Never Saw It Coming

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Not what Holly expected from an after-work happy hour.
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"Did I dream it?"

Holly snapped awake.

She had slept hardly at all, only dozing in brief fits and starts. Her mind kept replaying (dreaming of?) the events from the previous night.

"It's Saturday, right? Yes... Saturday. Thank God. No way I'd be able to work today."

It took her about three seconds to remember that it was most definitely not a dream.

"Fuck! What was I thinking? I didn't even drink that much. How the..."

She got out of the comfort of soft sheets and a pillow and started going about her Saturday routine. But everything kept going back to the night before. She was thankful that the kids, two teenage boys, were both gone and Curt, her husband, had gone into work for the morning.

Over her morning coffee and small breakfast, she began the process of deconstructing the night before...

Alcohol wasn't at fault. She'd had a few drinks, yes, but it was over the course of a few hours and it's not like she got stupid drunk. Tipsy at most. Not even a hangover this morning. She sat wondering how she ended up getting fucked (Taken advantage of? Raped?) by a guy she had never met before and had no plans of meeting again.

She got an email at work from her sister, Kelly, to meet at a new bar on the edge of town after work. Cool, Holly thought. She and her sister hadn't done that in a long time.

The bar they met at was the hot new bar in town, right next to the truck stop restaurant that had been there forever. They sat and talked like sisters do, people-watched and laughed about making up stories about what the complete strangers around them were doing.

They kind of sat off on the fringes of the crowd so they could hear themselves amongst the happy hour drinkers. Another man, sitting talking to his iPad about 20 feet away, had the same idea and was the only other person whose conversation was close enough for them to hear.

Mr. iPad man appeared to be talking to family members through FaceTime. When Kelly left to use the restroom, he asked Holly if he was talking too loud and apologized if he was bothering them.

"Oh no," Holly said. "You're fine. Chatting with your family?"

"I am," he said, holding up a finger. "Yes, daddy loves you, too. I'll see you all tomorrow. Bye bye... I drive truck and I've been gone for 22 days. One job hauling to the next. Thank goodness for this. FaceTime is awesome."

"I've heard of it but never used it," she said as Kelly returned to the table.

"FaceTime?" Kelly said. "Yeah, it's great. My sister-in-law uses it when she travels. Great for putting the kids to bed at night."

And so the conversation went. Mr. iPad - Travis - joined them for a bit and fascinated them with his life's travels and experiences. Military - Iraq, then Afghanistan, then Iraq again - before working on a boat in Alaska, then as a chauffeur/bodyguard for Carrie Underwood for a year. And yep, as they sat there, Kelly surreptitiously verified his story on the internet. Sure as shit, there he was with Carrie Underwood 2 years ago. She quietly texted Holly that he was "legit."

But, in addition to his life experiences and being an attractive man - African-American, about 30 years old - Travis was also a cool personality. He was sort of mesmerizing.

He had a quiet confidence and a way about him that made those around him feel drawn to him, like they were pulling for him. And being quite a handsome devil didn't hurt either.

His latest professional stint probably topped all of his post-military experiences. He drove a big rig truck hauling fancy cars around the country. Most of his clients were celebrities. When a Bradley Cooper bought a new quarter of a million dollar sports car in Florida and needed it delivered to Southern California, Travis was the guy to deliver it. He had built a reputation with his good work and was referred from one famous person to another.

And of course, he had the associated stories to go with it. He bought a round of drinks and then spent an hour wowing Holly and Kelly with stories. They were awed with Travis. He was a celebrity to them.

"And Travis has got to get to bed," he said. "I've got about 500 miles left to cover before I get home and I want an early start."

"Yeah, I should get going, too," Kelly said. "This was fun and it was really nice meeting you, Travis. Safe travels on your last leg home. And I'll talk to you tomorrow, Holly. Say hi to the boys for me."

"Yep, good night, Sis," she said. "I'm going to use the restroom quick. I really enjoyed meeting you, Travis. Drive safe, OK?"

"Oh, I will. It's a precious cargo. I'm always careful."

When Holly got to the parking lot she found that she was parked near Travis' big rig. She remembered it when she arrived. He was finishing on the phone as she approached.

"So this is yours, huh?" Holly said.

"Hah! Yep, this is it!"

"And that's the mini-apartment you told us about in the front part of the trailer? Windows and everything. That's the way to travel."

"Yeah, as I said, it saves on hotel rooms and makes me feel kind of 'at home' even when I'm a thousand miles away."

"Man, that must be something hauling that big trailer around. I could never do that. Do you ever find pots & pans in your bed?"

Travis laughed. "No. I keep everything pinned down. There was a bit of a learning curve at first but I handle it pretty well now. You want the 5-cent tour?"

"Well, uh OK, sure," she said.

"Actually, 5 cents might be pushing it, as small as it is."

He unlocked the door and flipped on the light.

"Here it is."

"Oh, cool," Holly said. "I think my first apartment was smaller than this."

He spent a few minutes telling her the stories of the trips on which he brought his youngest daughter, now 6, and how he had to curl up on the small couch so she could have the bed. And meals they would cook on the little stove, and the bedtime stories. Holly was amazed again at Travis.

"Wow, how cool, Travis. You are so amazing, you know that? What a life. And your family is so lucky."

"Awe, it's nothing. Nothing anybody else wouldn't do if they could. And it was very nice meeting you and your sister. That was an enjoyable evening."

Knowing this was a final goodbye, they sort of looked at each other with the do-we-shake-hands? look. Holly took one step forward, Travis took another, his hand went out, she saw and interpreted it one way, he meant it another and in the end, they end up embracing in a hug.

Continuing the awkwardness, as they parted, they caught each other's eyes and there was another mutual misinterpretation and he thought she moved toward him, she thought the same and their heads ended up moving toward each other. In that split second Holly though, "Oh, kiss-on-the-cheek goodbye. No harm. OK."

But it's funny sometimes how split seconds work. In that split second he pulled Holly to him and kissed her. A full-on kiss on the mouth. Holly's next split-second reaction was as off-the-wall as anything she had ever done.

She kissed him back.

All that went through her mind in that instant was his charismatic personality, the stories about his life, his good looks, everything that she thought was great about him.

Travis put his arms around her, his hands going to her ass. Holly's hands went to his neck and back of his head, pulling him in.

As she sat there at the kitchen table holding her coffee mug, she remembered his smell. He smelled so good. She remembered his lips, gentle, and his tongue, hot. She shook her head at being so stupid to give in. But it happened so fast!

Holly walked over to the laundry room just off the kitchen to throw in a load. Her clothes from last night were on top of the hamper. She contemplated throwing them away. The skirt was one she had just bought and yesterday was the first time she wore it. She stood in front of her mirror yesterday morning contemplating whether she should wear it. Not because it was inappropriate for work, but she wondered if people would think she was trying to dress too young.

Putting on the skirt yesterday morning, she lingered at the mirror for a bit. Holly didn't often give herself the once over in a mirror but with the new skirt, she took a minute. She liked what she saw. At 42 years old, she worked hard to keep in shape and look good for her husband; for herself. She was a legitimate 5-days-a-week at the YMCA doing cardio and lifting weights. Holly liked to think she could wear a skirt cut above the knee but she still wasn't sure.

Having two kids hadn't wrecked her body. The worst thing was the little bit of a paunch around her belly. It was far less than most women her age but she still noticed it. No matter what she did at the Y though, she could barely touch that paunch. Truth be told, however; Holly was probably the only one who even knew it was there.

The biggest effect on her body after two kids was her chest. In high school she was a 34B chest. Now, 34D. Curt assured her that her chest was perfect. But no matter how often he told her that she didn't have droopy grandma boobs, she still wondered.

Holly needn't worry. The women at the Y who saw her undress in the lockerroom secretly debated amongst themselves whether she'd had her breasts worked on. It was safe to say that Holly's peer group of women pretty much hated her for how she looked.

So she stood there at her mirror, wearing only her skirt. She had gotten plenty of sun all summer and she was satisfied that she could show off some leg without blinding anybody. After a few minutes consideration, she thought, "Fuck it, let's do it."

In that rare moment of actually feeling good about how she looked, she quickly decided to get out a rarely worn Victoria's Secret bra that she'd had for a few years. "The front-loader," as Curt called it because it clasped in front. It didn't matter how much the bra pushed her tits up. The loose fitting top that she put on didn't show off anything. There would be no cleavage showing today. She was feeling brave, just not that brave.

She put the finishing touches on her brown not-quite-shoulder-length hair and slipped on some 2" heels that raised her up to an astute 5'-10" and off to work she went to start her slaving job to get her pay.

All of that went through her mind as Travis moved his hands from her ass up her back under her loose-fitting shirt and then to her chest. He was emboldened by Holly's hands on him and through the kiss Travis uttered an "Mmmmmm," as his hands went to her chest.

"Oh my God, her tits are huge," he thought as he continued kissing her, his hands groping her tits over her VS bra.

Then just like that, her hands went to his chest to press against him and she pulled her head away from him. Her next split-second was a return to reality. "Oh!" she let out as Travis, in one adept, swift move, lifted that loose-fitting black shirt right over her head, her arms raised seemingly on their own as the shirt went up and over and he tossed it on the floor.

"Travis... no—" was cut off by his mouth back on hers - that tongue again, hot - and barely before she realized it, his hands went under her new skirt and on her ass, squeezing, mauling it.

"No, no," she said as he swung her toward his bed and then - bam - she was lying back on the bed, a twin-size barely big enough for one she thought.

It took Travis less than 3 seconds to get his shirt over his head and his shorts down. In the next second he noticed Holly's eyes went to his cock, which was mostly, but not quite entirely, erect.

"Yeah, I saw you look," he said as he moved to the bed to get on top of her. Holly had raised up to her elbows to start getting off the bed but instead of falling on top of her, he reached down to her panties, which were exposed after she fell back on the bed. Travis was kneeling on the edge of the bed as he maneuvered her panties down over her legs and he tossed them next to her top. The surprise of her panties coming off stopped her move to get off the bed.

"Shaved pussy," he said as he fell on top of her. "I love that. What'd you think of my cock? Is it what you thought a black man's cock would be?" Then his mouth was back on hers.

Holly moved her head to the side to break away from his mouth.

"Travis, you can't... I need to go," she said with her hands pushing against his shoulders.

His weight was mostly on her, Holly's legs spread when he fell over her. His left elbow raised him up as he used his right hand to bring his cock to her pussy.

"You're not quite wet enough," he said as he brought his hand to his mouth for a gob of spit.

"No! Travis... stop!"

In another second his cockhead was in her and he lunged forward, burying it in her pussy.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!" he said as he held himself up on both hands on either side of her shoulders.

"Oooof!" Holly let out. She tilted her head back and pushed harder against his chest.

Travis was a big man. At 6'-4" and 235 pounds, Holly could offer nothing physical enough to move him.

"You can't do this—" she started and he brought his mouth down to hers to kiss her again. This one was clumsy and she tried to resist it. He started thrusting his cock into her as he grabbed her hair with his right hand to steady her head.

"Damn," he said. "Tight. Let me guess... first black cock?"

"Travis... don't - mhmmf! mhmmf!" she said as he pumped his cock into her. "Why are you— ohhhhh!" and he gave one hard thrust into her and held it. "Tssssssssssss!"

"That's a big cock you've got in you, isn't it?" he said as he gyrated his hips with his cock buried in her pussy. He used his right hand now to unclasp her bra and her tits dropped out. "Mmmmmmm... damn girl, that's a pair of tits you got there. Wow!"

He kept thrusting his cock into her as he lowered his head to her chest. He squeezed her left tit and flicked his tongue along her nipple.

"Nice hard nipple... Love that," he said as circled her nipple with his tongue. He alternated between flicking her nipple and sucking and licking it as he continued thrusting into her.

Her legs spread apart, Holly let out a series of grunts - "Mhmmf!" - in those seconds that he started tonguing her tits.

Travis held himself up again with both hands and looked at her.

"Cmon, Holly... tell me... What do you think of that cock? Zat what you expected from a black man? Huh?"

She looked away from him and only nodded her head.

"No, no," he said as thrust into her. His rhythm was slow and complete. He withdrew his cock to the tip and slid it back in to her, all the way. "Damn! That feels good! Tell me... What do you think of that cock? Tell me," as he slammed into her hard.

"It's big, OK?! What do you want me to say? You need to stop! Ohhhhhhhh!"

He picked up the pace and her tits bounced in rhythm to his thrusts.

"Spread those legs wide... C'mon... Yeah, there you go... Nice and wide..."

"Mhmmf! Please—ohhhh! Travis... don't—arrrrrrgh! Mhmmf! Why are you—mhmmf!!"

"Oh, come on, Holly... You came back to my little home-in-a-trailer after being entertained by me. You know what you want. Ohhhh!" The sound of him thrusting into her filled the little compartment.

"No! Travis—errrrrrr! mhmmf! Please! Let me—ohhhhhh!"

Her hands were now at her sides, her body moving with each hard thrust from Travis.

"Good God, look at those tits... Geezuz, Holly. Now tell me... What do you think of that cock fucking you? Tell me."

"Ohhhhhhhh!" she said as he slammed his cock into her. "It's BIG! It's BIG! Please Travis... Stop! Mhmmf!"

"Oh, don't worry. I haven't even so much as jacked off in three weeks. I've got a nice big one saved up," he said as he really picked up the pace, slamming his cock to the hilt with each thrust. Her pussy was stretched taut around his cock. "Your pussy is nice and wet for my cock, Holly."

"Mhmmmmf! You can't - ohhhh! - can't come inside me! I'm not on the pill!"

After having her second child, she and Curt decided there would be no more. Holy was afraid of what birth control pills would do to her hormones and Curt graciously elected to get a vasectomy.

"Mmmmmm, I'm gonna bury this load so far into you..." Travis said. "Damn you feel good. Push those big tits together for me."

Holly didn't move. The only movement came from her body moving from his thrusts, her tits bouncing up and down.

"Now c'mon, Holly. Be a good girl and push those tits together for me. Don't deny me that. Tell you what," he said as continued his pumping into her. "You push those tits together for me and I'll shoot my load there instead of in your pussy. Now where do you want it?"

"Arrrrrrgh! Ohhhhh!" she could barely say anything else as his fucking overwhelmed her. "On my tits," and she pushed them together.

"Damn, that pussy is nice," he said and his thrusting became more determined. "You like this, don't you?" He lowered his mouth down to her tits, running his tongue along her nipples, first one then the other.

"Yeah, I do," she said, lying, hoping it would get him over the edge more quickly. "Ohhhhh! Tsssssssss! Mhmmf!"

Then he leaned up a little bit and took his right hand down to her pussy. It was a tight fit but he maneuvered his hand to find her clit and started rubbing it up and down.

Holly liked to think that her sex life at home, while not incredibly adventurous, was pretty darn good. But she had never had someone rub her clit while being fucked.

After about two seconds of his fingers on her clit, her eyes popped open and her body tensed slightly. Seemingly on their own, her legs spread apart a tad more and she threw her hands to Travis' upper arms, gripping them. She stifled the urge to rock her hips to his thrusts but she knew she wasn't fooling him. Holly bit her lip and turned her head to the side. Her hands, however, remained firmly on his arms.

"Ohhhhhhh boy! You like that, don't you? Huh? Tell me how much you like it. C'mon..."

Excited by her reaction, he increased the intensity of fucking her. It was a little harder to keep rubbing her clit, but he kept that up, too.

"Oooof! Ohhh! Please... Travis... I—"

Her legs were now spread further apart, her hands gripping his arms, looking at him.

Travis gave one hard thrust and held his cock there, buried balls-deep. He made circular motions with his middle finger on her clit.

"Mmmmmm, how's that, Holly? How far up can you feel my cock? Hmmmmm?"

"Please... don—" Travis resumed fucking her with the same intensity prior to pausing just a few seconds ago, still rubbing her clit.

"Oh!! Nooo!!"

And then she knew she was going to cum. She tilted her head back, eyes closed, her hands now clenched on his arms and she gave in to rocking her hips upward.

"There you go..." he said. "You're cumming... c'mon... tell me you're cumming. Tell me..."

She let out a meek, "Uh huh," and nodded her head slightly.

"Hahahah! Yeah! That's right! Cum for me! Show me how you like it!"

He kept his right hand cupped in her crotch, rubbing her clit with his middle finger, while continuing to drive his cock into her, burying it balls-deep each time. He could feel himself getting close to cumming also.

"Oh! There! You! Go!" Travis punctuated each word with a thrust of his cock. "Tell me when you cum! I want to hear it!"

Her fingernails were digging into his skin. She tilted her head forward, eyes open now, looking down at what his cock was doing to her pussy. Her tits were bouncing as his thrusts moved her entire body.

"Ohhhhh! Ohhhhh!" She threw her head back again to moan, her back arched and hips bucking to meet his thrusts. She hated that her body was betraying her mind. She did not want this. And yet there she was, cumming.