Nelly's Dare

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Nelly introduces her professor to her sister.
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An autumn evening and it is already dark.

I am standing in the middle of a second floor studio apartment in the center of town while it's occupant, Nelly, a 19-year old student of mine, is down on her knees sucking my cock.

Amber light from the street outside glows through the front window and falls over her face. The flowery scent of shampoo rolls off her platinum blonde hair as her head oscillates back and forth.

Perhaps this story is all too typical, the young, single adjunct professor fresh from his doctoral studies, having an affair with one of his students. The story would be typical if it weren't for the fact that while Nelly is devouring my cock, her twenty-one year old lesbian sister, Uli, is kneeling behind me eating my ass.

I look around Nelly's apartment and try to take it all in, to verify that it is real. There is a well-worn green fabric sofa up against the wall, potted plants on the marble window sill, and the pride flag hanging in the doorway between the bedroom and the sitting area—which I assume is more a symbol of Nelly's acceptance of her sister's lifestyle than anything else.

So how did I end up here?

It all started with a dare.

Nelly dropped by my office one Tuesday afternoon to ask me a question about her thesis on the rise of Dutch feminism during the Northern Renaissance. But when she sauntered into my office that day and slouched down on the old vinyl chair next to my desk, there was something about her that told me she was not really here to talk about the intricate details of Dutch feminism during the Northern Renaissance.

It was in her eyes. The way she looked at me with those ice blue eyes set wide in her innocent round face — they were not the same eyes that looked up at me while I lectured. Right now they radiated a deviousness that belied the previous innocent facade.

She would ask me a question then sit back nonchalantly and wait for my reply. Her lips pressed together in a squiggly pout as she contemplated my answer.

"I don't know, I mean one thing I don't get is how Vermeer portrays women in his paintings, you know, with their glistening eyes and moist lips he attempts to show them as independent sexual beings, but yet they are locked in by the cool, controlled order of the rooms doing domestic chores."

"Good observations, but don't you think the images are at the same time liberating?" I shot back.

"Maybe, but they are still prisoners."

I let out a little laugh.

"Now you're making fun of me."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't making fun of you," I said, sitting forward in my chair trying to recover from my gaffe.

"Then what is it that I don't understand?" she continued.

"Well, Vermeer is complicated."

"I can tell."

"Behind those polished surfaces is a mix of contradictions. He paints life in the physical sense as it presents itself to us while at the same time conveys some of its underlying contradictions."

"Oh, you mean he's a bullshitter?"

I laughed again, but this time she genuinely amused me.

"Now, that's a good one."

"Thank you," she returned, her face lit up by a big wide smile.

I suddenly felt a connection to her. Her quick wit, her willingness to show her vulnerabilities.

"Listen, Nelly. You're a bright girl, you always have some good insights. You ask very good questions in class, and so far your writings show a keen curiosity that doesn't come natural to many students."

"Well, that must be because I have a good teacher," she said faking a modest smile.

"Thank you."

"Do I make you feel uncomfortable?" She asked after a brief pause.

"No, not really, why should I feel uncomfortable around you?"

"Come on, I mean, you're not THAT much older than me, and it's obvious we find each other attractive."

"And what makes you think that?" Oh no, this was going somewhere dangerous. Teaching jobs in art history were almost impossible to find, and whatever I did next would make the difference whether I would hold on to what I had or throw it all away.

I asked her if she had a boyfriend.

"No," she giggled.

"Why not?"

"I don't know, just haven't met the right one."

"Have you ever been in love?" I asked, hoping this would deflect the conversation away from me.

"Maybe. Well, I would say I has close once."

"But you weren't sure?" I continued.

She shrugged. "I guess I was always afraid of giving myself up totally to someone. When you're in love, you're vulnerable."

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" I changed the subject.

"An older sister."

"How old is she?"

"Ulrika is twenty one."

"Does Ulrika have a boyfriend?"

"You're trying to change the subject."

"Not really."

"Well..." she paused,"she actually has a girlfriend."

"You mean she'..."

"A lesbian?...yeah, at least that's what she says."

"What do you mean, at least that's what she says?"

"I mean, I don't know, she's been with plenty of guys. I mean, I used to catch her fucking them on our couch all the time when we were in high school. She was quite the slut, then all of sudden she was into girls."

My eyes widened. "Just like that?"

"Yeah, kind of."She leaned forward, licked her lips, then continued, "She was always into music and started a girl band when she was sixteen. I saw her kissing one of the girls one day and asked her about it, if she was a lesbian or something."

"And what did she say?"

"She just shrugged and said that one day she woke up and found a girl down there."

"What was that supposed to mean?"

"I have no idea, she can be weird like that. Saying cryptic shit that only she understands."

"You know you're really pretty." I couldn't hold back anymore.

"Thank you," she said with a giggle.

We spoke for a while about her sister, Nelly's theories on why she got into girls all of a sudden, then turned to Nelly's sex life. I learned about her first time, a boy named Peter who fucked her from behind in her bedroom. I was definitely way over the line at this point. But what the hell, I kept going.

"So, how's your sex life now?" I asked.

She puckered her lips and blew a loud raspberry and gave a thumbs down.

"Wow, that surprises me. I mean a good looking girl like you..."

"Means nothing. Most guys are useless. Now I know why some girls get into girls."

"Like your sister?" I asked.

She paused for a moment, then replied sourly, "Not sure what her deal is."

I nodded.

"I'm so fucking horny right now," she squealed as if asking for sympathy.

"Nelly, listen. I'm your teacher, we better stop this now."

"But I need to get off."

"So how can you take care of that in a way that doesn't involve me?"

"Like I always do, I fucking masturbate."

I nodded, not sure what I could say.

"Do you want to see me to do it?"

Her blue eyes were like two round pools. I got up and locked the door.

"Aw fuck," she exclaimed then reached up under her red and white flowered dress and pulled down a pair of white cotton panties. She pushed back the vinyl chair and put her feet up on my desk. I caught the whiff of her cunt.

She thrust her hand between her legs and started to rub herself in a slow circular motion. The material of her dress pushed up over pale white thighs exposed her pink vulva. Pubic hair the color of honey. Her lips curled and contorted into a variety of shapes as she moaned softly. Her hand moved faster as she worked herself closer to orgasm. Her eyes crammed shut. I wondered what image she held in her mind to help her get off.

"Oh god," she cried. "Oh my god....Fuck!" Her head shot forward. Blonde hair whipped in a wild tussle.

I was caught between the sensations of intense sexual arousal and bewilderment.

She shuddered violently as she rode the waves of an orgasm. When it was over she lay back in the chair, her chest heaving. A shiny pool of her juice smeared the chair between her legs.

Neither one of us said a word for what seemed like an eternity. I sat there and let her compose herself while she stared up at the ceiling.

"I need to go," she said finally while sitting up. Her flushed face contained the look of embarrassment.

"That's okay," was the only thing I could say.

She stood up and picked up her panties. It didn't feel right to watch her roll them up her thighs, but I did it anyway.

As she approached the door to leave, she turned to me and said, "You've got meet my sister so you can see for yourself."

"To see what for myself?" I asked.

"Since you're so curious about Uli, I'd like for you to meet her."

"Sure," I replied.

"Stop by my apartment tomorrow night, she's coming over to see me."

"What's your address?"

She told me her address. I wrote it down.

"I dare you to get inside her head and explain her to me," she continued.

"I'll do my best," I tried to sound nonchalant.

She continued towards the door with a devilish smile. She turned and winked as she closed it behind her.

I walked to Nelly's apartment through the tree lined streets on a typical chilly October evening. There was something about this time of year that captured my heart: the bittersweet autumn air, the fallen leaves plastered to the concrete, and the warmly-lit rooms seen from the street—these sights and sounds always managed to raise my spirits with the start of a new school year and its potential for new possibilities. But this thing with Nelly was beyond anything that I had ever expected.

I arrived at her apartment building a few minutes after seven O'clock and still couldn't believe I was going through with this. It was in a section of town where many students lived and realized that someone might spot me here. But I decided not to care.

I punched in Nelly's unit code on the electronic keypad of the front door. The door buzzed, I pushed it open then went up two flights of stairs. I turned to the left then knocked on her door. The door opened and she was standing there with a big smile on her face. It put me at ease.

"Hi....welcome. Glad you decided to come. Wasn't sure if you were going to."

I smiled innocently and gave a shrug.

"Please come in."

Typical apartment for a single student. Smallish, a hodge-podge of second-hand furniture, Ikea lamps and tables.

"This is my sister, Ulrika," Nelly said while turning around to introduce the girl standing behind her. She was dressed in tight black jeans and a charcoal gray T-shirt that showed off her nice slim body and medium sized breasts. She had the same high-cheekbones as Nelly, the same blue eyes, and same fair complexion. But her hair was a little darker, her lips fuller, fluffier. Her features more mature compared to Nelly's baby face.

"Nice to meet you, professor. You can call me Uli."

"Please call me Axel," I replied as if walking into a job interview.

"Of course, Axel." she responded. I wasn't sure if she was being sarcastic. This whole thing started to feel awkward.

"Come on in, have a seat," Nelly motioned us to the couch. "Care for a drink?"

"Sure, what are you offering?" I asked.


"Sounds great."

We took a seat on the couch while Nelly went to the kitchen and took three beers from the fridge. Uli and me smiled at each other as we sat down on the sofa. Nelly re-entered the room and handed each one of us a beer.

"So, skål," Nelly said while raising her bottle.

"Skål," we all say unison.

I glanced over at Uli and smiled again, she smiled back. I looked for signs of lesbianism, whatever that was, but I saw none.

Uli put the bottle up to her lips and took a long pull. There is something about a girl drinking from a bottle—the lips contort into a strange shape, the mouth opens, liquid pours into the dark opening.

I took a drink. The beer was cold and sweet.

We made some small talk, then when the loosening effect of the alcohol took hold, the flirtatious look in Nelly's eyes returned — the same look she had the other day when she entered my office.

Uli took a drink of beer then wiped her thick, luscious lips. An act I tried to watch discretely, but I think she noticed.

"So, professor..."

"Axel," I corrected her.

"Okay, Axel. So, how the hell did you get my little sister to masturbate in front of you?"

I looked over at Nelly and laughed. She drops her eyes and giggles with embarrassment.

"I don't know. I didn't do a thing. She was the one who volunteered to do it."

"Volunteered!" She yelled.

"Well, yes..." I replied.

Uli stood up holding the beer in her left hand while sweeping her right hand across the room and cried out to an imaginary audience, "Ladies and gentlemen, and now for my next act, I need a volunteer from the audience...".

She stooped down low and held the position for effect.

"No one? Come on!" Uli continued addressing the imaginary crowd. "Don't be bashful now...just need one brave soul to engage in a single act of debauchery."She put her flattened hand up to her forehead pretending to scan a distant horizon.

I laughed.

"How about you, professor," she shot her head in my direction. Her blue eyes ablaze.

"Me?" I tried to play along, but not sure where this was going.

"Come on, professor, I dare you..."

"You dare me..." was all I could muster.

"Yes, professor Axel. It is I who dare you."

"Okay, I volunteer," I said comically, while waving my hand in the air.

"Excellent! please stand up and take center stage."

I stood up and moved to the middle of the room.

"Nelly, turn off the lights," Uli called to her sister.

There was a click and the room was dark except for the glow of the orange-yellow streetlights outside.

Uli dropped the side show barker routine then led me by the hand to the center of the room. She called for Nelly to join us.

Uli whispered in my ear, "I want my sister to suck your dick while I give you a little surprise."

They both started to undress. I followed their lead and soon all of our clothes lay in piles scattered across the floor.

Their pale bodies flashed in the ambient light. I studied the fair-haired thatches between their legs. There was a surge in my loins.

Nelly sunk to her knees and took my cock into her hands and fondled it. Uli cupped my ass then I felt the tingling wetness of her tongue flicker across my asshole. I gasped.

"Anyone ever touch you here before, Professor?" Uli asked.

"No, first time. It feels good."

"Just enjoy,"she replied.

Nelly gave the tip of my cock a few circular licks before closing her mouth around the entire shaft. Uli buried her face between my butt cheeks as she lapped up and down my asshole. Occasionally I felt a squeeze as she stiffened her tongue and thrust it up into the deeper reaches of my rectum.

It was the first time a girl ever ate my ass and the feeling of Uli's gelatinous tentacle working its way around the sensitive opening of my ass, while Nelly's warm mouth engulfed my cock felt like heaven. It took everything I could muster to hold back and let this moment last as long as I could.

Nelly was looking up at me with those innocent ice-blue eyes that I realized now were a complete foil for a girl with a naughty soul. Nelly's plan was for me to try and figure out her sister, but at this point I concluded that both of them were pretty kooky.

Nelly pulls back and takes several deep breaths. Her saliva-covered face glistens in the dim light. She seems oblivious to the slobber running down her chin.

Suddenly Uli stops eating my ass.

"How you doing little sis?"

"Good," Nelly whimpers between labored breaths.

"Wanna switch?"

Nelly hesitates for moment, then replies, "Sure." But she doesn't sound so sure.

They change places by scooting around on their knees.

Nelly's face is now in my ass and my cock is in Uli's mouth.

Uli sucks gently at first, not using her hands. The gentle motion of her head is like the coming and going of an ocean tide. She concentrates with closed eyes, as if playing a violin solo.

Nelly licks my ass tentatively, lacking the confidence of her sister.

An orgasm starts to well up inside me. My breathing becomes louder, heavier. The girls notice.

Nelly stops licking my ass.

"I want this," Uli calls out. "Keep eating his ass."

Nelly's draws her warm tongue up and down my rectum. Uli takes me deep. My cock explodes.

Uli's mouth squeezes harder. She looks up at me with wide eyes, her swollen lips sealed around my shaft like an over-inflated inter tube. Her sucked-in cheeks and bulging eyes makes her looks like a person possessed.

Another wad of come squirts into Uli's mouth. Her throat contracts. I continue to come in waves, she swallows each delivery.

When my balls are drained, Nelly moves next to her sister.

Uli pulls my cock slowly from her mouth.

"Here, have a taste," she offers it to Nelly.

Nelly gingerly licks the underside of my shaft.

"Ewww, I can taste your spit," Nelly complains half-jokingly.

"You love the taste of my spit, admit it," Uli voice is muffled. She is holding some of my come in her mouth.

Nelly shrugs then puts my still-hard cock into her mouth. Although I just came, I felt ready for some more.

Uli puts her hands on Nelly's shoulders while she sucks. After a few seconds Uli pulls her away and gently guides her to the sofa where she lies down. Uli leans over and moves her face closer to Nelly's. It looks like they are about to kiss.

Uli pauses for a moment then caresses Nelly's cheek. Her lips part slowly revealing a viscous white fluid inside her mouth. Nelly looks up at her with a look of fear and revulsion.

Uli's cracked lips open wider. As if on cue, Nelly opens her mouth. A syrupy stream of jism mixed with Uli's saliva falls from her mouth and lands on Nelly's waiting tongue. Nelly pulls it into her mouth and let's the wad dissolve slowly.

An image of them playing as youngsters flashes into my head. It is early evening, they just had dinner. Uli has Nelly pinned to the ground on the cool grass after a frantic chase. Nelly had taken something of hers; a doll, a piece of jewelry, whatever it was, it was something that triggered Uli's intense fury. Nelly knew there would be consequences, but she was willing to suffer them. It was worth the sense of satisfaction of getting her sister's goat.

Uli pops a loogey out of her mouth and let's it hang from her lip. Nelly screams for her to stop. She is sorry, she'll never to it again. Uli sucks the loogey back into her mouth and makes Nelly promise to never do it again. Nelly promises. Uli teases her again with the loogey. Nelly screams that she promises.

After threatening her with the loogey a few more times, Uli is satisfied that Nelly is sufficiently tormented and let's her go. Nelly runs home. Uli swallows the loogey and follows after her.

Uli now makes a hawking sound as she collects the rest of the come-saliva mix from her mouth. Nelly opens again.

There is a puckering of Uli's lips as another wad squeezes out of her mouth. This time the fluid is clearer, less viscous; more spit than come.

Nelly takes it. Her lips close. Her throat bobs. She swallows.

Uli stands up slowly. Nelly remains on the sofa staring up at the ceiling. She looks like she is in a trance. Uli grabs a wool blanket from the back of the sofa and covers Nelly.

She then takes me by the hand and leads me towards Nelly's bedroom.

"What about Nelly?" I ask.

"She'll be fine. Let her rest there for a bit."

In the street light coming through the window, Uli's naked form exudes an air of authority. A provocateur acutely aware of her power. Not athletic but nicely shaped, she wears her body with confidence and charisma. Pretty little tits with gumdrop nipples. The small swell of her belly has a sexiness to it. Fair skin, the type that never tans but only burns in the summer.

"Here, let's go," Uli grabs my hand then leads us toward the bedroom. The soft silk from the pride flag hanging in the doorway brushes against our shoulders as she pulls us into the darkness of Nelly's room. She bends down and clicks on a small lamp sitting on the nightstand next to the bed.