Nora's Big Mistake Ch. 38


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In the Dino Lab....

Mana then told the group that the Elemental Gems prevent their holders from aging. Nora is disturbed to find that one of Loriane's paintings matches the sketch of Fury in her mother Caitlin's journal.

Suddenly, the alarm went off, alerting the teens to an attack. "Stryker is back," Nora said. "Let's go."

The teens get called away to a fight with Stryker's group consisting of Stryker, Venoma, Scrapper, Wrench, and Fury. The two forces met in an open field.

"Well, well well," Stryker said. "Look who's here? The Dino Warriors."

Scrapper laughed. "Seriously," he said. "These pipsqueaks are the Dino Warriors."

Willow stepped forward. "That's right," she said. "Stand down or else."

Loriane then noticed Fury lurking in the distance, behind a tree. "Fury," she said, pointing the monster out to Nora.

"Time to get prehistoric," Rena said. She looked at Nora, who was still concerned about Fury. "Nora."

Nora smiled. "I think it's time to get prehistoric," she said. The other girls nodded. They shouted "Activate Fury Power! Link To Element Force!" The teens then tapped their communicators to turn them into the Transformaters. They then presented their Element Keys and activated them before inserting them into the Transformators.

Stryker glared. "Drillbors," she said. A group of Drillbors appeared. "Blast them." The Drillbors then proceeded to fire energy blasts using their Blasters, causing explosions all around the ten girls.

The teens shouted "Energize!" They then pull the trigger by shouting "Unleash the Power!" and shoot into the air, forming a construct of their dinosaur's head, which flies around the teen; unleashing the power. The Dino Warriors slam their fist on the ground and make a pose that will create images of their respective dinosaurs roaring. Then they jump to the air and their bodies will be engulfed in energy, each in their respective color as they land on the ground, causing the energy to materialize as their suits. The visor on the Transformater then unfolds. The light from the Transformaters then intensifies, and tornadoes of energy, each in the Warriors' respective color, descend and swirl around the Warriors, creating images of their respective animal's heads roaring. The tornadoes dissipate to reveal their transformed forms, with their helmets missing the visors. The visors detach from the Transformators and begin orbiting the Warriors before transforming into the suit visors and finally flying onto the helmets, completing the transformation.

Nora unleashed her Fury Saber, swinging it around, generating waves of red energy. "Gorgo Fury," she said. "Red Dino Warrior."

Naomi unleashed her Fury Saber, swinging it around, generating waves of green energy. "Chasmo Fury," she said. "Green Dino Warrior."

Willow unleashed her Fury Saber, swinging it around, generating waves of blue energy. "Ankylo Fury," she said. "Blue Dino Warrior.".

Loriane unleashed her Fury Saber, swinging it around, generating waves of gold energy. "Ptero Fury," she said. "Gold Dino Warrior."

Rena unleashed her Fury Saber, swinging it around, generating waves of black energy. "Para Fury," she said. "Black Dino Warrior."

Star unleashed her Fury Saber, swinging it around, generating waves of aqua energy. "Stego Fury," she said. "Aqua Dino Warrior."

Kathy unleashed her Fury Saber, swinging it around, generating waves of purple energy. "Plesio Fury," she said. "Purple Dino Warrior."

Fiona unleashed her Fury Saber, swinging it around, generating waves of pink energy. "Raptor Fury," she said. "Pink Dino Warrior."

Chloe unleashed her Fury Saber, swinging it around, generating waves of graphite energy. "Pachy Fury," she said. "Graphite Dino Warrior."

Courtney unleashed her Fury Saber, swinging it around, generating waves of silver energy. "Titano Fury," she said. "Silver Dino Warrior."

"Power of Prehistoric times," they said in unison. "Dino Warriors."

Nora smiled as she punched the air. "It's time to get wild," she said.

Their suits were made of durable polyester fabric and reinforced with titanium-steel alloy. The suits were colored a dark version of each of the members' theme color while accented in black. On the chest, there was a symbol of their respective dinosaur. Their suits had a holster for their Fury Sabers and other various devices. Attached to the belt, there was a Dino Holder. Finally, their visors and helmets resembled their respective dinosaurs' heads.

"Bring it on, you colored termites," Scrapper said. The 10 heroes then charged at the villains, beginning the battle.

Stryker, Venoma, Scrapper, Wrench, and Fury proceeded to battle against the ten Dino Warriors. The Dino Warriors broke into five groups of two to battle each villain.

Nora and Naomi battled against Stryker, Rena and Star battled Venoma, Loriane and Willow battled Scrapper, Fiona and Kathy battled Wrench, while Chloe and Courtney battled against Fury.

The ten Dino Warriors battled using their respective Fury Sabers.

The Fury Sabers were the main sidearms for the Dino Warriors. When the blue button marked with the kanji for 'Technique' (技 Waza) was pressed and one of the Chargers is inserted into the Saber, it activates a finisher attack. "Fury Sabers -- Final Frenzy Fury."

When the pump is pulled back again after transforming, the Dino Warriors shouts "Energize!", allowing himself/herself to utilize the "Fury Saber Power Slash" attack while the Charger is inside. If a second Dino Charger is inserted into the Fury Saber, it allows the Dino Warrior himself/herself to utilize a stronger version of the Fury Saber Power Slash.

The teens also had their respective Fury Blasters. Each of these standard blasters featured a Baton Mode and a Blaster Mode. In addition, the handle can be detached and combined with a D-Lancer.

When the cylinder is spun again after transforming, the Dino Warrior shouts "Energize!", allowing himself/herself to fire the "Fury Blaster Power Blast" attack while the Charger is inside. If a second Dino Charger is inserted into the Fury Blaster, it allows the Dino Warrior himself/herself to fire a stronger version of the Fury Blaster Power Blast.

Despite being armored up, the Dino Warriors were quickly defeated by Scrapper and demorphed. Although not formally named, De-Morphing (or UnMorphing) is the opposite process to Morphing, wherein a Dino Warrior loses their morph state and returns to a "civilian" state. This loss of morph state occurs in one of two ways: the Dino Warriors themselves deactivate their morph state, or, the Transformater will force the Dino Warriors to De-Morph after they have taken too much damage or been knocked out.

Typically the latter scenario is the universal method to represent when the Dino Warriors are overpowered and/or defeated by an enemy. It is most likely a built-in Transformator mechanism to avoid further damage to the power suit and its weaponry. This mechanism is not always flawless, however, as power suits have been badly damaged before deactivation, such as Rena getting her helmet partially shattered. It should be mentioned, though, that the power suits in those instances were not forced to deactivate after such damage, indicating the morphing mechanism most likely follows the Dino Warriors' will and commands until further damage forces its deactivation.

When de-morphing voluntarily, the Dino Warriors often shout "Power Down!" with a few exceptions, such as the Dino Warriors saying "Dino Warrior (color) Power Down" or they could say, "Ninja Form!".

"Foolish little teens," Stryker said. "You will be destroyed." Stryker was weakened from the attacks. Stryker demands the teens turn the Elemental Gems over to her in one hour. With that said, Stryker and her forces teleported away. Nora spots Fury and decides to follow him, despite Rena stating that they should stick together.

Nora turned to Rena. "Fury obviously was signalling Stryker for something," Nora said. "I'll check this out and meet you later." Nora took off.

The other teens headed back to the Dino Warriors' base.

In the Dino Lab....

Rena smashed her fist against the wall, creating a dent in the wall. "Stryker and her forces were going to finish us off," she said. "What are we going to do now?"

Mana sighed deeply. "We are going to need to make your armor stronger and more durable," she said. "But, I don't know how we can do it."

The secret passage opened, revealing the parents of the teens. "I think we can help you with that," Alex said.

Naomi lowered her head down. "Mom," she said. "I'm sorry for not telling you that we are the Dino Warriors. Nora told us to keep it secret."

Alex smiled and nodded. "I understand, sweetie," she said.

Alex, Caitlin, and Eliza then worked together with Mana. They utilized the full power of the Elemental Gems and upgraded the following Dino Chargers; Nora's Red Gorgosaurus Charger, Rena's Black Parasaurolophus Charger, Willow's Blue Ankylosaurus Charger, Naomi's Green Chasmosaurus Charger, Fiona's Pink Velociraptor Charger, Loriane's Gold Pterodactyl Charger, Star's Aqua Stegosaurus Charger, Chloe's Graphite Pachycephalosaurus Charger, Kathy's Purple Plesiosaur Charger, and

Courtney's Silver Titanosaurus Charger.

"With the help of Mana, and your Elemental Gems," Alex said. "We've upgraded your Dino Chargers. You can now access a new more powerful mode called Dino Steel."

Dino Steel was developed by Mana and Alex as an enhancement to the Dino Warriors' morphed forms.

To activate Dino Steel, the Dino Warriors had to insert their respective color Dino Charger in their Fury Blasters. They then flip the mouth open and then close it again before sliding the barrel across their right arms. They then would shout out "Dino Steel! Armor On!".

"Dino Steel," Rena said. "That's so cool. Stryker doesn't stand a chance."

Naomi nodded. "If only Nora came with us," she said. "We would have a chance to defeat them forever."

Elsewhere in Central City....

Nora was following Fury. Suddenly, Stryker and her forces returned. "Master Stryker," Fury said. "How goes the plan?"

"Excellent," Stryker said. "As we speak, the Dino Warriors are returning to their HQ, leading Scrapper there. Once we verify the location, we'll destroy the HQ and everyone inside."

Nora grunted in response. She managed to catch Scrapper before he left to tell Stryker. Nora morphed into her Dino Warrior form and battled against Scrapper. She was still not strong enough, but the other Dino Warriors backed her up, bringing Mana's and Alex's new upgrade: Dino Steel.

"You guys know what time it is," Nora said.

"Time to get prehistoric," the team said in unison. They then morphed into their respective Dino Warrior forms.

Nora tapped her chest plate. "Gorgosaurus," she said. "Dino Warrior Red!"

Rena tapped her chest plate. "Parasaurolophus," she said. "Dino Warrior Black!"

Willow tapped her chest plate. "Ankylosaurus," she said. "Power Ranger Blue!"

Naomi tapped her chest plate. "Chasmosaurus," she said. "Power Ranger Green!"

Fiona tapped her chest plate. "Velociraptor," she said. "Power Ranger Pink!"

Loriane tapped her chest plate. "Pterodactyl," she said. "Power Ranger Gold!"

Star tapped her chest plate. "Stegosaurus," she said. "Power Ranger Aqua!"

Chloe tapped her chest plate. "Pachycephalosaurus," she said. "Power Ranger Graphite!"

Kathy tapped her chest plate. "Plesiosaur," she said. "Power Ranger Purple!"

Courtney tapped her chest plate. "Titanosaurus," she said. "Dino Warrior Silver!"

"Power of Prehistoric times," they said in unison. "Dino Warriors."

Naomi, Nora, and the other teens were ready. Nora turned to her team. "Guys," she said. "Lets armor up."

The teens each took a second Dino Charger, inserted it after pulling on the Fury Blaster's hammer to make the "mouth" open and close, the Dino Warriors can enter their Dino Steel Armor by spinning the Fury Blaster's cylinder along their right arms with the announcement "Dino Steel, Armor On!", where they are given silver spiked armor on that arm, as well as their personal weapons. The teens gained the following stats in Dino Steel; added a layer of protection and individual weapons not originally accessible in their default forms.

The Dino Warriors could use the new mode to summon armour and their personal weapons to face down monsters.

Scrapper was not afraid of the teens. "Drillbors," she said. A group of Drillbors appeared. "Attack." The Drillbors attacked the teens.

Nora was battling against five Drillbors using her Red Gorgosaur Smasher. It resembled a Gorgosaurus head. It was like a boxing glove.

The Gorgosaurus Smasher is the Red Dino Warrior's personal weapon. This weapon is capable of smashing through solid rock. It forms the back of the Gorgosaurus Chopper and the back of the Dino Spike. By powering up her own elemental powers, Nora could use the Gorgosaurus Smasher to deliver yellow colored energy strikes to an enemy.

"My Gorgosaurus Smasher will send you chromedomes back to the scrapheap," Nora said. However, more Drillbors appeared and surrounded her. One mounted her from behind and was preparing to fuck her hard and deep.

Rena looked and saw that her friend needed help. "Nora," she said. "Hang on." She blasted apart her Drillbors with her own weapon; Parasaurolophus Chopper. It was a white, yellow and black axe-like weapon with a long handle.

The Parasaurolophus Chopper is the Black Dino Warrior's personal weapon. It can fire powerful blasts and can be mimicked as an axe. It forms the barrel of the Gorgosaurus Chopper.

Rena then fired an energy blast at the Drillbor mounting Nora, destroying it. "Thanks Rena," Nora said. "I really appreciate your help." Suddenly, the two girls were surrounded by Drillbors. "Any ideas on how we stop them?"

Rena shook her head. Then she had an idea. "I have an idea," she said. "I'm gonna need to borrow your Gorgosaurus Smasher." Nora smiled and nodded. Rena took Nora's Gorgosaurus Smasher and her own Parasaurolophus Chopper. "Gorgosaurus Smasher and Parasaurolophus Chopper, combine." Rena extended the handle of her Parasaurolophus Chopper and secured Nora's Gorgosaurus Smasher right behind it. "Gorgosaurus Chopper, ready."

The Gorgosaurus Chopper is a combination of Red Dino Warrior's Gorgosaurus Smasher and Black Dino Warrior's Parasaurolophus Chopper. It can fire an attack called the Double Blast that can greatly weaken an opponent.

"Woahhhhh," Nora said.

"Time to take out the trash," Rena said. "Hyahhhhhhhhhhhhhh." She charged at the Drillbors, firing blasts of energy. "Hey, gearheads, here's a taste of Black and Red. Gorgosaurus Chopper, Double Blast." She then proceeded to blast the Drillbors, destroying them all.

Elsewhere in the same area, Willow was surrounded by Drillbors. They were all going to gangbang the young Kryptonian senseless. However, Willow wasn't a little pitiful girl anymore. She attacked them using her Blue Ankylosaurus Drill. It resembled a metallic drill with a handle. It had an image of a blue Ankylosaurus head on it.

The Ankylosaurus Drill is the Blue Dino Warrior's personal weapon. It is capable of drilling through solid rock and can deliver a powerful slash. It forms the tip of the Dino Spike.

Its finisher is the Ankylosaurus Drill Power Charge where Willow sticks it up to a monster's stomach and activates it, drilling into the monster and leaving a gaping hole in the monster's belly which tears them apart.

She destroyed three of the Drillbors easily, but two were preparing to fire laser blasts at her.

Star noticed them. She prepared her Aqua Stegosaurus Shield. It had three blades on either side with a squa stegosaurus head on it. It could block attacks. The Stegosaurus Shield is the Aqua Dino Warrior's personal weapon. It can be used for both melee and ranged attacks and is capable of returning back to the Aqua Dino Warrior when thrown. It forms the handle of the Dino Spike and the Triple Spike.

Star rushed in and blocked the attacks, protecting Willow. "Thanks Star," Willow said. The two teens were then surrounded by more Drillbors. Fiona flew over, carrying her Pink Velociraptor Claw. It had a raptor head on it and three pronged blades. The Raptor Claw is the Pink Dino Warrior's personal weapon. It is capable of delivering powerful slashes to enemies. Fiona slashed the drillbors, destroying a large amount of them.

Fiona smiled. Suddenly, they were surrounded by more Drillbors. "Looks like a time for the Triple Spike," she said.The Triple Spike is the combination of the Stegosaurus Shield, Velociraptor Claw, and Ankylosaurus Drill. It can be used for the Dino Pierce, an attack that is used in the form of an energy slash and a brutal stab attack.

Nora and Rena ran over. Nora was holding the Dino Spike Charger. " Weapons combine," Nora said. "Dino Spike, Activate."

The Dino Spike is the combination of the first five Dino Warriors' personal weapons with the use of the Dino Spike Charger. It resembles a giant javelin and is used to perform the team's finisher. Said finisher is the Dino Spike Final Strike where the Black, Blue, Aqua, and Pink Dino Warriors launch Nora into the air where she grabs it from the air, draws it back, and pitches it forward. The Dino Spike would then pick up energy, generating a yellow aura before impaling the enemy with enough force to destroy the army of Drillbors.

Even though they destroyed the Drillbors, Scrapper kept sending more. Loriane, Naomi, Chloe, Kathy, and Courtney realized that they had to destroy Scrapper. They each summoned their own individual weapons, which were the following;

Golden Pterodactyl Sword: The Gold Dino Warrior's primary weapon. It is a golden stylized-handled sword with a medium blade. It has Soaring Darts, feather shaped darts, contained within the hilt. It forms the upper blade of the Jungle Sword. It's main attack is the Ptera Lightning Blitz where Loriane energizes it with gold energy and performs a powerful double slash across the screen.

Green Chasmosaurus Fighting Fins: The Green Dino Warrior's primary weapon. It consists of two green dagger-like tonfas that, when combined together, are shaped like a Chasmosaurus frill. They form the crossguard of the Jungle Sword. It's signature attack is the Chasmo Crush where Naomi charges up her Fighting Fins with green energy and cross-slashes the monster.

Graphite Pachycephalosaurus Baton: The Graphite Dino Warrior's primary weapon. It is a graphite baton with a Pachycephalosaurus head. It forms the handle of the Jungle Sword. The Graphite Pachycephalosaurus Baton's signature attack is It can also perform the Pachy Crusher, where Chloe raises the baton high above her head. The sword glows with power and curves itself into an energy whip, which Chloe cracks and uses to destroy her enemies with a final slash.

Purple Plesiosaurus Fang: The Purple Dino Warrior's primary weapon. It is a stylised purple Plesiosaurus gauntlet and can be separated into two halves (one for each hand). It forms the handgrip of the Jungle Sword. It's signature attack is the Galactic Blast where Kathy charges up her Purple Plesiosaurus Fang with purple energy and performs a devastating diagonal top right to bottom left slash.

Silver Titanosaurus Axe: The Silver Dino Warrior's primary weapon. It is a silver stylised handaxe with two blades. It forms the lower blade of the Jungle Sword. It's signature attack is Titano Slash where Courtney charged her Titanosaurus Axe up with silver energy and performed a devastating horizontal slash.

"Looks like you're all alone, Scrapper," Nora said. The teens then combined their last five weapons into the Jungle Sword, which served as the team's short ranged weapon. All of the Dino Warriors' combined power goes into the enormous Savage Slash attack where they swing the blade around in a half circle before flinging the tip forward, extending the blade (now glowing yellow) to cleave down the monster's middle. Scrapper was now destroyed.
