Navy Nurse Ch. 01

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Diana's first time sex is with her sister.
6.5k words

Part 1 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/06/2020
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Diana Van Buren grew up in Grosse Pointe Farms, MI, an upscale community, being an affluent suburb of Detroit.

Her lifelong self-esteem was hindered by having two sisters, two years and four years respectively older, who were astonishingly good looking females, seemingly from birth. In addition to her sisters, her mother was a stunning beauty, who had won the Miss Michigan beauty pageant, and represented the state in the Miss USA pageant when she was nineteen. She did not win the Miss USA title, but was a runner up. Also, her mother had two equally gorgeous sisters, Diana's aunts. Thus, Diana's family and blood relatives consisted of a plethora of eye-catching, fabulously beautiful females.

Alas, Diana was the exception to the stunning beauty of the female members of her family. It was not that she was hideous, or even just plain in her looks. In fact, her naked female body compared favorably with her beautiful sisters'. It was just that her facial features were indistinguishable, so they did not attract an instant positive reaction in those seeing her for the first time.

During her formative years, she was always in company with her sisters, and was thereby subject to comparison of them. Consequently, she had no chance to make a favorable first physical impression. Instead, when anyone was introduced to the Van Buren girls for the first time, they would genuinely be impressed by the dazzlingly, magnificent, undeniable drop-dead brilliant beauty, of Diana's sisters. As her sisters were the center of admiration, no one seemed to consider that Diana might become an alluring female in her own right.

As Diana was reminded constantly of the pulchritude of her sisters, she had resigned herself to being considered an ugly duckling, but with no hope of transforming into a graceful swan. She did not, however, resent her sisters' beauty. Instead, she took pride in being a sister to them. Although her oldest sister, Abigail, or Abbie for short, was four years older, and her other sister, Barbara, who did not like to be called Barb for short, was two years older, they nevertheless got along very well with Diana throughout their formative years. In fact, Diana was in absolute awe of Abbie, as she was undeniably the prettiest female in their community.

As Abbie left the Van Buren household when she was eighteen, and Diana was fourteen, the latter had retained a highly favorable, adoring impression of her oldest sister. When Diana became an adult, she naturally developed a more mature perspective of her family, especially her oldest sister. She realized that Abbie, although not an airhead, was very frivolous in her view of life. She never strived to exhibit any of her better personal qualities, and tamped down her intellect. In Abbie's mind her physical beauty was her sole raison d'être.

With regards to Barbara, who was just about as attractive as Abbie, Diana was able to discern her character more clearly. In truth, Barbara Van Buren was very perceptive and serious in character, contrary to the impression of those who only considered her physical beauty. After she finished high school, she enrolled in a nearby community college and took business courses to secure a two-year diploma. Parlaying her good looks with her community college education, she was able to garner a reasonably good clerical/secretarial position with the Ford Motor Company at its world headquarters in Dearborn, MI. She subsequently was able to attract and marry an up and coming co-worker to secure an upper-middle-class lifestyle.

Ethel Van Buren, the mother of Abbie, Barbara and Diana was a very practical and astute woman, fully aware of the headaches and pitfalls inherent in raising teenaged girls. Given the beauty of her first two daughters, Mrs Van Buren's main worry was that either one of them would become pregnant. She knew that preaching abstinence to her daughters would be an exercise in futility. No matter what persuasive arguments she could muster to present to her daughters about the merits of self-restraint when young, she was as certain as the sun rises from the east, that her daughters would not be virgins when they graduated from high school.

Being somewhat religious, Mrs Van Buren had an abhorrence of abortion, and she was absolutely dead set against raising any grandchildren, as one of her friends was doing. Consequently, as soon as Abbie and Barbara experienced their first menses, she marched them down to her gynecologist's office to obtain a prescription for birth control pills. She dismissed the doctor's protest that the girls were too young, only eleven years in the case of Barbara and twelve years old in the case of Abbie. She replied to the doctor, "You never can be sure about these things, and I want to be sure!"

Mrs Van Buren, however, did not resort to such precaution when Diana sustained her first period. Diana was well aware of how her mother had acted with her sisters on similar occasions. The message was crystal clear that her mother did not think that she would become sexually active, so there was no need to worry about pregnancy. That implied attitude on the part of her mother had a very negative effect on Diana's sexual psyche. After her first period, she was just as boy crazy as her sisters, and for that matter, as all of her friends. Unfortunately, her mother's inaction upon the occurrence of her first menses convinced Diana in her mind that she was unattractive to the opposite sex.

Throughout her years at high school, Diana had no dates. It stemmed from her lack of self-assurance. She felt awkward around boys and consequently could not display herself in a favorable light. It then became a vicious circle. The shyer she was with boys, the more she could not inspire any boy to ask her out. The more time passed without a date, the more despondent she became at the lack of social interaction with the opposite sex. As she entered her final year at high school, she still had not had a date or attended a party, having not ever received an invitation. She did not even attend a school dance.

One night in April, sometime after her eighteenth birthday, Diana had been masturbating after she had taken a shower. As she was frigging her clit, and before she reached her climax, she stopped and started crying. Her sister, Barbara, who was still living at home while attending a local community college, heard her sobbing. Her curiosity aroused, Barbara went to investigate. Knocking at Diana's bedroom door first, but without waiting for an answer, she entered the room. She was startled to see Diana completely naked with a hand seemly fingering her vagina. Ignoring her sister's nudity for the moment, Barbara was concerned with the tears as Diana seemed to be in a wretched state.

She asked, "Oh, honey! What can the matter be? Things can't be so bad. I know that you're acing your schoolwork, and are going to U of M (University of Michigan) in the fall."

Diana, at the moment, was oblivious of her nudity, considering she had seen her sisters naked, and they had seen her naked, countless times as a matter of course in growing up together. As a result, she did not take any umbrage at Barbara's invasion of her privacy, and, in fact, was grateful for the opportunity to elucidate her woes.

She blurted out, "I was just stroking my clit, and I realized that this is all the sex I've had. Hell, I haven't even had a kiss from a boy; nor had my boobs squeezed, or my ass pinched. I'm just too ugly for anyone to take notice of me."

Barbara was alarmed by her sister's outburst. It dawned on her that the family had taken Diana for granted, and had not paid attention to her. She took into account that she and Abbie were very good looking. Barbara was not conceited but practical in contemplating such observation. As a result, everyone, including herself, had ignored Diana's appeal. Barbara was not vain about her beauty as she just took it for granted. She had assumed Diana was equally at peace with her looks. Before she answered Diana's wail, she took a moment to inspect her sister's body thoroughly and critically.

Barbara then replied, "Oh, Diana, honey you're not ugly at all. You are truly beautiful."

Diana protested while still sniffling, "Oh Barbara, how can you say that? You and Abbie are the pretty ones. Everyone says so!"

"I think when you are with either Abbie or me, people do tend to overlook you, but that is their mistake. When you are by yourself, your beauty is unchallenged."

"Hah! If that is true, that doesn't seem to apply to Mom!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Mom has obviously seen me plenty of times without you or Abbie present. So according to you, she should be well aware of my so-called beauty. Yet I know after you got your first period when you were eleven, she sent you to Dr. Hunter to get a birth control prescription. She did the same thing with Abbie when she got her first period. But with me I have yet to have the Pill prescribed to me. Obviously that decision was right on the money as I've come nowhere close to worrying about getting pregnant, whereas, without the Pill, there is every good chance that you might have become pregnant by now."

Ignoring the sly assumption of sexual activity, Barbara countered, "Mom's actions have nothing to do with whether you are pretty! It has to do with her believing that you're not boy crazy so that you are unlikely to engage in sex while you're in high school."

"But, Barbara! I am boy crazy. I want to fuck a guy. I want to have a cock in my virgin pussy. I'd love to suck on a cock and taste the exploding sperm. Hell, I would even want to try a cock up my ass!"

"All in good time, Diana. Your time will surely soon come."

"But when, Barbara? I haven't even had a kiss, never mind a date, up to now. These things must obviously occur first before I can realistically hope to get to play with a cock."

Barbara responded, "You know that when you started high school, I was in Grade eleven, and Abbie had graduated. So the image of the Van Buren sisters was established in that school. Since you didn't exactly fit that perceived image, people ignored you. Now when you go to U of M in the fall, no one will be aware of the Van Buren sisters so you will be judged on your own without comparison to your sisters."

"Yeah, well! Whether I'm compared to you and Abbie, or not, I'm still the same ugly girl."

"Oh no, Diana. You're not ugly at all. See!"

Before she had entered Diana's room, Barbara had been in her room studying her course work prior to calling it a night. As she had showered an hour previously, and just before Diana's shower, she was just wearing a terrycloth robe since she slept in the nude. She had sat herself down on Diana's bed while conversing with her reposed naked sister. At this juncture, she got off the bed, stood up to face Diana directly. She shucked her robe to become as totally naked as her sister. She then locked her hands behind the back of her head, causing her chest to project forward. This pose offered a provocative and alluring presentation of her undeniably marvelous bosom.

Barbara declared, "Aren't these sumptuous boobies?"

Diana gasped, "Oh yes, they are gorgeous, magnificent boobs!"

Slowly, Barbara turned around, bent down, and spread her ass cheeks as she declared, "What about this ass? Isn't my asshole about the most exciting thing to entice any man?"

At this point, Diana was succumbing to raw emotional arousal caused by Barbara's fleshy modeling of her naked body.

She squeaked a reply, "Oh my God, Barbara, any man would want to lick it up!"

Barbara now sported a wicked smile of sexual satisfaction as she turned around again. With her hands, she reached for her labia and pulled apart the outer folds.

Now in a deep husky voice she almost whispered, "Isn't this a cunt to die for?"

As already indicated, Diana had seen Barbara naked on so many occasions as far back as she could remember. On a few occasions, Diana might have admired and, therefore, even envied Barbara's naked female beauty. In no case, however, had lustful thoughts entered Diana's mind. This time, in consequence of Barbara's brazen exhibition of her breasts and lady parts, Diana was erotically entranced.

She merely panted in reply, "Oh yes, that certainly is a cunt to die for!"

Barbara now climbed on to the bed to hover over Diana. With both her hands, she started fondling each of Diana's breasts. She then announced, maintaining her subtle deep husky voice, "But your breasts are just as magnificent as mine, just as alluring to suck on."

She then started sucking on a nipple.

Diana could only emit a heavy sigh, "Oh, yes!"

As she successfully coaxed the nipple to become stiff and upright, Barbara reached for Diana's vulva and began stroking its clit.

She then assured, "Ah, your cunt. It's so wet! Just what a woman's pussy should be in times like this. Diana, you surely have nothing to fear concerning the allure of your delightful twat."

As happy, pleasurable thoughts were swirling around and around in Diana's head, a guilty alarm momentarily threatened to spoil it all. So she asked a truly incongruous question while still panting, "What are you doing, Barbara? What are we both doing?"

"What do you think we're doing?"

"I think we're doing what we should not be doing."

"Why shouldn't we be doing this?"

"Because we're sisters."

"Why is that a problem?"

"Well, some say it is bad enough for two women to do this, but almost all of them say it is not right when sisters do it."

"So they say what we're doing is bad?"

"Yes, I believe so."

"Do you think it's bad, what we're doing?"

"I'm not sure, but it's so good that I don't want to say."

"Then, let's not say anything."


During this dialogue, Barbara was lovingly stimulating Diana's breasts orally and sliding two fingers up and down on her clit. The fire of arousal was gas lighted by Barbara's assault on Diana's body and further fueled by their banal conversation. Once both of them realized that their lesbian incest night was on, there was no holding back their passion.

To allow for uninhibited sexual joy, Barbara and Diana were blessed by the design of their parents' home. The house was a large colonial with four spacious bedrooms on the second floor, each containing an adequate ensuite bathroom. The main floor contained a kitchen, dining room, living room, and a laundry room. In the basement were a rec room, and their parents' bedroom with an ensuite bathroom. Thus, given the distance and the insulation between the main floor and basement, it was virtually impossible for their parents to hear the sounds emanating from the upstairs bedrooms, so there was no fear of a sudden or unexpected interruption. Actually, for all the girls would know, their parents might have simultaneously been getting it on between themselves. It was no secret that they were still very much sexually active, and in love with each other.

Keeping her hand on Diana's pussy, and giving some prolonged attention to her luscious tits, Barbara moved back up to kiss her with a new intensity that took both their breath away. As they entered into a higher level of passion, Barbara slithered south along Diana's body to capture her sister's clit in her mouth. She sucked in the clit, including its surrounding tissue, as much as she could manage. She clamped down on the entire clit, and with her teeth, bit hard on the nub to cause Diana to squeak. Barbara was pleased that Diana had not screamed, as in her mind, her bite was aimed to please, and the lack of a scream was proof positive that she was delivering exquisite pleasure.

Barbara now released her grip on the clit to resume tongue licking. She continued successively to nip and pull at Diana's clit, plus alternating with the labia. Simultaneously, she used her tongue to massage the momentarily captured clit or labia orally. In conjunction with her oral stimulation, Barbara was finger exploring the rest of Diana's vulva with a vigorous rubbing of the area surrounding her vaginal orifice. Occasionally she would venture a slight penetration with no more than two fingers.

All of this oral and digital stimulation caused Diana to respond in a series of involuntary actions, both physically and vocally. First of all, Diana's body began to shiver and tremble. She was also thrashing about, but not violently enough to break contact. She was perspiring somewhat fiercely, plus vocally, she was uttering repetitively, "Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh! fucking yes!"

Sudden, Diana began pleading, "Oh please, Barbara! Let me do something! I need to do something! Please! Please! Please!"

Barbara deduced that as Diana was a novice at sex, she was unable to articulate exactly what she wanted, but Barbara was certain of what Diana did indeed desire at this point. Accordingly, she repositioned herself over her sister to generate a sixty-nine oral sex action. So, almost unexpectedly to Diana, she was presented with her sister's nether holes just about touching her nose. Novice to sex she might have been, but instinctively she knew what was expected of her. She formed her hand into a spear and forcibly penetrated Barbara's vagina.

Now it was Barbara's turn to vocalize loudly, "Oh yah! That's it! Fuck me, Diana! Fuck me good and hard! Don't be gentle; don't be afraid; you're not hurting me."

Diana wasn't sure of the advisability of her sister's demands, but considering her more extensive sexual experience, she quickly reasoned that she must know what she was asking. Thus, Diana thrust her entire hand into Barbara's gaping vaginal orifice. This time Barbara actually screamed, but in an agony of passion not of pain, "Oh fuck! Fuck! Oh shit! That's it! Keep fucking me! Don't stop! Don't you fucking S T O P!"

As Diana continued fisting her sister vigorously, Barbara, in the height of her ecstasy, could suddenly sense Diana's tongue licking her anus, an action in addition to the fisting. That did it! She climaxed and squirted her female juices, completely dampening Diana's forearm. She began hyperventilating fiercely to regain her equilibrium. For her part, Diana experienced her very first orgasm that was not self-induced and was in ecstasy as a result. She also had to pant to get herself back to normal.

Barbara had collapsed on top of Diana and remained prone for a while during the afterglow. Diana did not mind as Barbara's cunt thereby rested so close to her nose that she was continuously treated to Barbara's full-bodied sex smell, and the aroma was intoxicating. Consequently, Diana was still on edge as the euphoria of the sexual action was swirling with intensity throughout her mind. Finally, having recovered fully, Barbara scrambled off Diana and the bed. She picked up her robe, not bothering to put it on.

Leaving the room, she simply said, "I guess I'll have to shower again in the morning before I go to school." In response, Diana merely waved her hand goodbye.

Barbara subsequently remembered this night fondly. By way of sexual orientation, she was straight as a ruler. Prior to that night, she had engaged in an experimental lesbian tryst with one of her closest girlfriends, who was also straight. On that occasion, induced by their alcohol consumption, they happened to indulge in the ways of Sappho for want of anything better to do. Since their coitus was not prompted by physical passion for each other, the incident was, for Barbara, totally forgettable, and likewise for her partner. This night with Diana, however, was something altogether different. The beginning was fueled by guilt. Hearing Diana's explanation for her weeping, Barbara instantly regretted her perceived part in adding to Diana's misery.

Ever since Barbara could remember, she, as well as her sister Abbie, were continuously lauded for their beauty and good looks. She was not vain or conceited as a result of such admiration. She simply regarded her beauty as who she was, in the same way that she happened to be 5 feet 11 inches tall. She was aware, of course, that no one complimented Diana's physical features, but she had thought nothing of it. She knew Diana had other great qualities that countered any alleged lack of comeliness. Hearing Diana's sorrowful account of why she was crying had set Barbara to take stock of the family dynamics.