NewU Pt. 09


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My mind froze for a fraction of a heartbeat before her request was swallowed by the power and pleasure of my release. Hell, I would fuck a baby into her tonight and not have a single regret about it. if how I was feeling now was anything to go by. I knew my powers made impregnating her an impossibility, and by the time the thought had passed, I had already decided that it was one of the hottest things anyone had ever said to me... and all of this was without my influence. That thought alone seemed to intensify the pleasure I was shooting into her, and we both groaned loudly into each other's lips.

For countless moments I just held her. Pressed against the door which had heroically refrained from being smashed through its frame. The only sounds in the room were my heavy breathing and her coos and mewls of raptured pleasure, interrupted occasionally by the soft sounds of our lips meeting. Eventually she pressed her head into the door, grinned widely and whispered. "That was so worth the wait."


It was strange. I had been living in the loft apartment for a few weeks now, but the only time I ever really spent here was either sleeping, or glued to my computer and working on my project. There was the occasional bathroom break, and time given to eating. But it took Olivia being with me, for me to truly appreciate why these apartments were coveted so deeply within the student community.

Along one side of the main living area was an enormous, floor-to-ceiling window that, when sat on the large sofa, gave a spectacular view over our moderately sized town. This area of the country was very mountainous, and although that boded ill for students resistant to cardiovascular exercise, having to walk up the damn things to get home, it provided some stunning views for houses - or pub-capping apartments - near their peak.

Right now, the sprawling valley that covered the span between this mountain and the one opposite, was bathed in the soft glow of the streetlights. The crescent moon peeked from behind silver-bathed clouds, and aside from a few wandering headlights in the distance, the whole scene just gave off an air of abject stillness. Even the reflection of the pale moonlight on the river in the heart of the valley, seemed to be part of a picture postcard moment, rather than of the real world beyond the window.

Yet all of it shrank in beauty when compared to the siren nestled into my side.

Our sex had been the most intimate of my life, the most intense, and, to me at least, the most profound. Becky was a sub, Philippa a guest, Evie was an experiment, and Samantha had almost been a game. The multitudes of anonymous, meaningless girls between them had just been distractions. Olivia was different; she was an equal. With both of us still naked, I was content to just hold her as we sat on the sofa, and quietly looked out over the darkened landscape that we both called home.

Livy was cuddled into me, her head resting on my shoulder. The only movement either of us made, was her turning to press soft, affectionate kisses against my chest, or me turning mine to kiss her head through her mane of strawberry-blonde hair. My fingers stroked slowly up and down the warm ridges of her spine, as hers curled through the fine hairs on my chest. It was October, a little too cool to bask in our mutual nakedness, but still warm enough not to need anything more than a thin sheet over us. We sat in silence for the longest time before she finally spoke.

"It was bad, wasn't it?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "The accident, I mean."

I took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it." She added. "You just seem so... different."

It occurred to me, briefly, that Olivia may have been the first person to notice the contrast between how I was before, and how I was now. In keeping with my test to see how much my abilities influence a woman's feelings for me, I had reduced the effect I had on Olivia to almost nothing.

"The first night after I woke," I started after a pause, "after Jimmy had been sent home, I was so tired. I was up to my eyeballs on painkillers, but I just laid there... thinking. I had died, actually died, more than once, and I was dealing with the possibility of never being able to walk again. I had been bombarded with all this information about the possible effects the damage to my brain could have. How my life had changed completely, and I would probably never have a normal life again... That Moe had been killed, and I was still here."

Her finger flexed a little on my chest, a soft, reassuring squeeze as she listened.

"I kept coming back to the same thought, over and over... That I had wasted my life. I don't know how much you know about my parents, but they are not nice people. I'm sure there are shrinks out there who could make a fortune off the therapy I would probably need to deal with my childhood. But even that just seemed so... irrelevant now. It was like I had taken that trauma, and used it as an excuse to hide from living my life. If my own parents could do that to me, then there was no way I was going to let anyone else get close enough to do it too. I had no control over my childhood, but I did now, and I was never going to put myself through that again. That was my logic anyway. I cut myself off from everything, everyone, it was safer to be alone. Over the years, that had manifested from simply not trusting anyone enough to let them get close, to not knowing how to let people in at all, even if I wanted to. I had put myself into a box and lost the key."

"Your shell." She whispered, nodding softly,

"I'm not going to even try to understand how I healed as fast and as completely as I did, I don't think I'm mentally equipped to comprehend that. But when I realized that I might get my life back again, I promised myself I would actually live it. I would flirt, I would risk rejection because the worst that could happen was that you said "no," and that was still nothing compared with what had just happened to me. Everything was placed in contrast to what had just happened to me... and none of it seemed so daunting anymore. I suppose I just understood what real fear was, and things like this..." I gave her another soft kiss, "did not even come close to qualifying as fear."

"And now?" she asked, tilting her head up to look into my eyes.

"Before, I just couldn't understand how someone like you could be interested in someone like me, if I couldn't understand it, then it couldn't be real. If it wasn't real, then it was a game, or a ploy, or a cruel joke at my expense...."

"Nobody is that cruel, babe." She said

"Oh, they are. I seem to have had more than my fair share of them in my life, but there are plenty of them out there. But now... Now I don't worry about it. It is not up to me to understand why you like me, only to accept that you do. It's not much of a change to the thought process, but..."

"No," she interrupted, pressing her lips to mine. "It's huge, and I am so happy that you have, cause I really do like you." She smiled beautifully before rejoining the kiss, deepening it as she pushed the thin white cotton sheet onto the floor and climbed onto my lap. Straddling me, she slowly, gently, and sensually pushed herself back down onto my solid manhood. She gasped into my lips as I entered her, moaned as I filled her, mewled happily as she started to ride me... and, after long minutes that turned into long, tender hours, she screamed her orgasmic song out into the night.

Over and over again.

Neither of us even pretended to have an interest in sleeping. I could go without it for days anyway, thanks to being able to get a power nap in my bunker in the few minutes it took her to use the bathroom - the equivalent of several real-world hours. We had stayed on that sofa, fucking in every conceivable position, at every possible pace, for hours. But even as the sun started to peek over the eastern horizon, Livvy showed no signs of letting up.

After the last of countless bouts of furious sex, she finally collapsed to the side, flopping down from where I had been taking her from behind, and giggling out the remnants of what must have been her dozenth colossal orgasm. Her entire body was slick with a sheen of sweat and the seed from my fourth or fifth load was leaking out of her as she sprawled out on the sofa. Her hair was a tangled mess, most of it soaked in sweat and clinging to the rest of her body. I had fucked her in every position imaginable. Along with a few new ones I had made up on the spot. Not once had I been in her mouth, nor her in mine. She had wordlessly made it clear that she wanted as much of me inside her as she could get... so I had given her all of me. Despite the mess I had made of her, she was even more beautiful to my eye, than she had been when I first saw her climb onstage.

Her giddy laugh, her radiant smile and her comfortable and totally at-ease languishing on my sofa just radiated her happiness... There was nowhere on earth she would rather be, and nobody she would rather be with. It is hard for me to put into words how profound that was to me. Every other girl in my life, even Becky, had been the recipient of some level of mental manipulation, even if only made to find me more attractive. Olivia had had none. She had been the beneficiary of my new confidence, and I had kept a small but interested watch on her thoughts, but that was about it. This was a girl who genuinely wanted me for me. Not the me that I had created, not the me that I made everyone else see, she had wanted me since long before the crash, long before the change. She had wanted me without having seen the change.

Her eyes met mine, her head tilting a little as she caught the look of deep thought on my face. "Penny for your thoughts." She smiled, albeit a little uneasily.

I smiled back, "I wouldn't want you to overpay."

She giggled a little and pulled herself up, snuggling contently into my side while still holding her eyes to mine. "Men looking all thoughtful after sex is never a good thing" She grinned teasingly, although there was a little concern behind her eyes. In her experience, this was the point where the guy had made his excuses, left, and had never been heard from again.

"Oh, I'm just wondering what the hell took me so long," I leaned down and kissed her softly, she practically melted in my arms. I made to speak but she quickly pressed a finger to my lips.

"I'm going to say this now, before I lose my nerve," she said before taking a deep breath. "I like you, Pete. I have for more than a year. Last night was..." She paused, sighing contently as her mind searched for the right words. "Last night was the sort of thing that happens in the movies, not to girls like me. Nothing like that has happened to me... Ever."

I cast a look over my shoulder and smirked at the door.

"Not that." she slapped my chest playfully with a smirk. "Well, yes that too, but last night was more than I could have imagined. It was more effort than anybody has ever shown me. It was... it was perfect."

"I liked you t..." I started before she clamped her finger over my lips a little harder. Apparently she hadn't finished.

"I would rather this not be a one night thing, but if that is what you want, that's fine. I will be disappointed, but I am a big girl and I can handle it. But please don't tell me you want to see me again and then ghost me. I'm not asking you for a relationship, we are both in our final years, Jimmy has told me about your project. and how you are going places with it. And I am thinking of med school after I graduate. So neither of us know where we are going to be in a year... But if, after all that stuff settles down, and if you are still interested, I would like to try for... more." Her eyes flicked back up to mine nervously. "Just putting that out there."

She almost held her breath as she waited for my answer. I arched an eyebrow at her. "Oh, yes, you can speak now."

"You had me at Breed Me." I smirked.

"Oh Jesus, I can't believe that came out!" She buried her head into my shoulder as we both laughed. "So... dating? Sort of... non-exclusively but with the idea of more?" She asked eventually.

"Sounds perfect."

She beamed. It was a smile that, in that moment, would have put even Charlotte to shame. Her mind just radiated happiness. "So, just so you know," she started as she nuzzled back down against my chest and my fingers went back to stoking through her hair. "Oh, god, I could so get used to you doing that... Anyway, just so you know, the next few weeks are a little hectic for me, so I don't know when I can see you again, but... I should still be able to call and text and so on."

"That's great. As long as you don't forget me."

"I lost count of how many times you made me cum after I hit double figures, I will remember you when I'm in the nursing home!" She giggled.

"Plenty more where that came from." I smirked

"Oh Fuck I can't... You are going to break me. I have to walk to class soon."

"Hey, what happened to calling in sick?"

"Well yes, that was just to wipe the smirk off Jimmy's face. I didn't actually expect you to hold me to it." She laughed. "Can't have him thinking he is the only cock of the walk."

"It's one of the few things that boy truly excels at." I laughed back. "He's been trying to get me to talk to you for ages."

"Well I will have to make sure to thank him." She smiled contentedly.

And with that, silence fell on the room. We just sat and cuddled on the sofa, watching the sun creep up over the mountains and slowly bath the room in its crisp autumnal light. After about another hour, Olivia climbed out of my arms with a kiss, telling me she needed to head home to get ready for class, and that she would message me later.

I sat, still naked, and still watching the sun for a little while longer after the searing kiss, full of promise, that we had shared at the door. For the first time since I had moved in here, the apartment felt empty. It was like her presence had added something to the loft that I hadn't realized was missing.


I didn't have time to dwell in this new feeling for long though, before a smile was brought to my face by a presence approaching the door.

Charlotte walked in with as much grace and as much of a beaming smile as I had come to expect. She didn't even bother knocking, just opening the door with her powers, walking in and dropping onto the sofa next to me. I had just about enough time to throw a pair of shorts on before she arrived.

"Well, she seemed like a VERY happy camper." She grinned at me, casting a nod back towards the door.

"I aim to please," I smirked back. "So... I have a bit of a surprise for you."

She flicked her eyes down to my shorts, a teasing grin on her face. "Shower first, then I'll think about it."

I narrowed my eyes at her, the grin pulling at my lips before standing and heading to the bathroom. "Marco turned up yesterday, I was going to tell you all about it, but if you'd rather wait."

"What!?!? Really??" She almost jumped out of her seat as I dragged down my shorts and threw them at her around the closing door to the bathroom as she was frantically trying to climb over the sofa to chase me. "Noooo, you have to tell me everything!" She shouted through the closed door.

"I'm trying to shower here! Can't a guy get a little peace??" I shouted back, trying to keep the grin out of my voice.

"Mother Fucker, you are lucky I am not kicking this door down! You being naked wouldn't even slow me down!"

"I bet you say that to all the boys"

"Hurry the fuck up.. I want to know everything!"

"I think a nice LONG relaxing shower is juuusttt what I need." I sang back at her.

I smiled to myself, tracking her mind as she paced impatiently back and forth on the other side of the door. Of course I would tell her everything, more than that, she would take my hand and, as we had done a few times already, I would share my memories of the entire thing with her, but for now I was happy to let her stew. My grin widened a little more. I had friends, real friends! That thought alone was more than I could have hoped for as I was growing up, and a concept that I could barely get my head around, when it had been me and Jimmy.

I guess one of those friends would be getting more than she bargained for though.. I had tossed my shorts at her without bringing a replacement set into the bathroom.

Oh well... There were certainly worse problems to have.


And there you have it, Chapter 9.

The next chapter will be the last in what can be considered the first 'book' of the NewU series. A lot of it has already been written, although I haven't decided if I am going to release it as a single large chapter, or if I am going to split it into two. I will keep you posted on that. But either way, it should only be a few weeks until that one is ready to go. In the meantime, I am hoping to get the second chapter of 'The Island' finished and published before that.

As predicted, the response from my readers in regards to the epic delay of chapter 8 was nothing short of inspiring. Messages of support and encouragement are still coming through, each and every one of them is not only read, but deeply appreciated, even if I can't respond to all of them. The feedback and enthusiasm from our readers are what keep writers going... we live for it. So please, feel free to leave your comments on the story.

I will see you all again very soon. Keep being awesome


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ClearmuseClearmuseabout 1 month ago

Great chapter, no extra drag, solid A++ all around. "Abject pleasure" only shows up once I think! (Seriously, it's a good word, let's make it more common.)

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great story so far, disappointed in the Evie disappearance. According to the story, she was different and special and was in love and to be just dropped is bewildering!

darussiandarussian5 months ago

Easily one of my favorite chapters on this site. Good work

Nzq11Nzq115 months ago

Did Olivia change to Livvy on the last page. Other than that was a brilliant read.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Shit, man! The words! How do you do that?

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