No Wrong Way to Do Me Right


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To her delight, he squeezed back and said, "You're right. Time to stop making a fool of myself over her."

"You haven't been making a fool of yourself, Tom. You've just been hoping for something that isn't going to happen."

"Thanks. And as for this Sam guy, I mean, wow! I'm just really glad he failed. Marie and Pete, they're the type where you just look at them and know they were born to be together."

Alexandra nodded her agreement and raised her wine glass. "Shall we drink up and then get to shopping?"

The department store in the Latin Quarter that Alexandra had in mind had a décor section, that much she knew, but she'd never shopped for it there before. Her main end was to spend some quality time alone with Tom in what she considered the most romantic neighborhood on Earth. As they reached the narrow, winding streets and she impressed him with her knowledge of how to navigate them, the skies began to threaten yet another classic Paris winter rain. Buoyed by the wine, she almost welcomed the prospect of getting soaked as they made their way to the Boulevard Saint-Germain. Her hand brushed Tom's several times as they chatted companionably, and once he raised his arm to point at something and - she was quite certain it was an accident - brushed her breast. She longed to tell him what a thrill that was, but satisfied herself with a maybe-later.

They made it to the store with minutes to spare before the clouds opened. Alexandra had no definite plans if they didn't find what they needed here, but she almost welcomed that prospect - it would guarantee more time with Tom. It proved unnecessary, as the first floor - which Tom good-naturedly argued was the second floor where he came from - no such thing as a rez de chausséein America - had a treasure trove of pink and red decorations - streamers, tablecloths, even crepe paper disco balls - set out.

"How bloody American, huh?" Tom quipped.

Alexandra laughed. "Yes, exactly. Once again they secretly love everything about you guys." That caught the attention of a middle-aged woman browsing nearby who apparently spoke English, for she laughed and nodded at them.

They were well into amassing their collection when Tom's phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the screen. "Marie!" he said. "Wow, that's inconvenient, isn't it?" Alexandra nodded her agreement but said nothing as Tom rushed down the nearest aisle and answered it. "Hi, Marie!"

"Tom! Listen, I'm sorry we missed you the other night at the pub."

"No problem. Alexandra told me you had a prior commitment."

"Did she! I mean, that's right, we did, yes. Listen, Pete and I had an idea this morning. I don't know if you've heard about this, but he and I have a rather nasty history with respect to Valentine's Day..."

"Yes, I have heard all about it."

"Oh, from Jane, no doubt!" Marie said. Tom opted to let her believe that. "Believe it or not, for once she wasn't overselling herself with that story. She really was the hero, more or less. Anyway, with the big day coming up and even though we survived that mess, we still really kind of hate the whole thing, so we're thinking of having an anti-Valentine's Day event at our place on the fourteenth. Maybe a potluck dinner, we haven't quite decided yet. Would you like to come?"

"Really!" Tom ran his free hand through his hair in a minor panic - how to diffuse this one? "Sounds like fun, but I think I might have plans for that night."

"Wow, you too?" Marie asked.

"Me too?"

"I mean, I just got off the phone with Jane and she told me the same. Anyone special, Tom?"

"Well, it's not Jane, I'll tell you that."

Marie laughed. "You'd make an interesting couple all right. Not a good one, but an interesting one. Listen, I've been meaning to tell you, there's someone we know who I think you'd really like. But if you've already got someone..."

"Oh, it's nothing like that," Tom said. "But it's...actually, it's something I think you and Pete might like as well, but it will be that same night. You'd be welcome to come if you can reschedule your dinner."

"What is it?"

"Can't tell you." Despite the winter's chill, Tom realized he was sweating.

"You think we'd like it but you can't tell us what it is...well, you do know how to make a gal curious, Tom!"

"Sorry! In any case, I'd like very much to hear more about this woman you've got in mind. No, there's no one else, at least..." He turned and cast an eye at Alexandra, who was chatting amicably in English with the woman they'd seen earlier. "At least I don't think so."

"Leave that with me," Marie said. "And I will think about rescheduling our dinner, especially since everyone else seems to have plans that night, but I'm not saying yes to anything until you can tell me, understood?"

"Totally, Marie. Thanks for the invite."


"So long."

By the time he got back to Alexandra, she was on her way to the checkout counter. "All good?" she asked.

"Not quite," he said. "Looks like they're trying to have an anti-Valentine's Day dinner that night."

"Oh, no," Alexandra said. "I mean, I can hardly blame them. I've had years when I felt that way, and I haven't been through anything like what happened to them."

"Well, I kind of sort of got her to reconsider," Tom said. "And no, I didn't spill the beans. Tell me..." He gave her a flirtatious smile, "You said you've had years like that. I take it this year isn't one?"

"Let's just say I'm cautiously optimistic it won't be one."

She was also cautiously optimistic the rain would stop by the time they'd paid and bagged everything. When it didn't, they found themselves standing in the store's vestibule, watching the harsh beauty of the late afternoon rain. "You see why they call it the City of Lights, don't you?" Tom said. "Because they need lights most of the time!"

"But it's lovely in its own way, isn't it?" Alexandra asked.

"I've always thought so." Tom's gaze lingered on her for a long moment after saying it. When Alexandra could think of nothing else to say, he went on. "Listen, if the rain stops before it gets dark, do you feel like a walk up to the Île de la Cité?"

"I'd love to!" It was scarcely four blocks to the bridge, and the rain did appear to be tapering off.

They waited a few more minutes to be sure, and then set off up the street. Alexandra took the liberty of hooking her arms though Tom's arm, in which he was also holding their new purchases. "Did you know the very first Frankish king had his palace there, in the sixth century? Can you even imagine that much history right in your backyard?"

"You know, Australia has the oldest civilization in the world," Alexandra said. "Over fifty thousand years."

"I wonder what the island looked like then?" Tom mused. "Oh, and no, I didn't know that."

Alexandra wasn't terribly interested in history at that moment. Tom's arm felt delightful and she ached to take the rest of him in her own arms right then. As they made their way across the bridge, she couldn't deny the lovely scenery.

The cranes surrounding Notre Dame were an unfortunate blight. "Hope I'm still in town when they finish the restoration," Tom said.

"I hope you are too." Alexandra couldn't help herself; she squeezed his arm playfully, and he laughed. "Just where are we going, if not the cathedral?" she asked.

"Let's go to the willow tree."

"What willow tree."

"Right at the tip of the island."

"Never been there," Alexandra said.

"I go there to chill out now and then, when studying is too much," Tom explained. "It's beautiful."

He was right, she saw when they arrived. With the shimmering lights on both banks and the dimming winter sky and the Seine splitting gracefully in two around them, she was only just aware of a few hardy tourists here and there speaking a language she didn't recognize.

"You must've seen this in a movie or two," Tom said.

"I'm not big on romantic movies," Alexandra said. "I take it you are?"

"Most definitely, and isn't this just the perfect scene for one?"

Alexandra could resist no longer. Drawn to Tom as if to an electromagnet, she threw her arms around him, hoping against hope he wouldn't mind. A split-moment later she felt his free arm around her as well, confirmation that he didn't mind, thank you very much! Feeling like the pseudo-European she often felt she was growing into these days, she kissed his cheek and welcomed his reciprocating on her other cheek. They both repeated it closer in, and on the third round their lips met.

There is nothing in the world like aching to hold someone and then getting to do it, Alexandra typed in her journal late the next morning. Wow! No call from Tom yet, but then it hasn't even been a full day yet. She re-read the line a few times, happily reliving the indescribable satisfaction of her arms around him.

Though he hadn't called yet, she had finally allowed herself to think about him a lot more than she'd dared do before. In the privacy of her tiny studio, she'd made more use of her vibrator that morning than in the previous few weeks combined. As the afternoon approached and she finally showered and dressed, Alexandra told herself she really ought to go out and get some fresh air no matter how chilly and grey it was outside. But before she could get as far as getting her coat on, she remembered what Tom had said about Sun Studios. With a firm admonishment to herself that it was time to let go of her ex of accursed memory, she turned her computer on and surfed Youtube for a few songs to learn more about what her once and future loves were so fond of. Maybe there'd be something she could make conversation about next time, whenever that turned out to be.

A few songs led to well over a dozen, blues and rockabilly of every stripe, all delivered in that deliciously primitive-yet-warm style that was all new to her. She was less impressed with the country sides, but they reminded her of her beloved late grandfather, so she listened to them all the way through as well. Nevertheless, she was almost glad when her phone rang midway through hearing the Miller Sisters croon "There's No Right Way to Do Me Wrong".

Her heart leapt at the thought it might be Tom, but she was not unhappy when she saw it was Marie. "Hello!"

"Hi, Alex. Listen, a couple of things. First, I talked to Tom yesterday. I didn't name names but I felt around a little bit, and now I know he hasn't got a girlfriend at least."

"Oh, that's great! For me anyway." Alexandra laughed. She was tempted to tell her friend everything, but she didn't want their other friends knowing everything when so much was still uncertain.

"I think so too, of course. Second, and I'm sure you remember why, Pete and I are planning an anti-Valentine's Day party -"

"Oh, Marie, it wouldn't do for me to come to that when I'm hoping to have a happy Valentine's Day!" Alexandra interrupted. "Besides, I think I have somewhere else to be that night."

"I didn't say what night it was," Marie said.

Damn! It had slipped out. Alexandra bit her lip. "Sorry, I assumed it was Valentine's Day, the fourteenth."

"It is," Marie said. "Geez, are we the only ones who don't have something to do that night?"

"Maybe you ought to let yourself like it again," Alexandra said. "I mean, it has been two years and you guys won that war, didn't you?"

"You sound like Jane," Marie said. "Never thought I'd have to say that. Anyway, yeah, we are reconsidering having it since no one seems to be available that night. Tell me, I know it's short notice, but what about tomorrow night?"

"For what, dinner?"

"That too if you want, but I meant...Pete and I would love to have you for another bath, if you're up to it."

"Just me?"

"No pressure, but yes."

"Yes! Sure, I had a wonderful time last week! Definitely."

"Great! Now, Alex, what is that awful music you're playing? Country and western?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I was...thinking about my grandfather. He loved this stuff."

"That's sweet. See you tomorrow?"

"It's a date!"

Neither woman had any way of knowing Tom, who was up to his eyeballs in corporate finance homework for the day, did nearly call Alexandra shortly after lunch. But he wasn't sure he ought to. Those kisses had been delightful, and after all, what had he expected when he brought a woman to one of the most romantic places in the world? But Marie had said there was someone she had in mind, and now he felt he owed it to her to at least meet the mystery girl. Besides, did he want to risk getting kicked out of their circle of friends if it didn't work out with Alexandra?

Before Tom could make up his mind about just what to do, Sandy called him. When he saw her name on his phone, he was delighted to realize he felt nothing more than he would feel if any of his male friends called. Free at last!

"Hi, Sandy."

"Tom!" She was crying. Tom had little doubt as to why. "You won't believe what Rajesh said to me last night! We were at a club and I spent the whole time trying to get close to him, I was even dancing with some ugly German guy I didn't even know because I saw him talking to Rajesh, and I finally get him cornered, and do you know what happened?"

"He said something rude and you coped with it by getting wasted, and you only just woke up," Tom said.

"You knew that?!" Sandy demanded. "Who told - how could'd you know?"

"Because I know you," Tom said. "I also know, no matter how much he hurt you, next weekend you're going to throw away your self-respect on those guys again, hoping maybe this time Rajesh won't act like the spoiled brat he is. But guess what, he will."

"Gee, you're all heart!"

"Yeah, well, speaking of hearts, Sandy, you know you could've had mine anytime you wanted."

"I know. I mean, not officially, but I guessed. But I can't help it, I like Rajesh!"

"But he doesn't give a shit about you, Sandy."

"Tom!" Now she was crying harder. "What kind of friend are you, to talk to me like that?"

"The kind who's sick and tired of watching you make a fool of yourself again and again."

"But you've always been so supportive!"

"Because I hoped you'd wake up. Now I see you never will. Not this time, Sandy, I'm sorry."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I've got homework to do, and there's someone who'll actually love me back now."

"Tom, I depend on your support, you know that!"

"You've got a really funny way of showing it, Sandy. Now I've got to get back to my books. Goodbye."

Sandy stared at the phone, as if she hoped some sort of explanation would emerge from it. How could he? Her most dependable standby, the one guy she could always count on to be there when she had a bad night with Rajesh and the boys...and just who was this someone new, anyway? He'd never mentioned anyone at the pub!

Alexandra. It had to be.

Sandy had noticed the way she'd been making eyes at Tom lately. Since she had no designs on him herself and she suspected he had a crush on her, she'd welcomed that possibility at first. But if it meant she couldn't count on him anymore when she needed a guy to make her feel desirable...

Sandy threw her phone down on her bed and leapt to her feet, feeling very energetic all of a sudden despite her hangover. All's fair in love and war, she reminded herself.

Monday brought no further news from Tom, but as Alexandra told herself time and again, they were both in class all day. More than once, though, her pupils told her she was looking happier than usual. She wondered if that glow was still showing when she arrived at Marie and Pete's flat for dinner.

Evidently it was, for they both remarked upon it over the pasta and wine. Naturally, Alexandra wanted to hear just what Marie had said to Tom. "Only that I had someone in mind for him," Marie said. "And he was very receptive."

"God, I feel like a schoolgirl at my first dance, almost," Alexandra confessed.

"You kind of look the part, too, just bursting with optimism," Pete said.

"He's right," Marie said. "Have you made some progress with Tom that we don't know about?"

"You could sort of say that." Alexandra could see she couldn't hide it completely. She had, though, made her mind up to keep most of the news to herself in light of what she suspected Marie and Pete were going to invite her to do - after all, it wasn't cheating as long as she was still officially single.

"Sort of?" Marie asked. "You know, it's funny. When I talked to him, he said he had something coming up that he thought we'd like but he wouldn't tell me what it was."

"Well, he hasn't told me anything like that," Alexandra said. "But...yes, we did talk a while the other day, and it was really sweet. I guess that's what you see."

"Oh, I'm glad!" Marie said. "Now, speaking of sweet..." Dinner being finished, she stood up and began collecting the dishes.

Alexandra followed suit. "Let me help," she said.

"Don't be silly, you're the guest!" Pete said from the kitchen sink, which he was already filling with water.

"Thanks, but the sooner we finish cleaning up, the sooner we can get in the tub," Alexandra reminded them saucily.

"I like the way you think!" Marie said, and there were no more objections to Alexandra lending a hand.

On her first visit, Marie had let Alexandra undress in private, so she could take as long as she needed before she was ready to bare all. This time around, there was no talk of that. Once they'd retired to the bedroom and Pete went into the bathroom to start the water in the tub, Alexandra took her jumper off just as matter-of-factly as could be.

"Nice bra," Marie quipped, just to have something to say as she unbuttoned her blouse and her own bra came into view.

"Thanks, but I'm sure you can imagine how eager I am to take it off," Alexandra said. For the moment, though, she didn't, instead unbuttoning her pants and sliding them down.

They were both down to their panties when Pete got back from the bathroom. "Looks like I missed the first act, huh?" he joked as he hurried to catch up with them.

They both laughed, and Alexandra greatly enjoyed watching Pete undress. "Hope you don't mind, Marie, but I sure like what I see here," she said as Pete pulled his boxers down.

"Quite the contrary," Marie said, putting an arm around Alexandra. "That's why we invited you back."

"What do you mean?" Alexandra suspected she knew the answer, though.

"Come on in the bath and we'll talk about it."

As soon as Alexandra was settled in the steamy water, she helped herself to a long look at Pete's hard cock. "I guess I'd better not ask which one of us that's for, huh?" she joked.

"Oh, I'm quite sure it's for both of us," Marie said. "And I don't mind in the least if the feeling is mutual, you know."

"Marie!" Alexandra exclaimed, feigning surprise. "You're not saying..."

"Well, no pressure," Marie said.

"And we know you're after Tom and we want to help there if we can," added Pete.

"But, while you're still single," Marie continued, "Pete and I talked about it the other night, and we both find your body very beautiful."

"You've been talking to Tom already, I see," Alexandra said, recalling she'd come out to him the other day - couldn't he keep a secret? But she kept her cool for now.

"Well, I'm sure he thinks you're beautiful too." Marie scooted over to sit beside Alexandra. "But as long as you're not an item can see what Pete thinks of you, and I've always wanted a fling with a woman too. Just to see what it's like."

"Oh, thank God!"

"Thank God for what?" Pete, sensing it was safe, sidled up to Alexandra's other side.

"I'm bi, and I came out to Tom the other day," Alexandra said. "For a horrible moment there, I thought he'd outed me to you. Should've known he wouldn't do that."

"I had no idea!" Marie said. "No, you're right, Tom would never..."