Notes From The Underground


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"So let me see if I have this straight" said Phoebe looking at Karolyn, who blushed. "You married Laura yesterday in the Castle and afterwards while you were changing your clothes Echo surprised you with the ointment India gave you."

"Yes" said Karolyn nodding her head. "Oh god! I can still see the look on her face. She was so angry and disappointed in me…" Karolyn started to cry again and it took Phoebe several minutes before she could calm the young woman down again.

"OK" said Phoebe continuing her summary "you said India gave you the ointment to restore your virginity?"

Karolyn blushed deep red and whispered "yes."

Phoebe shook her head. It was the same identical story Kathryn had told her. Such similarity could not be a coincidence. After talking with Kelly and Stacy, Phoebe was beginning to piece together what had happened to both Kathryn and Karolyn, though she was still a long way from having anything close to a complete picture. One thing was certain: both young women were daughters of Zax's diapered slaves. Kathryn was clearly Diana's child and from the looks of her Karolyn was either Lisa's or Candy's daughter, probably Candy's. Phoebe remembered the strange events of almost two decades past, the wild rumors and frantic comings and goings of Alex, Laura, and the other Mistresses that controlled Zax's dungeon and the Island. Zax had forced its five diapered slaves (April, Candy, Lisa, Mari, and Diana), to physically bear children and the resulting infants had been removed from the dungeon at birth. From there, this already fantastic story grew even more incredible (if that was even possible), and depending on whom one chose to believe, took one of several bizarre turns. Some claimed the infants had been killed, thrown off the cliffs that surrounded the Island. Others claimed they had been sold, while still others said Zax had lost them in a legal battle. Whatever the truth was, one thing was certain: Zax had managed to either keep or reacquire the daughters of its diapered slaves and moreover these young women were now slaves also. Moreover, if Kathryn and Karolyn were to be believed, they had never left the Island; rather they had spent their entire lives here, albeit in a separate facility apparently run or controlled by Echo.

None of it made much sense and worse, Kathryn's and Karolyn's stories raised more questions than they answered. Kelly and Stacy had claimed that all five girls, now young women, had been raised by Echo according to some weird scheme based, at least in part, on the mores and customs of a long forgotten and primitive era. This of course, fit with Kathryn's and Karolyn's story, at least with respect to the essential facts. However it was all too fantastic for Phoebe's thinking and she was not sure exactly where fantasy ended and reality began. Part of this was due to Kathryn and Karolyn themselves. They were oddly innocent and naïve and their stories severely stretched Phoebe's credulity. She therefore found herself oscillating between sympathy and cautious skepticism, unsure if these young women were victims of some sinister plot or part of an outrageous hoax whose purpose was entirely too obscure to discern. And if all this was not enough, incest now permeated the entire situation like a stifling fog that filled the dungeon with and awful and hopeless despair that threatened to suffocate everyone that was forced to breathe its thick and heavy mist. One thing was clear however: Zax had meticulously and deliberately considered these horrible incestuous relationships between mother and daughter slaves from the beginning. Incest was the one true sexual taboo that remained even into modern times and under normal circumstances it was considered a serious crime and punishable by the worst possible penalties. However in Zax's dungeon conditions were far from normal; here (as well as everywhere else) slaves had no status and legally were considered property (like pets or other animals) and as such had few if any rights. Aside from severe physical or mental mistreatment, Zax was pretty much free to do as they wished with their human property, including it seemed, subjecting them to incest. A shudder of revulsion went though Phoebe's mind as she pondered this awful new reality and its implications for Kathryn and Karolyn and the others…However Phoebe careful not to reveal any of this to Karolyn. The young woman was upset and confused enough as it was. There was no point in adding to her distress, at least not now. Besides, Phoebe was still not entirely convinced about the facts, or for that matter, what was true or merely speculation; much remained that was obscure…

"You realize there is no such ointment" said Phoebe looking directly at Karolyn.

Karolyn looked back nonplussed. "I…I…India said…"

Phoebe sighed, waving her hand, cutting Karolyn off. Her reaction was almost identical to Kathryn's when she had told her about the ointment and she saw no point in wasting more time on this subject. "So after walking in on you and finding the ointment, Echo took you to Prudence who sentenced you to diapered servitude."

"Yes" said Karolyn, looking down and starting to cry again. "I can't believe it! They brought me to Susan who…who…oh god! She did the more unspeakable things…"

"Shush!" said Phoebe, patting the young woman's hand. It's all right, there no need for us to go over that part again."

It took several more minutes for Karolyn to clam down again and Phoebe could not help but feel sympathy for her. She seemed so genuinely distressed that either she was a fantastic actress or completely sincere. Phoebe wanted to believe it was the later, but she was still skeptical. When Karolyn had stopped crying she said "Your story is almost identical to one I've heard very recently from someone much like yourself."

Karolyn's eyes widened and her mouth fell open. A feeling of dread came over her as a terrible thought entered her mind. No, it couldn't be…"From whom?" she whispered so softly that she could barely hear her own voice.

"Do you know Kathryn?" asked Phoebe.

Krystyn and Krystal sat facing each other on the small cots where they had found themselves upon awakening from their exhausted sleep about an hour ago. The cots were in a small windowless room made entirely of rough black stone whose only apparent exit was a heavy wooden door studded with iron and firmly bolted shut. The room was so small that the knees of the two young women were barely a few inches apart, a fact that made them extremely uncomfortable given that they were both completely naked. Try as they might, it seemed impossible to regain their modesty given only their arms, legs, and hands were available for covering their exposed breasts and pisshonies. Krystyn had been the first to awaken; confused and disoriented she had almost panicked when she found herself naked and alone with Krystal in the dark and rough room. Jumbled memories from the previous night flashed through her mind adding to her alarm. Going to the door she had banged and pulled on it, trying to open it, but to no avail. Unfortunately the noise woke Krystal who cried out frightened by the commotion and the ensuing rush of her own terrible memories from the night before. This in turn startled Krystyn and it took sometime before both young women regained their wits and some semblance of calm.

Their biggest problem was their obvious lack of clothing. Except for the previous day (and their annual physical exam), neither had ever been naked in front of anyone else; their experience with Susan was so extraordinary and horrendous that given the chance they would have willingly suppressed its memory as a nightmare best forgotten. However their surroundings and their close proximity to each other made that impossible. Krystyn and Krystal had been deeply embarrassed by their nakedness and each had reflexively covered their bodies the best they could. It took them no little time before they were sufficiently calm and comfortable with their situation and each other before they could speak.

Krystal was the first to break their mutual silence. "Where do you think we are?" she asked her voice almost a whisper.

"I don't know" said Krystyn "but from the looks of the place, I'd say we are underneath the Castle, where we were yesterday…"

Krystal looked at her, eyes wide as she contemplated the implications of Krystyn's statement. "You don't think that Su…she … will come back for us?"

"I don't know" said Krystyn shaking her head. "Let's hope not."

Both young women remained silent for several moments and then Krystal spoke again. "You don't think they'll just leave us here? Maybe they have forgotten us."

"I don't think so" said Krystyn. "Given what they…what happened yester.. what happened it would seem…silly if all they wanted was to throw us in here and forget we ever existed. I suppose someone will be along eventually. Probably sooner than later given that we have no food or water or….clothes."

Krystal pondered Krystyn's words and her mood brightened at bit. Krystyn's reasoning made sense. Judging by her empty stomach, they had been here awhile, so hopefully it would not be too much longer before someone would come for them. The question now was who? "Do you think Headmistress Echo will come for us?"

"Perhaps" said Krystyn. "I hope so. Maybe if we tell her how sorry we are, she'll take us out of here and back to the Schoolhouse."

"Do you really think so?" said Krystal, starting to think about her apology.

"I hope so" said Krystyn.

They began discussing exactly how they might persuade the Headmistress of their sincerity and contriteness and convince her to give them a second chance. Their discussion was interrupted by the sound of the door being unbolted. "There she is now" said Krystal convinced that Headmistress Echo had come for them.

Krystyn looked at her, but said nothing. Her heart was beating fast and she hoped that Krystal was right. They were therefore both disappointed and shocked when the door opened and Laura said "On your feet sluts!"


Erin sat on the padded floor of her cell, the bars that served as a temporary ceiling pressing against her head, forcing her to stoop her shoulders. Laura had come earlier, waking her from her sleep, and ordering her to her feet. Without a word she led Erin to the preparation room where a slave dressed in a loose fitting, open white tunic helped her to shower and clean up. The dungeon and its various facilities looked unchanged and Erin had to remind herself that two decades had passed since she had last been here. Laura had left her alone to shower and cleanup and Erin was grateful for the opportunity to remove the grim and dirt of her ordeal and to disinfect her abused backside. When she finished drying off, the slave attending her had sprayed her buttocks and the back of her thighs with a rapid therapeutic agent designed to speed her body's natural healing. The spray must have also containing an anesthetic, for Erin immediately felt relief from the stinging and burning when it was applied.

After Erin had finished cleaning up, Laura returned (and with the attending slave's help), diapered her. Erin had forgotten both the physical sensations and the emotions of being wrapped in diapers. The thick, heavy cloth felt soft and almost sensuous against her bottom and pussy; however the act of lying on the table, spreading her legs and exposing herself in such an intimate and immediate way was deeply embarrassing and humiliating. Worse was the thought that from now on, she would be forced to use the diapers for their intended purpose. The latter was probably why the slave who assisted her had applied the spray to her backside. Zax was not interested in her comfort but rather in her physical health so that she would quickly be available to provide service to her Mistresses. The diapers however not only served to punish and humiliate, but they were also the vehicle for the only pleasure that she would be allowed, and this perhaps, was the most terrible and bitter aspect of having to wear them.

When Laura had finished with the diapering she said "Go to the recreation room, get something to eat, and wait. I believe you know the way."

"Yes Mistress" said Erin, the words stinging her lips. This was yet another bitter humiliation, having to subordinate herself not only physically but verbally to Laura and the others. However Erin knew better than to be defiant or flippant for it would only give Laura and excuse to punish her, and at least for now, she needed time to rest, heal, think, and acclimate herself to her new but all too familiar surroundings.

After Laura left, Erin gingerly stood up and walked to the recreation room. It was empty; going to the far wall, she placed her hand on the plate next to one of the slots there. About 30 seconds later a tray appeared with what looked like a square of corn-bread, corn soup, and a large glass of iced tea. Erin sighed. Although she liked corn, she had grown tired of the monotonous diet the diapered slaves were forced to eat. Since leaving the dungeon two decades ago, she had rarely, if ever, eaten the stuff. Now it would be all she would be eating. Picking up the tray she went over and sat down at the closest table. She was hungry; it had been at least a day since she had last eaten, and despite her lack of enthusiasm for the food, she ate it quickly. When she was done, she returned the empty tray to another slot in the wall and sat down. Laura had said to wait, so there was nothing else to do but sit and think.

She had hoped to see Kelly or Stacy or even one of the slaves she had known from her previous stay but it seemed Laura had other plans for her. Erin considered her situation and her options. After her capture she had been preoccupied with the legal aspects of her case. She had hoped that perhaps Stacy and Kelly might have been spared the worse, although realistically she had little doubt about the eventual outcome. After their Judicial Investigations there had been Echo's unexpected visit and her strange proposal, the ramifications of which she was still just beginning to discover. It was unsettling (to say the least) to remember voluntarily agreeing to a treatment which affected her perceptions and memories about the most intimate events in her life. Erin could recall in vivid detail sexual encounters with Kelly and Cathy, yet she now knew that these were not actual experiences but rather the lurid imaginings of her fixated mind. The result was both disorienting and disconcerting since it profoundly upset her sense of reality making her question all her memories and experiences. If this was not enough, her sexual acumen had been wiped-out leaving her naïve, unsophisticated, and vulnerable when she needed her worldly experiences and skills the most.

What troubled Erin above all however was the future. There was nothing she could do about the past and little that would significantly influence or alter her current situation or the situations of Kelly and Stacy. What was done was done. They had made their decisions and they now had to live with them. This was the problem that Erin had postponed thinking about. What was she going to do now that she was again a diapered slave in Zax's dungeon? Legally there was no hope that they would ever be released and practically there was no possibility of escape. Even if by some miracle they managed to get out of the dungeon and off the Island, they would without doubt be quickly recaptured and returned to Zax. The prospect however of living-out her life confined in the dungeon and sheepishly serving Katrina, Prudence, and a myriad of others did not appeal to Erin. The question was, realistically what could she do? Erin shook her head in silence as she contemplated this question. The myriad of fanciful and wild ideas that entered her mind, she immediately dismissed as unworkable.

There was nothing in the dungeon that could practically serve as a weapon or be made into a weapon. Sure there were the 'toys' scattered about the various chambers, but these were kept secured. Even if she managed to again access to one or more, the control devices embedded in her body would render her incapable of wielding them. This also applied to more immediate items such as the utensils used for eating or cleaning. As such, active opposition was not a viable option. This left passive resistance. Erin next considered a hunger strike. At first this seemed an attractive idea, but as a long term strategy it would be ineffective without some outside support. Ultimately they would need a sympathetic audience to appeal to and advocate for them. Zax was unlikely to allow this. Still, if she could find a way to gain the attention of someone on the outside, such a tactic might yield results. However, this would require time, patience, and almost certainly a good deal of luck. As such, Erin put aside this idea for future consideration. For more immediate results she would need to try something else, but what?

As Erin continued to ponder her options, Laura arrived and returned her to the cell where she now sat, shoulders stooped and head pressing against the metal bars that divided the room horizontally. Time had passed quickly and most of the day had gone by as Erin sat and thought about her future and her potential options. Now she was faced with more immediate problems. Her bladder was full and she could feel the first twinges of cramping in her stomach. Soon, she knew, these would intensify and she would be faced with the awful prospect of wetting and messing herself, something she had not done in over two decades. Erin was again filled with regrets but she had little time for self pity. A wave of cramps passed through her belly forcing her to squeeze her buttocks and rub her stomach. As they cramps passed Erin noted that she was sweating and that the diaper suddenly felt humid and hot.

The thought that she would soon be wetting and messing herself filled Erin with shame, but excited her sexually as well. It was the embarrassed-arousal that she remembered all too well and paradoxically both craved and fantasized about but feared and dreaded at the same time. Erin again thought back to the fact that just a short while ago she had been a free woman, able to do as she pleased and more pointedly use the bathroom and touch herself. This was now forbidden and impossible. Another set of cramps gripped her belly and Erin squeezed her buttocks again, sweat dropping from her forehead onto the floor between her spread legs.

The struggle continued for what seemed like an eternity as Erin battled her body's desire to release the hot contents of her bowels. In the end it was her bladder which betrayed her; fighting to control the cramps in her stomach, Erin felt a sudden splatter of urine against the crotch of the diaper. "Oh no!" she cried out loud into the empty room. But as the cramps intensified her bladder gave way completely flooding the inside of the diaper covering her pussy with hot urine and causing the thick padding between her legs to swell. At the same time Erin could feel the quivering muscles of her buttocks give way. Erin's face turned white and her eyes opened wide in surprise. "Oh god no!" she screamed as warm mush filled the back of her diaper.

Even though messing herself was inevitable, Erin was still extremely embarrassed by what she had just done, and her face was flushed with shame. As she sat in her mess Erin could feel it spreading across her buttocks and upwards, in between her legs. Every movement, no matter how small, seemed to spread more of the warm mush forward and between her legs. Because of the expansion of the diaper, Erin's legs were forced wider apart, and this further facilitated the movement of the mush into area of the diaper over her pussy.
