New Girl Gets Physical

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Student exposes more than expected at physical exam.
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All characters and events in this story are purely fictional! All characters are over the age of 18.


For once I was the new girl at school, and it was at a pretty bad time: my senior year. I basically had to cut my life short with my friends in Utah (yeah, a lot of them were Mormon but I'm not) a year early and start from scratch in California. It sucked, but I knew my parents had no other choice with their jobs. At least California was supposed to be a neat place to live, and I was going to see that for myself.

On my first day of school I got a paper saying that I needed to show up before school in a week to get a physical exam from the school nurse. Actually it was mandatory for all students every year, but I guess everyone else gets theirs done the year prior. I later found out it's a big deal where a bunch of doctors from around town come in and they split up the gym to do checkups on all the boys and girls separately. The school wanted me to do my exam now since I wasn't around last year.

The weird thing was the instructions on the paper said to change into underwear in the locker room before reporting to the nurse's office. Just underpants and a long plain tee shirt. It specifically said no bra. To make things go quicker for the nurse, I guess. I didn't really know how far away the locker room was from the nurse's office, and I guess there wouldn't really be anyone around that early before classes, but I found it odd that I'd have to walk through the school in my panties for this.

Back where we lived in Utah, everyone was always bundled up head-to-toe, either because of the natural climate or the cultural climate or both, depending on the day. When I got off the plane at the start of summer, I immediately saw that California was the complete opposite. It's not like people here are super scandalous, and you probably wouldn't agree with me if you hadn't grown up where I did, but compared to Utah it was totally surprising. Like a culture shock. And of course it was a temperature shock too. Like the hottest summer day I had ever known before was considered mild here, and the summertime heat was usually well over that. Somehow even staying inside with the air conditioning on full blast, I still had to dress really light to stay comfortable. That summer I ended up replacing most of my wardrobe with short sleeves and thinner materials.

I still felt sort of weird and vulnerable being dressed like that. It was almost like one of those crazy dreams where you're running around in your underwear, totally unprotected. But I was slowly starting to get used to that feeling, even though I still had trouble coming to terms with guys checking me out all the time now. They're so obvious about it! Though, as embarrassing as it was getting attention, I had to admit it was also a little fun turning heads now and then.

So a week later I got up super extra early in the morning (ugh!) and did my makeup before driving to school that day, since I still had my normal classes after the physical. The building was pretty much completely empty when I got there and most of the lights were still off, but the doors were unlocked and propped open with signs pointing to the locker room and nurse's office.

I didn't really own any long tee shirts so I went with a white cotton cami top with spaghetti straps that was almost like a really short dress when I pulled it down, like just down to the bottom of my butt. That was the longest top I had that came close to a plain tee shirt. And then I just wore some basic bikini-style cotton panties under that. The paper didn't say anything about shoes so I went barefoot.

It was really weird walking out of the girls' locker room wearing just two articles of clothing and carrying only my papers. My bare feet clapped softly on the linoleum floor and echoed through the dark, locker-lined hallway. I could feel the air of the empty hall brush past my bare arms and legs. Even though it was still pretty warm from the air conditioning being off overnight, I didn't feel very warm at all under the thin material of my cami. As much as I tried to keep the hem of my shirt pulled down, it just barely covered my panties, so I had skin showing on my legs all the way up. I imagined the halls full of students between classes and how they would react to see me there, the braless girl in her underwear in the middle of the school. It made me a little nervous how close that was to coming true.

The nurse welcomed me in. "Ah, you must be the new girl, Alexandria!" she said with a quick smile as she gathered some more paperwork for me onto a clipboard. "Let's get you started." The office was just one big room with tracks in the ceiling and curtains to separate it into little sections. The nurse ushered me through the curtain into the closest little room.

Then I heard the office door open and close again.

The nurse pulled back the curtain a little and leaned her shoulders around to see out. Four boys had walked in! I guess I should say men, because they looked like nerdy 18-year-old seniors. I hadn't expected any other students to be here, much less a group of guys. They were only wearing boxer shorts and tee shirts and carried papers like me so they had to have been their for make-up physicals too. I guess the whole time I had been thinking I was the only one who needed it.

I was immediately a little embarrassed that the guys could sort of see me past the nurse through the open curtain. Even though it was clear on their faces that they were catching glimpses of me, I instinctively pretended not to notice them. But I made sure to keep my cami pulled down too, to hide my panties. They took seats in the chairs lined up on the wall by the curtain and waited.

Seeing that there was no emergency, the nurse closed the curtain and turned back to me.

"Okay, young lady, now strip off your clothes and have a seat right up here," said the nurse, patting the bed. Oh my god, the boys had to have heard her say that from the other side of the curtain! I was about to get completely naked just a few feet away from them, and they knew about it! The curtain was opaque, but any of them could easily poke their head through and see me if they really wanted.

I pulled the cami over my head and set it on the corner of the bed, then slipped off my panties and placed them on top. The bed was a little high but I managed to get my bare butt onto the edge with a little hop that made my uncovered boobs bounce.

As I sat there, unclothed, the nurse checked me all over. You know, the typical stuff like with the stethoscope and the knee-hammer kick thing. She noted that my heart was going a little fast, but I was still thinking about those guys on the other side of the curtain!

The nurse started to pull out the cuff to check my blood pressure when she did a double-take at her clipboard.

"Woopsie!" she said, "I forgot the forms to write your other stuff on. You wait right here and I'll go grab some more."

The nurse set the cuff down on the bed and started hustling towards the curtain. At this point I realized she was going to have to open the curtain to get out, and I was sitting here completely naked!

I almost didn't have time to be embarrassed. Thinking quickly, I crossed my bare legs to hide my pussy and cupped a breast in each hand to cover my nipples. The nurse slid the curtain wide open and left it open as she dashed out of the room, leaving four wide-eyed male students staring at my nude body.

I wasn't technically showing anything, but what a sight that must have been. Exposed skin from head to toe, with the round curves of my breasts visible to the sides of my hands. I started blushing like mad and bit my lip sheepishly, hoping that the nurse would return soon. I kept trying to keep up the act of pretending the boys weren't there, as silly and impossible as that was, because I wasn't sure how else to deal with them. My heart thumped hard and fast under my left hand and, to my surprise, my nipples were starting to stiffen too! It was like a rush of embarrassment mixed with excitement and somehow I was also starting to feel intensely turned on. My breathing wanted to turn into panting as I sat there looking away from the boys and wetness started gathering between my tightly-clamped legs. I was being seen naked by an audience who wasn't supposed to see me like this, and that made it so thrilling! The guys must have been thrilled too, and I could see out of the corner of my eye that they were practically falling over each other trying to look at me. Perhaps they were encouraged that I didn't appear to know they were there. But they immediately shaped up when they heard the nurse start coming back.

The nurse held the stack of new papers in one arm and pulled the curtain closed behind her with the other as she came back in, but she didn't pull it all the way. There was still a gap of about three inches between the curtains, near the side with the chairs. And, as the nurse put the forms down and started preparing the blood pressure cuff again, I could see movement through the gap in the curtain. Now the boys were still trying to see in!

"Put your arms down so I can get this cuff on you," ordered the nurse.

Oh god, I wasn't going to be able to stay modest anymore, and the curtain wasn't totally shielding me either! I hesitantly lowered my hands and placed them in my lap while the nurse checked my blood pressure. My breasts were completely uncovered! The boys probably didn't have a great view through the narrow gap, but I bet they could see my now-jutting nipples, which they had missed out on earlier. This was so embarrassing! And hot!

I continued to act oblivious to the boys' view and left my bare tits out while the nurse took my blood pressure and checked me for lumps. Little did she know, she wasn't the only person trying to check out my lumps!

I could have said something about the curtain, but deep down I was loving it. The boys' attention to my exposure made me feel really sexy.

But before I knew it, the nurse was done.

She started shuffling through my papers and told me to get dressed again. The gap in the curtain was still there but I couldn't tell if the boys were more disappointed than I was that the show was ending.

Still seated, I picked up my cami on the bed next to me to put it back on, but I forgot that my panties had been sitting on top of it. Down they fell into the trash can next to the bed which was full of band-aid wrappers and other stuff I couldn't recognize. Yuck! There was no way I was fishing those out and putting them back on at this point. I knew my cami was just long enough to cover me down below so I decided to just wing it and go bottomless back to my clothes in the locker room.

I dismounted the bed with my top back on, being careful not to flash my nether region to the boys looking through the gap. The nurse opened the curtain again and I followed her back out. The hem felt extra short now that I had no bottoms to help cover me, and I self-consciously held the front down with my hands to make sure my crotch was covered. Even though I had just let the boys see my exposed tits, I wasn't ready for them to see my pussy! But pulling it down in front also made the cami reveal a little more cleavage and my hard nipples became even more prominent against the thin, stretched material. Now all I have to do is get out of here, I thought to myself.

Each of boys kept both hands firmly in their laps. Were they trying to hide something between their legs too? I giggled a little at the sight, and at the effect I was having.

"Not so fast, young lady!" said the nurse, suddenly, "We still need to get your height and weight." She beckoned me to a clinical scale just outside the curtain opening.

"Oh!" I gasped a little in surprise. I thought I was done, but I still had more to go. And now I no longer had my panties or the curtain to cover my secret spot!

Unfortunately the scale faced away from the curtain, so my back was to the boys as the nurse took my weight. I heard the boys stir in their seats when I turned to face away from them. Since I had my cami pulled down to cover me in front, the hem was pulled up in back, ending about halfway up the curve of my bottom. So now it was obvious that I had lost my panties and the boys could see part of my naked butt. And I realized too late that they might have a peek at my pussy lips from behind too! But pulling the back down now might only draw more attention to it so I left it alone.

"Now, boys," began the nurse in a scolding tone. Oh my god, was she going to call them out for looking at my butt? I couldn't see them but I could sense them stiffen in their seats. She continued, "This young lady's weight is a secret, so don't go looking at what the scale says!" She let out a guffaw of laughter at her own punchline while the boys surely breathed a sigh of relief. I tried to let out some nervous laughter to go with hers, but I was still tense at my bottomless predicament. Did she even realize that half my naked ass was showing?

Finally the nurse finished fiddling with the scale wrote down my weight. At least the nurse had a point-I don't want to tell you what that number was either! She then reached in front of me to extend the scale's ruler. "Turn around so we can get your height now," she urged, making a twirling motion with her hand. I turned around slowly, now facing the boys and pressing my back against the scale. I still couldn't bring myself to look at the boys, and continued to pretend they weren't there. My hands remained clasped in front of me, holding down the front of the cami.

"Tsk, tsk," said the nurse, "Hands to your sides, shoulders back, back straight, head held high. Stand up nice and tall now!"

I knew what was going to happen, but I had no choice. I don't know if I would have stopped myself even if I had a choice.

I did as she ordered and felt the hem of my cami rise up in front as I stood taller, with my hands no longer there to hold it down. The hem had to have risen higher than my shaved mound. From the corner of my vision, the boys' eyes went really wide and they were all glued to my crotch. There weren't any open windows or fans in the room but I could feel a cool breeze across my uncovered wet slit. The boys were looking directly at my naked, glistening pussy lips! I blushed harder at the exposure and wished I could move my hands back to cover up, but I knew the nurse wouldn't let me.

It felt like an eternity before the nurse finished up and let me off the scale. I immediately pulled my shirt back down with one hand to cover up and the nurse handed me my copies of the papers for my other hand.

"Next!" she called. The first boy in line awkwardly stood up, trying to hide his erection. He ducked in behind the curtain and the nurse followed.

Now the attention of the remaining three boys focused back on me as I started shuffling off the scale towards the door, bottomless, while trying to keep my legs close together. Without the nurse's supervision, they could now openly ogle my round butt and legs peeking out from the rising hem of my cami!

My face and chest tingled with excitement over everything that had happened, and that was still happening. I was worried about the embarrassment of someone seeing me in a shirt and panties, and I ended up letting four horny guys see my breasts and pussy and naked body! I'd only had two boyfriends in the past and we mostly did things in the dark because I was so shy. Nothing like the audience I got this time, or the view they enjoyed. It was humiliating and also incredibly arousing how far things had gotten, especially seeing the effect I had on the boys. I wanted more.

My wish came true when the top sheet of my papers slipped out of my trembling hands and glided off to the side, sliding to a stop on the floor just in front of the boys' feet. They looked down at the paper and then back up at me.

The whole time I had been pretending not to see any of the boys, but now I made eye contact. Suddenly, and without thinking about it, I felt a surge of confidence. I had my audience transfixed and this time I was the one in control. This time wouldn't be an accident.

I released the hem of my cami and kept my arms at my sides as I swung my hips seductively and sauntered towards the wayward sheet, keeping my eyes locked with the boy in the middle. His jaw started to slowly drop. I didn't even know how far my hem had risen by then, and I didn't care.

I gave them a wry smile and turned like a runway model, bending at the waist to scoop up the loose paper with my butt pointed right at them. I felt the tickle of the hem brush all the way up to my lower back, and the coolness of free air against the moisture on my lips and butt hole once again for the brief moment that the boys could see my most private parts from behind, up close and right before their eyes.

My papers now securely in one hand, I stood back up and resumed my hip-swaying runway walk out the door. My shirt was still stuck all the way up in back, baring my butt cheeks, and I let it remain. The hallway was still empty all the way back and I savored every exposed step.

I was a dam ready to burst when I arrived alone in the locker room, and it only took a few touches to bring myself over the edge to orgasm. It was my first experience in the thrill of showing my body, and it wasn't going to be my last.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Back in high school ( California of course!) us guys were regularly treated to glimpses of the girls' bare asses. We called it "mooning", and in the warm climate and light clothing of San Diego the girls did it often. Best was when a group of them were in a car and 2 or 3 of them pressed their bare butts up against the window (the car windows were much bigger in those days). We called that a "pressed ham with redeye". I think by the end of the 4 years I'd seen the sweet tender asshole of every girl in my class!

skindiver71skindiver713 months ago

Such a great story. Hope you pick up the pen again soon a new story!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Wow! Just wow! I will no doubt be thinking of this story in the waiting room of my next female exam. Will the doctor notice? I hope so :))))

You did a great job of writing this story :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I love a slow deliberate flash. Both your stories were a real turn on I hope you write more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

This was hot...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

checking in- i came buckets.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I prefer the realms of plausibility... not... what ever that was.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This gave me a boner. Thanks.

DrmaxcDrmaxcabout 8 years ago
Great fun

A really good little understated story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I loved it

So sexy. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I like it

You have a gift of painting a very sexy image with your words. Good job, and looking forward to more of your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great Story!


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

It was a great start. Hopefully you'll continue, I like where this story is going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I enjoyed it. Would definitely like to read more of your work, especially if it follows along the same themes,

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great story

Would love to read the continuation of this story. I thought it was great!

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