Navy Nurse Ch. 07

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Diana offers her wet panties as a souvenir.
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Part 7 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/06/2020
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In the new year, when Diana returned to school for her second semester of her sophomore year at the school of nursing at the University of Michigan, she no longer had a lab partnership with Makayla Brown, who had become her best friend at school during the first semester. They were, though, able to maintain a weekly mid-week lunch date at the school's cafeteria wherein they could gossip to their hearts' content. Before the Christmas break, they had not verbally articulated the obvious possibility that Diana was pregnant as a result of the gangbang orgy just prior to the Thanksgiving holiday.

Thus, Makayla's opening question during their first lunch meeting in the new semester was, "So did you see a doctor, are you pregnant for sure?"

"Yes, I saw a doctor here, just before I left for Christmas, and she confirmed what I had suspected."

"Did you tell your parents? And how did they react?"

"Yes, my whole family knows I'm pregnant. It was something of a Christmas surprise for them. My parents aren't necessarily thrilled by how I became pregnant, but they support me wholeheartedly whatever I decide."

"So what have you decided?"

Considering the racial bias of her actual decision, and of course, mindful of the fact that Makayla was a black woman, Diana didn't dare reveal her true ultimate decision and its reason thereof.

She replied, "I don't believe in abortion. I don't need to bore you to explain why. Nevertheless, there's no denying a child now in my life is a major inconvenience. Oh, dear, that's a poor choice of words. What I mean to say is, I don't think I'm ready, and I'm certainly not mature enough to be a mother at this time. I'm well aware that raising a child is difficult in the best of circumstances, but raising a child while still going to school is almost impossible considering the demands of motherhood in addition to the demands of school. So, I think I'll probably give up my parental rights and allow my baby to be adopted. But who knows, maybe in the end I just might decide to keep my baby anyway."

Diana thought she was clever in crafting this answer since it catered to either situation as to whether she finally kept her baby or gave it up for adoption. However, Makayla was not buying that explanation and surmised Diana's true thought process correctly. Accordingly, she replied, "So are you saying then that if you have a black baby, you won't keep him/her but if you have a white baby, you just might keep it after all? During the orgy that resulted in your pregnancy, you fucked some black dudes as well as some white guys. We know that you can do a paternity test before birth, but you sure as hell can't test for race until after birth. At that time, the race of the baby will become obvious."

Diana realized she had made a mistake in qualifying her answer. She should have just said that she was unequivocally giving up her baby for adoption, and left it at that. That way, if at birth she announces she has changed her mind and will keep her baby, presumably, racial bias would not be considered a factor.

Thus, Diana was forced to prevaricate, as she answered, "No way Makayla! My decision is to give up my baby for adoption. However, I'm aware that lots of women who intend to give up their baby for adoption change their mind upon seeing their newly born child. In fact, I'm aware during an arranged pre-birth contracted adoption, the child is whisked away from the birth mother to ensure there is no changing of the mind, or a mother child bonding to foil the pre-arranged adoption."

Although Makayla's suspicions were not allayed, she had no answer to rebut. Still, there was another aspect of Diana's pregnancy to discuss, so she asked, "Since you're going to give birth and perhaps keep your baby, are you considering letting the guys know of the possibility of their being the father of your baby? As the hostess of the orgy, I have the names of every guy that you fucked that night. True, the list does not differentiate from those who actually had your pussy as opposed to those who you just blew or had your ass. Still those guys who could not have impregnated you would let you. You know that there are modern DNA testing that is noninvasive to both your body and to your fetus, that can ascertain paternity, before birth."

Diana almost turned green at that suggestion. She was truly horrified, as she replied, "Hell, no! Since I'm most likely to give up my baby for adoption, there would be no point. If I do belatedly decide to keep my baby, I'm certain the actual 'sperm donor'* (*air quotes) would not want to have anything to do with my child. The way I got pregnant is so surreal that I can't wrap my mind around the physical fact that he, whoever he might be, is the 'father'* (*air quote)of my baby.

"I'm not poor so that I would need any financial support. My parents have assured me that should I decide to keep the baby, they would foot the bill to provide for a nanny during my last two years at the University.

"Even more importantly, if I did get every guy I had at the orgy to agree to submit to a DNA testing for paternity, I could kiss goodbye of any future date, I might have with any of them. I can tell you I wouldn't mind fucking any of those guys again, who had asked for my phone number."

With that explanation, notwithstanding Diana's assertion to the contrary, Makayla believed that Diana's inclination was to keep the baby. She suspected the racial make-up of her baby would be the determinative factor in her ultimate decision. That didn't mean Makayla held Diana in contempt for such a decision. During the length of their friendship, Makayla knew that Diana did not have a racist bone in her body. She believed that Diana's presumed decision whether or not to raise a putative biracial child was a pragmatic decision of circumstances equivalent to deciding whether or not to undergo an abortion.

Deciding to drop this contentious issue, she replied, "Well, OK then. As for me, I know that I'm pro-choice. If I do have an accidental pregnancy despite my usage of birth control pills, I'd probably opt for an abortion. In any case, I wouldn't be facing the dilemma that you are grappling with now."

That ended the conversation on Diana's pregnancy, and their talk reverted to the list of thirty men who had asked for Diana's number. Makayla asked if anyone on the list had phoned her for a date as yet.

Diana replied, "No, none of them have. But it's not that surprising. After all, the gangbang orgy did occur the weekend before the Thanksgiving holiday. Then there was the end of semester exams for everyone to study for, followed by the extensive Christmas break. So now that this semester has started, I'm sure hoping some of these guys haven't forgotten me."

Makayla assured her, "Well, I'm pretty sure at least my boyfriend Keshaun will call you. In addition to the holidays, he was tied up with the football team commitment, and the season did not end until the New Year's Day bowl game. I've only seen him two times since Thanksgiving, and each time he asked about you."

Diana slyly asked, "You've seen him only two times? As in you spotted each other in passing by and had a brief conversation? Or does seeing him entail more than that?"

Makayla winked and replied, "Seeing him means I saw his naked body, and he saw mine." They both laughed at the euphemism.

As Makayla predicted, Keshaun Hill did get in touch with Diana, a few days after this conversation. However, the contact was not by phone. At the start of this semester, Diana had decided to forego packing a lunch, and instead regularly eat at the school's cafeteria around noon each day. Accordingly, Keshaun spotted Diana eating alone. While holding onto his purchased soda drink, he asked if he could join her. After receiving the almost automatic permission, he sat down and said. "I know that you and Makayla Brown are friends, and so you know that Makayla and I have an understanding."

Diana snorted, as she responded, "Understanding you say? I understand that the two of you are fuck buddies."

"You could say that, but an understanding is a more precise description of our relationship. You see, we are not exclusive."

"Well, I don't know about that. In your case, I'd say fuck buddies would be a synonym to an understanding."

Both were enjoying this banal repartee, since it proved to be a warm ice breaker to convert their up to now superficial acquaintance into a familiar one. So Keshaun continued the light-hearted conversation by saying, "I'd say the difference is that fuck buddies implies indiscriminate intimate contact, whereas an understanding suggests a primary interest above and beyond extraneous activities."

Diana broke out in laughter as she was delighted by the tone of their conversation. She enjoyed his vocabulary since it ran contrary to the stereotypical image of a dumb jock. Undoubtedly, that had been her first impression of him, simply based on the fact that he was on the school's football team, whose members are not expected to be scholars.

She then returned with, "So I take it then that the one time before, when we had met each other, was an occasion of one of your ventures into an extraneous activity?"

"Funny you should say that, but last night when Makayla and I were talking..."

Diana couldn't resist interrupting, "Talking, you say? Would that be post-primary interest activity or prior?"

"I'm not one to kiss and tell, but if you must know, of course, our talking occurred post. Since primary interest activity always takes precedence over a mere conversation, no matter how scintillating that may prove to be."

Diana concurred, "I agree. Establishing priorities are most prudent to secure lasting happiness. So what did the two of you 'talk'* (*air quotes) about?"

"Makayla suggested that you had exercised an interest, nay perhaps even an eagerness, to reprise our previous encounter."

"I'm sorry that Makayla revealed my darkest secrets of desire concerning you. It robs me of my ability to impersonate a reluctant femme to you, one who needs to be seduced. I confess that I'm easy pickings for seduction. Nevertheless, I do desire to be seduced, or at least see an effort made in that regard."

"Just so, my charming Navy nurse. I recognize that for me to avail myself of your favors, I need to offer an alluring enticement. So I'm not suggesting a mere run of the mill, extraneous activity. After all, our previous encounter was not conventional."

Despite Keshaun's flowery delivery, Diana had no trouble discerning the meaning of his speech. As a result, her mind was imagining all kinds of possible erotic scenarios. So much so that she could feel her panties getting wet.

She again interrupted him, but this time affecting a deep low sultry voice asking, "Don't tell me that you have recruited another gentleman or perhaps the same gentleman of our previous encounter to do me again?"

"No, my sweet pretty Navy nurse. We can't recreate such a special occasion, and besides, it would be redundant. Instead, you should focus on the fact that Makayla and I were talking about you last night."

Diana gasped at the implication, and so she asked, "Are you then saying that you and Makayla are proposing a threesome with me or what is now referred to as a throuple?"

"I'm precisely saying that!"

"Oh, dear! From what I know of Makayla as a friend, I had the impression that she was straight as a ruler."

Keshaun queried, "Are you suggesting that some girl on girl play must be an integral part of threesome sex wherein two women are cavorting with one man? I need not remind you that when Jeff Montgomery and I were mutually pleasuring you, we were quite satisfied in enjoying you exclusively."

Diana replied, "It seems to me that straight women would have less distaste for occasionally indulging in love à la mode de Sappho, as opposed to straight men experimenting in homoerotic activity. After all, we females, as teenagers after puberty, are known for kissing each other, ostensibly as practice for when we secure a boyfriend."

Keshaun asked, "Are you saying that a threesome of two women with one man requires that the women also make love to each other as well as to the man during the lovemaking?"

Diana replied, "I think that by an abstract definition, a true, sincere threesome sexual activity should imply equality amongst the participants. So in a threesome containing only lesbians or only gay men, in such situations, it naturally entails that each participant would love on the other two participants equally during the lovemaking, and vice versa. It would be expected to be the norm. Likewise, if a woman is having sex with two bisexual men, the equality of sexual participation could be maintained.

"That being the case, and since I pointed out that for most straight women, girl on girl sex would not be abhorrent, then yes a threesome whereby the two women would love on each other simultaneously as well as on the man would be palatable. Now in our current sexual mores, straight men are grossed out by anything suggestive of gay male love. In a two men one woman threesome, there does not occur a mutual give and take amongst all three participants. Now for the woman, as I was with you and Jeff, that is not a negative since to be the sole desire of my two lovers is quite a turn on. However, I am cognizant of my selfish pleasure in such a situation."

Keshaun couldn't help asking, "Are you saying that you would have liked to have had Jeff and me to get it on in addition to fucking you?"

"No, I'm not saying that. Having two guys pleasuring me at the same time surely is the most exquisite pleasure I can imagine for myself. Let me even amend that in espousing that three men pleasuring me at the same time, as had occurred frequently at the Frat charity party, is also an exquisite pleasure. What I'm saying is that if I were to have two men fucking me as well as each other, that would be such a rare occurrence that I could not help but be absolutely thrilled as well."

Keshaun responded, "My god Diana! Are you now saying that having sex with Makayla and me is not so appealing then, because it is akin to vanilla sex compared to your ultimate desire of having sex with two bisexual males?"

Diana laughed as she responded, "Oh no, Keshaun, I think I got too philosophical on you. All sex is good, even vanilla sex. It is the ultimate pleasure bestowed on us by God for His purposes to preserve our species."

"Now, you're getting a little too deep."

"Oh, yes, certainly, and I apologize! I did get carried away by my imagination and longing. I obviously inadvertently revealed that, although I'm straight, I would in a threesome with another woman, prefer to also have some girl on girl sex as well. Actually, there is even a more practical rationale to expect some girl on girl sex in a one man two women threesome situation."

"Oh! What could that be?"

"Well, it has to do with the stamina factor that you men are cursed with. After you've shot your load, you need some recovery time before you can become erect again. Whereas we women can continue almost immediately after we've climaxed. Mind you, some leisurely foreplay would be preferable before launching on to an immediate journey to achieve another forthcoming orgasm.

"So you see if I'm with two men, and if they take turns with me, why we could enjoy non stop sex for the entire night. While one is fucking me, the other can watch, which no doubt would hasten the recovery time. However, if there is just one man with the task of pleasuring two women, why there is of necessity a lag time between each sexual intercourse. That's the time where girl on girl sex would come in handy to provide for a non-stop sex marathon."

Keshaun laughed almost hysterically at Diana's outrageous declaration. When he recovered, he asked, "So are you saying girl on girl sex is an absolute requirement in a one man two women threesome?"

"Oh no, not at all! I certainly can live without such a condition since a fuck, with two fantastic people like you and Makayla, is a fantastic fuck as far as I'm concerned. In any case, I'll be seeing her in class later this afternoon, and we can mutually establish our ground rules."

"Yes, that would be fine, and Makayla happens to know my immediate schedule so that the two of you can finalize the date and time. I really have no idea whether Makayla is unilaterally opposed to lesbian sex or whether she would be willing to indulge in your apparent desire. You two can work it out, and needless to say, I'm OK with whatever you two decide. By the way, what are you doing?"

During this last part of the conversation, Diana had been leaning forward, and by lifting her rump, was able to remove her now very moist panties. She handed them over to Keshaun, and said, "While we have been talking, my imagination at things I could do with you and Makayla has overwhelmed me. As a result, my panties have become very soggy and not from pee either. I don't like to walk around with moist underwear. I find it most uncomfortable, especially when there is no immediate sexual relief available. So why don't you take them as a souvenir of our companionship? If you're into a panty-sniffing fetish, I guarantee that this would be a potent collectible!"

Keshaun laughed out loud again as he was now truly enchanted by her insouciance in sexual matters. So having taken her panties, he flamboyantly sniffed them, unmindful of his actions being publicly visible. So he said mischievously, "You sure did not steer me wrong. Your underwear is indeed potent. I think I'll start a new hobby of panty sniffing, and I thank you for your inspiration."

Diana laughed back and replied, "No problem Keshaun. I'm happy to be of assistance in helping others expand their horizons of fun things to do!"

Keshaun chuckled some more as he parted with, "I got to go to my next class. I'm definitely looking forward to our next get together."

"Ta! Ta!"

The next lecture that Diana was scheduled to attend was a data class for nurses, which didn't start until two hours after her luncheon conversation with Keshaun. In this lecture, she was seated next to Makayla, as was the case for all their classes. They both arrived just before the start of the class, and so only had the opportunity to greet each other with a warming smile.

After the class was over, Makayla said, "Why don't we share a soda at the cafeteria as I believe we have something important to discuss?"

"Sure! Lead the way."

Once they got their soft drinks and were seated, Makayla started, "I got a text message from Keshaun, so I understand that you had talked to him at lunchtime right here. The conversation consisted of the possibility of the three of us getting together."

Diana answered, "Yes, that's true. Although to be more precise, the three of us *getting together* (*air quotes) as suggested by Keshaun entailed more than just *getting together*. (*air quotes), I think the real meaning is getting it on for the three of us."

Not slow on the uptake, Makayla responded, "Quite so! I'm fucking pissed that he talked to you first. I thought last night he had agreed that I would be the one broach you about this possibility."

"I don't know anything about that."

Ignoring Diana's non sequitur response, Makayla continued, "In any case, he indicated that you would be reluctant unless you and I would also do some loving on each other, as well as sharing Keshaun's cock."

Diana was immediately alarmed at Makayla's opening remarks. She inferred that Makayla would abhor lesbian sex, and thus the threesome sex might not occur after all. So she quickly responded, "Oh no! Obviously, Keshaun misunderstood my meaning. When he mentioned the possibility of the three of us *getting together* (air quotes), I blurted out with the notion that I was unaware of whether or not you would tolerate girl on girl sex. I went on to explain why girl on girl sex in a threesome would be awesome, and that personally, I would be down for it. However, I thought I made it crystal clear that if you are absolutely straight and could not tolerate any kind of lesbian activity, then that would not be an issue. I'm fully aware that Keshaun's cock alone would make me happy."