it so rough. "You're being too wild, people will hear us," Ashlyn warned. She peaked over my shoulder to see if anyone inside was looking out at us. I slowed down. She was right. The water was sloshing everywhere. If I continued being rough people would find out in no time. I had to go slowly and carefully. My cock eased inside her taking my time with each thrust. It was even slower than a longing kiss. After I went as deep as I could I pulled out slower than a snail. The subtle motion drove her wild. It was way too slow for either of us. I just wanted to tease her. Her nipples looked like they'd pop right through her bikini top they were incredibly erect.

"God, not that slow," Ashlyn pleaded. She squirmed and gyrated her body in desperation. I teased her a moment or two longer before speeding up to something more reasonable. Ashlyn's tight pussy contracted as she came on my cock. Her eyes rolled back. A loud moan escaped her throat. I made out with her to stifle her loud moans. The crickets covered up most of the noise we made. I rubbed her thick thighs. My fingers got lost in her flesh, they were so plump and round. Slowly, my hands glided along her thighs up to her hips and finally at her belly. It was soft and squishy. She definitely had the tummy of a milf mom, not fat but not skinny. She was perfect. The little chub to her midsection gave me something to hold onto while I plowed her. It was addicting to feel, grope and play with each and every one of Ashlyn's beautiful curves.

The tight constricting of Ashlyn's pussy was getting to be too much for me. "I'm gonna cum," I panted into her ear.

"Cum inside me," Ashlyn replied out of breath. She was still riding the waves of her orgasm making it hard to speak. "I'm already pregnant, you can cum inside me," Ashlyn revealed.

My hands gripped Ashlyn's midriff harder. All I felt was her plump flesh, it didn't feel like a pregnant belly at all. Regardless, I couldn't help but fuck her even harder. She gasped and moaned. I couldn't believe Ashlyn was pregnant. This whole time I was having sex with a pregnant, married milf. Images of her belly and tits swelling to giant proportions flooded into my mind. She was already so thick and curvy I couldn't wait to see what amazing changes would happen with a second pregnancy. I hoped it would leave her drastically curvier and chubbier. Although she already had an H cup or larger I was excited to see those massive jugs of hers balloon up with milk. These thoughts drove me wild. I came deep inside Ashlyn. My hands never left her midsection. I held onto her plump belly and wide, thick hips as if my life depended on it. It felt like my orgasm was lasting forever. I poured what seemed like buckets of cum into her ripe, young womb. When it finally came to a stop we were both out of breath.

Ashlyn looked over my shoulder to check that nobody was watching. She smiled reassuringly. Her chest rose and fell with each deep breath. My eyes were glued to her tits. They overflowed out of the sides of her top. Her nipples were still erect. I had a hard time believing they could get any bigger. They were already so massive and exaggerated just like the rest of her curves that the idea of them getting larger seemed impossible. It was just too good to be true. "Are you really pregnant?"

"I sure am, and in a month or so it'll be obvious," Ashlyn replied while stroking her belly. Seeing her rub her tummy gave me chills. Once again I was brought back to the first time I saw her pregnant. I've been dying to see her swell up again and it was actually happening. "That's another reason why I've felt so miserable lately. This is probably the last time I'll physically be able to wear this swimsuit. If this pregnancy is anything like my last one, it's gonna be hard to loose the baby weight," she sniffled.

"Then don't," I said with a sly smirk. I rubbed her plump thighs and ass while my hard cock pressed against her belly. Ashlyn laughed a bit at my horny response.

"Thank you, I'm so glad to have someone appreciate my body. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was pregnant earlier. I thought that would be a turn off. Had I known you'd react like this I'd have told you in the beginning," Ashlyn apologized.

"Are you joking? That makes you so much hotter! You're a full blown MILF!" I blurted out without thinking. My face turned bright red again. I didn't want to seem too obsessed with pregnant women, after all I only had a thing for them because of Ashlyn. She giggled. A wide smile stretched across her face.

"Then I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of each other," Ashlyn winked as she stepped out of the pool. She had fixed her bikini bottom while I was distracted by her body. I'll never forget that night. The sound of crickets chirping in the dark fills my ears every time I close my eyes. I could almost see her huge ass jiggling and bouncing as she walked into her house. The skimpy little strings of her bikini lost in flesh, hardly covering anything. When she entered I could see her husband hand her a towel. She dried off all the places I was just touching. The water hiding the fact that my cum was dripping down from her wet pussy. My Mom and Mr. Austin casually talking to her, not knowing what she just did. It felt incredible. After dreaming about her for so long it was better than anything I could've imagined.

What came next was even better. In about two weeks, just as Ashlyn said, it became obvious she was pregnant. I wasn't exactly sure how far along she was but in three months she was huge. I'd guess she was three months along and not showing when we first hooked up and was now six months along. I'm no specialist so I could be wrong. At first I didn't see her very often. It was hard to sneak around and fuck without anyone knowing. Luckily, we got a lot better at it as time went on. Eventually, we had memorized every detail of each other's schedules and the habits of my Mom and Mr. Austin that we could sneak around with ease. What started as once a week gradually became a twice a day hookup. Everyday Ashlyn would come over in the morning while my Mom was at work and Mr. Austin was driving to his job. After school I'd lie and tell my mom I was staying after school and would be taking a late bus home. Of course Ashlyn would secretly be picking me up at school and we'd fuck at her place until her husband came home around five thirty.