New Girl in Town Pt. 25


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"Make it quick, ple..."

Jake's hug cut her off.

"Think she's going to kiss him too?" Roxie whispered to Jessica.

"No, but that would knock another crush off his kiss list," she answered.

"Yeah, I can totally see it."

Jake released the embrace, turned and hurried to Roxie. He scooped her up into his arms and spun her around.

"Jake, what are you doing?" She laughed.

"Showing you how much I love that you're here and you sang... costume even!" He smiled.

"I blame you for this, Tall Girl," Roxie said.

"You'll get yours as soon as we're somewhere private," Jake whispered to Jessica as he spun Roxie closer.

"Promising me that while groping Roxie is kinda strange, Jake," she told him.

"I'm not groping. There's no groping. This is manhandling at most right, Roxie?"

"I'm not... well, I am in the middle of this just not by choice," Roxie shook her head.

"Jake, can you put Roxie down now? We do have to get this show on the road," Ms. Simpson said.

Jake did as asked then helped everyone get the costumes put away. He thanked each person in turn then was escorted to his seat where C.C. waited.

"Thank you all again for an amazing and wonderful year," Ms. Simpson said. "From the bottom of my heart I thank you all for your hard work and dedication to the club this year. I want especially thank my Seniors, but if I do I'll get all weepy so let's watch the DVD first then I'll do that and cry."

"Don't worry, Ms. Simpson," Jessica waved a packet of tissues. "I've got you covered."


"I hope you're happy, Jake. Finally got your Grease 2 performance and I lost all my cool points for participating," Bobby complained as the group hung out at Jake's car.

"You nearly lost more than that! I gave serious consideration to slapping you when you told Jake to hurry up back there," Jessica said.

"Jess, I know Jake. Me telling him to hurry it up added a full five minutes to his return," Bobby said.

"I don't know about that, Bobby. He was in such a hurry that he almost knocked me over while coming down the stairs. Thankfully, my womanly charms was enough to slow him down to give you guys time to get everything set up," C.C. said.

"Hmm, you two were alone in Ms. Simpson classroom. Dare I ask just how you used those charms of yours, C.C.?" Jessica grinned.

"If I say lovingly are you going to spank me?" C.C. giggled.

"I would give it serious thought," Jessica answered.

"Ooo, promise?" C.C. smiled.

"No, not now that I know you'd love it," she laughed.

"Spoilsport," C.C. said. "I just walked slow and maybe poked my ass out a little more than necessary when I was locking Ms. Simpson door."

"That means she did, Jess," Roxie pointed out.

"Of course she did," Jessica shook her head.

"Have I mentioned how sad it makes me that all the awkwardness between y'all has been gone since prom?" Bobby asked.

"Several times," Jake said.

"One could say daily if they wanted," Roxie added.

"They wouldn't be wrong, gorgeous," Jake grinned at her.

"Yeah, this has gotten old real quick," Bobby said then laughed.

"Jealous much?" Roxie asked.

"Me, jealous of Jake having you three hotties treating him like he's a boyfriend to all of you? Not even. That's way too expensive for me, Roxie," he said.

He looked at his phone to check the time then stretched.

"Okay, it's well past time that I get off of school grounds otherwise I'll turn into a nerdy quarterback or volleyball player or something like that," he said.

"Man, you'd love to be a nerdy quarterback," Jake said.

Bobby looked over at how Roxie sat on the hood of Jake's Mustang with Jake leaned back between her legs. C.C. sat beside Roxie with an arm around her and Jessica reclined against Jake, his hands resting in her pockets. He shook his head and chuckled.

"Yeah, I can see the appeal," he said. "Still too expensive though. See y'all tomorrow."

"We should get going too," Roxie announced.

"Yep, I've got to study for Finals. I can call y'all if I need help?" C.C. asked.

"You know that you can always call us, C.C.," Jessica said.

"I do. I just like to be reminded of it, my loves," she grinned.

The group disbanded with hugs and promises to text when when they were home. Jake and Jessica waited until they had pulled out of the lot before Jake started his car.

"I know its my night to host but should we go to yours so we can show your folks and Sarah the DVD?" Jake asked.

"Ooo, I like that idea. I know they'll love to see your performances that they didn't get to see," she said.

"Still can't believe they were recording when I tried to get Never put in the play," he shook his head.

"It was really cute," Jessica told him. "They'll really like to see what it could have been like if you had played Chuck."

"Sarah's going to love the cowboy hat," he chuckled. "So your place it is then. Can you text my folks and tell them that's our plan?"

"Will do and I'll tell them that we'll be by after so we can watch it with them as well. If you think Sarah's going to love it, I can't wait to see what your dad thinks!"


Last Day of School

The hallways were a lot less congested as Jake and Jessica walked to Ms. Simpson's class. The last day of school had been designated Senior Skip Day since Finals were over and the end of year events, graduating class pic, instructions for where to meet up for the graduation ceremony on Saturday and other minor things had been taken care earlier in the week.

"It's almost like after school instead of before huh?" Jake commented.

"That or those times that we got here really early to talk over something with Ms. Simpson or Coach Pennington or to make sure you made it through the hallways without getting jostled around too much," Jessica nodded.

"I was injured a lot this year, huh?" Jake asked. "Crazy to think about."

"You know that I don't like to think about it," she said.

"I seem to remember you being the one to come up with my Sir-Limps-Alot nickname," he chuckled.

"Your brain was scrambled and I'm an innocent little angel," she smiled.

"You're something all right."

"You love that I am and you know it, sweetie."

They chatted with the few students that were walking the hallways to class before the first bell rang. Only a few of the Misfits had chosen to skip. Bobby and Marybeth wanted to take advantage of his house empty for the day while Jody and Javier were headed up to Blowing Rock for the day.

"I'm glad that you two decided to join us today," Ms. Simpson greeted Jake and Jess when they entered.

"Jess has her perfect attendance thing going," Jake said.

"Is that the only reason, Jess?" Ms. Simpson feigned hurt. "You aren't here to show me appreciation for fixing you two up on the first day of school?"

"Totally that too, Ms. Simpson, and I told Jake that he needs all the classroom time he can get even if we just sit here," Jessica smiled.

"Can't believe that I shared my sausage biscuit with you," he shook his head.

"Cause you loooovvvveee me," she smiled then gave him a quick kiss.

Ms. Simpson cleared her throat.

"Oops, sorry about that, Ms. Simpson. Sometimes he makes me forget about the No PDA rules," Jessica apologized.

"I think I'll let it slide, Jess. I did just try and take credit for setting you two up. I can't exactly assign you detention on the last day," she looked around the nearly empty classroom, "and I don't think that we have enough students in here today for this to be deemed public."

She then pointed her finger at Jake and wagged it.

"That does not mean that you can bend the rules even more, Jake," she told him.

"The thought never entered my mind, Ms. Simpson," he said.

"Uh-huh, a likely story, Mr. Gibson," she smiled. "Take your seats please and we'll get this day started."

They sat and waited for the bell to ring to start class while a few more stragglers hurried into class.

"Is it still set?" Jessica whispered.

"It should be. I got a confirmation text on the way here," he answered.

The bell rang and Ms. Simpson sat on her desk and asked the students to talk about their summer plans. A few minutes into that the intercom crackled to life.

"Ms. Simpson, please have Jake Gibson report to the office," it said.

"He's on his way," she answered.

Jake stood and gave Jessica a discreet wink then went to Ms. Simpson. She reached back, opened her drawer and handed him one of her hall passes.

"Hurry back, please," she said.

He nodded and headed out to the office. Jessica kept her eyes on the clock and when a few minutes passed she raised her hand.

"Yes, Jess?"

"Ms. Simpson, may I use the restroom?"

Ms. Simpson waved her to the desk and pulled out her other hall pass and handed it to her.

"Be right back," Jessica said then hurried out the door.

The intercom in the classroom sprung to life again.

"Ms. Simpson, please come to the office."

Ms Simpson looked at the few remaining students in the room.

"Personal letter of recommendation for anyone that can tell me what Jake is up to. Anybody?"

She was met with shrugs and blank expressions.

"Ms. Simpson, are you there?" the intercom sounded off again.

"Yes, I'll be right there," she answered.

She assigned one of the students to be in charge and keep things quiet until she got back then exited the room. For a moment she thought of popping her head into the girl's restroom to tell Jessica she was in charge until she returned but thought better of it. Figuring the quicker she got to the office the better. When she exited the staircase and saw Principal Owen outside the office door she knew that something was up.

"Ah, Ms. Simpson. You are needed out front," he greeted her with a grin as he opened one of the schools front doors.

Ms. Simpson gasped. "He got to you too? This thing goes all the way to the top!"

"Ms. Simpson, I would never..." He chuckled as he followed her out.

"I finally found you one," Jake called out.

He stood, alongside Jessica, on the schools front lawn holding the reins of a llama. Ms. Simpson laughed as she shook her head.

"If his name's Mortimer then you two have really gone all out," she said as she walked over.

"I'm afraid not," Jake stroked the brown-furred animal.

"This is Coco Puff," Jessica answered.

They petted the animal for a few moments then Jake spoke.

"Are you ready for your other surprise?"

"Jake, if you bring a camel out here..." Ms. Simpson warned.

Jake chuckled then waved toward the older gentleman who owned the llama. He handed him the reins and accepted a decorative bag. Jake and Jessica thanked him as he led Coco Puff back to his waiting trailer.

"I couldn't fit a camel in here." He handed the bag to Ms. Simpson.

She eyed it suspiciously for a moment then shook it.

"Oh just open it already. I promise it's not as bad as your thinking it is," Jake chuckled.

"Let's take it back to class. I've left them to their own devices long enough," she said.

They thanked Principal Owen then walked back to class. Ms. Simpson thanked the students for being quiet then led Jake and Jessica to her desk.

"Jessica, is whatever in here going to bite me?" She asked as she placed the bag on her desk.

"No," Jake said.

"Only one way to find out," Jessica giggled.

Ms. Simpson huffed at her then carefully opened her gift. She pulled out a small stuffed llama.

"Him you can name Mortimer if you'd like," Jake grinned.

"I believe that I'll call him J.J. after my two favorite students," she smiled as she placed it on her desk. "He'll always have a prominent place in my class. Thank you, both."

She hugged them in turn.

"You're the best teacher that I've had since my freshman year, Ms. Simpson. You've been a mentor, an inspiration and a friend when I needed one. I want you to know that you've helped me in so many ways that I won't ever be able to thank you enough." Jake said.

"I wish that I had as much time with you as Jake did, but what I did have, I will carry with me. You are the best teacher, mentor and friend that I was lucky enough to be assigned to. This year would not have been the same without you," Jessica said.

Ms. Simpson struggled to wipe her tears away fast enough then just gave up and hugged them.

"I hate that you've made me cry... again, but I love the sentiments shared and I love you both."


"I still can't believe that you didn't skip today," Jessica told Staci as she got to French class.

"I blame you for being a good influence. That and I wanted to spend some time with you guys today. I realized how much I'm going to miss our lunches out in the stadium together," Staci answered.

"Don't make me all weepy, Staci. I've cried in nearly all my classes already today," Jessica told her.

"Even Creepster's class?" Staci giggled.

"I'll miss my desk in there most of all," she sighed.

"Oh that's bull and you know it. You'll miss your science desk that allowed you to get naughty with Jake without anyone seeing... much."

"That didn't happen and whoever said it, made it up," Jessica said.

"Uh-huh," Staci said then nudged the bag on Jessica's desk. "What's this?"

"Something I want to give Coach Morrison. Ready some tissues for me," she said.

Coach Morrison smiled as Jessica approached her desk.

"Should I scare Staci and announce a pop quiz, Jess?" She asked.

"Those don't scare me now... that much..." Staci looked around her desk for a moment. "Jess, I need to borrow a pencil and five minutes to look at your book. I left mine in my locker."

"Staci, we turned those in a couple of days ago," Jessica pointed out.

"Oh, right," she shook her head. "Okay, maybe you can scare me... just a little, Mrs. Morrison."

"You're safe, Staci," Mrs. Morrison laughed. "Now what can I help you with, Jessica?"

"I have something that I want you to have, Coach," Jessica handed her the bag.

"Jess, honey, you didn't have to get me anything. Having you in class and on our team this year, those were the best possible gifts you could give me," she told her.

Jessica hurriedly snatched a tissue from the box on Coach Morrison's desk and wiped at the tears that fell from her eyes.

"Here come the waterworks," she laughed. "Better go ahead and open it, Coach, cause they're just going to get worse, I'm sure."

Coach Morrison looked in the bag and shook her head.

"Jessica, no. I couldn't possibly..."

Jessica reached inside it and pulled out the UCLA jersey that was given to her on her visit.

"Yes, you can, Coach," she assured her. "You helped me fulfill my dream of getting there. Your unwavering support, encouragement and passion have meant the world to me. You treated me like a person first and player second. I'll always be grateful to you for that. I love you, Coach."

The pair then hugged until Staci hurried to them, tissues in her hands.

"You look like you needed these," She handed them over.

"We had some, but thank you, sweetie," Coach Morrison said. "And thank you, Jessica. I will cherish this."

"Thank you, Coach. I'll cherish my memories of playing for you and all the fun that we had this year."

"You two," Staci sniffled as she wiped her eyes. "Now you've got me crying."


"I'm so glad that you both are here. I have something for you," Mrs. Harper called out as Jake and Jessica entered Biology.

"Aw, we have something... well, things for you too," Jessica stopped at Mrs. Harper's desk.

Mrs. Harper withdrew a couple of embossed papers from her desk and presented them to Jake and Jessica.

"You have perfect attendance here at school, Jess," she handed her one of the papers. "The both of you had perfect attendance at all the extra credit events so I wanted to present you both with these to commemorate your dedication."

"Wow, these are neat," Jessica enthused then nudged Jake. "Sarah is going to be so jealous."

"Oh, I didn't leave her out, Jessica," she handed her a third paper.

"Award for most inquisitive student," Jessica read aloud. "She is going to love this!"

"I'm so glad she will."

"Jake, would you like to do the honors?" Jessica asked.

Jake nodded and handed two bags to Mrs. Harper.

"We couldn't decide on just one thing," he explained.

She first extracted a desktop weather station that had a Galileo Thermometer on one side and a Fitzroy Storm Glass predictor on the other.

"Oh this is so pretty!" She exclaimed.

"We figured that we should do something weather related since it was our first event and, technically our first date," Jessica said.

"I love it! It's too much, but I love it," Mrs. Harper said.

"It wasn't too much," Jake assured her.

Mrs. Harper hefted the second bag and shook her head.

"This makes it too much, Jake," she told him.

"Maybe, but when we saw that it could be done we had to buy it as well," Jessica said.

Mrs. Harper eyed her skeptically as she opened the other bag. Inside was a desktop nameplate that had Sci Teacher Harper spelled out using elements on the periodic table.

"We saw that we could get one made when we were getting the weather station," Jake explained.

"It was just too cool to pass up," Jessica added.

"You still have a funny definition of cool, Jess," Dean called out from his and Leeann's desk.

"Always," she laughed.

"Thank you both. You've been a joy to have in class and out at all of the events," Mrs. Harper told them. "I will miss you dearly next year."

"We'll miss you, too," Jake said.

"We'll visit," Jessica added. "And definitely see you at some events at the planetarium. Whenever Jake and I want to relive our first date."

She winked at Jake.

"Or fourth, but who was counting?"


"Want to do the thing one last time, Jess?" Jake asked as they walked to Art class.

"Do you think the bleachers in gym are even pulled out?" She asked.

"What?" He asked then the memory hit him. "Oh... oh damn, now I really want to go find out!"

"Later for that," she said. "Let's get to class before you need a cold shower. And, yes, we'll do the thing one last time. You need your time with Coach Pennington before we give him his gift."

Jessica leaned over, kissed his cheek then ran into the classroom ahead of him.

"I think I lost him for sure this time, Mr. Pennington," she said.

"Doesn't look like you were as successful as you hoped, Jess," Mr. Pennington chuckled as Jake entered.

"Dang, I was sure I was rid of him this time," she snapped her fingers.

"Not happening," Jake turned to Coach Pennington. "You're just about rid of me though, Coach."

"That I am, Jake. I'm just not sure how appropriate it is to celebrate that fact," he grinned.

"Comedians, I'm surrounded by comedians," Jake parroted.

"That's about the only thing I taught you all year," Coach Pennington laughed.

"Seriously? Coach, you've taught way more than that. I wouldn't be where I am now without your help through the years. You've always had my back and advocated for me with Coach Yates. You kept me on the team this year when I was sure I was done. In class you helped me turn my love of drawing into a potential career. You've done a lot for me, Coach, and I wanted to say thank you for pushing me to be my best on the field, in class and in life."

"You did all the hard work, Jake. I'm honored you feel that I had some hand in you becoming the young man you've become."

"Is it time? It looked like it was time," Jessica joined them.

She had brought a covered frame with her.

"Great timing as usual," Jake said.

They held it up together then had Coach Pennington unveil it. He tugged the wrapping from the front of it. It housed a drawing of Coach Pennington being carried off the field on the shoulders of his players.

"Jake drew it and I helped ink it with the different colors we used on it, Mr. Pennington."