New Beginnings


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The doors opened in the lobby and I dragged him to his feet and pushed him out. Charlie the concierge was just coming out of the back room with a cup of coffee and a sandwich. He froze and looked at us.

"If this piece of shit tries to come back in here call the police!" I barked out at Charlie as I pushed Bill towards the front door.

"You go near Sasha again and I will personally take you to the police and have you charged for sexually assaulting your daughter!" I snapped at Bill. "That's after I kick your fucking balls out through your mouth!" I added harshly.

With a final push I shoved him outside where he fell into a handrail and stumbled onto the sidewalk. I watched him limp away to his car on the curb, fumble with his keys, get in and drive away.

Charlie hadn't moved and was watching all this frozen in amazement.

"What the hell's going on AJ?" He finally said looking at me bewildered. "Who was he ... how did he get in?"

"You're the fucking doorman Charlie! You tell me how he got in?" I shot back.

"Um ... I must have been getting my supper... who was he anyway?" Charlie said on the back foot due to my accusation.

"You've seen Sasha, Becky's friend?"

He nodded "Yeah, the black girl with the long hair. I meet her yesterday."

"That was her father."

"He's white!" Charlie stated the obvious.

"He's her step-father." I said by way of explanation. "He's been abusing her and I don't want him back here, OK?"

"Yeah, of course. Sorry he got up there, he didn't ring the bell." Charlie said apologetically.

"No worries, man's got to eat and drink." I said calming down and smiled looking at the huge sandwich he was still holding

"My wife's Samoan and they like there men big." He said with a wry grin.

The counter phone rang and Charlie put his coffee down and picked it up. "Concierge." He listened for a few seconds and then replied "Yeah he's here, and yeah the guy still had his teeth when he left ... O.K ... He's on his way back up now." Obviously talking to Michelle he looked up and smiled as I headed for the elevator.

We didn't see Sasha's stepdad again and he didn't try to contact her over the next week, so all good.

Becky and I managed to get the odd quickie in when we showered or pretended to shower, so things weren't too bad in that department. I missed her in bed at night though. Our times with Michelle grew fewer as well but in some ways that seemed to be a natural progression in our physical relationship. We all accepted that the sex was not a need but a very nice occasional date.

Meanwhile Sasha certainly became friendlier and I noticed her looking at me differently. I just put it down to her being appreciative.

It was about two weeks later when I got a late night visit from Becky. She snuggled up against me and leant in for a kiss. Well, one thing lead to another and I reached second base, then third and soon I had scored a home run.

"Where's Sasha, asleep?" I asked panting trying to get by breath back as we lay on our backs sweating.

"No she's reading in bed." Becky replied also with labored breathing.

"What! Com'on Becky you've been in here for over half an hour, she's going to wonder where you've been." I rolled onto my side facing her.

Becky rolled to face me "She knows exactly where I am." she replied playfully.

"What have you done? Or should I say what have you said?" I stared at her and mock frowned.

"She asked and so I told her. She'd pretty much worked it out anyway. Evidently noise travels under the bathroom door ... and me squealing in the shower kind of let the cat out of the bag." she smiled and hugged me. "So no more quickies."

"I hope you told her we are not blood relations ... and that I've got a huge penis." I added joking and tickling her.

"That would be yes and yes." she replied giggling.

"I was joking about the penis."

"I wasn't," she replied and gave him a little squeeze.

"You're not serious are you?" I asked in slight disbelief. "Come on, you haven't been talking about my bits and pieces have you?"

"You bet! Once we girls start talking we want to know everything ... size, shape, and taste ... the whole enchilada." She giggled again.

I groaned.

"I told her about our first time and how amazing it was, she's pretty impressed with you Mr."

"Well I suppose it'll make things easier around here." I sighed in acceptance. "However don't reveal all my secrets, OK? ... Like my need to lick you all over." I pounced on her and started licking her tummy and breasts.

"Oh, gross!" Becky tried to fight me off but ended up in a fit of giggles as I licked up under her chin. My bits and pieces were hard again so we used up another half hour!

Life pretty well got back to normal in the house. I'd drop the girls off at college each morning and then head into work. Having someone else in the house actually helped us in the healing process, as we weren't as self-focused. We'd sit around at night and talk or watch movies with Michelle. Sasha was fitting in well and had told her Mom that she would be staying at our place for longer. She'd said Bill was out most evenings and as she liked having a friend her own age around. We put a roll away bed in Becky's room, but it wasn't very comfortable so most of the time they slept in the big bed together.

It got to a point where we were happy to have Sasha come into my room on Sunday morning. She'd sit on the bed and we'd play card games. Michelle would sometimes join us, no sex involved! Sunday brunch had also become a bit of a family tradition over the last year and Sasha was rostered on to cook once a month. We'd eat on the roof terrace and spend the rest of the day lounging around in the hot tub or at the pool.

About three months went by before Sasha's Mom, Devon, came back for a visit. Her sister was still sick but doing a lot better. Devon, by the way, was drop dead gorgeous, and looked fantastic for someone in their late 30's. She must have been about 5 foot 6 and she had curves in all the right places. It was obvious where Sasha got her good looks from.

Michelle took some time and explained to Devon why Sasha was with us. She broke down and cried, admitting to thinking something must have happened to drive Sasha out of home. She just didn't have the strength to deal with it while her sister was sick. Devon also confessed that her own relationship with Bill hadn't been good for a while and they had virtually decided to end things before she'd gone away anyway. Sasha hadn't been told as they didn't want to disrupt her school year. Devon was grateful that we'd been there for her little girl and was full of thanks that she'd had a safe place to stay. We assured her it was fine for Sasha to remain with us until the college year was over.

Devon decided to clear all their stuff out of their old house and she would file for divorce. One afternoon we went over boxed up the rest of Sasha's gear and bought it over to our place. I also took a day off and helped Devon move all her personal stuff into storage. She stayed with us for the next week. The living arrangements were a bit tight but we managed with Devon and Sasha staying in Becky's room while Becky bunked in with Michelle.

A meeting was organized with Ron Jacobs our lawyer and divorce papers were drawn up. Despite the unsettling circumstances of what was going on we had a good week together. Michelle and Devon spent a bit of time together while the girls were at school and they became friends enjoying each other's company.

By now the girls had started their last semester at community college and they spent more time studying in the evenings. We didn't go out much except to the movies on weekends and the weather still wasn't warm enough to go to the beach. My relationship with Becky was going great and I had never been happier. Feeling the loss of Mom, Dad and my sisters didn't go away, and I expected it never would, but when I did think of them it was remembering the good times. It was the same for Becky and Michelle and we would often laugh when we talked about memories over dinner. Sasha opened up about her Dad, who had died 10 years ago in a boating accident, and shared stories with us. Time was slowly healing the wounds for us all.


Twice over the following month Michelle went away for weekends. It was great to see her getting out with friends and all of us noticed a change in her. We were used to seeing her consumed with work during the week and even working at home in the weekends. But now she seemed to have a change of focus and was more relaxed. We knew something was up, but when we questioned her about it her answers were a bit evasive, which got us a bit worried. Don't get me wrong, it was good to see her happy, but she'd never really kept secrets from us before and were naturally inquisitive. We even tried to tickle it out of her one night in bed but had to stop in case the noise traveled across the apartment to Sasha's room. Finally we decided she'd tell us when she was ready, so we mutually agreed to stop with the third degree and to just let her enjoy herself.

One night a few weeks later Michelle sat us down and said she had something to share.

"I'm seeing someone, and I think it's getting serious." She announced.

Before we could bombard her with questions she put her hand up to stop us.

"I can't tell you anymore at the moment O.K. We both want to get to know each other better and we have to sort through some issues, so we're going away for a week vacation, on a short cruise. We need to spend some time together to see if it's what we both want. So no questions right now O.K." She implored and gave us a stern look.

"All we want is for you to be happy." I said quietly as I stood up and embraced her. "I hope things work out, just remember we love you and we're there for you no matter what."

Michelle broke our embrace and looked over at the girls. "Group hug!" she said holding her arms out.

That night Becky and Sasha sat on my bed as we talked about this new development. We were all happy for Michelle and were content not to ask her for more info but that didn't stop us from trying to guess who her special person was. The girls were discussing various men who they had seen Michelle with, when I made a comment that shocked them.

"It won't be a man it'll be a woman."

"What! Why do you think that?" Sasha looked at me stunned.

I could see Becky thinking and she nodded her head in agreement with me. "You're right. Of course it'll be a women. With what Michelle's been though before, and the things she's told us, it has to be. I don't think she could ever really have a relationship with a man again."

"A woman! Are you sure?" Sasha asked. I could tell she was thinking about something and when we both nodded she gasped and looked at us wide eyed.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Becky asked confused.

"It's my Mom!" she blurted out.

"What!" Becky and I retorted together.

"Your Mom!" Becky added incredulously.

"Mom rang me this afternoon and said she was going away for a week. I didn't put two and two together until now. My God, Mom and Michelle ..." She became lost for words and just stared at us.

"You can't be sure, just because they are both going away, it doesn't mean ..."

"Mom asked me about sea-sick pills, I took them last year when I went on a weekend sailing trip with Ashley and her family. It's a bit too much of a co-incidence that they are both going on a cruise don't you think?"

"They did get on well when Devon stayed, and I remember they did talk about going to a spa sometime. I wonder if that's who Michelle's been with on her weekends away." Becky said adding fuel to the fire of speculation.

"We can't really be sure." I interjected "But if it was your Mom how would you feel about that?" I added looking at Sasha.

"I don't know ... I guess it would be OK ... but I didn't know Mom was into other women, as far as I know she's just been with Dad and Bill. But fuck, I suppose if she was going to be with another girl I'd be happy if it was Michelle's just a shock that's all."

"That's if it is the two of them, which it may not be. We don't want to jump to conclusions." I cautioned.

"Do I ask Mom?" Sasha said looking at us for an answer.

"Maybe we just wait until they are ready to tell us. Remember that's what the trip is for according to Michelle, to see if they have the same feelings for each other. I think we just wait. What do you think?" I looked at Becky.

"Yeah, I think so too. Let's give them some time." Becky agreed.

We both looked at Sasha.

"O.K. we wait. But my Mom and Michelle in bed together ... doing ... you know!" Sasha shrugged and then looking at us she giggled.

The following Friday I drove Michelle up to Harbor Cove where the cruise ship was docked. On the way we chatted but I could tell she was really nervous about the following week.

"Are you OK?" I asked, "Tell me if you want me to turn around and head for the hills." I smiled as I pulled into a parking space at the dock.

"Ha, thanks for the offer but I'm fine." She grinned back. "There's just a lot to think about in where this might head."

"Hey, if you're worried about Sasha you don't have to be."

Michelle looked over at me. "And what makes you think I'm worried about Sasha?"

I didn't reply right away.

"AJ, look at me. What do you know?"

I looked over. "It's Devon isn't it?"

"Why would you say that?" she said defensively.

"We weren't a 100% sure, it was just a possibility. It is her isn't it?"

Michelle sighed "Yes it's Devon." She quietly replied. "So you can see why there's more to think about than just us."

"It's OK ... really it is. To see you happy is all we want." I said sincerely.

"I really like her AJ, and I really want it to work ... but not if it affects my relationship with you and Becky, and the same goes for Devon and Sasha."

"Becky and I are cool with it and so is Sasha."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm not saying that it wasn't a shock when we thought about it, but the more we talked the more we liked the idea, honestly we are all OK with it."

"Thanks AJ, hearing you say that means a lot." Michelle leant over and kissed me on the cheek.

"More love than that." I said beckoning her in for a hug.

She smiled and we hugged for quite a long time. I could almost feel the relief in Michelle's embrace. Finally we parted and smiled at each other.

"I think you need to come inside with me, how about carrying my bags?" she asked.

We entered the terminal and immediately I spotted Devon sitting with her back to us at a table in the small café. Michelle walked over and they greeted one another with a hug and a kiss. I waited until they sat before joining them at the table. Devon looked quite shocked to see me.

"AJ ... What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too." I said sitting down.

"I'm sorry ... it's nice to see you, just a little unexpected that's all." she glanced at Michelle raising her eyebrows enquiringly.

"They guessed." Michelle answered.

"Sasha knows!" Devon sounded concerned.

"She knows it's a possibility, but not for sure."

"Oh, I knew this would get complicated. What's she going to think ...?"

"I know what she thinks." I interrupted "I believe her words were 'Shit, I didn't know Mom was into other women but I suppose if she was going to be with another girl I'd be happy if it was Michelle."

"She really said that, those were her exact words? Please don't lie to me AJ!" Devon looked at me nervously.

"Well, no ... she actually said fuck instead of shit, but I thought it was best not to let you know she swears." I said smiling. "She's OK with if it's you two, she really loves you and Michelle and wants you to be happy. We all do."

"I don't know what to do now, do I call her? Do we go?" Devon looked at us confused.

"You go on holiday and you enjoy yourself and what happens, is up to you two." I said putting my hand on Devon's shoulder.

"If you want I won't confirm anything with the girls. You can talk to them when you get back. But what you need to believe is Sasha is going to be OK about it, no matter what."

Michelle took Devon's hand "I'll go along with whatever you want to do. But it would be a shame to not use these tickets." She said holding them up and smiling.

"OK, we go. But I should call Sasha and let her know. It'll make me feel better." She confessed.

"I'll give Becky a call too." Michelle added.

"I'll leave you to it." I said standing. I bent down and kissed Michelle on the cheek and then followed suit with Devon. "You both deserve to be happy."

I walked away smiling.

When I arrived home both girls started talking at once about their respective phone calls. I slowed them down and they revealed what had been said on the phone. I told them about what happened from my perspective. We all concluded that we were still surprised but hoped things would work out for them.


Later that night Sasha, Becky and I were sitting on my bed, they were studying text-books and I was reading a magazine. Sasha closed her book loudly and sighed.

"Do you realize my Mom and Michelle could be doing naughty things to each other right now ... it's so bizarre."

"I wonder how naughty they'll get." Becky added giggling.

"Let's not go there, I don't want to be thinking visual pictures of them." I said with a smile.

"Why? Is it a turn on for you baby?" Becky mocked and patted my crotch.

"Becky! It's my Mom you're talking about!" Sasha punched her gently on the arm.

"It's the whole girl on girl thing that turns him on ... it's a male thing they all like it. Am I right AJ?" Becky continued to joke.

"I don't know, maybe you and Sash should get it on and I tell you if I like it." I joked back.

"Maybe we will!" Becky countered smugly.

"Is that a dare?" I said staring at her. "Go on then I'm waiting." I baited.

"You wish baby." she smiled and giggled.

"Hello, I'm right here you know, listening to all this!" Sasha said waving her hands at us.

"We've kissed before you know." Becky said still staring at me and ignoring Sasha.

"Becky!" Sasha shoved her with both hands.

"You liked it!" Becky said raising her eye eyebrows and looking at Sasha.

Sasha blushed and glanced quickly at me before burying her head in her hands.

"I thought we had no secrets." I said light heartedly trying to sound calm, while my mind raced off thinking about what Becky had just said. My cock found the whole thing quite appealing as well and was growing quickly. I grabbed a pillow and took a light swing at Becky before putting it in my lap to cover my bulge.

"It was just kissing and hugging ... and well maybe a little bit of touching."

"Becky!" Sasha cried out and grabbed the pillow off my lap and took a big swing, hitting Becky in the head. "How could you!" she looked upset and started to get off the bed.

Becky new she'd gone too far and grabbed Sasha hand to stop her leaving. "I'm sorry Sash, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that." she said sincerely.

"You can be a real..."Sasha started.

"Bitch!" Becky said interrupting "I know, I am sorry ... forgive me?"

Sasha sighed "You're forgiven ... and you need to forget." She added looking at me over Becky's shoulder. She then happened to glance down and saw the bulge in my shorts.

"AJ! Are you turned on that much just talking about it?" she said in disbelief.

"He's got a mind of his own." I said with a half-smile.

Becky turned around and looked at me too. They both giggled.

Sasha was still staring at my pants when she said in a quiet voice. "How big is he?"

"What?" I replied a bit shocked at her question.

"How big is it?" she said still looking down.
