No Way Back


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Diane looked at him thoughtfully. "You seem to know a lot about it."

He grinned at her. "I've been to a few. What do you say? Want to go?"

She wasn't totally reassured despite what he told her, but she didn't want to spend the evening alone either, so she reluctantly agreed. After all, if it really was as he said she should be safe enough.

They all piled into Gavin's car, with Edina and Diane in the back seat. When they were under way, Edina moved closer. "Don't worry, it'll be fine." she said, resting a hand on the other woman's breast. "Just relax. If any of the guys try to feel you up tell them to leave you alone. There will be enough willing girls to go around so you won't upset anyone if you refuse." The hand on her boob seemed more protective than sexual, and that alone reassured her more than anything Clarence had said.

In due time they arrived at a large, fairly new house shielded from the road by a tall hedge. It took a little while to find a parking space before, surrounded by her companions, Diane was walking nervously up the driveway to the house. They were greeted at the door by a coffee coloured woman even larger than Diane, wearing a diaphanous negligee. Her face lit up with delight when she recognised her latest guests, and she gave a saucy laugh as Clarence boldly felt her humungus breasts before planting a kiss on her smiling lips.

"Hello Kay," he smirked, "you're feeling well today. This is my friend Diane. She's a bit shy so make sure you look after her and protect her from your lecherous friends."

The big woman wrapped her in a bear hug, and kissed her on the cheek. "Welcome my dear. Don't worry, you're amongst friends." Then she laughed again, and addressed Clarence. "I can guarantee she'll be safe from you, but who's going to protect her against me?" After greeting Edina and Gavin in similar fashion, she turned and led them into a large room, where several people were standing in groups drinking and chatting. "Grab yourself some drinks and nibbles, then introduce Diane to everyone." she said "I have to keep circulating."

When they had served themselves from a small bar in the corner, her three friends took her around to meet everyone. Apart from strategically placed mattresses here and there, and the fact that most of the women wore just enough to leave something to the imagination, there was nothing to indicate that this was anything other than a normal party. Moving from group to group, Clarence and Gavin would occasionally grope a breast, or one of the men they met would grope Edina's. This casual familiarity helped Diane to relax, but it seemed a little strange to her that none of the men had made the slightest attempt to feel her tits. It was then that she realised that none of the women who had had their boobs fondled were wearing bras. It was as though the lack of this particular undergarment was viewed by the men as a tacit invitation, and she suddenly felt overdressed.

The more people she met the more she realised that Clarence had been right. Very few here were exactly model material, but judging by the way they were dressed she was the only one self conscious about her figure. Although she wasn't too sure she had the nerve to take advantage of the mattresses, she was beginning to feel better about herself, and was becoming a little envious of the attention some of the other women were receiving. Even if she didn't go any further she saw no reason not to enjoy having her boobs fondled, so she excused herself and went into the bathroom and removed her bra. Tucking it into her bag, she returned to her friends to find that they had been joined by Kay and a tall distinguished looking man several shades darker, who Kay introduced as her husband Eric. They exchanged pleasantries for several minutes, and then a slim blonde woman approached and whispered to Kay, who nodded and turned away and clapped her hands for attention.

"OK, boys and girls," she called loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear. Let's get comfortable."

This was the signal they had all obviously been waiting for, and people began to pair off. Some couples began to drift from the room, apparently in search of privacy, and as the throng thinned, two things occurred to Diane. One was that there were undoubtedly more men present than women, a fact that would probably suit many of the women, given the nature of the gathering. The other was that as far as she could tell, she and the blonde seemed to be the only white people here.

She hesitated, uncertain what to do. There was no uncertainty amongst her companions however, as with a broad grin Clarence turned to their hostess and stripped her of her negligee, before leading her towards one of the mattresses. A second later the fair haired woman opened her shirt and guided Gavin's hands to her small breasts, then reached to unfasten his belt.

Beside her, Eric laughed and turned to Diane. "Well, someone is sure in a hurry," he chuckled pointing to his wife, who had wasted no time relieving Clarence of his pants, and was lying back eagerly guiding his rigid cock into her. Diane held her breath as she watched the huge organ disappear, then she jumped with surprise when Eric nudged her. "Watching Kay being fucked never fails to turn me on." he whispered. "She certainly likes them big." Diane smiled in agreement as he turned away to survey the guests, then she noticed that Gavin and Edina were no longer beside her. She looked round for them and saw that they had already got into the party spirit. The blonde who had spoken to Kay was stretched out on a mattress with Gavin kneeling astride her thrusting in and out of her mouth. In turn his wife was on all fours between her thighs, licking her pussy and being fucked from behind by another man.

Disconcerted at being left to her own devices, Diane was almost relieved when a man approached and began to blatantly fondle her breasts. Encouraged by her apparent acquiescence, he unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it down her arms. The fact that he was a total stranger struck an unexpected chord within her, and she let her pent up breath out slowly as her nipples responded to his attention. All of her earlier uncertainty began to fade, and she made no attempt to prevent him slipping his hand under her skirt, parting her legs to stroke her panty covered crotch. The erotic activities all around her, coupled with the unmistakable smells and sounds of sex were too much for Diane to resist, and she stood quietly as he removed the rest of her clothing. By now most of the mattresses were occupied by two and in some cases three couples, but they spotted one where two women were lying, with their faces buried in each other's crotches whilst a group of men looked on. Taking her hand, he led her over and eased her down beside the pair, before undressing and joining her. The first touch of his fingers on her clit was almost like an electric shock, and reaching for his cock she opened her legs wide, aware that the attention of some of the watchers had switched to her and her companion.

When Clarence had first suggested she come along she had balked at the thought of strangers seeing her having sex, but now that was exactly what she wanted, and knowing she was about to be fucked by a stranger with other strangers looking on only added to her excitement. As he pushed into her she smiled at those watching and started fondling her tits. Just as she hoped, one of them dropped to his knees beside her, replacing her hands with his own, then lowering his mouth to her nipple. She raised her hips as the man between her thighs began to thrust in and out, and after a few moments the other whispered in her ear.

"Will it be OK if I have a turn?"

The way she was feeling at that moment she would be happy to take on all comers, so by way of reply she grasped his cock and nodded assent. He grinned and went back to sucking her tits and she concentrated on being fucked. Her climax started to build and she moved her pelvis to meet the thrusts, but just when she was approaching her peak he grunted and spilled his cum into her. She was almost ready to scream with frustration, but directly he pulled out the second man took his place and began to fuck her frantically. Her heels beat a tattoo on his butt as she tried to force him deeper, and she gasped with relief as her orgasm washed over her. For several minutes longer he drove in and out, maintaining her plateau until he gave a final shove, keeping his shaft buried deep as his sticky jizz flooded her already dripping hole. Thanking her politely he withdrew his softening pole, and satisfied for the moment at least, she rose from the mattress and went to the bathroom to clean up before going in search of another drink.

Sipping slowly she looked around the room. She had to admit that so far she'd had quite a pleasant time. True the first fuck hadn't been as good as she had hoped, but it had warmed her up and the second had more than made up for it. Understandably she was no longer as horny as previously, but she knew it wouldn't take much to get her back in the mood. Even as the thought came to her, she heard a high pitched giggle behind her, and turning round she saw Edina standing with legs apart, laughing as a group of men took turns feeling her up.

Noticing Diane's gaze she broke away and wandered over, taking the glass from her hand and sipping before handing it back. "Enjoying yourself?" Receiving a nod of agreement she smiled. "We told you it would be fun, how many so far?" When Diane held up two fingers she grinned. "Great, you should be nice and puffy down there then. Let's find a space and I'll kiss it better."

The larger woman hesitated. It had never entered her mind to let another woman touch her there, but then she remembered the time they had first met. How nice it had been to feel those hard black nipples pressing into her palm, and how exciting it had been to take them into her mouth. Her friend's fingers on her slit brought her back to the present, and she knew the time had come for her to explore new sensual avenues. Hand in hand they looked round for a vacant place on one of the mattresses. Uncertain what was supposed to happen Diane lay with her legs parted slightly, waiting for her more experienced friend to take the lead. Dropping to her knees the darkly statuesque woman worked two fingers in and out of her hole, thumb rubbing the swollen clit whilst leaning forward to offer her generous breasts to be sucked and fondled. After several moments she changed position, kneeling astride Diane's head and lowering her mouth to lick her slit. Looking up at the neat pussy hovering scant inches above her face, Diane moaned softly and raised her head, parting the brown lips with her tongue and exploring the pink inner folds. As she dipped into the exotic hole she could taste the cum of the last man who had fucked it, and she wrinkled her nose, but since her own pussy was receiving so much oral pleasure she persisted. Her taste buds gradually adjusted, and she discovered that her former aversion to having semen in her mouth was steadily diminishing. She told herself that even though it was unlikely she would ever actually like the taste, she no longer saw any reason to object to it.

Having settled the matter in her mind she concentrated on some serious muff munching. Focussing on what Edina was doing to bring on the delicious sensations she was experiencing, she copied every move, on the theory that a woman licked another pussy the way she liked her own licked. After all Edina was giving her an orgasm, so if she did the same she should be able to give Edina an orgasm too. In the past she had regarded having full on sex with a woman in much the same light as swallowing a man's cock cream, so now that she was doing it she was surprised how much she was enjoying it. Parting the chocolate hued lips she sucked hard on the engorged pink love bud, gulping the juices that flooded her mouth as Edina shuddered in orgasm.

She lay panting as Edina rolled off her and turned round to plant a deep kiss on her cum coated mouth and whisper in her ear. "That was sensational. I knew you could fuck like one of us, but if I'd thought for a second that you could eat a cunt like one of us I would have had you months ago. I'm going cock hunting." This last was added with a lascivious grin. Despite her surprise at what she decided was meant as a compliment, Diane smiled with delight. She had been sure that her inexperience would have been obvious, so she had hoped her enthusiasm would mask it, and the fact that she had apparently given as much pleasure as she had received boosted her confidence.

As a result of all that had happened since she first walked through the door, she was on the most incredible sexual high, and she didn't want to come down, so she decided to follow Edina's example. Thanks to the attention she had been receiving, not only from the two men who had fucked her and Edina, who had introduced her to all-female sex, but also from those who had watched, for the first time in far too many years she felt attractive and desirable. Climbing to her feet she looked around at the people gathered around each mattress watching the erotic activities. Shocked at what she was about to do, but too horny to stop herself, she picked one man out and wrapped her fingers around his erection. "It would be a shame to let this go to waste," she murmured, "especially when I have just the place to put it." He looked at her in pleased surprise, then put out his hand to feel her moist pussy before laying her down and thrusting into her. She had never imagined that a woman could possibly feel this horny, certainly not herself, and even as he was fucking her to yet another orgasm, she was looking round for another cock to fill her insatiable cunt as soon as he had finished. When she had received her third load of cum for the evening, she got up from the mattress and went looking for someone else to fuck her.

Her mission was interrupted when Kay called out loudly, "Nibbles everyone." Diane turned to look in her direction, and burst out laughing. The hostess and her husband were coming in from the kitchen, each carrying a tray piled high with hot savouries. The cause of her amusement was that Kay was still naked, but for a novelty apron which sported a massive artificial inflated penis hanging almost to her ankles. Eric was similarly attired in an apron with enormous conical inflated breasts that stood out at least twelve inches, above a large pubic triangle of fake fur. Upon drawing closer, Diane saw that the overall comical effect was topped off with oversize teardrop shaped beads, suspended from the lower point of the triangle to represent large drops of semen. She burst into a fit of embarrassed giggling as the thought struck her that that was probably how she looked. Maybe she wasn't so hairy, but she was certainly aware of the cum leaking from her slit, so picking up a paper napkin she turned her back and discreetly wiped herself.

When she turned back Clarence had joined Eric and Kay, and all three were deep in conversation. She selected a couple of savouries and stood slightly apart from the trio, not wanting to appear to be eavesdropping. A few moments later Kay moved closer to her and spoke matter of factly, almost as though she was talking about the weather. "That's one hell of a fine cock your man has. I have to admit he's best fuck I ever had. Apart from Eric, that is." Reaching out, she hefted one of Diane's huge boobs. "Hey Eric, how would you like to play with these babies?"

Her husband looked at the expanse of white flesh and grinned. "You know me too well, wife of mine." He put out a tentative hand, and asked "Do you mind?"

Diane smiled and shook her head. "I guess such a courteous host is entitled to some small privileges."

"These are magnificent," he said, running his hands over her tits, and her smile widened as he reached down to feel between her legs. When he felt her wetness he looked her in the eye. "Shall we fuck?"

She nodded eagerly, and lay down on the nearest mattress with her legs wide, wanting to feel his eyes on her. Watching his face uncertainly, she reached down to pull apart her pussy lips, sighing with relief at his delighted smile. Reaching up, she tugged his apron off impatiently and gasped as she saw the obvious reason he had said Kay liked them big. Clarence was impressive, but this was awesome.

Suddenly she was filled with a mixture of apprehension, curiosity and excitement. She was apprehensive because she wasn't the least bit certain that such a gargantuan love muscle would be able to fit into her pussy without causing severe pain. It was almost half as thick again as Clarence's glorious pleasure pole and looked to be at least two inches longer. On the other hand she was curious enough to want to know for certain, and just the thought excited her to the point that her juices were already providing more than enough lubrication for her to want him to try. He stretched out beside her, sucking avidly on her nipples as his fingers explored her slit, taking his time stimulating her clit and judging her readiness. She began to moan softly, undulating her hips, and he moved between her widespread thighs, positioning the rubbery tip of his tool at the entrance to her femininity.

Closing her eyes, she tried to concentrate on relaxing her muscles as the giant cock was forced deep inside her twat, but she was unable to stifle a groan as her fuck tunnel was stretched until she felt certain it would burst. She was almost ready to plead with him to stop, when she felt him withdraw until only the head was still inside her, and then he slowly thrust back into her. A sigh of pleasure mixed with relief escaped her as she felt her cunt adjusting to his size, and she lifted her nipple to his mouth. Her excitement started to grow as he fucked her slowly and rhythmically and she lifted her hips to meet him. Matching his powerful thrusts, she looked up through slitted lids and saw Clarence stroking his erection as he watched Eric's cunt splitter driving in and out. With her eyes pleading, she opened her mouth wide, and he dropped to his knees and thrust his stiff rod between her lips. Having two cocks in her at the same time was another first for her, and she sucked passionately, willing both men to fill her with cum. She tried unsuccessfully to tighten her inner muscles around Eric's driving rod, but it proved unnecessary because the immense organ erupted, pouring a flood of hot lava deep inside her well stuffed cunt. Seconds later Clarence's tool delivered a load of sticky jism into her furiously sucking mouth.

As the two men withdrew their spent cocks from her cum filled apertures, she thought of a popular boast of the non white section of the population. Tonight she had "gone black" and she certainly in no hurry to go back. Unless of course Kay and Eric hosted another party, and then she would definitely be back.

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chytownchytownover 3 years ago
HOT And Sexy*****

Very entertaining read HOT! storyline with some HOT! sex!!! Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
One Star!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
One star

At best.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
5 Stars!

More, more more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
definately cant go back

once a ho always a ho

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Fuck tunnel LOL


kennyboy82kennyboy82almost 11 years ago
5 Stars!

Wow! What a fucking truly excellent story. Well written and so fucking horny. I loved the journey of a big titted white woman as she went black, my kind of thing altogether!

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