Northern Lights


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All I hear from my left is a mumbled "Mmm." Ann is lying on her side, facing away, breathing rhythmically. Eileen looks over in her direction. "She's down." Her voice has dropped to a whisper. "I thought that might happen." She moves back to her lying position, her arms folded under her head. Then she looks silently and directly into my eyes.

I shift onto one elbow and turn to her. I am no longer making any attempt to pretend not to take in every inch of her body with my eyes; to witness a woman's nude body close up and real, not on the pages of a magazine, for the first time. Her eyes follow mine in silence as I contemplate her neck, the whiteness of her chest, the rounded mounds of her breasts, dark round areolae encircling hard, erect nipples, her flat, smooth stomach ending in a "V" of dark pubic hair. Her legs are crossed, one knee over the other, but as she feels my gaze she separates them, puts her feet on the ground, and crooks her knees up a little. In the light of the stars and the splashes of color I see that her inner thighs are glistening with moisture.

"Well," I whisper, not wanting to disturb the moment or Eileen's sleeping sister, "what shall we do?"

In spite of the seriousness of the moment, I really half-expect her to laugh, push me away playfully, say something about the stars, or the aurora, or something to break the mood, but instead she reaches out with her left arm, pulls me close, and kisses me. I feel her soft lips against mine and her tongue penetrating my lips and touching mine.

My experience kissing girls, while not nonexistent, has up to now been disastrous, with mashing of closed lips, collisions of teeth, and bad timing, but this time the kissing gods, aided by the grass, relent, and our lips and tongues gingerly and tentatively explore each other. I take my free hand, my left, and caress her cheek instinctively. She pulls back, takes a breath, and resumes kissing me.

My fingertips stroke her neck and move down her chest. There is the slightest pause in her breath and a hesitation in her kiss as my hand touches her breast. Her breath draws a little more slowly as I fondle her.

"Are you ok?" I can barely hear my own voice.

"Yes," she whispers. "It's just...I've never..."

"I know. Me either. I keep telling you," I chuckle, trying to lighten the moment.

I resume kissing her, a little more forcefully. My fingers tease her nipples, first one, then the other. She sighs softly in my ear. I am going on adrenaline now, on instinct, fearful of making a wrong move at every instant.

My cock is straining, begging for attention. I press my body to her side, my hardness up against her skin, as I kiss her neck and her chest. My hands creep down her flat, cool stomach as I kiss around her dark nipples. I feel her hand on the back of my head, stroking my hair, as I take one into my mouth and feel it, tight and hard between my lips.

She is fighting hard to keep quiet but I hear a moan escape as I move to the other nipple and suck it at the same time my fingers reach the patch of dark hair between her legs. Her legs part and I blindly try to feel my way through the warm slickness.

"Here," she says, taking my hand and guiding it to her slit. She parts her labia a little and places my fingers at the top, where I feel a warm, tight, wet mound amid the thick hair. Her breath becomes more excited and rushed as I massage it with my fingertips. She presses her right hand over my left as I work her pussy.

I feel the warmth of her left hand as her fingers encircle my cock and gently begin stroking. As much as I am enjoying the attention I am giving her bosom, I move back and start kissing her again, hard, our tongues hungrily probing each other. The feeling of someone else stroking my dick is new and thrilling and I am momentarily afraid I will come immediately. The fear subsides once we are in a rhythm of kissing, massaging, and stroking and I am lost in the pleasure of it all.

Eileen's sighs become deeper and quicker as my left hand begins to experiment -- massaging her tight rosebud, penetrating her soft wet pussy with my fingers, pausing and running my fingers along the slit, back to massaging her slit. She raises her head, her moans get a little faster, her breath quickens and her body begins to shake; just as I am slipping two fingers inside her she gasps, grabs my hand and pushes her vulva hard against it. Her legs slap together over my hand and clench it, vise-like, as she gasps and moans. Liquid splashes over my hand as the inside of her pussy contracts on my fingers.

This continues for a few seconds until, finally, she lays her head back, takes a deep breath, releases my hand from her grasp, and smiles in spite of the tears I can see making their way down her cheeks. She is still holding my cock in her hand, although she had paused her stroking in the midst of her orgasm.

I take a quick look over my shoulder. Ann is still sleeping, her blonde hair, white in the starlight, pillowing her, one arm at her side, the other modestly covering her pubic area. I turn my attention back to Eileen, who is now on her side, facing me, eyes on my penis as she strokes it. The head is slick with pre cum and she uses it to lubricate the shaft.

I lean forward and kiss her, like somehow I've become an expert at it. "Wow," is all she can say. I assume she's talking about her climax, since my cock is really nothing to say "wow" or write home about. Actually, I assume she's talking about the whole situation.

She takes her hand away and gently pushes my shoulder until I am flat on my back. She leans over me, her breasts swaying as she kisses me. When our lips part, she looks directly into my eyes. "Wait here," she says, as if I am planning on going somewhere. She gets up, stands over me in nearly the same pose she did this afternoon, a million years ago, turns, and pads down to the shore.

A tinge of yellow has added itself to the mix of lights overhead, blazing with more brightness now that the moon is out of sight. It almost looks as if we are beneath a giant dome and colors are being poured onto it, washing down to the edges of the sky.

In the neon glow of this light Eileen returns to me, spirit-like, stepping carefully through the stones, her hands cupped together. Slowly, carefully, she kneels by my side and opens the bottom of the "cup." I feel cold water flowing down on my penis. It invigorates me further, makes me more erect. A stifled cry of pleasure escapes my throat. Eileen's soft hands spread the water down the base of my cock; I feel the coolness of her palm as she cups it around my balls.

She leans forward, briefly touches her lips to mine, and then, to my surprise, in a night filled with surprises, takes my cockhead into her mouth. I feel the softness of her lips and the moistness of her tongue; my cock leaps forward at this new sensation. As I look at her, her dark hair falling on each side of her face as her head rises and falls, I feel a sense of awe at this gift she has given me.

I yield all control to her and give myself up to the moment as she strokes my dick with her wet lips. My body tells me to explode immediately but my mind finds the strength somewhere to hold it in check.

I glance over at sleeping Ann. Her body has shifted; she is facing us but her eyes are closed and her breathing still deep and rhythmic.

Eileen lifts her head and the breezy air cools my penis. Once again she moves up to my face and kisses me. I have a very brief moment's hesitation but overcome it, kissing her fully, my tongue and hers in an embrace. My palms capture her swaying breasts and my thumbs caress her nipples, dark, erect, and hard. She brings one up to my mouth and I suck it, teasing it with my tongue. I know what I want to happen, but this is all too unreal to me to even hope.

Then she moves her right leg over me and lowers herself on to my abdomen, straddling me. I can see the lights dancing in the sky over her shoulder. I feel her moist, wet slit below my belly button, just above my pubic hair, the crevice between her buttocks up against my dick. She leans over, her breasts crushed against my chest. I can feel her hard nipples against mine. She kisses my neck, tickling it, until her lips are at my ear. "I hope this is right," she whispers. "Like I said --"

I stop her with a kiss and remind her that I haven't, either. I don't tell her that I am absolutely terrified that I'm going to screw this up, too.

She lifts her butt and slides back a couple of inches, leaving a thin trail of her wetness on my stomach, and positions her vulva just above my cockhead. My dick can feel the heat from her pussy as she wiggles into position, my penis grazing the moistness of the slit. She is still hunched over me, her nipples teasing my skin as they sway over me, and I watch her face as she lowers herself onto me. Her eyes widen and there is a touch of surprise in them as she feels me inching inside her. The tip of my cock is warm and damp with her slippery walls wrapped around me; the warmth extends, millimeter by millimeter, as her pussy lips find their way down enveloping me slowly.

Just below the head, there is a bit of an impasse. It seems for a moment my cock has reached the end of the road, an obstruction. Eileen lifts her hips and strokes downward a few times. My dick, hard and thick, prods upward in small strokes. Eileen decisively takes a breath, holds it, raises her butt, and thrusts down hard in one quick stroke. Her face grimaces in pain and she lets out a cry as my cock breaks through and buries itself in her. We pause and I reach my arms around her and embrace her. I am fully inside her. I can feel her pubic hair against mine. Our cheeks touch as we lay there motionless, our bodies pressed against each other.

I hear her sob slightly and Catholic guilt rushes over me. "I'm sorry," I whisper, actually ashamed that my cock is still hard inside her.

She kisses my cheek. "It's ok." I hear the beginnings of a laugh. "We're just not virgins anymore."

She lifts her head and kisses me warmly, wetly, on the mouth. Her body still pressed against mine, her hips begin to undulate, her pussy stroking my penis slowly at first, then faster and harder. My cock swells, big and hard, and fills her. Her breath quickens and I feel our hearts beating together. My arms are around her as we push against each other in time, my cock reaching deep inside her with each of her downward thrusts.

As our bodies grind against each other, an image comes to mind and I can't help but chuckle.

"What?" She can barely get the word out breathlessly.

"The beast with two backs." I can barely get the words out between strokes and kisses.


"Shakespeare...Othello...we read it last year." I gasp for a minute, holding my breath, trying to keep myself from cumming right away. "The hero doing it with this guy's daughter." Another gasp. "These people tell the father....his daughter is making the beast with two backs..."

She laughs and shuts me up by inserting her tongue into my mouth. The only sounds are our grunts and our heavy breathing as we smash against each other. My cock strokes hard and deep inside her and begins to throb; she begins to moan and I feel like the silky inside of her pussy is beginning to pulse.

I hear a slight gasp to my left. Ann's eyes are open and she is watching us. Her legs are slightly parted and I can see that she is rubbing herself as she observes us. I can feel my dick beginning to tingle, the base beginning to throb. I am too wrapped up in the pleasure of it to say anything.

I turn back to Eileen and kiss her hard. My cock is about to explode. Frantically, I slip out of the warmth of her pussy and stroke it on her petal-like lips a few times. Her body freezes and I feel a small amount of moisture trickle out of her vagina onto my balls as she slams herself against me.

My ass clenches and I feel my shaft begin to spasm as I erupt hard between our melded bodies. The contractions continue for long seconds as I cry out in pleasure. I hold her tight against me as I come, looking over her shoulder, seeing the lights in the sky pouring over us, far above.

We don't move for ages, waiting for out breathing to become regular and our beating hearts to slow down. "Are you ok?" I whisper in Eileen's ear.

She raises herself over me a little and, in reply, asks teasingly "What would you do if I gave you a hickey right now?" She sees the resistance in my eyes and laughs. "Are you all right, Ann?" I wasn't aware she had noticed her, but I guess it was pretty obvious.

Right now Ann is lying on her back, her tiny bare feet flat on the rocks, her knees crooked up, masturbating vigorously. The sight of her touching herself and the moans coming from the back of her throat get me hard again immediately, a feat I will appreciate tremendously decades later.

Eileen feels my hardness against her abdomen and smiles. She reaches between us, both of our bellies wet with my come. Her fingers wrap around my well-lubricated cock and stroke it as we watch Ann rub herself, her hips bucking upward as she closes in on her orgasm. The fingers of her left hand are inside her pussy, with her right hand she is pinching her small, pointed nipples, and her cries split the night. I am briefly afraid she will wake up the camp.

Then her cries stop suddenly, her face and chest turn a deep pink we can see even in the dark of night, and she exhales long and hard. After taking a deep breath she relaxes her legs and turns to us.

Eileen strokes me just a few more times and with a few spasms I empty just a little more of myself onto her fingers and my stomach. She collapses next to me, her arm around my stomach. Her naked body is warm and comfortable next to mine.

Ann moves up against my other side to share in the warmth of the moment. I'm tempted to put my arm around her as well, just for comfort, but the girl to whom I've lost my virginity is stroking my stomach and kissing my shoulder so I think better of it. Instead I reach around Eileen and let my hand rest on her ass.

Ann passes her hand across her forehead and sighs. "Well, that was ... something...that" She cocks her head a little to the side. "But next time you guys do that you can leave me behind."

With that, Ann touches exactly upon what I am wondering. Is there a next time? Was this something that just happened to happen? If I hadn't gone out to take a leak tonight we would both still be virgins. Were we just high, horny teenagers? It's not like Bruce, Brian, or Brendan would have been this fortunate out here.

Or was there a connection between us? From the day they got on the bus and sat across from me and noticed the Raymond Chandler paperback I was reading, to our leading the group in John Denver songs while we were paddling, to our jokes about the crappy freeze-dried dinners we were given, we did seem to be, all three of us, on the same wavelength. But, as my subconscious keeps reminding me, deep down I'm still me, still nerdy film buff, soon-to-be-English major Rich. This stuff doesn't happen to me.

Except that ... it did.

I turn to Eileen. "Next time? So, are we a couple?"

I hear Ann giggling quietly on my left. Eileen raises herself on one elbow, leans over, kisses me fully on the lips, and leans back, her gaze on the light show above.

With a grin and a short laugh she says, "Well, we're just going to have to find out, aren't we?"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

My awesome wife of almost 40 years and I have camped extensively in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. A couple of times, we have been lucky enough to make love under the Northern Lights. I highly recommend it. 5 stars.

SmuttyandfunSmuttyandfunalmost 3 years ago

Really well written story, and not just for a first effort. So descriptive, made you feel like you were there. I really like your style. Now I'll have to read more of your work.

th0ts0vuth0ts0vualmost 3 years ago

Great story. I had to smile at your description of June. We were there two months before this story is set. We paddled up to the border and then headed back south. We had ice a couple of nights and portages through rain and mud a couple of times. Great memories. 😀

chytownchytownover 3 years ago
Excellent Description Of A First Time Story*****

If only it has been that easy back in the day. Good read thanks for sharing.

theo_minortheo_minorover 3 years ago
Lovely. . .

Very sweet, tender First-Time story. There's something incredibly sexy about teenage camping trips, isn't there?

You also remind me of the time my wife and I snuck out at night to make love on the beach of Lake Michigan, and were blessed by the Northern Lights filling the sky above us as we mated. . . Sweet memory, that. . .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great first effort!

Excellent "first time" for you and your characters. More of this story, if you please.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassalmost 4 years ago

Virginity usually isn't "lost"

It generally is given away--with great enthusiasm! :)

Great story. I'd be willing to read a sequel.

CanadianMCanadianMalmost 4 years ago
Nicely Done

Well written, nicely developed... enjoyed it.

fd8984596fd8984596almost 4 years ago

What a GREAT 1st post!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great read

Excellent story, well written. Looking forward to more.

raucousraucousalmost 4 years ago

We had a cabin not far from the Boundary Waters when I was growing up in the '70s. None of my canoe trips from there were anything like this but it's a great take on what could have happened to add to my memories of those trips. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Brought back a flood of memories!

I Loved it! Had a similar experience just after graduating from high school on my last trip as a Girl Scout.

My first happened on a similar two week, 60+ mile canoe trip In 1977 on Ross Lake in Washington states north Cascades, all the way to the end of the dammed up lake across the Canadian border.

There were around 9 girls and 11 guys from Girl and Boy Scout Troops all of us 17 or 18, Either new seniors or just graduated seniors with two adult (married) chaperones. The girls would wait until just before dark to find a secluded spot to skinny dip apart from the guys who were Supposed to be doing the same. I remember to this day just how icy cold the lake water was even in late July.

I’d been eyeing up a guy, Chip who I knew pretty well from high school. My best friend Ginny had been doing the same with a boy called Stu. On the second day, Ginny and I had both managed to swap out our original canoe partners for Chip and Stu. About the Third evening Ginny and would stay behind and be the last of the girls out of the lake. About the same time, two rather interesting boys were doing the same. Eventually finding our secluded swimming spot!

Ginny and I were both virgins with our “virgin freshness seals” intact, I know Chip was and I’m pretty sure Stu was as well. It didn’t take long for the four of us to figure out something completely natural to do with our spare time in the evenings. We had a whole lot of fun teaching and learning.

Like a lot of girls then, Ginny and I were both on the pill (to regulate my periods, really). Even so after we got back home, both Ginny and I were on pins and needles waiting for Auntie Flo’s next visit. Lucky for both of us, she arrived right on time!

Chip and I dated all through college, broke up for over a year and came to our senses and have been married for almost 38 amazing years! Thank you for reminding us of a long ago canoe trip that brought us together!


Wark2002Wark2002almost 4 years agoAuthor
Thank you!

Many thanks for the positive comments! It's been a good 40 years since I put anything "out there" for an audience to read, aside from personal storytelling shows, and the comments and the votes have been, well, as the actress Ruth Gordon said when getting her Oscar at age 72, "I can't tell you how encouraging a thing like this is ..."

There is a follow-up I could put out there. I have something else I'll be finishing up soon, and then I'll work on it.

Thanks again! And keep in touch!

Crusader235Crusader235almost 4 years ago

Excellent story, excellently written. How cool to lose your virginity under the northern lights, talk about a memory! I, like allot of readers would like to hear there rest of their story. Thank you for this one!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Finally, a first-time story that's been proofread! I would have liked, though, if you had shown the relationships developing before they went skinny-dipping. I'm looking for more of your work.

The Comma Monster.

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