Nigkala Tales Pt. 37: The World is Hollow


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"Then we will walk."

They grumbled at this, but since I kept her well fed and a bit away from the caravan, she never gave any indication of trouble. Entering the city was stressful, so I slipped her some meat to calm her, and opened my mind to her so she could be aware of my own sense of peace in this place.

I didn't stay long in the city, as her presence made others nervous. Still, I made enough connections to get a decent location for the rumored city. Apparently, there was a ravine in the plateau nearby. Somewhere about that, was the lost city. We set out, and headed directly for it. On the way, I had her practice hunting, while keeping her sufficiently fed for her to grow strong and swiftly. I don't remember how long it took to get there, but I did realize she had grown in that time. Climbing wasn't difficult, as she had four clawed feet, and I had climbing experience and reach.

Once on top of the plateau, I looked around and saw wilderness all over. I then grabbed my sword's handle and looked again, this time with the demon sight. I saw much further, and could barely see the water where I arrived. It seemed higher than I expected. I then turned and surveyed the plateau with that sight, but instead looked for signs of a city. Nothing. But I did locate the ravine not too far away. We headed there.

Between the demon sight, and the rock sense I had, I was able to quickly pass by empty land. Entering near the head of the ravine I was able to eliminate it as well. We followed the ravine for several days, and I had to feed the cat several times. However, when I slept, I was assured safety by the presence of the well-fed saber-toothed tiger. We finally exited the ravine, without finding the city, so we continued down the path of the stream at its bottom. Two days later, with the ravine miles away, I found the ruins.

Using all my senses, and also the demon sight, I was able to envision the ancient city. What most intrigued me was evidence of an extensive underground area. It took some time to find an entrance, but we went in. I used a small amount of magic to make light, so we could see where we were going. I went carefully, and impressed on my companion the need as well, so that we didn't trigger any collapse. We explored for several days before I found the first indications of still-working technology. I walked into a room, and lights sprang up.

I made that the new base of operations, and soon we found other places that lit up. I had been there nearly a month when I found the library. I expected to have a lot of difficulty figuring out the language, but to my surprise, it was a form of Greek. It looked odd, and it wasn't until I found a document that talked about this place, that I learned this was the fabled city of Atlantis.

That was quite a shock. Not only that it really existed, but that I had found it. I made many notes, and took lots of pictures of this place. Fortunately, my solar charger was able to keep the phone charged in this underground place. I routinely sent the tiger outside to practice hunting, and to also take care of business, as I did not want piles of fecal waste down here. I also routinely went outside until I found and learned how to use a working bathroom.

I lost track of time, but read everything in that small library. It was only meant for a local reference, and not a great library. But it did have maps, and I was able to locate several places where I could find more. Again, I went exploring, and eventually found a great library that was still working.

Soon after I entered, I heard a strange voice speak. It took me a few moments to realize this was the spoken language, again, related to Greek. While I did not know it, I did know Greek, so I replied in Greek.

"Welcome traveler," it said in Greek. "What brings you to this library?"

I was surprised it was able to speak the Greek I knew.

"I am looking for a way home. Not just for me, but for a ship carrying nearly two hundred people."

"And where is home?"

"We are lost. A great storm sent our ship here, a world unknown to my people. Yet, apparently there is some connection, as you know this language. I have already read that this is the city of Atlantis, a place my people have heard of, but think it's a myth, since it was lost so long ago. The people that spoke about this place called our world Gaia."

"I see. That is one of several worlds we studied."

"Do you know how to get us back there?"

"Yes, but only the knowledge, not the ability."

"Will you teach me?"

"That is restricted information."

"How then, can I get access?"

"You must get permission from one of the librarians, or of the council."

"I have been here quite a while, and seen no one. Is there anyone here besides myself?"

"Unknown... This will take a while. Please follow the path to a waiting area."

I sent the tiger outside to wait for me, along with a large chunk of meat. Then I followed the light on the floor to a waiting area. It had clearly seen better days, but was still operational. It felt like hours before another light appeared, and I was led to an office deep in the library. There, another voice greeted me.

"Hello, traveler. You seek the knowledge of interdimensional travel. That is dangerous information. Being lost is not sufficient reason to grant you access."

"Who are you?"

"I am a librarian."

"I see no one. Are you some form of machine intelligence?"

"That does not begin to define my being. However, when our bodies began to fail, we found a way to go beyond them. Some, like me, chose to stay and help future people. Most chose to explore new dimensions. None have returned that I know of."

"I have experienced other places beyond my native world. I am aware of my own limited knowledge of everything. I have access to some magic, and some science, that I expect to use to bring us back."

"There is no such thing as magic. What you think is magic is just another way to access reality."

"What of the gods?"

"They too, are merely beings with great access to power."

"I see. I am a priestess, and have met several of them. As they are far more powerful than I, I will not say they are not gods. But I digress. What can I learn about such travel?"

"You can be taught the rudimentary information that was common knowledge here. More than that will need testing, to see that you understand it, and its danger, and also testing you."

"What kind of test is the latter?"

"A test, not of knowledge, but of ethics. That you shall not abuse such power."

"Then I am ready to learn. When might I begin?"

"I expected this. A place has been designated for your study. Follow the path displayed."

The room darkened a little, and a light path was shown on the floor. As I followed it out, I turned around and saw the office go dark, along with the path behind me.

Eventually, I found myself in some kind of dorm. There was a bed in one small room, and a study area in the other. To one side was a small bathroom. The first thing I did was to create a new bed, as what was there had rotted out long ago. The study area, however, gleamed as though still new. Must be some kind of plastic. I made it a routine to sleep, wake, eat, go outside to feed the saber-toothed tiger, then return to study until I was tired.

I added notes to my phone log, and it was really the only way to tell how long I was here. With the constant daylight, my circadian rhythm was out of whack. Still, I persevered. To help keep things interesting, I asked to be taught their language, and also for a history of the city and people. I took lots of notes here. I was surprised at how much basic concepts I had to go through. Nearly all of them were ones I knew, but by other names and descriptions. When I asked, I was told that since I had shown aptitude in the sciences, not often seen in humans, that I was being tested in a broad array of fields. I was told that I appeared to be a gifted student, who has been exposed to many ideas, and learned quite a bit. Finally, I was told that I now knew as much about interdimensional travel as was available to the general public.

"To learn beyond this, you need to be tested."

"What would that entail?"

"First, an initial light scan of your mind, to see if you can handle the complexity of the topic, then if you pass, you will be taught a bit more. In your case, given the results of your initial teaching, I predict you will quickly learn this. Once this is finished, deeper scans will be needed to determine your suitability. If you pass, you will be taught more. There will be three such cycles needed, to gain the knowledge you seek."

"What will happen if I don't pass?"

"If you fail the test of learning, nothing. You will be allowed to try again later, after you have had additional courses in thinking. If you fail the test of suitability, it may be as simple as being denied further training. It could be as bad as having your recent training being wiped, along with your memory of this place, and you will find yourself on the surface, heading for the nearest city."

"What do you define as being suitable? I know of morality, ethics, and such."

"Both of these will be tested. If you are good, you will have greater access. If you are evil, you will find yourself losing what you learned. If you are between good and evil, then you will receive between these outcomes. For ethics, the more responsible you are with what you learn, the more areas you may learn in; the less responsible, and you will be limited in what you will be permitted to learn. If too irresponsible, you will fail to learn what you seek."

It was silent for a few seconds, then spoke again. "You know now the potential you might gain or lose. Do you wish to continue? Consider your answer well."

I know I am helpful, and consider myself good. I also know that others think of me that way, as well. So I was not worried about the morality side of things. The ethics side, was a bit more concerning, as I am often quite casual.

"I will accept your testing."

"Follow the path." A lighted path led me to another room by a curious route. When I got there, I was told to sit, and state when I was ready.

I sat, got comfortable, then said, "I am ready."

The lights dimmed, and a spotlight engulfed my head. It came from above, so I wasn't blinded, but I could not see anything in the room while the spotlight was on. As I waited, the voice spoke, "Think about the concepts I name."

I could feel a psychic intrusion into my mind, but not to harm. When a concept was named, I would concentrate on it, and I felt the psychic intrusion focus on it, and then probed it a little. When it was done probing, it went back to the wide field, and said another concept. This went on for some time, as many were named. Finally, the probe withdrew, and the lights returned to normal.

"You have passed easily. Please follow the light to return to your room."

I followed, and when I next spoke to my teacher, I asked, "Why was I taken on a circuitous route to the testing facility?"

It replied, "You were shown the shortest path still available."

"I find it sad that this facility is in such disrepair. Is there something I can do to help fix things?"

"Unknown. While you have shown a significant knowledge of concepts, putting them into practice is another matter."

"I would repay your generosity by helping to restore some portion of this facility. Can you seek out something significant I can repair that will aid the facility? I have some access to magical power, and am a crafter of jewelry, so I know how to handle precise work."

"Your offer is accepted. A search has now been initiated for a simple repair job that will provide a significant boost to the city. We shall now begin your next lesson."

I studied, getting up to stretch several times, before returning back to work. When I came back the fourth time, instead of the lesson, the voice asked, "A suitable drone has been located, that needs some repair to become operational. Once it is in working order, it can repair others. Do you wish to take a break from studying to work on this?"

"Yes. Just show me the way."

Immediately, a lighted path led out of the room. I grabbed my pack, and followed it. I was led into a workshop, where I was directed to another screen. On it, it indicated where I could find an operational hover cart, and also where to find the broken drone. I was to bring it back here for repairs.

I went and fetched the cart, and after testing a few of the buttons, figured it out. Heading to the broken drone, I parked next to it, and lifted it onto the cart. It was heavy, perhaps five hundred pounds. I took it slow and easy, so as to not hurt myself. Then I returned.

I found the screen now showing a toolkit, and a location in the room. I fetched it. While there was no audio, the screen gave me step-by-step instructions on how to open, and repair the unit enough to get it operational. Once I closed it up, and put it in a charging station, I was instructed to wait while it powered up, and went through its diagnostics. Only a few minutes passed when it maneuvered itself out of the charging cradle, and it went and returned with another similar unit. I watched as it did even more repairs to this unit, before taking it to a charging station. Once that unit was charging, it also went back to charging.

From the looks of the gauges, the first unit was only about five-percent charged, when it went after the second unit. But now, approaching twenty-five percent, the second unit left its cradle to work on the first unit. It made some stops at some supply bins to collect selected items it needed, before going back to the unit to finish its repairs. They worked on each other several times before they were both fully charged. That's when I noticed the screen was dark, and a path was lit for me. I followed it back to my dorm.

When I entered, the voice said, "Thank you. While the repair units can only handle simple repairs, there is much that can be fixed by simple repairs, including the floor-light system, and the clearing of debris. However, that is a lengthy task."

"When the time comes for a repair they cannot handle, I am willing to assist again."

"Again, thank you. When a sufficient assessment has shown a repair you can make, that is beyond their abilities, you will be notified."

We then resumed our lessons. At the start of each of my days, I asked to be shown the progress of repair with a simple map of the city. The map shown, was light on detail, but had the path I used to the surface, as well as to the testing room and repair room laid out. I watched as that tiny area slowly grew. Clearly, other service units were restored, as the area grew faster each day. Also made clear, was that there were large areas where no repairs were being made.

Perhaps a week later, I was again asked to assist with the repair of a heavier unit. It would need to be repaired on location, since no operating cart was capable of moving it. Once its mobility was restored, it could be floated to the nearest repair bay, where further work could be done. This time, one repair unit held a screen, another handed me the needed tools, and took the removed parts, and a third went for replacement parts. I must have worked for hours before I was able to close it up. Even then, I had to follow a repair unit to get a recharging cable that could be brought to the unit. While three hover carts held the weight, I had to get the cable onto them, and to connect it at each end. When that was done, I was directed to resume my study.

The next day, I was again working on it; first by removing the cord, and returning it. Then by powering the unit back on. I was instructed what to say, exactly, so that it would only follow me to a repair bay. I, in turn, followed the smaller service unit. Once there, I was instructed to tell it to fully recharge, and run diagnostics. Again, while it charged, I was instructed how to open it to effect repair, and the service units handled getting the correct parts to me. Several times, I was asked to assist in getting the parts, because they were beyond the smaller units' abilities. Finally, at only twenty-five-percent charge, but several hours later, I was sent back with the information that the diagnostics indicated it was sufficiently functional to repair another of its kind, and would do so, once fully charged.

I was given the suitability test, which was like the first test, but focused on a different part of my mind. I was told I passed, and would be given greater access and variety. Speaking of variety, I was taught of the service units, and how they were made and how they operated. I was told that this was both a reward for passing easily, and also designed to assist me in restoring things in the city. It also inquired if I was interested in other areas of knowledge. I asked to learn of this place.

Several more times, I was called upon, to assist in repairing some service unit. My new learning helped me do so much faster, as I knew what I was doing. New unit designs were waiting for me in the nearest repair shop, and I was able to restore them sufficiently, that they could finish the job.

When I passed the final test, I was asked to assist in the creation of a device that would assist my mind in focusing, so that I might be able to better control what I willed. I was told that this device would be small, and could easily look like jewelry. Since I made such, it offered me the opportunity to design it to what my cultural sensibilities were. It also told me that it would need some of my pearls, as the city did not have a means to manufacture them. When I asked for previous examples humans were given, it said that no human had ever been given such, but I was shown examples of jewelry other humans had for other devices they wore.

I settled on a bracelet, and inquired what materials they had available. The one that leapt out at me was a red-gold metal that was quite shiny. I was told it was extremely hard, and difficult to work with, but available. I then worked on screen to design it, with pearl inlay, and amber. When I asked about the pearls, it said that was to provide a psychic link to the device. Once designed, I made a wooden one by spell to get the dimensions correct.

The finished unit was presented to me when I woke up. When I put it on, the voice said I needed to activate it by placing it next to the screen, and saying the words on the screen. I did, and when I said the last word, the whole thing pulsed a red-gold light, and the glow of the metal subtly increased. I noted the simple drone did not leave. Then I was instructed in its use. Now I knew why the drone stayed. It was keyed to the bracelet, to act as my hands for building the device. Also, the bracelet had a stealth feature that caused it to phase out of time slightly, but enough to avoid being seen or otherwise being detected by all but high-order scans. I did my own tests, and found that only the strongest detect spells Isis taught me could see it. When I asked the next step, I was told I now had all I needed to generate such a portal, however, my own power was barely sufficient to allow me to so travel.

Another problem was that while the portal that brought us here was still in a dormant state, it was controlled elsewhere, and the needed information of aim was not in the library's knowledge. I would have to somehow find my own way back. It added that with my aid, the city was well on its way to returning to full operation. Once it was restored, it would again shut down, but instead of the full shutdown that had allowed it to fall into disrepair over the millennia, it would leave some units on at all times to ensure no further catastrophe befell the city.

In sending me off, it asked me if I wanted something for a keepsake of my time here. I asked if I could have some of that red-gold metal to make jewelry with. When it asked how much, I decided to ask for several cubic feet, but in small bits I could reforge as needed, so I could make jewelry and other stuff. I was told I would need a very high temperature to achieve this, so I asked if the temperature of my forge was sufficient. It took a bit to convert into units it knew, but it decided that my forge could actually liquefy the metal. I was shortly provided with numerous boxes filled with small cubes of the metal. I stuffed these into my flatpack, and started on my journey back to the ship. I was also given a solar blanket that could recharge the drone.