Notes From The Underground


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Below and in front of her, Krystyn also cried out. After removing the tubes from Krystal's body, Susan had positioned herself behind Krystyn and taking a short crop with a brush-like end, she began to rub her exposed ass. Krystyn moaned and her body stiffened when she felt the brush-like end of the crop against her buttocks. Although the soft fibers of the crop did not feel particularly threatening, Krystyn recalled that Susan had promised to spank her in public, and as such, shivers went down her spine. To the side and above her, Krystyn could hear Krystal cry out and feel the splattering of the enema and urine along her back as Krystal expelled the pent-up liquids from her body. Instinctively she turned her face away; at that moment, Susan struck her with the crop. The result was a light but stinging pain across her entire buttocks. Krystyn let out a sharp yep of surprise and reflexively squeezed her buttocks tightly together. Immediately she regretted her forgetfulness; the inside of her ass and the crack of her buttocks felt as if they had been set on fire. An intense burning sensation filled her insides, spreading outwards over the skin of her backside. Krystyn screamed in pain and pulled against the restraints that held her fast to the padded sawhorse. Wiggling her ass she cried "Oh god, no! Oh god! It's burning, please, oh god!"

Around her, Krystyn could hear the crowd roar and erupt in laughter. However Susan did not pause; in quick succession she struck Krystyn again, striking her exposed bottom three more times. Krystyn tensed her body and raised her head and cried out again, tears running down her face, her entire backside felt as if it was on fire, both inside and out. Wiggling her bottom from side to side she frantically tried to gain whatever relief she could. However after a minute or so, the worst of the burning subsided and Krystal slumped down, resting her head on the padded surface beneath her. Her stomach, thighs and lower body felt wet and Krystal gasped her horror and blushed as she realized that she had lost control of her bladder. Oh god! Her embarrassment was so intense! But she could also feel her pisshonie quivering with excitement. How can this be, she thought? I'm I a slut? One of those girls Headmistress Echo had warned them so ferverently about? Oh god! What has become of us? Looking up she could see Krystal lewdly wiggling her body against the apparatus that Susan had fastened her to…

The itching began as soon as Krystal finished expelling the enema. Both her ass and pisshonie screamed for attention and Krystal wiggled her body frantically against the poles that held her upright against her will. Blushing, she moved her torso downward and that's when she felt the nipple against her ass. As she moved further down, the nipple seemed to extend upwards and into her; at the same time a second nipple, this one in front of her, appeared from the bar between her spread legs and moved into her pisshonie. "Oh god!" moaned Krystal as she fully lowered herself onto the bar between her legs. Immediately she felt a slow trickle of water inside her ass, but the nipples in her pisshonie and bottom felt so good! Rocking her hips back and forth she moaned as tingles of pleasure ran through her groin and down her thighs. "Oh god, yes!" she screamed.

Susan did not allow Krystyn any reprieve. Using the crop she continued the spanking, lightly striking her bottom and the backside of her upper thighs slowly but rhythmically. The initial stinging sensation gave way to a dull ache and Krystyn could feel her backside becoming warm. Inside her pisshonie she felt the strange egg-shaped object Susan had placed there earlier move within her. "Oh god!" she moaned as small quivers of pleasure pulsated from deep inside her. Despite the discomfort and intense embarrassment of the spanking, Krystyn became excited and she moaned again as her pisshonie quivered over and over again in time to both the spanking and the vibration within her. With each passing second and each new blow from the crop, Krystyn became ever more excited until she was frantic; however the object Susan had placed inside her was insufficient to generate the pleasure wave she so desperately craved. Wiggling herself against the padded surface she found a slight bump directly beneath her pisshonie. "Oh god!" she cried out, rubbing herself against the bump. How can I be doing this? She thought as embarrassment filled her mind. But her shame only seemed to accelerate her passion; within a few seconds Krystyn found herself shamelessly rubbing her pisshoine against the padded surface of the sawhorse. "Oh god! Yes!" she moaned. She could feel the pleasure wave starting, deep inside her pisshonie like a dull ache, ready to explode….

Krystal pulled herself off the nipples and expelled again, liquid splattering against the pole behind her and onto her skin. As soon as she was done, she immediately thrust her ass back onto the nipple and pumped her body across the bar between her legs. As if from far away she could hear the crowd laughing and jeering at her and for a moment shame filled her mind. Oh god! How can I be doing this? She thought. Headmistress Echo and warned them about such girls: shameless sluts who would do anything for attention or to gratify themselves. Is it true? Am I such a girl: a slut? But the itch between her legs was too strong, too demanding, and Krystal became frantic for relief; thrusting her hips wildly back and forth she could feel the nipple in her pisshonie moving inside her, bushing against her pleasure spot. Within a second or so she felt her entire inside quiver and tense; the intense uncontrollable spasm of pleasure exploding outwards across her body….

Although neither Krystyn or Krystal were aware of the other, they both came almost at the same instant, their cries of passion filling the night air above the jeering of the crowd. When their pleasure subsided, Krystyn looked up at Krystal and said "Oh god Krissy, what have we done?" But Krystal just stared back at her, her eyes blank and glazed over. Krystyn tried to raise her head, but both her body and mind we exhausted from her ordeal and everything seemed to spin sideways and up and an impossible angle. Slumping forward Krystyn passed out; above her, Krystal rolled her head to the side and fainted as the crowd continued to jeer and laugh at them.


Kathryn sat on her heels, facing Diana, legs spread and blushing. "Kiss her" commanded Katrina. Kathryn blushed even deeper and bending forward kissed Diana lightly on the lips.

"Come, come, my dear" said Katrina. "Don't be shy."

Kathryn blushed still deeper and looked down at her lap and exposed pisshonie. God! This was so embarrassing she thought, yet she could feel her pisshonie quiver again with excitement. Although she would not have believed it possible a few hours ago, she had enjoyed being with Diana as well as Katrina. There was something about the older salve that she found intensely compelling and the physical intimacy they shared profoundly fulfilling. Somehow she knew that she loved Diana and wanted to be with her not only physically but in every other way also. Still it was hard to overcome her inhibitions. It was clear that Katrina wanted them to know and have each other and to be part of the bond she shared with them. Kathryn wanted this too, but her shyness kept her from fully embracing Diana.

Diana seemed to sense her natural emotional reticence and reaching out with her right hand she stroked Kathryn's cheek and hair. "You are beautiful Kathryn" she said.

Kathryn blushed again and glancing up looking into Diana's eyes. Diana smiled at her, her eyes deep and longing. Bending forward she kissed Kathryn passionately on the lips, her hands running over the younger woman's shoulders and down onto her enormous breasts. Kathryn kissed her back and with in few moments their kisses became more intense and passionate as their hands aggressively caressed each others bodies.

When they paused for a moment Katrina said "Show me and each other your mutual desire. Rub yourselves".

Kathryn blushed; she was wild with desire from kissing Diana and she so wanted to show the older slave how much she wanted her. Sitting back on her heels and spreading her legs as wide as she could, Kathryn began to shamelessly rub her pisshonie.

Diana followed suit and looking into Kathryn's eyes she said "Kathryn I…I…"

Kathryn's blush deepened at Diana's unexpressed sentiment. Her longing for her was so strong and intense, yet she was also ashamed of herself. God! Never in her wildest dreams had she thought about rubbing her pisshonie so wantonly and so passionately in front of another woman, while a third watched! But desired gripped her and it was impossible to control herself. The embarrassment and shame that filled her only fed her passion and her need to expose herself this way. Within a minute she started moaning "Oh yes! Oh god, it feels so good!"

For Diana desire also seized her mind and her heart. She wanted Kathryn so desperately and she longed to share herself completely with the young woman. Masturbating like this in front of her was so intimate, so self-revealing, that she ached with the emotional connection it afforded. "Oh god!" she moaned. "Kathryn, I want you so bad!"

But Katrina interrupted their passion. "Stop!" she commanded.

Kathryn moaned. Oh god! She wanted to share herself with Diana so badly. They had been so close! "Please Mistress, please!" she pleaded. "Let us continue, please!"

"Stop!" repeated Katrina.

"Yes Mistress" said Kathryn "but please, I beg you, let us share ourselves as you said, please!"

"You both have such strong passions" said Katrina running her index finger along her slit. "I am very pleased to see your mutual desire for each other. This is as it should be; however true passion requires knowledge to be fully embraced."

Kathryn sat back on her heels, a shudder from her frustrated desire shaking her body. Confused she said "Mistress I don't understand, what knowledge?"

Katrina smiled and stroked the right side of her clitoris with her finger. It was hard and throbbing; this was the moment she was waiting for, her orgasm would be intense, satisfying. "The knowledge of yourself; you both lack this basic awareness, and as such your passion is incomplete."

Kathryn looked at Diana still perplexed. She had no idea what Katrina was talking about, and from the look on Diana's face she was equally mystified. However, there was a spark of caution or perhaps fear in her eyes and this gave Kathryn pause. Kathryn had been puzzled ever since the awful night of her wedding. Phoebe had tried to answer her questions but she seemed just as confused as Kathryn. Katrina and been kind and even loving towards her, however the little information she had been disposed to provide had been less than edifying. It was obvious to Kathryn that she lacked some fundamental understanding about herself and her life which was preventing her from obtaining the answers she sought. Perhaps Katrina had been waiting for proper moment to tell her; meeting Diana had been strangely revealing, and in some ways almost liberating. However so many things still remained obscure. Maybe now Katrina would clarify…"Mistress, I still don't understand" said Kathryn.

"Of course you don't" said Katrina, stoking her clitoris again. "Neither does Diana."

The alarm in Diana's mind was sounding again, loudly and urgently. Something was wrong, she could sense it, almost touch it. All her experience with Katrina and Zax told her as much and she could feel her body tense, like a deer suddenly hearing the approach of a predator. "Kathryn…" she said.

"Mistress, please explain" said Kathryn.

Katrina smiled and rubbed her clitoris with the side of her finger, a small shudder of pleasure running through her pussy and her body. The anticipation was building along with her orgasm; she would time both perfectly for the maximum pleasure. "Knowledge must be experienced to be properly understood my dear" she said "and it also comes with a price."

"What price?" Kathryn asked.

"The price of understanding" said Katrina. "Do you truly wish to know?"

Diana's face went pale, the alarm screaming almost painfully through her mind. "Kathryn, please…"

"Yes Mistress" said Kathryn. As usual Katrina's approach seemed vague and obtuse, but Kathryn sensed that the moment had finally arrived when she would get to answers to so many questions.

"Very well" said Katrina running her fingers over her pussy. Almost…. "Then rub yourself, my dear and remember that like passion knowledge is always desired but often regretted." And looking at Diana she said "and you too, rub yourself."

Kathryn was bewildered but she reached between her legs and touched her pisshonie. She could not understand why Katrina wanted her to perform this embarrassing act or what it had to do with telling her about herself. Blushing she looked at Diana who shook her head, her face pale and worried. However Kathryn's mind was excited by the physical passion of her body and the anticipation of having her questions answered. The embarrassment of touching herself in front of Diana and Katrina fee her desire and her body shuddered with pleasure. Moaning she said "Mistress, please tell me, please!"

"In a moment my dear" said Katrina, lightly stroking herself. She was on the edge; it would not take more than a stroke or two. Timing, timing was everything…"You must first show me your passion to know. Diana knows the price of knowledge, but she is reluctant in her desire. Tell me your secret desires and show me that your passion is greater than hers; cum first, for me my dear so that you may know."

"Oh god, yes Mistress" moaned Kathryn her heart beating fast. She wanted to know, had to know. Why Diana should feel differently, Kathryn found too incredible to contemplate. Still, it was so embarrassing to touch herself like this; it made her feel like a slut and that in turn drove her desire. "Mistress I'm so embarrassed touching myself like this; but I can't help myself! Oh, god!"

Diana rubbed herself furiously but fear and panic griped her throat and chest. The alarm screeched though her head and her ears throbbed to the virtual sound that only she could so urgently hear. Whatever Katrina wanted to tell them was not something she wanted to hear, of that she was certain. 'Knowledge is desired but often regretted', the words rang though her mind, giving voice to the alarm in her head. Katrina had set up a contest of sorts between them; if Kathryn came first, then Katrina would tell them her devastating truth. What it was, Diana could only guess; what she knew was that it was imperative that she win this awful contest and prevent Katrina from revealing her secret knowledge. Looking at Kathryn she could see the young woman masturbating furiously. At that moment Diana knew she would loose…"Kathryn, no! Don't" she cried out. But it was too late for she could already see the tattoos on the young woman's face changing color…

"Oh god! Yes! On god! I'm so ashamed!" cried Kathryn as the pleasure wave swept through her body.

Diana came a split-second later moaning and crying out. "Oh god! Kathryn…please, no!"

Katrina watched both women, running the edge of the finger long her clitoris; her entire body shuddering in anticipation. Diana was on her hands and knees breathing hard, her face flush. Kathryn sat on her heels, head back, eyes closed, the blush of her embarrassment and passion coloring her still pink skin from head to toe. Kathryn was the first to recover, and looking at Katrina she said "Please Mistress, tell me, please."

Diana looked up and whispered hoarsely "Kathryn, no."

Katrina positioned the side of her finger next to her clitoris, like a violin player placing the bow against the taut strings of her instrument, readying herself for the first note. Then, like a concert master, she slowly she pulled her finger across the edge of her vibrating organ. As she did so, she said "My dear, Diana is your mother." With that her mind and body convulsed with pleasure.


Erin had passed out in the back of the transport almost immediately after Alex had sealed the door. Physically exhausted and mentally numb from her ordeal, she had welcomed the oblivion of sleep. Only flashes of light and impossibly twisted images of faces and red-lit black stone is all that she could recall of her arrival on Zax Island and the subsequent trip through the dungeon to the cell where she had now awaked alone some indeterminate time later. Looking around, Erin sat up on the small cot where she had been sleeping, and let out a small yelp. Her buttocks and the backs of her thighs burned and stung and she quickly stood up on her feet. Turning her head around she tried to survey the damage. However all she could she were a few red welts on the lower part of her thighs and the edges of her butt. What little was visible looked puffy, swollen, and red with ugly black and blue marks cutting through her tortured flesh.

"Perhaps its better I can't see anything" said Erin to herself. Moving her fingers to her backside, she gently probed her bottom. The skin felt tender and swollen, but there seemed to be no cuts or bleeding. Susan was an expert at her craft: she had inflected the maximum pain with the minim of damage. It would take a couple of days for the swelling to subside and perhaps a month before all the marks disappeared, but in either case the worst was over, at least for now.

Looking around the small cell, Erin saw that besides the cot bolted to the wall there was no other furniture in the room. Memories two decades old suddenly filled her mind and Erin sighed struggling to control her emotions. So this was it! She thought, everything she had done had brought her back here. Sitting down on the cot, Erin flinched as her sore bottom made contact with the padded surface. Self recriminations and misgivings flooded her mind and Erin covered her face with her hands. "What a fool I am!" She said out loud to the empty room.

As time passed, Erin's thoughts went from anger to grief and finally a depressed resignation. In the end there was nothing to do but wait and accept her fate, at least for the time being. Sooner or later Alex or Laura or one of the guards would come for her and then the next ordeal would begin. Better rest while she could. And with that, Erin laid down on her side and fell asleep.


Phoebe sat across from Karolyn, her uneaten meal in front of her. It was as if her life was being replayed as she listened to the young woman's confused story. A few hours earlier Laura had escorted a tearful and near-hysterical Karolyn into the preparation room. It had taken Phoebe sometime to quiet her down, clean her up, and diaper her. Even then Karolyn had babbled almost incoherently about weddings, illegal ointments, and other bizarre happenings that, except for the strange familiarity of their retelling, made no sense whatsoever. When she had finished cleaning the poor girl up, Laura instructed Phoebe to take her to the recreation room, where they now sat alone. After getting Karolyn and herself some food, Phoebe asked to hear her story again, from the beginning. What followed was a tale so similar to Kathryn's that Phoebe had to blink and rub her face several times to make sure it was Karolyn, not Kathryn who sat across from her.
