No Warning


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He was also laying off the social contact; it was better, at times like this, to just be a man of mystery off in a corner somewhere. The Wolf had come, and wolves aren't social.

The moon winked through the high windows out of a wispy wrack of clouds, a perfect Halloween night, and Kyle felt his heart give a lurch at the sight of that pale white circle in the velvet black sky, staring at him through the windows. His golden eyes seemed to glint in the dim light of his far corner, which the non-Eva sex kitten had vacated a half-hour ago once she'd hooked up with her boss, and he started to tremble as the urge came on him.

Fuck. Now?

He gazed frantically around, feeling the rush, the dryness in his mouth and the sudden, achy hardness of his cock. At times like this, fully wolved, with the moon shining on Halloween night, he nearly felt the blood in his body flowing straight into his penis, swelling it, readying it to plunder whatever handy pussy it could find, and he knew with a sense of despair that he'd lose control soon. Unless the clouds came back over the moon.

A glance at the windows told him that was unlikely.

With growing unease, he began to search around the room with eyes and nose, hunting, seeking Eva and a place to take her. People came and went, drifting along through the fake cobwebs and plastic spiders they'd decorated with, a sea of people in search of a fake, scary thrill, none of them knowing they had the real thing right here. Right here in the corner with a hard wolfcock and an available hole to stick it, for he'd found Eva at last.

She was jawing at one of her coworkers, twerking slightly to show off her kitten-tail, and he glared over at her. Almost immediately she looked toward him, the power overwhelming tonight, the contact strong. Even in the weird, disco-ball light he could see her blush, his eyes commanding her, and as Oingo Boingo's "Sweat" rolled from the big speakers at the top of the ambulance bay, she left her conversation in mid-syllable, ditched her rum-and-Coke, and sauntered like a runway model over to where he stood.

Kyle took careful note of the two men by the bathrooms, their eyes riveted to his woman's ass as she strode, and made a mental note: if she didn't please him, those were the two he'd slash into quivering meat. As it was, he waited until she came close to him, and when the two men saw who she was going to he made sure the Wolf was staring at the two of them.

They both found something else to look at. In fact, they both left the party.

She came to him flushed and breathless, her eyes already wide. "You... you're having a good time?" she asked him, seeming to push the words physically out of her, and he didn't need his wolfish senses to figure out where her mind was; she was licking her lips, the black kitty lipstick already smeared by her drink, but her eyes were on his body. Lust rose from him in stinking waves, the Wolf unable to keep from growling a little in his throat.

He knew that he'd be hard to understand when he spoke.

So he didn't speak, his clawed hand on her forearm gripping like iron, pulling her in his wake toward the closed door in the far wall he'd spied earlier, the one marked DISPATCH. As they moved the crowd seemed to part for them, seemed to understand their haste somehow. The music was a dull throb in their intoxicated minds, growing duller after he kicked the dispatch office door shut behind them.

Nothing. A blank office, a bare desk with a blotter and a computer, a coffeemaker in the corner. The radio by the door gave an impatient electronic chirp. Dusty carpeting already had Eva stifling a sneeze, her face furious; she had no time for anything like that. In her mind, there was nothing but a man to please and she had a hole that could do it, and as the moon shone unblinking through the window she perched her ass on the edge of the desk and faced him.

The lock, a cheap interior one, clicked home with one swipe of his paw. Kyle spun to face her, his pants tented almost comically, and he advanced with a gleam in his eye and a line of spit glittering from his fangs.

"Get that costume off," Eva husked, needing to clear her throat before she did. He made no answer, just kept coming, and when he arrived within arm's reach he finally felt right, complete, fitted firmly to his body. He glared down at her, defenseless before him, daring her to hold back.

Eva had felt nothing like this before, this magnetic, almost painful attraction. She often felt this way around Kyle, every few weeks or so, but never this intensely. Her nipples itched crazily, almost numb against the faux fur; she knew the catsuit was soaked down below, the party forgotten other than as a dull rumble through the wall.

His cock reached out to her from behind his fly, and she was chewing on her own lip as she seized the zipper and worked it down. The heat coming through his artfully torn trousers was a palpable force, another shock to her brain and her pussy, and Eva's mouth fell limply open as she clawed desperately at him, on fire, needing him naked and rampant and inside herself.

His pants hung up on his dick as she pushed her hands into his hip pockets and leaned in, bearing down, their mouths crashing together with a salivated gnashing of teeth; she persisted, struggling like a rabbit in a trap, pushing hard until the snap gave way and the trousers slipped down, down to his knees.

His cock, massive and heavy, sprang up to strike her belly and the moan of her triumphant mouth into his stoked her fires even higher; her only conscious thought now was to get his fucking costume off. There had to be a zipper, in the back maybe...

Kyle couldn't tell, through the red-heat haze in his canine brain, at what point Eva finally realized he wasn't in costume. She was clinging to him with her arms and legs, her ass barely propped on the edge of the dispatch desk, with the radio still twittering in the background. "Mmm," she purred, her breath in his mouth tasting like rum and canapés. She was digging in his fur, her fingers hooking at the tough skin beneath his pelt. "Get this shit off."

He was no longer thinking straight at all, looking quizzically at her until he realized what she meant. Already, even as his senses of smell and sight sharpened to a fine edge, his ability to deal with human language was muddled. He felt like a tourist, roaming through Paris on high-school French. But he could smell her mind now, the chemicals clear and viciously truthful in his wet twitchy nose, and he figured out what she meant that way.

She still thought it was a fucking costume.

He scented confusion, buried beneath the coyness and the confidence and the everlasting smell of her lust. Her nails were clawing for a seam, or a zipper, or Velcro, or whatever the fuck. He laughed, Wolf-fashion, a low growly gurgle coming out in a hot fog of breath past his fangs. He felt his lips pull back over those jagged yellowed teeth, some of the gaps still holding little scraps of hair from the pre-party rabbit he'd nabbed in back of his condo, and he watched through sharp golden eyes as, with a liquid slowness that masqueraded as speed, Eva finally started to figure it out.

"Wait..." Her hands stopped searching for a seam around the same time her wide eyes, nearly all pupil now, took in the way his snout tapered sharply, pointing at her like a detective's finger. He saw the sweat start at her forehead and then roll slowly down along her temple, where a blood vessel pulsed, and without even thinking about it Kyle leaned forward and ran his rough tongue swiftly, harshly, up the side of her face. She recoiled as if he'd smacked her. "The fuck!"

Her face ran, now, with his spit, and she stank of fear. The dispatch desk shook slightly as Kyle slapped his paw onto it, just beside her thigh, his claws denting deeply into the particle-board top. Eva was breathing shallow, shrinking back, but there was no point: Kyle had scented his prey, and he was not going to stop until he'd taken her. His cock reached for her slowly, inexorably, hardening far beyond what she'd seen on him when he was a man.

Far beyond any cock she'd ever had. Ever.

"The fuck," she repeated, whispery-faint, clearly unable to believe what was happening. He breathed deep, the fear taking on a perplexing new scent, and after a few more growls he figured it out: Eva was afraid. But she was enjoying the fear. Obviously; even a mere human would have been able to smell her pussy by now, raw with desire.

He growled, the sound a purring rattle from deep within his chest, planting his other paw; he had her bracketed now, her quaking body an autumn leaf in a steady breeze, and when he leaned forward now her look was more awe than fear. He sniffed at her, licking, letting her feel the thrill of his teeth skating across the skin near her neck. Eva whimpered, the phlegm lumping her throat, and Kyle waited, sending his moist breath across her collarbone.

When her eyelids fluttered, he attacked.

The catsuit was sheer, not much thicker than a pair of nylons, and when he hooked his fang over the neckline it tore like wet Kleenex. He snarled as he tossed his head aside, the sharp tooth shearing through the suit and the fur applique and the bra strap beneath, leaving nothing behind on her trembling skin than the faintest red line scratched toward her armpit.

Marking her.

She gasped, her hands fluttering uncertainly to gather up her shredded costume, but the Wolf was far too quick. Another slashing toss of his head, back the other way, and she shrank back instinctively when her tits flew out into the dark air of the dispatch office. Her nipples were thick and dark, standing proud over her firm breasts, and the Wolf noticed; Eva fell back, startled, to the claw-scarred desk as his tongue returned, long and flat and eager.

"Ohh, fuck," she managed, her eyes closing; the rough wet ribbon of his tongue grated across her nipples, igniting her mind, and by the time her flailing hands had buried themselves in the hackles of his neck her chest shone with his saliva. "Jesus." It came out as a thin wail.

"Silence," Kyle snarled, his voice harsh, grating; the last thing he wanted was someone coming into the dispatch office. At least, until he was through with his prey. His face roved over her body, searching her flesh, his keen eyes enjoying the goosebumps that followed his tongue across her body. He sniffed. "You're in heat."

"My god," Eva babbled. She'd started clawing at the remains of her costume with one hand, desperate to expose herself. The other hand rubbed hypnotically at her nipple. "I need you."

"Yes." Kyle's tongue rasped through her cleavage, leaving reddened skin behind. He used his nose to push her hand away from the shredded catsuit. "You do." His voice was a gravelly growl, thick with his own need. He raised his head then, and once he'd captured her eyes in his he gave a feral smirk and brought up his paw.

The claws sheared through the shreds of her costume, leaving just the faintest whisper of four parallel red lines down across her pale belly, now sweaty and heaving. "Shit!" she cried, the costume finally crumbling away, and then the Wolf was plucking at the side of her thong with a lazy fang, leaving her no time to recover; one moment Eva was struggling to get naked for this... this creature on top of her, and before she could adjust her mind he had her stripped, her slicked body shuddering hard with his hot breath along her navel.

One more swipe of his paw, careless, the claws retracted, and Eva gasped at the sudden crushing force on her chest as he held her down. Just one paw, and she could do nothing about it; his strength trembled through his furry body, pinning her to the desk blotter, and then she felt his flat tongue grate toward her pussy and she heaved with lust.

Eva shuddered, then lay still under the pressure of the Wolf's paw. The rough sound of his sandpaper tongue meeting the bristles of her trimmed pubic hair were, for an instant, the only sounds in the office. And then she sucked in a hushed gust of air when the Wolf kept going, his long wet tongue twisting along the sides of her lips, then slashing straight into her soupy pussy before it swept sideways, shouldering her clit out of its way in a breathless hot-pink pulse that left her crying.

And that was just the start of it.

The Wolf tasted what he'd wanted to taste, what he'd expected to taste: the rich coppery tang of a woman thrashing her sweaty way toward orgasm, already, and when he laughed to himself it came out as a brutal, dragging growl straight past her slit. Eva was almost past reacting to that now; everything about this was new and violent and supremely arousing, almost to the point where it was piling together into a vast sensory wave. It was going to break soon.

But not until the Wolf wanted it to.

He was careful, surgical, even delicate, but not at all hesitant as he lapped at her streaming cunt. He knew exactly where she needed him to use his tongue. Her smell told him that. Wouldn't do to let her get off too early. He gave her long, steady swipes with his tongue, five or six right up the crease of her pussy, until her shuddering subsided, and then he leaned in and gave her just that slight touch of menace, the smooth ivory of his razor fang against her hot clit.

Just a flicker of a touch.

The last of Eva's fading consciousness registered an annoying crinkle by her left ear, where some call-log forms had stuck to the sweaty goosebumps behind her shoulder. The desk, she was vaguely aware now, would be a puddled ruin when she finally got up off it. Hell, if she finally got up off it; right now, she was powerless to move. The sheer thrilling energy the Wolf was sending from his skilled tongue straight through to the thick molten mess of her pussy shocked her deeply, a machine-gun series of sexual shocks that made her body throb almost continuously. "Kyle," she managed to whimper, and then she looked down between the trembling hills of her sweat-drenched tits and saw his eyes glaring back at her, now sharp and yellow. "I'm going to..."

"No." His breath rolled against her as a hot gust when he spoke, his voice chilling. "No. You're not. Not until I let you, bitch." The words struck her mind like the crack of a whip, and with a low helpless groan her head flopped back onto the gathered papers in a dull, hazy stutter of oblivion as the Wolf returned to his prey.

He'd already decided he'd let her cum soon, anyway; the calculating, hunting part of his mind was measuring her reactions, making its plans, anticipating the sweet feeling he'd get as he slotted his strong, sleek cock into her sloppy pussy. And how much better it would feel if she was already orgasmic as he slammed it in. He loved what he was doing to her, reveling in every gasp, the cruel light glimmering in his hunter's eye as he gauged the way her thighs shook.

And then it was time.

The Wolf snarled straight into her pussy, and then he twisted his head around and dug in with his sharp teeth, letting the points lift the hood of her clit, and then he began to gnaw. The flavor of her orgasm was a sweet piquancy, a complicated taste that mixed with her twitching body and went straight to his balls.

He'd enjoy claiming her fully.

A sharp crack racketed through the room as Eva's head smacked against the desktop, her legs gripping his hairy head as she came. "Oh, fuck!" she wailed, and the Wolf tore his head from her drippy cunt and gazed at her keenly, smirking, taking in the bright pink flesh of a woman in ecstasy. "Fuck!" Quickly now, he gathered himself, his muscles moving fluidly beneath his pelt, and when his strong paw shoved her over onto her belly she wasn't capable of any kind of resistance. She was weeping, gasping, her pussy contracting as he positioned her limp legs over the side of the desk, loomed up over her helplessly trembling body, and sank his claws into her hips. He was careful, even now, to do no permanent damage.

Eva had no idea what was happening to her, her world tossing in an angry pink fog, her body feeling a satisfaction and fullness like she'd never felt: giving herself to this beast was what she'd been made to do. That's what her body was shrieking at her, and so she cried out in relief as the long, thick cock speared deeply into her in one cruel sliding thrust, the Wolf at last mounting his bitch. The air rushed from her lungs in a deep, eager hiss when she felt his rough fur against the back of her thighs and knew he was balls-deep.

The Wolf paused, his saliva cascading down his furry chest and onto the dimples at the top of Eva's naked ass, watching as the waves of her orgasm rippled through her impaled body, and then he laughed because he knew it wasn't over yet. "Hold still," he grated, his grip tightening, and then he left her breathless as he pulled out. He looked down at where her vaginal muck matted the ridges of his cock, the mammoth head just barely buried in her wide red slit, and then he threw his powerful hips forward and drove back in.

The chair on the far side of the dispatch desk clattered to the floor with the force he sent through her body and into the table. Eva's shriek turned into a choked gasp, her legs pinned cruelly against the particle board, and then the Wolf dug in and took his pleasure out of her flushed flesh. Their legs collided with an unearthly thud, powered by the growled breaths coming from the Wolf's mighty lungs.

His cock burned into her body, prolonging her orgasm, filling her and overfilling her; Eva felt every nerve ending in her pussy snap wide awake with the passage of his dick. She was trying to scream in pleasure, but nothing was coming out, her mind dominated by an intense pride that she could do this for him, be this for him, give him pleasure; he was drooling over her, and she knew with perfect clarity that she'd never give herself to anyone so fully, ever again.

The Wolf fucked on, punishing thrusts that lifted Eva's feet off the floor, the desk squealing over the concrete with the urgency of their motion. He felt everything, all his senses tuned, and everything in the room felt overwhelmingly alive in this moment. He got like this when he was fucking or hunting, the sum total of the experience dominating his cunning mind. He distinctly felt the boil of his cum in his balls, swinging and jiggling as they smacked against the tender flesh of Eva's body, the straining flex of his shaft against the still-spastic walls of her pussy; all of it he savored, taking all the joy he could out of the experience before, almost as an afterthought, he pulled his hips all the way back and prepared to fill her.

The last thrust was a killer, bruising her thighs, the desk lurching across the floor with one final squeal as the Wolf hauled his woman's hips back against his, their bodies colliding while they both felt the wild dance of his penis deep, deep inside her, plowing into her body as he pumped his cum into her with an unearthly, muscle-clenched howl.

"Guh," sobbed Eva, feeling a sudden sensation of warm fullness, then more, then more, building until it merged into the dwindling pulses of her own orgasm and melted her into the desk, a limp mass of marked flesh now being helplessly filled.

* * *

They made their exit through the outside door on the other side of the dispatch office, the one Eva knew about, and she summoned up the shreds of her dignity along with her wrecked catsuit as she led him outside.

"Shit." She peered left, then right, getting her bearings. "We're parked on the wrong side of the goddamn building."

"Maybe I'll just have to fuck you again right here," he snapped, guttural. He pulled her unresisting body to his letting her feel the power again; his cock was already half-hard again. Eva giggled.