Nightshade Ch. 02

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Ravenshadow recovers and Crystal comes to live with him.
3.7k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/04/2015
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Crystal woke up early in the morning. The night before had been spent sleeping with Kayleigh, an Elf from some undisclosed location. Looking around, the blonde girl realized her companion from the previous night was nowhere to be found. Probably around the house somewhere, likely up in Crystal's own room with her lord, the demigod called Ravenshadow. As her room was not far from the guestroom, Crystal got out of bed and stepped into the hall. She walked across the hall to her room and knocked on the door.

"Enter," came the voice of the demigod.

Crystal slipped inside, closing the door behind her. Ravenshadow looked at her with a somewhat curious expression. Too late did the girl realize she forgot to get dressed and stood totally nude before this being of power. She was not a shy girl, having been naked in front of countless men and women in her young life. Still, a better impression could have been made if she actually came in wearing clothes.

"Sorry," Crystal sighed.

"An excusable error. There is no harm done and if I may say, you are very attractive for a human," Ravenshadow said.

"Thank lord. Have you seen many naked girls then?" the blonde asked, her curiosity winning out.

"You see all manner of things if you are around long enough. I have seen humans naked before, yes. Elves as well. Even among them, you would be very beautiful," the demigod replied.

"Do you think so? Kayleigh is much prettier than I am," Crystal said.

"That is how every human feels when comparing themself with an Elf. It seems to stem from humans being much more vain. Regardless, you are rather voluptuous and more attractive than any of your race I have seen in some time," Ravenshadow observed.

"Thank you again. Do you need anything? Food, tea, your wound to be dressed?" the girl inquired.

"My wound has nearly healed and Kayleigh is in the kitchen now. We will be gone before the day is through and trouble you no more. The only thing left to be done is repay you. Honour compels me to reward you for aiding me during my injury. What would you ask of me?"

"I, um...e-excuse me," Crystal stammered.

Quickly exiting her room, the blonde returned to the guestroom and began to evaluate what had just happened back there. She had been nervous. Her! A girl who had sex as much as possible with anyone appealing enough to her. As well was upset over the prospect of Ravenshadow leaving. Especially when she never got a chance to fuck him. But more than that, Crystal was forced to admit feelings were developing for the lord of House Nightshade. Beyond just wanting to be his sexual conquest and...wait a minute. His sexual conquest? Was not Crystal usually the dominant conqueror of cock and pussy(perhaps not the most elegant phrasing though)?

This was too much too fast. Crystal realized she was willing to submit to Ravenshadow's every will, like Kayleigh. She wanted to grant his every desire, to be his. Owned by him, if necessary. As long as she could be close to him. To love him...if he would have her. But would he want her? Had she misunderstood his compliments? Normally she never made such a mistake but then she had never felt like this. Damn but this was confusing. Crystal tried desperately for her rational mind to take control again. Taking deep breathes, she calmed herself down. Mostly.

There were things to consider here; this wasn't any ordinary relationship she sought after all. Why should he take her as a lover? He was likely hundreds, if not thousands of years old. Compared to that, Crystal was 21 and not immortal. And her beauty would eventually fade. Surely Ravenshadow would not want that. Is that why his race took Elves as lovers? So many questions. Her curious and intellectual secret self needed to be satisfied. Later though. The blonde forced herself to the task at hand. That being, why else should the demigod make her his? She could be a good mother and give him children. Or maybe...that was impossible? Surely it was, as the chromosomes would be completely different therefore making impregnation impossible.

Crystal could live with that. She could be his fucktoy so to speak. They could have sex as many times as he wished. That was a good offer. She would be attractive for maybe 20 more years. Perhaps that was enticing enough. She could even take care of any kids her lord Ravenshadow sired. Whatever he wanted from her. As to her reward, perhaps she could parlay that into sex. Or perhaps going back with him to wherever it is he lived. Her mind was running at the prospect of this decision. Out of nowhere Crystal heard a scream.

She recognized that sound as one of well as from accommodating a cock that was very big. The blonde had only made that sound herself once or twice but she knew it. Apparently Kayleigh was getting what Crystal desperately wanted. As her sex drive kicked in, Crystal tried to picture Ravenshadow's cock. It was hard; she only looked for a few seconds. All she could remember was it was a darker gray than the rest of his skin, and quite long and thick. She guessed maybe it was 8 or 9 inches but from Kayleigh's screaming, Crystal thought it was more.

Abandoning all other thoughts for the time being, Crystal fell back on the bed. Her fingers sought her wet pussy eagerly. She shoved four in, quickly working herself into a frenzy. The Elf maiden's screams did not abate and this fuelled Crystal's masturbation even more. Grinding desperately against her fingers as they thrust in and out, the blonde's free hand played with her breasts. She pinched her nipples hard, accustomed to pain, and squeezed over and over, wondering what Ravenshadow was doing to Kayleigh exactly.


A few hours later, Crystal went back to her bedroom. The sex sounds had stopped and only as she knocked on the door did she realize Ravenshadow would be leaving. He told her she could come in so she didn't hesitate. Looking around, she noticed the demigod wore his armour. Kayleigh was missing, too.

"Where'd Kayleigh go?" the young woman asked.

"She has returned home, as there was no longer any need to stay. Not that there was a need for her to be here, but that is of little consequence."

"I never heard her leave," Crystal thought aloud.

"Elves are capable of remarkably silent movement. A curious race, Elves. They possess magic and warcraft yet remain in tune with nature. It is not at all unusual for them to be naked within the depths of their forests. As well, they are rather skilled at the nuances of pleasure, as you are aware. But I digress. Honour still dictates I grant you a reward for you assistance. Tell me what you wish," Ravenshadow said.

"I-I want to come with you," Crystal replied suddenly. There. It was out in the open now.

"To what end?"

Not what she had expected. But then, what had she expected exactly?

"I wish to live with you, to be your servant to do whatever you wish with," she said, a surprising amount of conviction in her voice.

"I see. That is unusual, however it is not unheard of. Either way, I owe you and if that is what you wish..." his voice trailed off.

"It is. Please, I beg you," Crystal said. And now she was utterly submissive to this being of power. No going back, or so she hoped.

"Very well. I shall take you to Nightshade Manor and later we can discuss the terms of this arrangement," he told her.

"Thank you so much! I'm ready when you are!" the blonde exclaimed

"I do not wish to offend you, but...while your state of undress does not bother me, as you are very beautiful for a human, I must advise against coming without clothing. My apologies, but protocol must be observed," Ravenshadow explained.

Having the grace to blush, Crystal nodded and went to her closet. She grabbed a white shirt with thin straps and put it on. Slipping into panties, she then added tight black pants, heeled boots and a long sleeved white shirt that she left unbuttoned to her attire. Brushing her hair so that it was nice and straight, she spinned slowly.

"Is this acceptable, my lord?" she asked.

Ravenshadow smiled slightly. A smile of amusement, Crystal thought.

"It is indeed acceptable. In fact this attire accentuates your beauty," the demigod mused, looking her over. The tops of her breasts were exposed and the pants hugged her well, showing off her legs, pussy and ass, leaving little to imagination.

Ravenshadow held out his hand. Crystal held it, not sure what to expect. A purple sphere of light enveloped them, and her room and house disappeared. When the light sphere dissipated, the girl found herself in a greeting hall. Tapestries hung on the walls, and elegant chandeliers from the ceilings. Torches also added their light. The carpet was black and led from an entranceway to stone steps that led up to a dais on which sat an intimidating throne. It was black as well, and wings like Ravenshadow's rose from the top corners. Also rising from the throne was an elegantly carved head of a dragon.

The throne was somewhat frightening to Crystal. The dragon's face was carved in menacing fashion and she wondered who could sit in such a thing. She turned to regard the demigod.

"It is indeed mine. I sit this throne to pass judgements as well as for the making of official decisions," he said, seemingly reading her mind.

"Pass judgement on who?" Crystal inquired.

"I am Lord of Glaiseren, the floating city. As well as one of the major gods of several Elven communities and head of House Nightshade. As such, it is my duty to settle disputes among citizens," Ravenshadow replied casually.

At the mention of a floating city, Crystal walked over to one of the windows. She saw open sky and many buildings of Gothic and other archaic yet elegant designs. Trying her best to act calm, she turned to again regard Ravenshadow's throne.

"What about the dragon?" she asked.

"One of the forms I can assume at will. Though it has been a very long time since I needed the transformation. Very few things can overcome my power," the demigod said.

"That Demon seemed to overpower you," Crystal reminded him.

"Admittetly I was careless in that confrontation. What bothers me is that it was strangely powerful. Most Demons, though they have a hierachy and variable power shifts the higher up you go, are no match for a god. That Demon may well have been imbued with enhanced abilities," Ravenshadow explained.

"Who could do that?"

"House Nightshade is not without enemies. Though only a few other Houses possess anything close enough to match me," the demigod answered.

There was, interestingly enough, no hint of blatant superiority in his words. Crystal could indeed feel immense power from the demigod. His aura was incredibly strong. Why then did he not also exude arrogance? Perhaps because he was nobility or it was simply not in his nature. Someone who spoke of following honour often did not resort to petty emotions. Many complexities seemed to surround Crystal with her newfound aquaintances. She definitely had to get explainations for these things, if only for being able to fit in better.

Ravenshadow bid her to follow, and she did. They walked through several hallways, and up staircases until Crystal guessed they were in another wing of the estate. He eventually led her to a finely furnished room, one much larger than her own back home. There were no dressers per se, but there was an armoire carved of what looked like very expensive wood. The bed was large, bigger than Crystal's with four posters and a canopy with gossamer curtains. This place was like something out of a fairy tale or the more extravagant places of medieval Europe.

"This will be your room so long as you stay here. I must go see to some tasks that require my attention but I shall return later. Please do not wander the halls; it is not safe for you yet," Ravenshadow told her.

"How will I pass the time?"

"You will find human literary works on that bookshelf. I find fantasy novels to be rather intriguing myself. And since you likely cannot read Elven script, those will have to suffice. My apologies for any inconvenience you may suffer by way of boredom. The matter of your staying here will be resolved tonight, and tomorrow you will be able to explore."


A knock sounded at the door sometime after nightfall. Crystal opened the door to find Lord Ravenshadow had come like he said. She stepped aside and motioned for him to enter. He wore what looked like a silk or lace shirt, with his wings portruding from the back. His pants fit perfectly and were eventually enveloped by boots. They were of a like shade of black and it was almost hard to tell where the pants ended and the boots began. The blonde had set aside the long sleeved shirt, leaving her arms and shoulders exposed.

Her boots lay by the bed, having been removed as she felt no need of them. She was surprised to find Ravenshadow wore human clothes but as she hadn't expected anything different she paid it no attention.

"You have asked to live with me here and serve me. I was quite intrigued and conceded to your request. But what exactly is it you offer?" Ravenshadow asked.

"Well, I could help in the kitchen or be a maid but you likely have all the staff you need. So I offer you my body, to use however you want and as many times as you want. I will live to serve at your whim any time day or night," Crystal said.

"I see. You should be made aware that I have girls for that purpose already. For instance, Kayleigh was promised to me at her birth. I was overdue in claiming her for that but amended that oversight, although not in the best location," Ravenshadow pointed out.

"But you don't love her."

"No," the demigod admitted. "I have as yet found no one suitable to be my..."

"Your mate?" Crystal suggested.

"For lack of a better term, yes."

"Then take me," the young woman offered.

"I do not love you," Ravenshadow stated.

"You feel something for me. I know you do."

"An attraction to your body," the demigod replied.

"Then you can act upon it. It's what I want. I am yours, my lord," Crystal vowed.

Feeling bold, she stood up and kissed him deeply. The demigod didn't react at first but eventually he kissed back. They made out for several minutes before Crystal stood back. She stripped out of her clothes, standing before the one she desired more than anything. Her body trembled in excitement. As she shook with the thrill that this was finally happening, Crystal watched in fascination as Ravenshadow undressed.

His body was perfect. Muscles that were wonderfully defined hinted at great physical strength. No hair marred this wonderful body, even down at his cock. Of course, where Crystal was perfectly shaved, she guessed that his race did not have to worry about such a thing. She laid back on the bed and he joined her there. Grabbing her, he pressed her body to his, holding her. It was him that initiated the kiss this time but Crystal decided to add to it, pushing her tongue into his mouth. To her delight, he responded to it, letting his tongue dance with hers.

Crystal moaned into their kiss, running her hands along Ravenshadow's powerful chest. She pulled free of his hold(no doubt because he allowed it) and planted kisses down his chest. Her lips kissed down his abs next as her hand grasped his thick cock. Stroking it, Crystal continued to kiss along his body until she felt his cock fully erect. Letting go, she lowered her head to look at it and gasped.

"Oh my..! It's got to be 14 inches long!" she exclaimed.

"No doubt a problem given your anatomy. Elves have difficulty as well," Ravenshadow observed.

"No no. I will gladly take as much as I can but first I will please my lord," Crystal insisted.

Laying on her stomach, she took the demigod's massive cock into her mouth. She gagged almost instantly but forced herself to suck it, which she did eagerly. After seeing his cock when she first met him, she had wanted to suck it almost as much as she wanted it pounding her pussy. Now that she knew how big it was, Crystal wanted it even more. It was the best cock she had ever tasted and she moaned loudly. Her head bobbed up and down as she sucked hard. Her tongue licked the head of his cock as she kept sucking.

It was odd for her. Not only was she not accustomed to something so big in her mouth, but she was also used to hearing the pleasure that she conveyed on a lover. Ravenshadow did not moan or gasp in pleasure. He did, however, gesture for Crystal to continue when she looked up for his approval. The horny blonde continued to devour and suck at the demigod's cock. It throbbed in her mouth, which was encouraging. Part of her wondered of Kayleigh had done this, and Crystal wished that she had watched Ravenshadow claim her.

Pressing her tongue down, Crystal was able to accomodate more of Ravenshadow's cock. She sucked harder and faster, surprised at his endurance although she probably shouldn't have been. The young woman desperately wanted to know what it was like when Ravenshadow ejaculated. Eventually she pulled her mouth away until it was wrapped around the head and a couple of inches of cock. Licking the head furiously, Crystal got her wish. Massive amounts of semen poured into her mouth. As much as she swallowed, there was more to take its place. It even slipped out of her mouth, running down her breasts and stomach.

"Wow," Crystal breathed after she was finally done.

"My apologies. I did not mean to make you such a mess," Ravenshadow told her.

"Don't be sorry. That was amazing my lord," Crystal assured him. "I've never had that happen before."

"Very well. You may proceed when you wish."

Crystal had been thinking of the best way to get as much of Ravenshadow's cock inside her pussy as she could. The best idea seemed to be riding his cock, so she sat up and mounted him. His cock barely fit at all and she had to ease it in slowly. It had been a long time since she had that inconvenience.

"Fuck..." she gasped as his cock filled her pussy completely.

Wasting not time, she started bouncing up and down on it right away. Moans escaped her soft lips as it was the best thing she ever felt. It did hurt but Crystal didn't care. The pleasure more than made up for it. Riding hard, Crystal screamed in pleasure. Her breasts bounced as she fucked this glorious cock. She made a mental note to worship Ravenshadow as much as she could. Her body shook with the effort but the demigod's strong hands held her hips.

With nothing to worry about, Crystal tossed her head back and gave herself in to sexual ecstasy. She rode her new master long, hard and fast. Fatigue came to her but she pressed on. There was no way she would give in without seeing this through to the end. Despite her determination, Crystal's motions on the demigod's cock slowed considerably. Panting hard, she tried to will herself to continue.

She screamed when she felt Ravenshadow's cock thrusting inside of her as hard as she had been riding it. But it wasn't her doing it. Ravenshadow had taken over for her, fucking her almost literally out of her senses. Her vision blurred, her lungs felt like they would burst. But Crystal reached a powerful orgasm, cumming harder than she ever had with a human. Her young body shook uncontrollably. The last thing she felt before passing out was waves of pleasantly warm semen rushing into her pussy.

When Crystal woke up, it was late morning. The blankets covered her naked body but there was no sign of Ravenshadow. The bedsheet showed signs that he had been there. Did he really stay the night? Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in," she said, making sure her body stayed covered.

An Elf maiden entered, carrying a silver tray. The plate on the tray held a human breakfast. But what had she expected? There were eggs, bacon, some sausages and even toast.