New Neighbor Pt. 07

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The girls give John a Christmas surprise - Last Chapter.
8.4k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 01/21/2024
Created 12/29/2022
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Author's Preface: Everyone in this story is eighteen years old or older. The story is entirely fictional. Any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental. Constructive comments are always welcome.

This story follows the relationship between John and Laura, first introduced in "New Neighbors Pt. 01" in which they meet. This is the last chapter in the New Neighbor series. This is the last story in the series.


New Neighbor Pt. 07 Christmas - The girls surprise John.

Since Thanksgiving was on the latest possible date, it wasn't long until Christmas.

The girls got together on the first Tuesday in December for their monthly meeting. The first order of business was to deal with the man who had dated Katie for weeks without mentioning the small detail that he was married.

It turned out Katie was much better off without that creep. She met Henry at the Thanksgiving party. Despite her misgivings about dating a new guy right after she broke up, she and Henry were becoming close.

Russell found a phone number for the wife. He called from his law office and told her that her husband had been cheating on her. He was calling on behalf of her husband's ex-girlfriend. She had no idea. Russell gave her the number of the best divorce lawyer in town. He warned her not to let her husband know she knew anything until she talked to her lawyer.

The second order of business had been kicked around for a while. The girls wanted to get John something for Christmas that would be special. He had become a good friend to all of them and they wanted to get him something that would express their feelings for him.

No one could think of anything that they could buy him. He was a man who had everything that he wanted.

Katie suggested, "We could all take him to bed just once."

Laura nixed that idea and gave her a dirty look.

Vicky said, "That's not a bad idea."

"Vicky!" Laura yelled.

"Not that, I mean do something for him rather than get him something."

Vicky came up with the idea to do something for the shelter to raise money in his name.

"He loves the shelter. What could we do for them?" Laura suggested they talk to Dani, the volunteer coordinator, to get some ideas.


Laura and Katie got together with Dani after work. They met for happy hour at a bar and got a little drunk and giggly. They discussed ways of raising money and increasing awareness of the shelter. A calendar was possible. They could get plenty of models. They laughed about getting male models, dressed as firemen, policemen, construction workers, or lumberjacks, in just parts of their uniforms holding dogs, or girls holding puppies in front of their puppies. In their inebriated state, they laughed hysterically about each new calendar idea.

Then they got serious and talked about doing Santa pictures. Dani had some ideas and thought that pictures could work well as a fundraiser. The girls could supply the labor and gather all the items needed. Dani needed to ask the shelter to see where they could do it. If it was successful, it could disrupt the flow of traffic in the shelter on one of their busiest days. Dani was fun to work with. Laura and Katie decided that they liked Dani, especially with a couple of drinks in her. They thought the others would too.

They decided on Saturday the 14th, to do the pictures. They needed to advertise and let people know about it without John finding out.


There were only eleven days to get everything done to make this happen. It was going to be tight. They needed to do this event as cheaply as possible so that the shelter made the most money. John's annual donation would be more than they'd make, but it was the thought that counted.

Dani said they could use an air-conditioned three-car garage at the shelter for the pictures, but it would be quite a job to clean it up and move all the crates and miscellaneous stuff out. Rain might be an issue. If there was rain it would be hard to find room for people to wait.

For the Santa pictures, they needed elf, Santa, and Mrs. Clause costumes. Dani had a contact at a costume rental shop. They had the costumes they needed and would let them use them for just the cleaning fee.

All the girls insisted that Mrs. Clause was not going to be frumpy and white-haired this year. They were able to find costumes that were a little younger and sexier. Bridgette and Jackie were asked to be Mrs. Clause because they were the shortest. It made getting costumes easier.

Rodger and Henry volunteered to be Santa. Their costumes were traditional. It looked like Mrs. Clause was way out of Santa's league. They would take turns, so they could take breaks.

Everyone else would dress as elves. They needed elf costumes, sexy but not too sexy for 6-foot-tall models. Laura and Katie insisted that Dani needed an elf costume too. The costume shop was able to fit the girls with outfits that looked good, but they could still bend over and not cause a ruckus.

The men's elf costumes were not as sexy as the girls, but they looked good. They got one for John too.

Elves oversaw checking people in, going through the pictures, making memory sticks, checking out, keeping the trays of cookies full, and any other tasks that needed to be done. The elves also formed a choir to sing Christmas carols at random times.

They needed to advertise the event without letting John know that it happening. Dani temporarily removed him from the email list, so he didn't see the announcements. Vicky was in advertising, so she designed posters and advertising material. She arranged for the webmaster in her office to design a web page for the event that would be linked to the shelter's web page.

Ken would oversee wrangling the dogs and their people. He would seat them with Santa or Mrs. Claus or with both.

After Thanksgiving, John started teaching Ashley how to set up lights and take studio pictures. So, Ashley was the photographer. She'd be in an elf costume too. Before he left, she asked John a lot of questions about setting up equipment for a remote shoot.

Laura's main job was to get John out of the way for the week before, so he wouldn't find out anything.

Wednesday night, Laura called her mother and on Thursday morning said, "Guess what John, we're going to Colorado to ski before the holidays. We're leaving Saturday, and we'll be back next Thursday. I have a chalet booked for us."


"You'll get to meet my mother. She gets lonely around Christmas since my father died. She's a little frail and can't get around too well. I worry about her health. I told her all about you and she wants to meet the man who loves me, to see if you're good enough for me."

"I can't do that. It's a busy time at the shelter and they need someone to take pictures of the dogs."

"I already thought about that, and Ashley volunteered to work with Ken to get the pictures. Dani signed off on it."

"I can't leave Bo."

"Bo can stay with Ken. He loves it over there. It's all set up."

"I can't ski."

"You can take pictures of me skiing. If you can figure out how I won't freeze, they can be nudes. I know how you like to see me in tight sweaters. And I'll buy some extra lingerie."


"Before you make another excuse, remember one thing. I was prepared to sleep on the cold ground with you, eat MREs, and use a bucket for a toilet. I wasn't happy about it, but I was going to do it anyway because I love you."

John said, "You know, I'd love to go to Colorado with you."


They didn't want him to look at the website because he'd find out about the Santa pictures. Laura had contacted the owner of the chalet and asked her to disable the internet. The cell service was spotty at best unless they went out to dinner.

If he did find out about it and could get a call out, he'd either call Dani or Ken to ask them. They had worked out a story explaining to him that it was not a big deal. It was something they were trying with just a few people this year to see how it went. They might make it bigger next year if it was successful. They each had a script to keep their stories straight.

When they arrived at the resort, Laura's mother was there to meet them. She was a tall and extremely good-looking woman. John would have guessed she was in her mid-to-late forties.

"Hi Mom, I didn't expect to see you here. We were going to meet you at the house."

"At the house! I'm not staying by myself at home, I'm going to stay in the chalet with you. I want to get some skiing in, and I want to get to know this good-looking man."

"Down Mom. John, this is my mother Karen Swanson and Mom this is John McAddams."

"You were right honey; he's quite a hunk. Come here." Karen hugged John.

"Hi, Karen. You certainly look spry and in good shape." He looked at Laura.

"What a strange thing to say."

"Ask Laura why. We'd love you to spend the week with us at the chalet. You can tell me all about Laura as a little girl."

"Thank you, John. I know you two will be having sex, and I won't get in your way. And don't worry, I haven't had clothes on in a hot tub...well ever. I was in a hot tub for the first time just before I got pregnant. That may have been where I got pregnant, but we weren't sure. Before that, it was hot springs, and I didn't wear clothes in those either."

"I can see where Laura gets her good looks and her personality."

"Oh, you are a charmer."

Laura said, "You should have seen her when I was seventeen. When I had a date, she'd flirt with the guy so much I could hardly get him out of the house."

"It was fun," Karen said.

"It was embarrassing," Laura said. "I can't believe Dad let you do that."

"Well, after you and your date were gone, we had enthusiastic sex."

"Oh, god. I'll never be able to un-hear that," Laura said.

Laura grabbed a car that took them to the chalet. It was beautiful and John made the driver stop before they got all the way there so that he could get a picture while the snow was untrodden. They unpacked the car and started a fire inside.

"Is the hot tub warm yet?" Karen went out and stuck her hand in it. She came back in and went into the bathroom. When she came back out, she had a towel on her arm and had lost her clothes. She went back out to the hot tub, got in, and motioned for us to come out.

Laura said, "If you hit on my mother, I'm going to kill you."

"She looks so frail. Will she need help getting out of the tub?"

"Come on. Let's get this over with." Laura said ignoring the question. She grabbed a bottle of wine and three glasses. They undressed and joined her mother.

"Oh, I can see why you like him so much."

"Thank you, Karen."

"Mother, stop flirting with my boyfriend. I feel like I'm seventeen again. This is going to be a long week."

"I'm not flirting, am I John." She snuggled up against him.

Being naked in front of Laura's mother was a little uncomfortable for John at first, but Karen was so open and carefree, that it was difficult to be uncomfortable around her.

After the hot tub, they ate dinner and sat around the fire drinking for a while. They discussed the sleeping arrangements. "Should I sleep upstairs? I might hear something from you two." She warned smiling. "John, we were worried about Laura as a teenager. Has she told you that she didn't lose her virginity until college?"

John spit out his wine laughing.

"I now know why in some cultures they leave old people out in the snow to die," Laura said. "And stop egging her on John."

John said, "You can sleep anywhere you want, just don't blame us if you don't get much sleep because of the noise."

The week was fun, and John and Laura did manage to get some alone time. John loved Karen's wicked sense of humor. He got her to pose nude for him and he got some mother-and-daughter nude shots.

The ladies spent their days skiing. John took pictures of them coming down the slopes or just in their ski outfits. He rode the ski lifts to the top of the mountain and took pictures of the mountains in the snow. He skied for a while, but it wasn't much fun to ski alone; the bunny slopes got boring for the ladies.

They went out to dinner one night and John couldn't believe how good Karen looked. Tight sweaters suited them both well.

"I'm a lucky man to be out with two such captivating women," John said.

At dinner, he asked, "This may be rude, but I have to ask. How young were you when you had Laura? You must have been about sixteen."

"No John, I wasn't a teen pregnancy statistic. I was twenty-three, just out of college, and married."

"If that's true, you must have a painting of yourself hidden in your house."

"There's no way you're over fifty and I know you're not hiding your age with clothes that push things up." That made her laugh.

"Our family has good genes," Karen said. "What about your family John?"

"There's not much to tell. My father died when I was in college from a heart attack, which was in a way ironic because he's the one who got me in the habit of running. My mother died a few years later of cancer. She only lived a couple of weeks after she was diagnosed. I don't have any brothers or sisters."

John enjoyed spending time talking to Laura's mother. He found out about what she was like as a little girl and as a high school student. Laura was embarrassed by most of the stories.

"It's not fair that there's no one to tell embarrassing stories about you growing up," Laura said. "I'm going to find some friends of yours in elementary school, high school, and college."

Karen promised that she'd send him pictures of Laura as a little girl, as a teen, and as a college student.

Just before they left, Karen said something that caught John off guard. "I wish her father was still with us. He would have liked you and approved of you for his daughter. I certainly do." She whispered in her ear, "If she won't marry you, I will." She kissed him on the cheek.

"What did she whisper to you?" Laura asked.

"I may tell you someday...or not," John replied.

Karen drove them to the airport and said goodbye. We promised to visit again soon.

John and Laura got back in town Thursday night and picked up Bo. He was so happy to see John, he was dancing all over John's feet. They were tired but made up for the shortage of alone time they got in Colorado.

Friday, Laura told John she needed to go do last-minute shopping for Christmas. She asked to take his car because it was so festive. After all, it was bright red. It was fine with him because he needed to work on his Christmas presents for the girls. She knew he wouldn't leave the house if he had to go down to the other garage.

As soon as she headed to the shelter, she was on the phone with the girls to see what else needed to be done. They had everything handled. John had let Ashley use one of his cameras and gave her extra memory cards as well as a tripod. She "borrowed" lights and light stands from his studio.

Vicky had her staff design posters and had them printed for free by a company that she did business with. Jackie, Bridgette, and Courtney had houses and therefore, Christmas trees. Jackie had not put up their tree yet, so she brought it and lights and ornaments for it. Bridgette and Courtney had plenty of miscellaneous wreaths and garlands to make the room look great.

They bought a cheap backdrop from a mail-order outlet, with snow and trees on it. The shelter had a park bench they painted red and green for the people and dogs to sit on.

They had a computer set up and some cheap USB sticks printed with the shelter's name on them. Ashley had set up the lights and they did a run-through with some shelter dogs to make sure that she was ready.

Everything was set for Saturday.

John was surprised at how excited Laura was on Friday night. She wore a slinky negligee to bed and couldn't get enough of John.

Once they were both naked, she was so horny that she just climbed on top of him. She didn't care about any foreplay; she just wanted him inside her. She wanted to fuck him until both their toes curled, and she did.

She couldn't believe that they'd pulled this off. John didn't suspect a thing. It was going to make him so happy.

Early Saturday morning, Laura said, "Let's take Bo to the shelter to get his picture taken."

"I've got lots of Christmas pictures of Bo, I want to work on the pictures for the girls. There's only a week before Christmas." It never occurred to her that he might not want to go to the shelter.

"But I want a Christmas picture with all of us."

"Can we do it later? I want to finish this."

"John, I want to go to the shelter early to get our picture taken. Ken and Vicky will be there too."

"OK, but we can't stay long."

He came downstairs dressed in his dog-walking clothes.

"Put on something nicer. You're going to be in the picture too."

John changed and she finally got him and Bo in the car. Laura had a text message to Ken ready so she could send it as soon as they got there. When they were parked, she sent the message.

John was surprised by the size of the crowd at the shelter and was confused by the signs that said, "Pictures with Santa". They followed the signs for the pictures and when they turned the corner, he heard a roar of Merry Christmas John. He was confused until he realized that the whole girl group was there in elf costumes, along with their husbands and boyfriends. Bo took a step back.

John saw Ashley was taking the pictures. All the girls ran up to him, in the elves and Mrs. Clause costumes, and kissed him on the cheek. Laura disappeared as soon as John was distracted. When he saw her again, she was in an elf costume and had one for him on a hanger.

Dani said to him, "The girls couldn't think of anything that they could buy you for Christmas, so they decided to do this to raise money for us." Dani was also in an elf costume and looked cute. She was the shortest elf there and she was not exactly tiny at 5'6" tall. He'd never seen her in anything other than office clothes. John knew Dani was attractive but not how attractive, until he saw her in the elf costume. It didn't hide much.

John realized how much the girls and their guys had done for him. He thanked them and went to put on his costume. He was glad for the break because he was starting to get choked up. Inside the shelter building, he saw that the front desk staff and adoption counselors had dressed in Christmas outfits, and they all wished him Merry Christmas. When he got back outside in his elf costume, they put him to work helping people with their dogs.

Several times during the day, the elves broke into Christmas Carols, and the people waiting joined in.

Near the end of the event, John insisted that Dani get her picture taken. He told Ashley to take a lot of pictures of her in different poses both sitting and standing. He asked her to use her charms to get her into some sexy poses. He left and let Ashley take the pictures. When Dani asked why she was taking so many, she just said that John asked her to.

Ashley took pictures of John, Bo, and Laura. She took some more with the group gathered around them. She used the remote so that she could be in those. They brought in Dani and the shelter staff to get everyone in a picture.

Then John and Laura switched places with Ken, Vicky, and his three dogs.

Courtney, Rodger, and the baby had their picture taken last. Rodger dressed as Santa. Courtney and the baby had elf costumes. We now knew where baby elves came from.

When everything was over, they had taken pictures of 120 people and their dogs. The shelter had made close to $10,000 from the event. They had put out a donation jar that had some rather large donations in it too. Most were tens and twenties but there were also quite a few folded up hundreds. She didn't hear the final count. Laura suspected where some of the donations came from.