NCIS Basement

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A cheating wife cheated out of her good life.
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Got bored waiting at the airport while the plane I hope to board wanders the friendly skies, so, I tossed some random words together. Sitting in a crowded airport also made this a non-erotic piece.

As always thanks to all who give meaningful feedback. I enjoy emailing with you.

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Sometimes Mother Nature gives you the kick in the butt you richly deserve.

I'm Roger and have my bride of 25 years, Lorraine, and our only child Jessica, who turned 23 last week.

My 82 year old mother, Frances, lives is in an assisted living residence. As her only child, I have power of attorney to handle her legal and financial responsibilities. Her health is not good and has gotten much worse over the past year.

I was 30 when I married Lorraine, who was 24 year old at the time. I'm a bank executive and Lorraine works for a nationally recognize fund raising company.

Jessica is recent college graduate, having taken almost six years to pass enough classes. She is in love with a successful young man, Craig, who apparently comes from a well to do family. They share an apartment near campus.

Mother Nature decided to have some fun with us. I was in the basement trying to untangle the Christmas lights. Lorraine was bringing down a sack of meat for the freezer when a 'hugh mouse', her words, apparently knocked her down. Ok, maybe the mouse didn't mug her and maybe she freaked out, screamed, and fell the last few steps. She looked like a ninja warrior doing some head over heels counter attack. However, her unplanned gymnastic maneuvers did a real number on the bones and ligaments in her right leg and ankle. The second scream had a lot more emphasis to it.

After a few surgeries Lorraine was in a cast and sidelined from driving for several months. Jessica is to be married before that cast comes off so Lorraine will be wearing a very baggy dress.

So here I am crawling around the basement, at night, with the lights out and shining a black light. If you see an actual mouse in your house, there are very likely many many more where it came from. According to the internet a black light can detect mouse poop and lead you to their international headquarters. I was doing a fantastic job of getting all grimy and dusty and, my luck, these mice had cleaned up after themselves. I went near the laundry shoot and was greeted with a glow from the laundry basket. It was a very strong glow and it was on Lorraine's panties. Back to the internet to see what this is all about.

I wonder if puke shows up differently with a black light. I hoped I wouldn't find out. Apparently semen, as in cum stains, gives off the sharp glow I am seeing. When I read that I broke out in a sweat, felt very dizzy, and my stomach started bouncing off of my lungs, heart, and kidneys. As long as I can keep the stomach from discovering my throat I won't have to toss my cookies.

Wait, maybe that stain is from one of the romps we've had recently? Nope, I haven't had sex with her since her accident last week. Jessica has been coming over a couple days a week to do laundry, help around the house, and take Lorraine shopping. Lorraine wears much larger panties than Jessica so chances are pretty good that it belongs to Lorraine and was soiled very recently.

I put the panties in a zip lock bag and put it a drawer of my workbench in the garage.

On the internet I found the neatest little gadget. It's a smart phone case with a built in backup battery and voice activated recorder. I ordered one and had it overnighted to my office. It was an easy thing to convince Lorraine to use this new gadget as her phone was always needing recharged.

Every night I would wait for Lorraine to get ready for bed and then quickly download the audio and reset it for another day. The only shocker was the depth of the disrespect. I knew from the soiled panties that they were meeting two, sometimes three, times a week. As strong as my love for Lorraine had been it had been replaced with hatred far more consuming. Dealing with this affair, or however many there had been, was nothing compared to the devastation I felt at my daughters behavior.

There were plenty of recordings to choose from but this is the one I uploaded and turned into text.

"Mom, you know you're going to get caught. Drop you off at George's house again?"

"Roger is so trusting it won't happen. Yes, pull into the driveway."

"George gives me the creeps. What do you see in him?"

"He makes me feel things Roger has never made me feel. Someday you'll find out for yourself."

"Still, why does he always bad mouth dad. Has he even met him?"

"He has met George at a few of the fundraising events. I don't see you stepping up in your father's defense."

"Fair enough. Is this ever going to stop? Where's his wife? Why not divorce dad?"

"George says his wife is too busy with his kids. There's no need for a divorce. I'm happy, Roger's happy, you're happy. Going to pay for that wedding yourself?"

"Good one. Go make George happy. Pick you up at noon?"

The recordings pick up the grunting and moaning of the monkey piling. Unlike those stories I've read, there wasn't any pillow talk about anything. Faint sounds like "oh yeah", "ummm", "ugg". This obviously wasn't reviewing the itinerary for the upcoming gala. My mind was blank as to how to get Lorraine to take her phone into the bedroom when she fucked and sucked George.

The private investigator was only able to get coming and going pictures. I knew the dates and times. Of greater significance was the DNA sample he got from George when he disposed of a coffee cup he had used. I snipped, from one of the panties, a piece of cum stain and sent it, with some of Lorraine's hair, and the coffee cup off for analysis. No surprises when those results returned.

After each escapade I put the panties in a zip lock bag and used a black marker to date the bag. I put the nightly news on the TV and when they showed the date on the screen I took a picture showing the bag and TV screen. I stored the bags in the garage. I had to buy new panties to replace the growing collection.

I had done a respectable job of avoiding spending time with Lorraine. Well actually it wasn't all that hard as her indifference towards me made it pretty simple. I did attempt, on a few occasions, to get Jessica to open up but she was full of one word responses. Her body language was that of someone under stress. Perhaps it's the upcoming wedding.

The attorney laid out the consequences of the divorce. Split the assets 50-50 and hefty alimony since her fundraising work paid very little. Obviously Lorraine thought my choice would be the 'It's cheaper to keep her' route. No way is that cheating whore getting paid to screw George. Seems like I need to retire and give all of my wealth away. I mulled the order of events and started building my exit strategy.

I told Lorraine that we should think about getting her a new car and had her sign the her title so we could act quickly if we found a bargain. I was told that it was 'about time'. Yes it was my dear.

I reasoned that Frances should secure lock boxes in most of the banks around our fair city. I started converting my assets into American Eagle gold coins and giving them to Frances in the lock boxes. Cashing in my 401K and paying the penalty was a no-brainer. Brokerage accounts and life insurance policies took a little more time but Lorraine, scum sucker that she was, showed no sign of acquiring morals anytime soon. I put a vacation hold on the mail so I could intercept everything.

Lorraine and I had established a home equity line of credit. We had used it to pay for six years of college. I'm guessing I never paid for an ethics course. I was able to run up the debt to the maximum the bank would allow.

I started buying from gold dealers in nearby cities to spread the purchases around. As long as I was in those cities I opened a few more lock box accounts for Frances.

The end was in sight. Jessica's wedding was a week from Saturday.

Frances refused to sell her home so it sat vacant. Until now. I purchased one of those no-contract cell phones. I was able to get a pretty good early retirement bonus and turned the final paycheck into cash. Returning to my house I started packing. After several car loads my prized possessions were enjoying a new address. I left my bedroom looking like I was still living there.

I had left very little money in any of the joint accounts. I printed out statements and visited with the attorney again. I would have Lorraine served at her fundraising gala in two days. My net worth wasn't enough to pay the upcoming credit card bills and mortgage.

I lined up the 13 bags with panties and shot a video zooming in on the date and TV screen of each. After the upload finished I attached it to the emails which were about to be sent. Also attaching the PI reports, the voice recording transcript, and the DNA analysis made for a nice package.

Jessica arrived to take Lorraine to the gala. No reason for me to attend you know, people I don't know, I'd get bored, yada yada. Got it, I'm just the banker.

The backstabbers had left so I set about reporting credit cards stolen and cancelling cell phones. The ad created to sell Lorraine's car attracted a cash buyer who was knocking on my door. Price cars below Blue Book and the response is lively. The chain reaction was underway.

While waiting for the confirmation that Lorraine had been served I finished cleaning out what I had left in my bedroom. Just before Lorraine was to make her keynote speech she was served. I received the confirmation call and was warmed by the report of her going spastic and dragging her sorry ass out to Jessica's car. I turned on my computer and started sharing the good news. Emails were cyber spreading my anger.

I was not going to let his wife remain in the dark any longer.

"I apologize if you did not want to know. I did want to know and no one had the decency to inform me. Your husband, George, and my wife, Lorraine, have been enjoying an extended affair."

George I believe you have a meeting in the morning with your board of directors.

"Your Director of Charitable Giving, George, and one of his assistants, my wife Lorraine, have been having sex while drawing your paychecks. I will contact you to discuss how best to keep your organization out of the news. I suspect some of your major contributors may lack the understanding necessary to keep funding home wreckers. You will be required to inform anyone seeking a reference that George is not suited to manager people. I won't let you 'pass the trash'."

Lorraine, enjoy your new life.

"Slut wife

I loved you with all of my heart, unconditionally. It wasn't enough for you.

I have resigned from my job and moved out of the house. I have converted all of our assets to cash and given it away. We have few assets left so whether you get half of them or all of them we will be in bankruptcy within a few months. You might be able to live with your boyfriend although his life is about to be turned upside down.

What I can never forgive is your corruption of Jessica. May you die a slow miserable death you worthless slut.


And the one that hurt me the most

"Craig and Jessica,

It is with a very heavy heart that I must inform you that I will not be escorting Jessica down the aisle at your wedding. I have recently learned that her view of wedding vows and mine are completely incompatible.

Jessica has not only known of her mother's infidelity but has worked to facilitate it. Helping to systematically destroy my twenty-five year marriage leaves me no choice but to excuse myself from your wedding.

Craig, I could not look you in the eyes, and deliver to your arms, someone who thinks that marriage vows are only something you babble during your ceremony. If I said nothing and she eventually follows her mother's tutoring, I could not live with myself knowing you would be feeling the same pain and suffering I am enduring.

If you would still like me to attend, I will; but only as a guest in the background.

Jessica I'm more than disappointed with you but will always love you. You will understand this more when you have children of your own.

Best wishes


I turned the computer off and left my home for quite possibly the last time. I parked a few blocks away, walked back, and waited. As I figured, Jessica drove up and sprinted into the house. Lorraine was limping towards the door when Jessica announced

"He's not here. His closet is empty. There's not much left in his office."

Whether they knew it or not they were feeling things those in the Great Depression had felt. People had placed their trust and faith in the banks always being there only to end with nothing but memories when the runs on the banks occurred.

It only took a few days for people to track me down as I had made no attempt to hide from anyone. The venom spewed in my direction was somewhat helpful. Misery does, in fact, love company.

"How could you?" was constantly tossed in my direction. Really? My bad. What was I thinking? Wait, isn't that my question to you?

Craig called off the wedding, who saw that coming?

I never shed a tear until I opened my door, a few days after the divorce was finalized, and found Jessica standing there. I cannot begin to describe the pained look on her face with her lips quivering as she forced her words out in a shaky voice

"I'm sorry."

I opened my arms and she buried her head in my chest and held me close. I wrapped my arms around her. She softly sobbed for more than several minutes. Eventually she pushed away, looked into my eyes, but was unable to form the words.

I offered "Stay?"

"Next time" she wimpered and again tried to say something but abandoned the attempt with "I need to go."

She turned and walked away.

When I felt the wet spot on my shirt from her tears I was unable to prevent my tears from joining hers. The healing has begun.

I watch the business news much more than I ever have and am constantly checking the price of gold. Frances gives me a gold coin every once in a while.

Lorraine, now working the swing shift at a gas-n-go, is unable to make any of the payments and I am in no position to do so either. Foreclosure is in my future.

Once the divorce was finalized the fund raising organization and I came to a mutually beneficial arraignment. Such as those things go, I legally can't disclose any details.

George is having trouble finding work. His ex-wife is still busy with his kids.

I never did find any mice in the basement. I guess that ninja attack did the trick.

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oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 1 month ago

I'm not going to delve into the legalities of what or how the husband does with his money, I'm just going to enjoy the story like the author intended. This one was short enough that I went back and reread it. I'm glad that he and his daughter are open to reconciliation because daughters have a special place in their father's heart. I know mine does.

consulting91consulting913 months ago

Great story. I did like the gathering of evidence and his obvious disdain when he said, “I’m just the banker”

LoneandlevelLoneandlevel3 months ago

"Yes it is, my dear"

"Got it, I'm just the banker"

One of my favorites

silverthorne16silverthorne164 months ago

Seriously? No explanation from the daughter as to why she helped her mother? Not even any idea if the daughter was "sorry" because she knew she was wrong? Or because she got caught?

Kernow2023Kernow20235 months ago

would have found it difficult to forgive the daughter but never less a good story

NudeInMaineNudeInMaine5 months ago

I liked the story. I hope he reconciles with his daughter.

Hiram325Hiram32510 months ago

M&M's stories are a cuck-free zone. The cumguzzlers who love cuck stories must hate him...

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

A jolly little jaunt, well worth four stars. If I may be allowed one little nit pick it is that I've noticed in several of M&M's stories he uses the word 'arraignment' when he actually means 'arrangement'. Nice if he could just clear that one up going forward.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I cant imagine having the women you love most in this whole world betray you in such a callous way. He raised his daughter from birth, gave her everything, and that's how she repays him. Smh

Great story as always

nixroxnixroxabout 1 year ago

3 stars for a decent BTB.

However, it is more fun to read the comments, especially if there are any legal issues or money hiding - hahaha

dgfergiedgfergiealmost 2 years ago

Another good one. Hope the daughter learned a lesson too.

WargamerWargamerabout 2 years ago

The daughter got off way too easily


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Obviously, the MC is looking forward to seeing his grandchildren, that is why he hasn’t totally isolated his daughter for her failure to protect his marriage. As for his wife, this author has the balls to BTB, unlike many other well known authors on literotica. To those other literotica author, all that I can say is “YOU’RE ALL JUST A GAGGLE OF CUCKOLDS”.

Lmao at AA82ndAA who said that the Divorce courts would come after him! If they can’t find the money, the money doesn’t exist. It’s the same as trying to get money after you successfully sue someone. You are owed money but it is very hard to get it if they don’t want to give it. He will just make up private companies with unknown directors to control his money and assets..

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good revenge on the cheating wife and the accomplice daughter

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAover 2 years ago

Fun story however all the financial stuff he did is BS. Divorce courts only have to hear of a "cashed out" 401k and a LOC being used by one party to come down hard on that party. He could have used the money to pay debt....but not tohide fubds. Makes for joy in reading however.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ok. So the daughter lost her wedding. I figure this is a good price to pay, for her betrayal. But I don’t think the daughter has changed her stripes. If she was 9 or 10 years old, and mom threatened her if she told, maybe. But being an adult, is another story. I really think he should minimize his relationship with her, at this point. Allowing her back into his good graces so soon, will not teach her anything. I guess it’s a fine line. Don’t totally alienate her, but keep her at a distance. Be cordial, but not friendly. If she ever contemplates getting engaged again, make a condition that they both talk to her boyfriend about the situation together, and demand a prenup, if hubby is going to pay anything. Some will say this is cruel, but life is cruel. It’s a parents job, to try to teach their children right from wrong, and to accept consequences for their behavior. Obviously, if this website is any indication, that lesson is sorely lacking.

JonDoe315JonDoe315over 2 years ago

His daughter was put in a bad situation but she knowingly helped hide her mother's infidelity and deserves a much longer sentence than what she got. Would've been nice if there were dialogue between the mom and daughter after he moved out.

DrgwngDrgwngover 2 years ago

Daughter needs to be disowned and cut off. Cool that he warned the future daughter hubby. Men are at significant disadvantages. Too many lw authors are too soft in stuff like this. I am sorry are feeble words without any cost to offender. Actions speak louder.

amygdalaamygdalaalmost 3 years ago

Man this has a Nelson Munoz “Ha Ha” moment at the end for the ex.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Enjoyed. For flash story covered most of it. Would have liked daughter's explanation of why helped. Wife who cares she did it. jtwheels

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Would like to have included what happened next with both his daughter and him

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I especially like that he warned the daughters fiancé.


PraetusPraetusalmost 3 years ago

Good flash. I think it needs some more context from the daughter or even a bit from the wife... just to see whether there is any remorse.... really.

Though i agree the daughter is almost a worse betrayal.

JonDoe315JonDoe315about 3 years ago

His daughter got off too easy. He should've cut her off temporarily. Yes she went along with the mom but she also betrayed her father in the worse way. I can see not wanting to break up the family but for her to go along is prob worse imo

kirei8kirei8about 3 years ago

For sitting in an airport while writing this story I have to give you 5 stars. It was a very good flash story. Grammar nazi anon's comments where over the top. I guess some people don't read the introductions, go figure.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuabout 3 years ago

Sad tale of a daughter as a willing accomplice to her mother's betrayal.

Me as a father of a daughter that just hurt so much than the betrayal of the spouse.

Nicely done.

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