Noah's Starship Ch. 18


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"Sounds pretty restrictive, are you sure you don't want to try something radical? I can do colors too! I think this blonde flop on top could use some blue tips," the stylist said when Mike and I sat down in the salon chairs.

"No way, his boyfriend would hunt you down. Noah's a very whipped boy," Mike laughed.

"I thought you guys were from California? Sounds more like Saudi Arabia to me," The stylist laughed.

"Well, Iran actually," Mike laughed. "Navid likes his boy very innocent though; pure, simple, earthy California quiet nerd-boy. Can you do that look?"

"Sure, clean, boring, beautiful," The stylist said with disappointment as he ran his fingers through my hair. For some odd reason I suddenly really wanted to do the blue.

"How long does the blue last?" I asked.

"Noah! Don't even think about it! Karim would kill me. They'd assume I forced you!" Mike gasped.

"I could make it as temporary as you want! I have some styling gel that would color it if you just want to freak him out for a few hours!" The stylist bit his lip excitedly.

"No! Noah! Please! I take it all back. You're a wild and crazy kid! Karim promised I could trade in for a new BMW when we get home if this goes well. Please don't take away my dreams!" Mike begged.

"These guys sound intense, pictures please!" The stylist chimed. Mike took out his phone and we both went over to him to look. He showed a few pictures of Karim and then a lot of Navid. I was a little surprised by how many he had of Navid and even a few shirtless ones he had snapped from Navid's online posts. The stylist decided he liked Navid best and the two of them made some pretty lewd comments about him. I shifted uncomfortably.

"Damn, ok. Whatever pretty Persian boy wants," the stylist whistled. He gave me a simple trim and left the length on top once Mike explained that Navid liked something to hold on to when we were in bed. He added this treatment to it that made it really soft and a little wavy. He styled it so that I looked like I was in a boy band. Mike got a simple trim-up, styling his hair to look younger.

We shared a giant salad for lunch. We spent the afternoon in the rooms waiting for the guys to come back. Mike lounged while watching a movie. I did my homework.

Navid and Karim came back excited and ready to celebrate. The client had wanted to put a contract in for almost everything they showed him. He even brought his investor friends who were interested in getting into the Southern California market. Karim said they were all going to meet up with us for dinner and we were going to hit up a club afterwards.

"Noah, you look so beautiful. I like the hair!" Navid said as he kissed my forehead.

"A dance club? Like a bar? Like music and dancing?" I yelled excitedly when Navid told me.

"Yes, but... no alcohol and... you do not leave my side!" Navid looked at me with apprehension. He could see the excitement in my eyes and it drained the air out of him.

"I won't! Of course! What should I wear?" I jumped.

"Oh Noah... You don't know this world. Are you sure you don't rather prefer just go to dinner? I can make excuse and we come home and spend time together," Navid offered.

"No, we have to go! I've been trying to move that property near Chinatown for almost a year! These are the first nibbles we've had on it. I didn't even offer him the reduced price. We have to play nice with these Texas guys. They like to do business with friends," Karim ordered. Navid took a deep breath, caught between business and family.

"I think Noah is too young to get in and I don't want him lonely in the hotel room tonight," Navid argued.

"Gray is friends with the owners and we'll have a private area," Karim said and then continued in Persian. It wasn't meant for my ears.

When we were alone, Navid tried to talk me out of going again. He was making ridiculous arguments. He said I liked to fall asleep early and this would go past my bedtime.

"I'm not five... Are you worried some cowboy is going to sweep me up on his horse and take me back to his ranch?" I laughed.

"No... well... no..." Navid said without a trace of humor.

"Then what are you worried about? I'll be with you the whole night. What could go wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, but what if you like this? You do not know this gay world like this. The dancing, drinking, drugs, sex. It is not for good boy like my Noah. I worry you will see this and want to do this when we go home. Los Angeles is very more wild than here," Navid counseled.

"I'm going to be 21 some day. I'm going to want to do things... With you! Always with you," I assured. I put my hand against his heart and felt it racing. I hated worrying him. I knew he wanted me to decline the club and beg him to just do dinner and then come back to the hotel. I knew he would reward me with hours of playtime and tell me what a good boy I was. But I had been called a boy enough times that day.

"Noah... you are so innocent. You don't know how this life can suck you inside," Navid brought me into his arms. I buried my face against his chest, but then raised my eyes to look at his.

"I'm not saying all the time and stuff. I just... We have to be open to things. You are so stressed out and all we do is have dinner and sex every night. I know you work so hard and I appreciate it. I really do. I love you so much, but we have to have some fun sometimes... and you'll be there to make sure we have it responsibly. I do need you there to protect me, just not from... life. We have to do stuff every now and then... please?" I batted my eyelashes and tried to look pleasing.

"Ok... we do this... together. We will be ok together," Navid said and put his hand to my hair. He quickly laced his fingers through it and rubbed a clump between his fingers.

"Fuck that is... wow. What happens to your hair? Is baby soft," Navid exclaimed and I felt his bulge thicken up against my thigh. I told him about our morning at the spa and the stylist.

"Oh you can do blue tips, Noah." He laughed. "Why you make me sound like monster?"

"I didn't! Mike did! He begged me not to!" I laughed.

"I admit that I prefer you are natural. You are so beautiful as you are, Noah. But if you want a little fun that will fade quickly, is ok. You are not my puppy," Navid insisted.

"I said that! He didn't believe me," I added.

"Well. I suppose maybe I can be too controlative for you," Navid made up his own word. "I don't want people think I keep you in chains."


Dinner was boring. The guys were all middle-aged white guys and they all had wives and children except for Gray. Gray was close to Karim's age, in decent shape, and had spikey graying hair. He sat between Navid and Karim with Mike on Karim's right and me on Navid's left. The other guys sat across from us and they had a lot of questions about Karim's business and how things worked in California. They were testing their knowledge but Karim and Navid ably handled whatever was thrown at them. It seemed to be going well.

After the dinner, they had drinks at the bar while Mike and I walked around the little village area with shops and restaurants. This must have been their time to bond and make friends. Mike and Karim joined us an hour later with Gray in between them. The older, white guy had eyes for both of our men. He seemed to glow at their flattering attention.

We took a fancy car service to head to the club. It was a large SUV. Gray sat in between Karim and Navid while Mike and I sat in the back row, both a little jealous. Gray didn't seem to prefer either of his Persian "suitors." He alternated his flirtations between the two. They had all had a few drinks and Navid was pretty happy.

If Gray thought that getting Navid tipsy would loosen him up to flirtations, he was mistaken. Navid kept turning in his seat to look at me behind him. He rubbed my leg and made a reaching motion like he wanted to hold me,

The club was nestled into a strip of other clubs and all down the block there were gay couples holding hands and groups of them walking between the thumping beats. We got dropped off in front of building that looked like a large, brick warehouse. It had neon signs and a line of people waiting outside.

Karim and Gray headed towards the bouncer with Mike trailing close. Navid paused to wait for me and took my hand as I stepped down. He held my hand and we followed the others. Gray said something to the doorman and he waved them inside. He gave me a shake of the head, but Gray said something to him and he just waved us through. A man who looked similar to Gray met us inside and the two exchanged a hug and cheek kisses. I couldn't tell what they were saying because the music was thumping and the place was packed. He led us off to a small side area. The older man extended a hand towards me, but Navid held me firmly.

The man held up a small, pink, plastic wristband that said "Sober Life" on it and pointed towards my chest. Navid nodded in understanding that it would keep me from ordering a drink. Navid took it and snapped it to my wrist. He kissed my hand while the other guys started to walk off.

Gray motioned for Navid to catch up with them, he pulled me along until the crowd got thick and then he pushed me in front of him and crossed his arms in front of my chest. He guided me to follow the pack as we made our way to a private area in full view of the crowd. We sat around a c-shaped couch with a low table. A waiter came over and the guys got drinks. Gray ordered special non-alcoholic cocktails for me and Mike (I'm underage and Mike is in recovery if you're new to the story).

The guys got through their round of drinks while talking and laughing. Navid held a protective arm across my chest while I looked out at the dance floor. The floor was packed and the guys weren't half bad. There were a few guys close to my age, but it was a really mixed crowd with all age groups, cultures, shapes, and sizes.

I caught a few eyes looking back at me, but I quickly looked away. I didn't want Navid to have any excuse to ban us from going to clubs in the future. The more Navid drank, the more he ignored the other men and tried to get with me. He kept nuzzling his nose into my hair and rubbing my tummy. I knew he wanted to get me in the mood so that I'd demand he take me back to the hotel.

I looked over at Mike and Karim. Mike and Gray were talking about something with great interest while Karim leaned back behind them with an arm around Mike. The three of them were getting along nicely and Mike had a mischievous look in his eye.

"Can we dance? Please? I love this song." I begged as Navid cringed. He nodded reluctantly though and stood up. He said something to the other guys and they waved us off. He led me to a corner of the dance floor and we found an opening to join the crowd. Navid kept his arms around me and hugged me against him like it was a slow dance, but it wasn't.

It took him a few minutes, but once he saw that none of the other guys were going to grope me or carry me off, he loosened up. He is actually a pretty good dancer when he wants to be. Our eyes were locked on each other and we got lost in the middle of the crowd just dancing and rubbing each other. We made it through three songs (maybe four, they blend together) before someone bothered us. Navid had just finished kissing me when we were interrupted.

"You two are SO hot together. I'd pay to watch," A guy called from my left. We turned to see two white guys annoyingly close to us. They were cute enough, but I was there to dance with my guy. Navid put his arm up to our side to show them he wanted some space.

"Persian, right? I dated one in college. Fucking hung like a donkey," the other guy said to Navid.

"Yes, Persian," Navid said uncomfortably as though he was deciding between being flattered and offended. He decided to be flattered and his lips turned to a smile.

"You need a much sturdier bottom for that kind of cargo," The first man observed as he appraised me.

"Noah is very capable!" Navid laughed. The alcohol had loosened his tongue. The music was so loud that everyone had to yell to be heard.

"I'm sure you are too," the guy said and put a hand on Navid's shoulder.

"No touch! Noah get very jealous to share me. He can be so violent," Navid joked, but he pushed the guy's hand away firmly.

"Easy, killer. No one needs to get hurt here," the guy laughed.

"I can't control him when he get upset. Is good to not piss him off," Navid laughed with feigned fear. He was a happy drunk.

"That accent is so fucking hot," the other guy said. They were fully into Navid's spell. He seemed unaware, but was happy to have made new friends. They followed us back to our table area where Karim was rubbing on both Mike and Gray.

They had ordered another round of drinks so Navid had a fresh one waiting for him. He sat by Gray and pulled me onto his lap so the two new friends could sit.

"So why do you put up with such an abusive lover?" One of the guys said with fake pity. The look in his eyes said he'd say anything to keep Navid going.

"I am trapped. He is most beautiful, sun-kissed, California boy. What is better way to say I have success in Los Angeles than to have him by my side?" Navid said thoughtfully and kissed my neck.

"California? Really? That's so cool! I've been out there for business. It's so amazing. I would love to get out of this shitty state," the other guy said. I noted his southern twang.

"Texas seems nice so far. It's our first time here," I said.

"It's so conservative. Once you get out of Dallas or Austin it's pretty gross," the first guy noted.

"I've only ever lived in LA. We went to Utah once with friends for skiing." I noticed they weren't listening to me anymore. They were watching Navid as he got lost in kissing and rubbing various parts of me.

"I must do this to keep him calm," Navid said when he noted their stares.

"I can give you a hand if you need it," one of the guys offered.

"Oh no, he is much too dangerous. I would show you the bites he leaves on me, but we would be kicked out of here if I get that naked," Navid laughed.

"You poor thing," the second guy lamented.

"You make me sound awful," I turned towards Navid and twisted his right nipple.

"Ouch!" Navid jumped playfully but held me against him. "You see? I must get him home to give him his treatment. If I do not seed him every day, he gets worse.

The two guys protested. I'm not sure what they wanted from us, other than to watch.

Navid ignored them. He was too intrigued with petting my hair and kissing my neck. I felt chills through me as he held me in his lap. I turned to kiss him and the world around us disappeared.

"Can we go now, Noah? I don't wish for more alcohol and I need be with you," Navid whispered as he nibbled on my ear.

"I think we better before they insist on joining us," I whispered back with a laugh.

Navid made excuses and we got up to say goodbye. Karim was caught up with his two men and Mike seemed happy to share for the night. Navid ordered us a ride from his phone app and we headed back to the hotel.

He was pretty bombed and insisted on telling the driver how wonderful I was. Luckily, the driver was a cool, older Hispanic guy who found him amusing and handed me a bag so Navid wouldn't throw up in his car if the need struck. He got us safely there and I made sure to give him five stars and a good tip. I got Navid up the elevator and into our room. We brushed our teeth and he sang to me in the shower.

He professed his love again and again as we got into bed. I gave him some headache pills and a bottle of water before we passed out together.


The trip was a total success and he remembered his promise to take me costume shopping before we went to the airport. He got a superhero costume with a cape and tights. It would look so hot on him. He wanted me to get this costume that looked like a lego brick. I pointed out that we couldn't take it on the plane. Then he decided he wanted me to be a cookie monster. We settled on an astronaut costume.

We made it home late on Sunday and he checked over my homework before turning in for the night. He was so proud of his trip and their success. He said they were going to hire Aram on a trial basis to help out with the work and give Aram experience for after he graduated.

"We will have more trips like this, Noah. Is hard because you go to school for the week, but I cannot leave you. You know how painful it is for us to be apart," Navid said.

"I know... I can't sleep without you either," I admitted.

"Is ok. It show that we are made for each other. Is rare to find your perfect fit. To leave you is something I do not negotiate on. Karim knows this and can travel more. He understands." Navid nodded.

"Do you think they had a threesome with that guy?" I asked as we got ready for bed.

"Noah! That is not for you to ask," Navid laughed nervously.

"I'm pretty sure they did. I'm glad you didn't want us to do that," I said.

"Never! Why will I want that for my boy? But for them is their business. For us is different. We don't want that," Navid insisted. He really didn't want to talk about this.

"I don't ever want that," I noted.

"Let's go to bed, Noah. We speak of this no more," he affirmed.

We curled up together and quickly fell asleep. We had a long week ahead of work and struggle. I fell asleep against his heartbeat as he rubbed my hair and kissed it. He'd insisted on buying the stuff the stylist used on my hair. He'd found a new obsession. Life was good.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great chapter as always -

Yet the story is getting a smidge repetitive now. I know the love aspect is extremely important to Emri, yet the erotic nature of it is what keeps me going. It is getting a little too much of the same. The same sex, the same things they keep saying to each other.

I hoped Navid was gonna buy him a playboy bunny costume or something to spice things up a little.

btw, this is an erotic story that is not a full diary. Those who criticize; get off of your high horses. Not everything needs to be factual. It is an idealized version of the truth. Maybe in real life Emri is not even a blonde and maybe his man is not Persian but Arabic or Egyptian or smthng.

What does that change really? It is a good story, and Emri is not standing trial here!

Emri; do not pay attn to these meaningless complaints. You do not need some faceless internet nobodies' approval of your relationship. They still keep reading and Navid is hardly that controlling. I'd hope Noah gets less possessive and jealous himself and bring a girl or something to the bedroom for a threesome though. We need smthng.

Nobody will think they now love each other less just b/c they open up - you have more than convinced us that these two are Romeo&Juliet x 10000 on crazy steroids.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I love your story

But some of the things you say make me wonder about the validity of truth. Like you question where Dallas is but you are in college, strange comment for someone that makes high marks. Little things like that but overall love it and hope you continue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Oh please don't stop!

Now you've gone and made me have to comment again ;). Pretty soon you'll have me joining this site! Seriously, though, please don't stop. It is certain that not everyone 'gets' your relationship or beautiful life together. But most of us do. And it is brilliantly written. Live your life, love your Navid, and let us walk with you a little longer. All of us in long term, committed relationships really do get it. Even if ours is different than yours, it's nice to read about. Thanks for sharing with us.

tarzanacidetarzanacideover 7 years agoAuthor
Thank you

Thanks guys. I appreciate the feedback. Maybe I need to take a break and get back to just fantasy stories.

As far as what Navid says, He is very much in love and always praising and showing that. It's not always blunt realism. It's just his way and culturally who he is. I feel bad sometimes because I don't always think of something as sweet to say in return. He's also very protective of the innocence and togetherness of the relationship. He had a lot of bad experiences before with other guys and doesn't want that.

I guess we are kind of a boring couple though. We don't have a lot of arguments or craziness. Our biggest deal is finding time to be together and be good to each other. I tried to keep political stuff out of this story so I don't write about that side of things here. But thank you everyone for your thoughts. :) I appreciate them even if they aren't all glowing.

justagirlatheartjustagirlatheartover 7 years ago
First chapter I've read

If its based on reality and not fantasy I would imagine that the extreme's you go to in describing things like: we should not talk about what others might do (in reference to 3somes etc) seems rather ridiculous to me...and Navid so overly possessive to the point, that I would imagine in your later chapters Noah may tell him to go fuck himself at some point in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Anon b*tching about realism...

That is BS. I had a best friend who had Noah's looks and EVERYONE wanted to get it on with him or stare at him or protect him. Same when you have a tall dark fit foreign guy! We all love looks-people are voyeurs. Where are you from firstly? Both Noah & Navid are very trad handsome cute guys who live in liberal cities. This is no biggie-in fact what I'm shocked at is you don't get physically molested. Gay guys pinch your ass ALL the times as fun!

Re hole getting looser. Maybe everyone is different? I don't know but lots of gay guys who have slept around don't say you never have to go slow again!? They've been together for only a year or so in which he used to be a virgin plus they don't seem to have tantric sex...

I dunno but your whiney b*tchy ways are getting on my nerves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Settled down

I kind of like how the story progressed from a new relationship to the realities of being a couple. It's a good story, and I see parallels from long term relationships I've had. It doesn't always make for the most exciting storyline, but it's cool how they support each other and aren't trying to look around for excitement with others in the mix. I know a lot of guy couples who were together for so long and then opened up to others. If that works for them, ok. These two have found each other.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
A twist

I like that this story is different from the rest you've shared. It might need a little twist thought. I feel like there is some excitement much needed for this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

You say this story is based on your true life with someone like Navid. Then I think you should write this one more realistically. While every man you meet is gay top who is salivating on the main characters like Emerson or Lincoln or Caleb storyline works in your other stories, we know they work because they are fantasies. But since this is based on reality, it doesn't work well anymore that every man in the story who is a top wants to bang Noah's pussy or more precisely your pussy as you say Navid likes to call it.

Speaking of, if he is fucking your pussy every night, your pussy realistically wouldn't be as tight as you describe anymore, esp with as big a cock you claim Navid has. You also wouldn't wince in pain. I think realistic stories can be hot in their own ways.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

brilliant as always Emri xxx

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