New Kingdom: European Court Ch. 12


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After a few minutes, she finally stood and stretched her limbs that were quickly growing stiff from inactivity. She looked around the room designed with elegance that she could not define. Apparently Gabriel had spared no expense on his arrangements for the brothers and their families. Since their arrival to the secluded region of the Mesopotamia, Emma had experienced exotic foods, drinks and tours of the land. Her mother had included her in everything a human could possibly enjoy and the two vampire sisters had welcomed her into their family. Everything was almost perfect.

Except for.... There were always exceptions. When everyone arrived, they were greeted by another brother, Heron, who seemed genuinely friendly but was treated with great reserve. Before she could ask Antony for information, he ushered her to their home. Those were his words but he had yet to share a single minute in the house with her. So she wondered from room to room gently touching the expensive furnishings and admiring the awesome view of the great rivers below the balcony.

Each family had been given a home with more structures waiting on the brothers from Africa and Australia. The homes were very large with several bedrooms, bathrooms, and other functional areas. Emma thought the entire clan could have shared the one given to Antony. But these were built to allow privacy. Since vampires had extraordinary hearing, some space was a considerate measure. But now, her space and privacy were reminders of her loneliness. Her friends could not fill the void created by Antony's absence.

Oh, he had obligations and she supported him in keeping those. But a little part of her ached to just feel his arms holding her again. How many times had she hesitated or questioned his touch? That was exactly the number of times she berated herself now. The memory of that attack in the maze now seemed like a dream. Ok, a nightmare. But she clearly remembered the feel of the Panthralges grasp, especially when he put his hands on her body. And she remembered the pain in Antony's eyes when he watched the beast abuse her.

Another other vivid memory was that of Gabriel struggling as he watched the Panthralges hurt Alena. She had healed quickly thanks to his blood but he had suffered with her. Emma now understood how these men needed their mates. Any yet, she was miserable waiting for him.

She touched a strange configuration of small wires, balls and washers polished to glistening silver. The motion created a merry tune that would have put a smile on another person's face. But Emma focused on the small balls gently bobbing against the washers wondering if one would ever fit inside the small hole. As she continued watching, she realized that she wanted that ball to enter that hole. She needed it to enter the hole.

"God, I've become a pervert," she groaned resting her head against her arms folded on the table. "Fucking vampires! They should have been killed when they surrendered!"

"That's no way to talk," Iona said from the door. "I did knock but you were playing with your toy and didn't hear me. So why are you angry at vampires? "

"It's not all vampires. Just the ones causing the problems."

"They haven't transitioned well. It's more than just drinking blood from a glass. Apparently they miss the attack. This is why you must be careful."

"But if I were one, then I..."

"Then you'd be worse," Iona cut in. "Listen, he wants to be here more than you want him here."


"Whatever. They all have to do this. Edward is exhausted when he finally comes home."

"Why can't Antony come home?"

"Do you want to punish him? He can't turn you without staying with you. He can't get around the newborns without your smell driving them insane. Be patient."

"Is this why you put me on your agenda? Oh, I figured it out. You come by first, then Alena pops in to just check on me and Mom follows up with a nightcap."

"Yeah well," Iona started, "it's important that Antony help his brothers but it's just as important that you are well cared for."

"Iona," Emma asked after a few moments of silence. "Is that what you would do? Wait patiently?"

"Oh hell no," she answered with a laugh. "What's that saying, 'patience is a virtue'? Well I was never a virtuous woman."

As Emma brushed by her heading for the door, Iona heard that faint alarm in her head when her sister was about to speak.

" I'll tell Antony she's on her way."

"Could you please leave my name out of it?"


Emma quickly crossed the gardens that separated the various homes. Each yard was large enough for more cottages to be built as the families continued to grow. She smiled as she remembered the discovery of Joshua's little stowaway and wondered when he would require a home of his own. The young woman had been an employee of Antony's housekeeping staff. No one had managed to discover how Joshua had kept her hidden and he was not offering any explanations.

Emma had heard that Joshua's parents had deliberated over the human girl's future and finally announced their decision. She would remain part of the Philandros household to be treated as their daughter. Joshua was thrilled until he received the ultimatum....on the condition that he precedes the others in their trip to Australia. Giving his girl, Nola, a solemn vow of his return, he had joined Alex this morning as they departed to the large island across the globe.

Approaching the main house, Emma quietly entered the foyer looking for any signs of life -- friend or foe. She moved through the great hall noting how the area lacked any sign of furnishings. That which was once a majestic castle now appeared to be a disinfected institution. As she approached a large set of double doors, she paused, listening to the various sounds within. Several voices giving instructions were all she heard so she pushed open the door to find a room of vampires.

The occupants turned to see the newcomer. Approximately fifty vampires inhaled loudly, bared their fangs and hissed. But not one approached her.

"Well how's that for a test?" Edward said with a laugh. "Their first real temptation and they resisted," he declared with a smile which faltered as he looked over her shoulder. "Well maybe not all of them resisted."

Emma tensed when she felt the hand clamp over her mouth and the arm pull her hard against a strong body. She felt and heard the vampire behind her inhale appreciatively and wondered why Edward remained still. Just before she was dragged from the room, she watched Gabriel and Alena move into her line of vision. Alena, with her mouth wide opened, looked shocked. And Gabriel kept his head down as though he were embarrassed. Emma panicked as she foolishly struggled against her captor wondering why her friends were not coming to her aid. As she was pulled through the hall, she saw Iona who stopped only to blow a kiss in her direction.

"Antony!" she tried to yell behind his hand.

His response was a chuckle and a tighter embrace molding her body closer to his. She quit struggling when he quickened his step moving into a speed that she was sure was beyond human ability. As the gardens blurred in her vision, she noticed that they were approaching their house very quickly. Wondering if he would stop before walking into the door, Emma was surprised to see the house pass into the scenery behind them.

Flexing his arms, Antony twisted her around and upward so he could carry her against him. Without saying a word, he raced into the trees and left their home and family behind. The path led up the mountain leaving Emma to wonder just where he was taking her. With her face pressed against his chest, she could feel his body, hear his heart and smell his unique scent but she could not see his face. Was he angry that she had left the house against his wishes? Was he going to drag her up this hill and leave her to die?

"Have you lost your mind?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Being neglected for long periods of time has been known to cause insanity."

"Poor baby," he said finally slowing to a normal walk. "Let's see if I can save you."

"What are you going to do to me?"

"Emma, my love," he answered setting her on her feet but still held her close. "The treatments are life altering but will have eternal rewards."


"Unless you've changed your mind."

"No, but I thought maybe you had. God, how long have we been here. I was starting to think I had hallucinations about you and me and, well, you know."

Tenderly, he tilted her chin until she was looking into his face. He had changed. The uncertainty that had lived in his eyes was gone. He looked confident, happy, and content. He smiled at her easily as a person who has nothing to hide and everything to give. He glanced at the scene behind her.

"I chose this place for us," he whispered. "No man, human or vampire, has ever visited this spot. But if you want to return home..."

Emma turned in his arms knowing that she would agree with his choice. He could have picked any level of Hell and she would have agreed that it was the perfect spot.

But it was not any level of Hell. It may have been a higher level of heaven. His race up the mountain had brought them to a natural paradise. In the center of the flowered meadow, a small pond reflected the scene from crystal clear water. It was sustained by a stream that disappeared into the mountain. Outside of the meadow, clouds graciously hid them from the world. As she stepped on the grass, she felt the strands give beneath her shoes. With a smile to Antony, she kicked off her sandals and felt the massaging luxury of the cool carpet beneath her feet.

Emma moved further into the field admiring the colorful array of flowers in contrast to the various green hues of the grass and trees. When she leaned over the pond, she was shocked to see her reflection mirrored in the waters. In a moment's hesitation, she looked at her insignificant face and wondered again how he could be attracted to her. Turning slowly, she looked toward him and found the assurance she needed.

He stepped closer to her and gently touched his fingers to her face. Tracing the curve of her cheek down to her jaw, he smiled as her blood rushed through her veins. He leaned down to her throat and kissed that source of life that had sustained him for so long.

"Soon," he murmured pulling the strap of the sundress from her shoulder.

"Soon?" she asked.

"Soon," he repeated, "is now."

Capturing her lips with his, Antony kissed her hard. He pulled her close as a vampire claiming his mate but reminding himself that she was still very much human. He continued tasting her mouth as his hands roamed the shape of this woman he loved. Pulling away so they could gasp for air, he held her against him silently. When she tilted her face and started kissing his jaw, he moved them away from the water.

"Where are we going?" she mumbled against his jaw.

"Look," he said turning her around. "Tell me you like it."

She would have told him she like it if she could have remembered how to talk. She couldn't remember how to open and close her mouth or how to form the words that would describe the beauty before her.

"I'll settle for a nod," he said kissing her ear.

Feeling rather stupid, she quickly nodded and looked over her shoulder at the man standing behind her. Her man. And she would be his mate soon. Soon is now. Here, at this place from a fairy tale, she would finally begin her purpose for living.

She turned back to the scene before them. At the far end of the pond, a small section of earth was wrapped in gauze of tiny white flowing in vines from above. Various flowers surrounded the bed and a wide boulder of black granite was positioned as a natural headboard. Shyly, Emma reached for Antony's had and led them to the inviting scene.

"Forever," he promised.

"Forever," she repeated.

Kissing her softly, he slowly lowered them to the bed of grass. She pulled him to her, lifting her lips to his.

"Emma, wait," he said. "If you need to stop or..."

"I need you to stop talking," she interrupted.

"I'm serious."

"So am I," she replied pushing him to his back. "I have absolutely no idea how this happens, and," she quickly adding cutting off his next words, "I don't want to know. I'm just tired of talking."


"That's it? No arguments?"

"No arguments. I agree. We've talked enough," he said and pulled her body hard against his.

"The dress has a zipper on the...oh," she stopped at the sound of ripping fabric.

"Welcome to my world, love," he replied tossing the ruined fabric into the trees. "Now these are so pretty. I'll have to buy you more."

Within seconds, he had discarded the matching bra and panties leaving Emma naked and pinned beneath him. As she playfully struggled to be released, he captured her hands within one grasp and lightly stroked his fingers over her ribs. She squealed and bucked her hips against his.

"That tickles!"

He laughed as she frantically wiggled beneath him until he finally showed mercy and released his hold. Still tucked beneath his large body, she gasped for air and wiped the tears from her eyes. With a shy smile, she reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it up and over his head. She hesitated as the warmth of his chest brushed against her skin. He reached for the button of his jeans but stopped when he felt her hands moved over his.

"Let me try," she whispered.

Turning on his side, Antony gave her access to his remaining clothes while he touched and kissed her body. Wherever he touched, her skin would quiver beneath his fingers. When she had finally unfastened his jeans, she paused. Antony felt her brief hesitation and contemplated taking control when suddenly her cool hand touched the hot, sensitive skin inside the fly of the jeans.

"Oh god," he moaned against her skin. "Emma, don't stop. If the mountain starts to collapse, promise me that you won't stop."

She smiled at his approval and wrapped her fingers around his flesh. Feeling the heat of body and his kisses on her skin, she felt a wave of desire move through her own body. Antony watched as her skin became flushed and pink. He marveled at the blood flowing through her system. He maneuvered their bodies so he could lower his kisses while not disturbing her hand in its exploration. When he heard her human heart he paused and listened to the familial rhythm that had become a certain beacon for him. Soon that sound would end but he knew it would be replaced by a stronger system. She would finally be his.

"Antony," she moaned. "Please take off your...oh," she added when the denim joined her dress in the trees.

He moved over her, kissing her lips first as he began a descent over her body. She writhed and moaned as his tongue licked and dipped into every crevice. His teeth grazed and nipped at sensitive flesh but he never broke through her skin. Her hands, fresh and unskilled, grabbed at his arms, back and chest struggling for him to satisfy the craving that grew within her.

"Antony?" she asked not understanding her own question but confident that he had the answer.

He braced himself above her and stared into her eyes. She knew that he was giving her one last chance to say no. Once last chance to keep her humanity and return to her old life. The life with no friends and no love. The life without him.

"Please," she whispered, "we've waited long enough."

His hands held her hips and he descended onto her. In one thrust, he entered her. In another, he was deeper. Soon they were joined as close as possible. He remained still as her flesh accommodated him within her. He listened to her heartbeat and breathing ready to stop at any sign of distress. He was determined to make her last human moments full of pleasure.

Emma inhaled and rolled her hips against his. When she looked into his eyes, he saw the desire of a woman that was meant to be his. Love and lust rolled into this beautiful package. He fought for control as his fangs threatened to emerge and his body fought for release. Hurting her now would be unforgivable.

Slowly he moved against her body setting the rhythm that she quickly matched. They moved together increasing in tempo as they gasped for breath. When he felt the feeble restraint against his nature snap, Emma arched beneath him pressing her head back against the soft grass. Her neck, that length of silken flesh, was offered to him as her final gift. He groaned as her body tightened around his pulling him yet deeper into her center. As she climaxed around his flesh, Emma's body silently called for its mate.

And he answered the call. As his body poured into hers, he allowed his fangs to elongate and listened one final time to the heartbeat that had teased and seduced him for so long. He had saved her life as an infant; he would be her life through eternity. Quickly, he sank his fangs deep into her throat drinking like a man dying of thirst. Her life rushed into him strengthening his body as it abandoned hers.

The first signs of her heart faltering made him flinch. Doubts and uncertainty suddenly overcame his joy. Unable to stop now, he listened to her heart as it struggled to beat. He listened for Emma to scream or gasp in fear. Her breathless moan was his undoing. Taking the last taste of her blood, he felt her body surrender to its human death.

Quickly sealing the wound at her neck, Anthony separated their bodies and pulled her lifeless form into his arms. He opened the vein at his wrist and held it to her mouth. Although her lips were slightly parted, he carefully avoided the temptation of allowing his blood to pool in her mouth. Slowly, the dark life-giving fluid passed from his body into hers. Just a few moments ago, he had greedily drunk from her body, now she passively accepted the same gift from him. When he was sure that she had received enough for her change, he sealed his wound and held her close. And waited.

He listened for her new life to start but quickly grew irritated at the loud volume of his own racing heart. He avoided thinking about possible problems. Alena's transitions had been delayed for some higher purpose. That was Gabriel's problem. Not his. His mate would be with him soon. Tenderly, he kissed her lips. And waited. He would keep her on the mountain until she awakened and if she wanted to stay, then they would stay. If he still had a kingdom, he would gladly trade it for the moment when she returned as one of his kind. His immediate future would be dominated by the various desires of his new vampire bride. They would plan their future together.

He waited growing impatient for the transition. The sound of his own heart was now deafening to his ears. But another sound interrupted his mind. A sound outside of this private world with Emma. An interruption that he would have not expected at this time. Ignoring the sounds, he continued holding his woman close. It had been less than a minute. He had to be patient. His ears struggled to ignore the sound of his heart and the insistent nagging that raged outside.

There it was. A masterpiece fit for only the best orchestra. A song that no human voice was qualified to sing. His human Emma had died but his mate's heart increased in pace and volume. His Melody lived.

But that damn intrusion constantly grew louder.

"Damn it Edward!" he growled out loud. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Sorry man," his brother responded in his mind. "I needed to let you know that we had to leave. Phillip is staying with the newborns."

"Now? Why?"

"Abigail is gone. I think she's run away but Gabriel is convinced that he's kidnapped her," Edward answered. "We're already in the air."



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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I was entertained

Found through suggested. Start to finish great story. One story before this : New Kingdom America? Ifou're a Grammer typo buff high score *****, but if story line matters *****.. Great characters, suspenseful plot, sex more vanilla than hard core. Great romance.

celia82celia82over 12 years ago
Sorry... I was wrong..

I actually had two words..: BLOODY FANTASTIC!!!

celia82celia82over 12 years ago
I have just one word for you...


secretitosecretitoover 12 years ago

You have me completely addicted, so much so, that I couldn't bring myself to stop reading long enough to comment. I fully blame those epic cliffhangers of yours pure sadistic genius. I'm just happy the following chapters had already been written else I would have no hair or nails left XD. I may have to really slow my pace so I don't catch up. You are without question one of my alltime favorites. Off to Australia.

canndcanndabout 13 years ago

I really enjoyed the ending to this story. You did an awesome job in the end by coming up with an intriguing story behind the Panthralges. I still haven't read American Court and I know I'd have gotten even more out of it if I had, but I appreciate that you put enough into it that it stood alone and made sense to me. I love Alex as a character and can't wait for more of him. I love Joshua too. It was sweet to see him develop into the man he's becoming. The relationship between the siblings was really well done too with equal parts of rivalry, caring and instigating one another. The end was really sweet with Antony and Emma. All around great read. Look forward to the next story.

mokkelkemokkelkeabout 13 years ago

i'm gonna put you on my harassment list for most chapters.

what a conclusion to this part of the story and off we go to down under. hmm alex and abi, that's gonna prove to be fireworks and all her uncles following in pursuit hihi

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Wow! at first I thought you were wrapping up this story but I see it will continue in Australia.

Great job!!

MizTMizTabout 13 years ago
Where To Start

First off, Thank You for the quick follow up. It was a really nice surprise to see it posted. I like the fact that the both the explosion and the final battle were both resolved rather quickly. And Joshua(who for some reason I kept saying Anthony instead of Joshua in my past comments) I know he had the DNA of 6 of the 7 how did he get Gabe's DNA? Maybe thru his blood? Anyway Joshua was a surprise that you actually foretold. And what of Nola? You must tell us more about her other than the fact that she worked in the household. And the fact that you kept Anthony and Emma's mating romantic was true to your characters. With Emma's past of feeling like she was invisible and her finding it hard to believe that Anthony could love her, the romance rather than the hard pounding mating is just what her character needed to honestly feel love by Anthony.

And now Abigail is gone. Where is Alex? Are the two of them together? Are you now going to start her story? Do we get to follow her journey of finding true love? I can't wait to see where you take story next, please don't wait me wait long!

willieonewillieoneabout 13 years ago

Apart from lovin that Ant finally mates his girl and the banter between Joshua and Alex, the following is one of my favourite bits. Joshua is awesome.

"It's not exactly the same blade," the boy said loosely wrapping his arms around the beast's shoulders. "My father said it would take the seven brothers to kill you."

"And where are they, little bug? Heron is a worthless creature and the two remaining should be close to destruction by now."

"They are in me," Joshua answered. "Thanks to you."

Using the skill of an artist, he moved the blade across his wrist as though he were collecting paint on a fine brush. Without breaking the motion, he plunged the blood covered blade deep into the Panthralges' neck.

imanerdimanerdabout 13 years ago
You can't do this to me!

CLIFFHANGER! ugh. I cannot wait for the next chapters. please please post them soon!

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