New Girl Ch. 03


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Miri digested his words slowly, reeling from his admission. "Do I know this woman, my Lord?"

"Yes, Miri. You've met her."

She turned to face him. "If you had gone with her, we would not be here now, my Lord. If you seek solace that you made the right choice in keeping your word, you have it. I am sorry for her, but your decision brought you into my life. I choose you. I choose to be right where I am, in your arms. My view is selfish, but I cannot say differently."

"Thank you, Miri."

"Who is she?"

Royce closed his eyes. "You are happy for Mayet and my wives to share your joy of impending motherhood. Why do you ask of her?"

"Because you did turn her down." She turned to face him, to read his face, see into his eyes.

"Are you jealous of her, Miri?"

"I–I don't know. It is troubling to know that even after so many years, you still grieve for her. I know you do, for I hear it in your voice."

"That's the trouble being with someone who is both smart and observant. Very little gets by them. Still more reasons why I have come to love you, Miri."

"I have to share you with others, but it's not like you have sex with every woman who offers, or that you seek every skirt in your reach."

Royce sighed ruefully. "I was a lot less careful before I got married, Miri. It took me a while to realize just how special making love is. I had sex with a lot of those women, even those who wanted me only for their selfish reasons. At least five I know had fertility magic cast on them beforehand, so as to try and land me with a child."

Miri made a rude noise. "You had your birth control ring then, didn't you? You are a worthy mate, my Lord. However, personal wealth and power are not reasons to have a child. Even with a political marriage, there is at least the goal of keeping peace between clan Houses or some other worthy aim. But those women? I have no sympathy for them. They got less than they wanted and more than they deserved."

He chuckled. "That's one way of putting it." Then he became serious. "The woman who's heart I broke was Dianne."

"Your – your sister?" Miri grew thoughtful. "She was your partner during the Ritual of Adulthood, wasn't she? Well, you aren't the first siblings who paired for their Ritual and took a tumble in private."

"Yes, well. Dianne had trouble finding someone for the second part of the Ritual of Adulthood. Like myself, she had offers from partners that she felt weren't genuine. She wanted to be wanted for herself, and not for her position or wealth. I had already arranged to go with Vernon, our brother. After she completed her time at the temple, I met them outside the city. The head of the church okayed it. It had never been done before, but there was nothing against it. So while Vernon returned home, I stayed outside the city and exchanged one partner for another.

"We didn't start out as lovers. Neither one of us saw each other that way. We were friends, members of the same family trying to survive. For more than three weeks, we just kept each other company, trying to keep dry and warm."

The Ritual of Adulthood had two parts. The first part was ten days spent in the temple of Osh Mayan, learning how to be a good lover, and experiencing sex with both genders. The second part was more challenging – surviving in the wilderness for thirty days, and supplies limited to two weeks of food and water and whatever else one could carry. The second part was completed with a partner, for the test was as much about teamwork as it was about depending on one's own skills. The more complimentary your partner's skill sets, the better chance the pair had at surviving.

Miri nodded. She remembered her own Rite well enough. Staying warm and dry and fed had been major tasks. Miri had partnered with her cousin. They liked each other well enough, but their first sexual encounter had been their last, as they both realized there was no real desire between them. They had remained friends, but had gone their own ways afterward.

Royce continued. "It was during our sleep that we became lovers, our dream selves seeking a union that our waking selves did not share. Dianne discovered the situation first. I thought I was just having strange sex dreams."

"How–how is that possible?"

"Psionics, Miri, the powers of the mind. I inherited my abilities from my parents. I can alter my body to withstand any environment, even change my shape to that of a beast or a monster. Like the teleportation I used to bring us here and for when we travel to other cities for shopping. I can levitate things, cause things to break easily, talk in my mind with my parents or anyone else I wish to -- even if we are thousands of kilometers apart. There are many things I do that normal people can't. For Dianne and I, while we slept, our thoughts and emotions connected, linked together. While we dreamed of sharing our minds together, our bodies joined as well."

For long seconds she thought, mulling his words. "Is this a thing you can do while awake, this sharing of thoughts and feelings while joined?"

"Yes. It can make the experience of making love more intense. Susan and Charlotte Ann and I did that for awhile, but later they asked to stop."

Miri was astonished. "But ... why? It would seem to be a tremendous gift!" Making love was the most intimate of acts between two people. If one could truly experience what the other felt in body and heart, the binding between the partners couldn't help but be ten times more intense. Nay, a hundred fold! Miri was amazed at the possibilities, and perplexed that his wives would resist such expanded intimacy.

Royce shrugged. "Yes, it can be a gift. It can also be unsettling to be so open with another person. It is trust and sharing but it demands honesty, both from yourself and your partner. It can also have other demands. Uncomfortable ones. The more you use the link, the easier it becomes to re-establish that connection. During their Rite, my wives found their time learning to make love with women difficult."

Miri nodded. She, too, had had a woman lover during her temple time. She understood perfectly the attitudes of her mistress and her sister. Miri had learned a lot about herself, but even before Royce became her lover, Miri had no interest in skirt chasing.

"Susan, Charlotte Ann, and I – we experimented together when we first became lovers. Then, one night, while I was making love with Susan, she reached out and grabbed her sister's hand, and instantly, the three of us connected together. The experience was very intense, having a third person's feelings, all reaching orgasm at the same moment. Because of me, they felt desire for each other as well. Afterward, they were shocked, horrified even, and resolved never to explore that path any further."

Miri pulled his hand to her lips and kissed it. "I know we don't have time today, but the next time we have a few hours together, can we try this 'linking'?"

His eyes narrowed in reservation. "I will have to think on that, Miri."

She looked down, not wanting to dissuade him by her eagerness. "As you wish, my Lord. I can understand their reticence, but it seems foolish to abandon the experience entirely. However, I will not further gainsay my mistress for her choice. I'm curious, my Lord. Why did you have to promise not to marry Lady Dianne? And how did it turn out that you married Lady Susan and her sister, Lady Charlotte Ann, instead?"

"It was Mother Shara, and it was because of our ties to the elves. Our faith allows incest between consenting adults, but frowns on inter-generational matings, because one often has kinship power over another, making the other subordinate. That uneven relationship can have a big impact. Because I am duke and you serve my wife, some would say I abuse my power by having sex with you."

Miri shook her head. "No, my lord! I would deny it!"

"There is some truth to it, nonetheless. That aside, though, the point is that elves find any incest, even marriage to first cousins, to be abhorrent. They turn a blind eye to what our people allow, as long as we don't parade it front of them. Mother Shara felt that our House could not afford to indulge in the practice, even if we truly loved each other. It could not only cause a breach between my birth mother and her adopted elven family, but also threaten the peace with our neighbors, the sylvan elves of Woodhaven.

"At the time, I loved Dianne as my sister. Even though she is most certainly a woman, I did not really think of her as one. She was family and my friend, the sister I looked out for. So I made the promise. Normally, any magic items are forbidden during the Ritual. Mother Shara arranged for me to keep my Birth Control Ring, not only during my time at the temple, but afterward, during the second part of the Rite.

He paused a moment to emphasize the point. "When I say the link makes sex more intense, I mean exactly that, Miri. There are four levels to the connection. There is a physical link. You feel pleasure from making love. Imagine feeling not only your own sensations, but those of your partner as well. You know instantly what is pleasurable for your partner and how much, because you feel it too. The other links are thoughts, emotions, and the final link, memories. The final link is considered dangerous, for both partners are totally open to the other. Memories forgotten, petty jealousies never acted on, angry words never spoken. Nothing is hidden, even things long forgotten and buried, white lies told to spare another's feelings. Some things better left forgotten.

"When Dianne woke me from our dream sleep, three of our links were established. I not only had my cock inside her pussy, I could feel what it was like for her to have her pussy filled by my cock. With the link to thoughts, I knew what went through her mind, felt not just how her body reacted and felt, but also what she wanted next. With the link to her emotions, I knew not only what she felt and what she thought, but her emotional reactions to what we were doing as well. We were truly joined." He took a breath and looked away.

She gently kissed his hand again. "Go on," she urged.

"When I woke up, I freaked. I severed the links and jumped out of our bed as fast as I could. Dianne assured me I hadn't hurt her. I knew that, of course. My mind burned with how good she had felt, and I knew how good I had made her feel, too. The night was cool, and she asked me to come back to bed. I told her if she let me back into bed, I would not keep my hands off her." He paused. "Would you say Dianne is pretty, Miri?"

"Very much so, my lord. She is even more beautiful than my Lady Susan and Lady Charlotte Ann. However, if you repeat that in front of others, I will deny it!"

"I would never ask that of you. I think Dianne has come to realize it now, but all the time she was growing up and even after we returned as adults, she thought herself as plain and ordinary. Like Susan and I daresay like you, too, Miri, Dianne has a compassionate and generous heart. I won't go into her physical charms–"

"Thank you, my lord," Miri said wryly.

"–except to say that we agree that she is beautiful. That night when I told her of my desire, she was surprised, and yet she repeated her request to come back to bed. Within a week, she couldn't get enough of me. Like someone else, I know," he said, caressing Miri's face.

Miri blushed.

"In a short time, Dianne fell in love with me. Having discovered the intimacy of the psychic links, she was always asking to join mentally, especially when we made love. The promise I had given Mother Shara hung heavy on me. I loved my sister, and was coming to love her as the woman she was. I knew that if I allowed the links, I would be lost, unable to keep my promise. When the time came for us to return home, she pleaded for us remain in the wilderness so we could remain together as lovers. I agreed. Weeks went by. We were running low on some basic supplies, but in the main, we were comfortable. Dianne was determined to make do with what we had, trying everything to convince me that she and I could be happy together, even if it meant leaving our family forever, and she was determined to prove it. Ever on my mind was my promise, even when we made love. The summer passed all too quickly. Then the slavers found us."

Miri tensed, knowing some of the story, and guessing much of the rest. Three bands of slavers had infiltrated their country's borders, and over a few months managed to snatch up hundreds of young people undergoing their Rite of Adulthood. Seriously outnumbered, most surrendered, and then the hell began. The women fared the worst, but if the man was handsome, he was not immune. It was well known that after his slave tattoos were finished, Royce was chained to the back of the wagon where a dozen men spent the afternoon taking turns raping him.

She took his hand and squeezed it. Younger by a few years, Miri had missed that harrowing experience. Though they never talked about it, Miri knew that Lady Susan and her sister, Lady Charlotte Ann had been among those captured and enslaved. Raped repeatedly. By magic, the tattoos and scars were healed. But Miri shuddered to wonder how their spirits coped with such horror.

After a pause, Royce resumed his tale. "With my psionic powers, you might be wondering why didn't we just escape right away? I was out in the wilderness with Vernon when the sheer numbers of people failing to return home from the Rite caused alarm. No one knew what was happening. The slavers had mages and priests using spells to hide their activities. All that our people knew was that most the young people simply failed to return. Fortunately, Dianne had spoken of it to me before the slavers found us.

"In the moments before they actually sighted us, I made Dianne leave. I could have teleported away, too, but I realized they might be the answer to what happened to our people. So I let myself become their prisoner, and Dianne followed, keeping herself hidden. What they did hurt like anything, but I think it was worse for Dianne, not being able to interfere." Royce shook his head.

A tear fell from Miri's eyes. "They got justice, my Lord." The summer of 2037 was rarely talked about by the survivors. The one time it had been mentioned in front of Lady Susan, Miri had seen the brief flash of anguish. "A few months ago, when I brought a meal to you and Lady Susan, she was weeping, and she said it was just an old memory. You were talking about that time, weren't you."

Royce frowned, but nodded. "We were. Both of them suffered terribly. And they were not alone. My point is that the real hero was Dianne. Not just her scouting. They were going to rape and kill Charlotte Ann the very evening we arrived. The Cult of Ares wanted to make her a blood sacrifice. Dianne discovered their plans, killed most of them herself, and helped Charlotte Ann escape."

"Cult of Ares?"

"Greek god of war. Cult of Ares are a group of fanatics. They are male warriors who embrace violence as a lifestyle. Initiates capture a woman and gang-rape her, then jointly murder her."

"How – how monstrous!" She shivered in revulsion.

"I quite agree."

"It explains some things, though," she added.


"A few times Lady Susan has worked until she's fallen asleep at her desk. Twice I have I heard her talk in her dreaming. They were not pleasant. I believe she was reliving her torment. After I woke her, she shook, and it took awhile before she could bear even being touched."

He closed his eyes, nodding sadly. "Most of the survivors were given the option for counseling. Some, even to having their memories erased, though the longer they were in captivity, the more difficult it was to choose the magic option. Susan took the counseling, but opted to keep the memories. She is a brave and strong woman."

"Agreed, my Lord. My Lady can be distant at times, but I serve her gladly and proudly. Like you, she loves our city and all the people in it, and acts accordingly. You think you are an ordinary man who just happened to be in the right place to save hundreds. For those of us around you, that is part of your charm, my Lord. I do not know her sister Lady Charlotte Ann very well, but I do know that Lady Susan loves you truly. Did you know that the two men she admires most are her father and you? She told me you are her hero."

Royce glanced away, then nodded. "Both, in their own way, are very special women. You asked how they came to being my wives. You know that their parents serve my parents directly. Their mother. Gale, serves my mother as a Lady-in-Waiting. Their father serves my father as Lord Marshal. There were a lot of us all born around the same time. We grew up, played and went to school together. After we returned home from the Rite, I kicked about for awhile.

"Mother Shara seemed to know the measure of Dianne and I from the moment she saw us. She warned us both, 'Do not bring this home with you!' Yet for nearly a year, each night, Dianne slipped into my room and gave herself to me, and I took and gave in return. And every so often, she pleaded with me to run away with her. Several times I was reminded of my promise.

"When Dianne finally realized I wouldn't leave with her, she was devastated. I felt horrible, for I loved her. Part of me still does. And then she found out about my Birth Control Ring and the promise I'd made. She was furious. Told me she felt betrayed. I know that part of our lives is done and gone. It is not something I am proud of. You think me such a fine catch. I did not do right by my sister. I kept my promise and in the process, hurt her badly.

"After my relationship with Dianne ended, I entered training to become a church knight. Dianne threw herself into her studies and became a priestess. She's brilliant with magic, Miri. It wasn't until later I learned she had also mastered arcane magic as well. Anyway, I served for a time in the army. Later, I went out seeking adventures and treasure. Found some of both. It was on one of those trips that I ran into both Susan and Charlotte Ann. Unknowingly, we had joined the same group of adventurers. After a few days of travel, we became lovers. I knew I was going to come out here to build Ramez. I also realized Susan and Charlotte Ann were inseparable. I believed then and still believe they are happier living together in the same home. We were lovers only a short time when I proposed. They agreed to get married and come out with me."

Miri raised her eyebrows. "No attraction? No romance? Forgive me, lord, but it almost sounds like a political marriage."

"Initially, yes, it was. But we were friends, too. We have known each other all our lives. And I said that we would probably fall in love. We have."

Royce stood up, brushing off his legs. He reached down. Miri took his hand, rising.

Out from the shade, the light of the three suns beat down. In a short time, the air had gone from nice to sultry. They started for the shoreline, and the salty coolness of the ocean.

"You are quiet, Miri. Have I given you a lot to think on?"

"You have, my lord," the raven-haired woman admitted. "But it doesn't change my love for you. You grieve for that lost love, and that saddens me. One day I hope that the love we give you will be enough to ease that wound. My pride hopes it will be my love. Maybe it will the love you have found with Lady Susan and Lady Charlotte Ann, or even all of us. I only hope that you realize that you have women who love you, who want you in our lives and to father our children, and none of those are small things."

He stopped and pulled her into his arms. "I love you, Miri," he said, and kissed her long and slow. Her arms went around him, and her mouth opened to his, reveling in the touch, the taste of his lips on hers. When at last they broke apart, she leaned into him as they resumed walking.