New Roomies and a Fresh Start


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She gasped as he said it. He slowly released her and stepped back. In a soft, smoky voice he said, "How would I explain that to your dad?" The smile on his face said he was teasing. Mostly. There was definitely heat in his expression. Her knees actually buckled, she was so turned on. Tom stepped forward and caught her easily, guiding her into her bedroom.

"Maybe I was wrong," Cecilia said softly. She looked up at him and fixed him with her hungry expression. She growled, "You are a bad, bad man." Tom smiled. He kissed her briefly on her lips, and closed the door behind him as he left.

Tom retrieved his shave kit from his room and brought it into the bathroom. He reflected as he did that this might be the only thing from his military career, aside from some shrapnel imbedded in his left femur, that he still carried with him. He looked in the medicine cabinet above the sink for a place to put his razor and shaving cream, but it was packed with all sorts of things already. He did notice matching birth control pill containers, sitting side by side on the bottom shelf. He chuckled when he realized that they were synced up; both girls would be a bit tense in ten days.

In the end, he just took the kit back to his own bedroom, putting it on the shelf in the closet above his clothes. He sat at his new computer desk, turning on his new laptop for the first time. He groaned out loud when he realized it would take hours to sort through all the pre-packaged Microsoft bullshit before the thing would be functional. Worse, he was stuck with the latest version of Windows. Good lord. He set it to start the auto-updates and walked out of his room in disgust.

"Are you alright? You look like you stepped in something nasty." Tom looked over at Angela and smiled sadly. She looked great, he thought. She was wearing a nice short-sleeved blouse and a lightweight skirt. Her toned, tanned legs were shown off to full effect in that outfit. Sexy painted toenails were on display in the open-toe design of her sandals.

"I made the mistake of sitting down and starting my new computer," he responded. "It has all that first-run bullsh—uh, mess it's got to go through. I can't even tell you how much work I had put in on my old computer that is just lost forever." He shook his head at the thought. "Just a reminder of how much I've lost here, lately."

Angela smiled at him, and then languidly spread her legs wide. She had a naked, gleaming pussy under her skirt with nothing covering it. "Just a reminder," she said softly, "of how much you have to look forward to, here." Tom gulped, and then looked into her eyes as she closed her legs.

"Thanks for that," he smiled at her.

Cecilia emerged from her room, still wearing her kimono. "Any requests for breakfast?" she said as she glided into the kitchen.

"I thought I would take you ladies out for brunch," Tom replied. Both women looked at him like he had grown an extra head.

"Sunday brunch? Here?" they laughed at the idea. Angela said, "We would be in line for hours for that. Plus, nobody can match Cecilia's Sunday brunch."

Tom nodded. "I'm sure whatever you fix will be fabulous," he said. "But since we're sticking around, I guess I'll try to get this computer working." He could hear the girls talking as he headed back into his room, but not what they were saying. He closed his bedroom door behind him so that they wouldn't have to listen to him swear.

As soon as they heard his bedroom door close, both women let out an "Oh my God!" They both laughed then, and while Cecilia cooked, they shared their delicious Tom experience from the morning. When Cecilia reached the point in her story where Tom had walked out of her bedroom she said, "I swear, if he had just thrown me onto the bed like he did you, I would have let him do anything he wanted." Angela nodded in agreement. "I couldn't believe he left me there like that," she said. She paused and leaned forward then, making sure she had eye contact with Cecilia. "Hey, we're okay, right? You don't mind sharing Tom with me?"

Cecilia blew out a breath. "I would love to share him with you, Angela. I'm just afraid he won't do anything with me, because of my dad. I can't blame him for that, I just...damn. I don't want to miss out on that. You know what I mean? If I have to listen to you guys fucking each others' brains out all night, every night, and I'm not getting any, then I might have to hate you a little."

Angela nodded. She understood completely. "We need to clone him," she giggled. Angela giggled back, "Why stop with two, then?" They both laughed.

Meanwhile, Tom had pulled out his phone and made the call he had to. "Jerry? Bro, I am behind enemy lines and desperately outnumbered here. Are we secure?"

"Just a second!" Tom could hear his friend walking and then closing a door before continuing, "Okay, we're secure. What's up?"

"Did you just lock yourself in the bathroom?" Tom tried not to laugh.

"Yeah," Jerry sounded exasperated, "It's the only place I can get any privacy anymore. So what's going on there?"

Tom told him everything. He did not leave out a single detail. He finished with, "Man, I would never disrespect you by laying hands on your daughter without your blessing. I had to be sure, though. I didn't want to call and say, 'I think your daughter wants to have sex with me' without knowing that's the case. So that's where I am. I can move out next weekend and get my own place, I've barely scratched the money the insurance company is giving me."

Jerry cut him off at that point. His voice was hoarse, so he got out, "Don't be...hold on." Tom heard water running, and Jerry taking a drink before continuing. "Don't be a jackass, man. Got to tell you, though, bro, that story...whew! I will be wearing Juanita out tonight. Yeah, I know my daughter is smoking hot. I should have warned you about that going in. Sorry about the bad intel."

Tom had to laugh softly at that. "Not the first time we've gone into some shit with bad intel."

That got a bitter little bark of a laugh from Jerry. "No kidding. Seriously, though, I think we have a 'don't ask, don't tell' situation here. I can't tell you to go ahead and...well, you know. Can't say it. I sure as hell don't want you giving me any details, either. But," he sighed loudly in the phone, "I absolutely trust you not to hurt my little girl."

"You know I love you, Jerry," Tom said. "You give my best to Juanita and your other kids."

"Oh, I know I'll be giving Juanita MY best. I'll tell her you said 'hi' though!" Both men laughed as they said goodbye.

Tom got up from the desk. He had made some progress on getting the new computer set up, but it had a long way to go. He walked out toward the heavenly smells drifting in from the kitchen. "Wow, Angela, you weren't kidding." He breathed deeply and loudly into his nostrils, savoring the aroma and trying not to drool. There was definitely a hint of aroused pussy smell underlying the bacon, eggs, and hash browns. "Breakfast of the Gods, for sure," he said, loudly enough to be heard over the sizzle of the cooking food.

When the three of them were seated at the new dining room table, underneath the new sparkling light fixture, Tom decided to hold off until after they had eaten to mention the phone call. The taste of the food actually outdid the smells, and those had been fabulous. There were enough moans and groans of delight during the meal to make it sound like an orgy was going on in the apartment. A gentle orgy, perhaps, but the food made them all ecstatic, it was so good.

After they had all eaten their fill, Tom decided it was time for him to repay the ladies for the breakfast and the shows they had given him earlier. "I will be right back. Don't you dare touch the dishes, I will be doing them. I'm serious!" He gave them a serious look as he walked to his room. He stripped quickly, throwing the clothes onto the bed, and walked out the door a minute later, completely naked, with his mostly-erect cock waving back and forth in front of him.

He walked right by them and into the kitchen, where he took an apron and tied it on. Wearing just the apron, he returned to the table and with a completely straight face and mock-serious voice said, "Ladies. I trust you enjoyed your meal. May I get these dishes out of your way?" They were speechless, not sure if they should laugh, play along, or howl appreciatively at the show. Tom took their plates and sauntered away, making sure he shook his ass at them as he did so. He put those dishes into the sink and returned for more, but then said, "Cecilia, your dad said to tell you 'hi.' I just got off the phone with him. I didn't want to spoil brunch—excuse me—by saying anything earlier."

He took the second stack of dishes to the sink while continuing, "I think you know, but I want to make sure Angela knows this too, Cecilia's dad, Jerry, is my absolute best friend in the world. I would never do anything to hurt him, and I could never keep anything secret from him." He returned for the last of the glasses and silverware then, bending outrageously to give them a show of every part of him. His hard cock dragged across the tablecloth as he stood upright. "Be right back," he said, and he set those dishes carefully in the sink and began to fill it with soapy hot water.

After the sink was half full, he turned the water off. Letting the dishes soak, he returned to his seat at the dining room table. Angela was tense, but Cecilia was almost terrified. She wasn't sure she wanted to hear this, if it meant she would be losing out.

"Hey, don't worry, it's going to be alright," Tom said when he saw their expressions. They both visibly relaxed a bit, their shoulders dropping as they let out breaths they hadn't realized they had been holding. They were then shocked when he continued. "So, I told Jerry everything."

"What?!?" "Ohmygod, are you crazy?"

"Shh. Calm down. So, your dad said he was jealous when I told him about the confrontation with Chris and those boys. I said it was a good thing it was me instead of him, or those kids would be in the hospital now. Or worse. Anyway, I told him I could move out and get my own place," Angela and Cecilia both looked upset, so he held up his hand and nodded softly before continuing, "Jerry told me not to be—and I'm quoting him here—a jackass." Cecilia let out a nervous laugh. She could almost hear her father saying that. Tom smiled and continued.

"So, what we have here is what we refer to in military terms as a "don't ask, don't tell" situation. Inside the walls of OUR apartment, we can do whatever the fuck our sick little minds can come up with." Both girls sucked in a breath to hear him say it, to see the lusty look on his face, and to watch his hard cock lurch up beneath the apron when he said it. "Outside these walls, though, we don't breathe a single word. We are just roomies. Does that work for you ladies?"

There was a long silence. Angela and Cecilia looked at each other, and then back at Tom. Neither could think of the right words. Finally, Angela breathed out, "Tom..."


She slid out of her chair, coming to rest on her knees in front of him. She lifted his apron and looked into his eyes. "I never did thank you properly for getting me that new bed." She sighed in her throat as she took him slowly into her mouth. Tom's eyes drank in the arousing sight of his thick cock getting sucked into the stretched lips of this gorgeous blonde. She was taking her time, savoring her first opportunity to enjoy this tasty mouth-filling meal of cock.

Tom finally pulled his gaze from her face with a lusty groan. He turned his head to the gorgeous daughter of his best friend. She was panting as she watched Angela working over Tom's lovely dick. "Cecilia," Tom said softly. She looked up and met his gaze. "What do you think, sweetheart?"

"I think..." Cecilia sat back in her chair and untied the silk belt holding her kimono closed. The robe opened like a blossoming flower, revealing to Tom's hungry gaze the splendor of her huge breasts and thick, rock-hard nipples. She spread her legs and slid two eager fingers into her hungry pussy as she held one breast up for his inspection. "I think we all have a lot to be thankful for, don't you, Tom?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story, but the ending seemed clipped. A sequel would be cool.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story, though the end was clipped. Maybe a sequel would help.

advent62advent62over 1 year ago

Wonderful written story. Spiced up the mint for an abrupt end. Mind is on full throttle to think what happened next, next n next. Awesome story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I need more!!!

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 years ago

pretty good situation, lucky older man. really? 4 young guys struggle to carry a couch that just 1 guy carried?

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57over 2 years ago

Five stars and a favorite point! I agree with the other commenters that it needs a second chapter. It was a great build up but you stopped writing just as the sex started!!

UnclenoodleUnclenoodleover 2 years ago

Great job. Definitely needs more chapters. Maybe throw in a couple pregnancy

LegallySaneLegallySaneover 3 years ago

I agree this was a very well written story, but I disagree with the rest of the commenters that there should be a Ch. 2.

Let our imaginations run amuck with the many sexy erotic endings we can think of.

IMHO, most writers fail to match the level of their first chapter, not even close.

DevilbobyDevilbobyalmost 4 years ago

What did I think of this story? Brilliant is what I think I love the interaction of the three roomies their playfulness is perfect . Really hoping you write a chapter 2 3 4....

JohngfaulhJohngfaulhalmost 4 years ago
Please Continue

I agree with the others leaving comments. I did enjoy the story. Well written and fun. But it needs to continue. There has to be a second chapter at least. You built a good relationship with both girls and then it came to a screeching halt. Please continue it!

Rancher46Rancher46about 4 years ago
Needs to be continued

Great story. I think that it definitely needs a sequel.

Definitely earns a 5 star from me

Captain MidnightCaptain Midnightabout 4 years ago
Yes, I would like to read more

Do you think a serious romance is in the picture for him and one if the girls, or both of them? Seems like they could do many things outside the bedroom with him simply coming across as a new resident of California and the girls just asking him to go with them. He could simply say hello to their friends and converse with them about what they are doing (and what he wants to do in his new location( and be accepted.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

A good story well told deserves the 5 stars I gave you, but I have to agree it feels a little unfinished. If there's more to come, great, if not, I kinda wish you let him put the blocks to both girls a time or two before you wrapped things up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Don’t leave us hanging...

Great story and build up but don’t leave us hanging. Where is part 2?

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