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Large eyes glittered happily and happiness made me feel light again. "God, I'm glad you're here Cathy," I grinned and she leaned to me with her glass, offering me a sip from it.

"It took me long enough," she said and softly kissed me just in front of my ear with a whispered, "Thanks for waiting."

"It felt like forever."


"No need. You're here."

The meat needed some time to defrost so we quickly got everything ready to cook and then went to sit outside again. I added some wood to create a cosy glow and give us some decent coals for our grilling. At first we were silent but within a few minutes Cathy sat staring at the flames through her glass with her lips pursed.

"Something bothering you?"

She sighed softly and once again put her hand on my thigh. "Where was I?"

"Shandon and my sterling manners," I grinned at her.

She nodded. "When I got home after that trip at Shandon I was.... different. I felt a divide between me and Gustav. He must have sensed it and asked me about it a lot." She looked at me with a little hurt. "How was I to tell him about you? How could I explain how I felt about you? That I was infatuated with a guy who fell out of his chair to greet me? Who spent two days working on a dilapidated building to give me a hot shower and flushing toilet? Whose entire group of employees and colleagues called me 'princess'? Who came apart because a snake had bitten into my boot? Who still cried because his wife died in his arms from a snakebite? Who would never see the child she was carrying? Who awakened a desire in me to love and cherish him in a way I never thought I could?"

She took a deep breath. "There came the day I realised I would never be completely happy if I wasn't with you Kevin. You filled my thoughts almost all day, every day. If I went to buy clothes I may well wonder if you would like it. So many times while doing my work, I may see something unique or beautiful. I wanted to share it with you, not Gustav. I had tried to wish you away but it didn't work. Gustav needed and deserved to know. I thought he loved me. Well for that matter, I thought I loved him."

"You didn't?" I asked carefully and she shrugged.

"We....ahh, we worked closely together for quite some time and it was inevitable that we drifted into a relationship. It was comfortable and in my innocence I thought I loved him until you came and uprooted my misconceptions."

"He accused me of sleeping around and went to my telephone. He pulled your business card from behind the phone in the casing and threw it at me wanting to know if I was your whore. Quite honestly, because I tried to forget you, I had never looked at the card again so I was dumbfounded when he pulled it out. Evidently he had gone to great lengths to find something and the imprint of my lips on it must have been very obvious in its meaning."

"If I had really loved him I would have been devastated by the accusation. Instead it angered me. I felt the anger but also something like relief. If he had loved me as deeply as he told me sometimes, he would not have said that. He would have been hurt. Instead he showed me the middle finger and as I stared at it in surprise he slapped me so hard I fell to the floor. He kicked me twice before I got my feet under me and ran to our bedroom. I locked the door and started packing as fast as I could."

She shook her head as if to clear it. "He called me a whole bag full of ugly names and then thankfully walked from the house and drove away." She giggled suddenly and hid her face between her hands as if embarrassed. "I never knew there was such a thing in the house and I refuse to think why it was there but when I came through the lounge on my way out there was a dildo on the coffee table next to a note that read 'Give it to the cunt'."

I couldn't help it. I started laughing and she joined me. Maybe it was the release of the day's tension but we simply could not stop. As we got ourselves together again Cathy jumped up, grabbed me to one side and we ended in an embrace that led to kissing while laughing. It was fun and we were still giggle-kissing when we walked into the house to fetch the provisions for dinner.

Much later we sat eating with plates on our knees. It was a pleasant memory we both shared as we sat eating in comparative silence. As we put everything together to take inside Cathy pulled at my arm.

"Did you live here when Maureen was still alive?"

"Yes. Feel like you're intruding?"

She smiled that beautiful smile and shook her head. "No Kevin, I don't. I know you loved her deeply and I am sure she felt the same. Her presence in this house will not bother me. None at all. I hope you still have pictures of her."

"Everywhere," I said softly and for the first time in forever my chest did not bind down when I spoke of her. It felt as if Maureen was smiling at me from somewhere and I took Cathy to the lounge where pictures of an amazing woman adorned every wall. Cathy went closer and had long looks at every one of them. When she turned to me again her eyes were wet.

"She was beautiful," she said softly and came to lean against me. "Please, never remove the pictures. Her memory must stay and form part of us."

I hugged her so hard she grunted and then she pulled me down for a kiss. We smooched for a bit and then went outside again where the evening breeze made the latent heat of the bushveld just that bit more tolerable. For a while we sat talking about all kinds of different things until I came to the end of a long thing about the citrus farming in the area. She was supposed to react in some way but all I got from her side was silence and I started laughing. She started awake and stared at me with an obvious attempt at corralling her thoughts.

"I'm sorry Kevin. I went away there."

"A long day."

"Terrifying and happy, all in one but now I am ready to just close my eyes and sleep forever."

I pulled her out of her chair and while I put away the chairs and smothered the fire she stood looking at me with her arms curled around her shoulders. We walked inside and as we came to the door to her room she gave me a wry smile.

"Kiss me goodnight and get to bed. Tomorrow is another day and will be better if we are rested."

The goodnight kiss had me wondering why I was so stupid. Here I was kissing a girl who made my toes curl, my head spin and my heart sing. What do I do? Send her to bed! Her own. Stupid. Stupid.

I wasn't jumping with joy when I fell onto my bed but at least my chest was free from the pain I almost always took to bed with me. There was a warm happiness that made me smile.

The bushveld is hot. And humid. And very buggy. All sorts. Mosquitoes are dangerous only some of the time but mostly they are very irritating. Why they have to spend time around our ears with the high pitched whine from their fast moving wings to wake us before taking the little blood they need will always fascinate me. Why whine around my ears before moving to what is available? I sleep butt naked on top of the bedding simply because it is the coolest. Sometime in the early morning it may cool down enough to make me pull a sheet over me so there is enough space for the little pests to do their thing.

Once I hit that mattress it took minutes before I was in a deep sleep. The wine and heavy meal made for some strange dreams and at one stage I dreamt that I was on fire. I woke with a start and for seconds I lay there wondering at the strange dream when I realised I was sweating like a pig. Against my back was a source of fire and it had tendrils of flame encircling my body. Almost in a panic I grabbed at a tendril of fire to remove it from me when I came fully awake. It was an arm and it took a surprising length of time before it dawned on me that Cathy was on the bed with me.

With a sigh I replaced her arm and carefully moved away from her to create at least just a bit of air between us. Sweating with passion is more fun than anyone would let on but soaking the bed while teetering on the edge of hyperthermia, not so much.

I carefully felt at her and was mildly disappointed to feel cloth. With ultimate care I stretched to my bedside table and groped for the remote to the ceiling fan. I rarely used it but with my body temperature going into the red I needed it and once its cooling movement of air had its effect on us I knew she would snuggle up to me. I was smiling when the fan started with a soft hum and a gentle wind wafted over us. I lay there waiting for her to snuggle to me. She later told me she did but I was fast asleep by then and did not feel it.


The sun shining through the window woke me. I was slightly startled because normally I am up and about long before the sun even peeks above the horizon but a smile spread across my face as I felt Cathy's body still next to me. Her arm wasn't draped over me anymore giving me easier movement and I slid off that bed like a snail. I was struggling into a pair of shorts when a snicker behind me made me turn on my heel.

"Nice bum Kevin."

Well, I stared. I ask no pardon for that. That sleep shirt hid the little gems from view but what wasn't hidden was worth every moment of my rapt attention. I had never seen her dressed in anything other than loose fitting bush wear and the hint had always been there but wow. That girl was carried around by a body that ticked every box in my wish list.

"You nearly had me overheated last night," I joked as I sat down next to her fighting the urge to just touch....

"I know."

"You were awake?"

She giggled. "Not really but aware of you lifting my arm from you and then giving me a feel before switching on the fan."

"Guilty as charged," I laughed. "And what do I have to thank for the honour of you sharing my bed? Ghosts scaring you?"

"More of a vision really," she sighed. "I had hardly laid down when that awful man's face came and danced in my thoughts. It didn't take very long for me to scare myself into sleeplessness and I crept to the safety of you."

"You were very careful."

"You were dead to the world!" she laughed. "I actually asked if it was okay to be with you but I may as well have had a conversation with the door, so I simply laid down and fell asleep with my lips against your neck."

"Long day."

Her eyes went soft. "I had every plan to make it the most fantastic day of my life. If it wasn't for Mike and his strange abilities it would have been the worst day of my life."

I pulled her to me and kissed her forehead. "How about coffee.... uh no, change that. How about a leak, then coffee and then see what the day brings."

This woman had the naughtiest eyes I ever saw. They glittered with mischief when she giggled. "How about visiting your team at the Lodge."

"You want to see Mike," I grinned at her.

"You're a mind reader."

Tickling me in my ribs she giggled again and jumped from the bed. I thought she would do something but instead she simply showed me to go to the bathroom and as I lay there staring at what was visible outside the long T shirt, she walked to the door, gave me a coquettish smile and with her back to me, pulled the T shirt over her head as she stepped through the door.

That image stays with me to this day. Brushing my teeth was difficult. I could not reach the basin. There was this pole....

We had been on the road for quite some distance when something popped in my mind and I turned to her. "How did Elephasi know where to put the dead impala to lure you?"

She bit her lip and looked out the window before turning to me. "I got there on Monday. There is a nest of Ground Hornbills nearby and I was in that area a lot."

"But why there? And why poison and kill an Impala to lure the vultures?" I leaned to her. "Let's assume he knew you would go there, why the sideshow? He could have lain in wait for you anyway."

Cathy sat there biting her lip again and I saw her squint a few times, as if thinking of something specific before she turned to me.

"I've thought about that a lot since yesterday. Why? But if you think on it, there is a picture. It was near enough to the road for me to see the behaviour of the vultures but far enough away to make my screams unheard to the casual traveller. Also, there is a deep ditch nearby. If he was careful in hiding my body it may never have been found. Time was also limited. He knew he had to get me before I leave again which could have been any day."


"You understand why I came to you last night? I cannot tell you what goes through my mind every waking moment. If you had been half an hour later...."

"I was on time," I grinned at her and then chuckled. "Seeing I was on time to save your life, please do not be late at our wedding. I hate waiting."

"I won't."

For seconds there was silence in the car and then we both burst out laughing with me finding my voice first.

"I expected a gasp or something at least."

Playfully she inhaled sharply and tried to put a look of surprise in those beautiful eyes. "Oh my gosh Kevin! Really? Are you thinking of an extended relationship between us? Wow! I was under the impression that this was some weekend...."

"Can it woman!" I laughed at her and she fell over onto my shoulder, looking up at me.

"I have my claws in you Mister Faull. There is no escape."

"There is much to do."

"Such as?"

"Get to know each other. You know, this is all back to front. We both know that there is something very strong between us but we hardly know each other. Things like your favourite food..."



"The green of the bushveld after good rains."


"You," she giggled and leaned over to kiss me in the neck. "Favourite smell, the bushveld the moment it starts to rain after a dry spell. Place, here next to you. Book, none. I read too much to cling to one."

"Car?" I teased but knew the answer.

"MacBeth. Forever."

"It's slow," I jested and had to duck at a playful fist aimed at my jaw.

"She does 140 kilometres per hour as easy as anything else and why do you want to go faster than that?" She giggled and sat back in the chair. "So, Kevin, favourite colour?"

I had to laugh. "I'm a man. Cars, white in Africa. Dark colours in this heat are stupid. Clothes, Khaki or blue jeans. Food? Uhmm just about anything but Mopani worms can slip by. Books and authors the same as you. Music? From heavy classics right through to some heavy metal but play jazz for more than five minutes and I may punch you in the face for no apparent reason."

"Frank Sinatra not your favourite?"


"Johnny Cash?"

"He has his moments."


"His ballads. The rest is okay provided I am in the correct mood."


My head whipped around. She was fiddling with her phone. "You know...?"

"I come from a musical family. My mom plays violin and cello. My dad is a pianist and has played in some big shows all over the world and also does sessions for recording studios. I told you about Tommy."

"And you young lady?"

"Guitar. Acoustic, electric and sometimes bass. And you?"

I could only shrug. "I love music and can listen to it for hours on end but never had the opportunity to learn playing an instrument. I have my grandmother's piano and I sometimes sit and toggle on it but..."

"Wanna learn?"

"I guess it can be fun."

"Music teacher Cathy will be on your case as from the moment we arrive back home."

"Oh yeah?"

"Oh yeah!"

"You teach by sitting on my lap?"



Her phone pinged and she glanced down at it for a few seconds before laughing. "My mom says you don't even almost look like I told them."

"And how am I supposed to look?"

She actually blushed. "The guy that gave his looks to Adonis as far as Mom is concerned. Maybe I exaggerated a little."

"You sent them a photo?"

"William wanted proof that I am with you so I sent them a short movie of you behind the wheel."

"Ah, so that is what happens while I watch where I drive this bucket? What if I had picked my nose and a large goober came slipping out?"

She giggled and leaned into me. "I would have kept that video as a tool for blackmail."

"Thanks, I think. Lodge ahead!"

Cathy came upright in the seat as if it was the first time she had ever been to a Lodge looking ahead with an expression of anxiety mixed with excitement. "What do I say to Mike?"

"Hello will do, I think?"

I got a bored look. "I mean, do I thank him?"

"You already did that. Quite honestly I think he is as happy about your safety as we are. Just be yourself and take a cue from whatever."

We rolled to a stop in the reception area and Cathy almost jumped from the car looking around for my guys and when she could see none of them she turned to me with a perplexed expression. "Where?"

Chuckling I took her hand and led her to the back of the main building where we surprised a few of the guys hard at work finishing off a new water supply line. Alfred saw her and simply dropped the heavy pipe he had in his hand. It landed on his colleague's foot and Joseph felt the need to exercise his knowledge of spicy expletives before realising that Cathy was standing behind him. It was difficult not to laugh but I knew the humiliation these people suffer when they make fools of themselves in front of someone they hold in high regard. Cathy, I knew, was revered and I could see Joseph trying to burrow into the ground. Cathy simply enclosed his hand in both of hers in a subtle gesture of pardon and once again I was stunned by this woman. Since arriving in the country she had mastered two African languages and to top it all, she slid into their customs and ways as if she was one of them.

We heard the calls announcing our arrival going around the complex and soon we were surrounded by every man on this detail, all of them expressing their joy at seeing Cathy again. Mike came around the corner of a building and hailed us with his hands held high above his head while stretching his strides. As he came up to us Cathy stepped up to him and with her hands held together she bent her knees in a curtsey.

"Tatana," she said softly in Tsonga. "I live to see you."

In the same gesture she had displayed to Joseph, Mike held her hands together in his own and bowed his head. "It is with joy as bright as the morning sun that we see you, Nganakati."

The people of Africa are born with rhythm. Somewhere one of the onlookers sang; "The Sprits have chosen well!" and immediately it turned into a chant that rumbled over the immediate area. My chest filled with pride. I knew that Cathy's life was safeguarded henceforth. Elephasi's failed attempt at her life will be a fable told over many fires in the future.

Just before we left Mike pulled me to one side and shattered my conviction. "Guard Nganakati well Nkulumba. Bad Muti was prepared to harm her. For a full moon you may not leave her alone."

I sighed and nodded. "It will end someday?"


I muttered a soft "Thanks" and gave the big man a squeeze on his shoulder before calling a greeting to all who watched us get into my car.

"This is becoming bad," I mumbled as we got onto the main road again.

"What is?"

"I have to keep you close at all times for a full moon. Mike says there is still danger to you."

Cathy simply sighed and put her hand on my thigh. "At least we know. And staying close to you has all the right feelings."

"How about sleeping together?" I jokingly asked and she grinned at me.

"Sleeping together is fine. Staying awake together is another matter altogether."

I chewed on my lip and then turned to her. "How about we invite my partners and their spouses with the odd kid over? Andre will have time to make a potjie or we can braai. Whatever comes first."

"That way I can meet all of you?"

"Well, you know Gary, Steven and André. Johan and Paul were away on a big job near Cape Town when we were at Wasubi and only returned a few days ago. Except for André, all are married. Paul and Steven have kids."
