Nothing You Can Do About It

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That's what she thought.
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"Good morning Ambrose, this is your daily WAMB wake up program with Dave Longstreet and please, you wives out there, stop telling your husband you wake up with Dave Longstreet. I'm tired of being confronted by angry men.

"As far as the weather goes, you will still need a jacket today even if you're warm natured. Definitely take a coat if you are cold-blooded like my wife. How can I say nasty things about my wife on air? She's not up yet!

"Let's get your day started with one of my favorite wake-up songs. Here is Hall and Oats with 'You make my dreams come true.'"

Radio listeners were hearing a tape instead of the live program for the first time in my almost 25-year career. I had taken over the morning program from my father who still owns the station. I am somewhat of a celebrity in our town. I have very high ratings and we have more businesses wanting advertising time than we have available. Despite our success, like most local radio people, I don't make that much money. I love what I do just like by now-retired father did.

Money must be part of the reason my wife has for conducting an affair. She made a big deal about Derrick Prescott taking over as Vice President of the Ambrose National Bank. He was being groomed by George Prescott, his father to take over from him as President one day. Kristen is a loan officer at the bank. Her praise of Derrick was effusive at first but died off. Now, her interest in me, our daughter and our sex life has died off. When I tried figuring out when they might be getting together, I realized that there was a gap of time between when our daughter gets on the school bus and when my wife went to work. I was always long gone to prepare for my show that starts at 6:00 am. If she ever wondered where I was, she just had to turn on the radio, hence the taped show.

I went to my house and a grey BMW was in the driveway that didn't belong to me or my wife. I let myself in, and very carefully, went upstairs. The sounds made it clear that sex was going on. I got my phone's camera ready and peeked into the bedroom. As I suspected, she and Derrick were naked, and he was pounding her on our bed. I took several minutes of video before I stopped and put away my phone. I entered and hit Derrick on the side of his head. The only effect was to piss him off.

Derrick withdrew from my wife and looked at me with anger. Since he was taller, bigger and stronger than me, he seemed sure that I was no match for him. Unfortunately, he was right. Before long, I was in the floor trying to absorb his kicks. Thank goodness he didn't have shoes on. My wife got out of the bed and asked Derrick to stop.

Kristen then stood naked over me. "Dave, I'm sorry you found out this way, but I'm not sorry you found out. Derrick and I have been lovers for a few months, and we don't intend to stop seeing each other. Let me make the situation clear to you: If you file for divorce or 'out' us, you will lose me and access to your daughter. You will lose your job because Derrick will force the advertisers to desert your radio station. You will lose your precious reputation if people find out you are a cuckold. If you try and take money out of the bank, you will find I have already moved most of our money into an account under my name only. Finally, you will also lose some more blood as men that Derrick will hire will beat you up while 'mugging' you.

"The sooner you realize that there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT, the better off you will be. I will still play your wife and Chelsea's mother as far as anyone else knows. Now that you know, however, you will no longer be getting the pity sex I've been giving you. Go back to work, Derrick and I are not done yet." Derrick stood there with a smirk on his face. I left with my tail tucked between my legs.

"The phrase, 'nothing you can do about it' kept ringing in my ears. That couldn't be true. I went back to the radio station to find out there had been many complaints that no phone calls were being taken as normal. The calls were a major part of our program. My father had left a message asking me about it. I called him back and briefed him on what I had seen, and what my wife had told me. He told me to put my big boy pants on and fight back. That woke me out of my malaise. I spent the rest of the day making my plans.

When I got home, I did my chores and packed some clothes but left enough and my toiletries to make my planned departure less noticeable. Kristen came in after work, Chelsea was home from school, and I spent my time with her. I had prepared dinner in advance, my chore tradeoff for my wife getting Chelsea off to school each morning. That night, Chelsea and I went over her homework. Since we were out of hearing from her mother, I told her what I was planning. She had suspected her mother was cheating and had already checked one thing in preparation for our divorce: in our state she was old enough to decide which parent she wanted to live with. She wanted to be with me. My plan was moving along.

After Chelsea went up to bed, Kristen told me. "Just don't rock the boat, Dave. Derrick gives me two things you can't: money and a big cock. As soon as he can divorce his wife, I will give you a divorce and he and I will get married. You need to figure out how to make the best of it. You will be able to see Chelsea as often as you wish as long as you play ball. If you don't, she will effectively be gone from your life. Don't believe I won't do it."

That morning I opened my show as I did normally, however, after 7:30 when I figured Derrick and my wife were in bed together, I unleashed my response to my wife's declaration that I could do nothing about it.

"This morning my dear listeners, I have to do something unusual. I need your help. I desperately need your help. My wife Kristen and her lover, Derrick Prescott, are at this moment engaged in extra-marital sex at my house. I could not say that without having proof of their adultery. You can see that proof at our station's website: The man is Vice President of Ambrose National Bank where my and my wife's funds are. Well, where my funds used to be. She has removed all our joint account funds so that I cannot 'take the money and run.'

"When I confronted her and her lover, she informed me that given Derrick's power and her advantage in any divorce, I cannot do anything about it. For the most part, she is true -- if I had no help. That's where you come in. If you have funds in the bank, you can withdraw your money. If enough of you do that, I believe that George Prescott knows nothing of his son's affair but when he finds out, he will take action. I cannot count on that right now. It may take a run on the bank to get his attention. If enough people withdraw their funds from the bank, he will have to do something. In a few minutes, I will be leaving Ambrose. It has been an honor to wake you up for so many years. God Bless!"

I had consulted my father before deciding what to do. It was he that told me he bet that Derrick and my wife had not really planned for me doing anything other than roll over. He was sure Derrick's father would not support the actions of his son. We debated me going to him directly. We decided to go with the broadcast. As soon as I signed off, my Dad came in and took over. It was itching to get back behind the mike. He wished me good luck as I took off.

As arranged, I picked up Chelsea at school. I had already put our bags in my car before I went to work. I was careful to leave enough of my stuff so when Kristen woke up, she would not suspect anything. I had withdrawn the few thousand I had in a vacation fund in my name only. In addition, I had taken out the savings bonds my grandmother had left me with the instructions to leave them alone except in an emergency. I felt sure my grandmother would call this an emergency.

We took off in my car. I asked Chelsea if there were any place she would like to go. She said, "Costa Rica." She had been there on a mission trip and loved the place. Her Spanish was better than mine, but that's not saying much. She said she had brought her passport and I had mine. We headed for O'Hare Airport in Chicago. I found out that if one bought round-trip tickets, it was cheaper than buying one-way tickets. In addition, Immigration in Costa Rica would challenge you if you couldn't prove you had a return ticket in order to discourage people who came on a tourist visa and didn't leave. We would have 90 days to decide what to do.

At first, we did all the tourist things that Chelsea had only gotten a small taste of during her mission trip. Speaking of taste, we tried many different restaurants and few disappointed us. We spent time on our computers and playing games on our tablets. Neither of us had communicated with anyone back home which was killing Chelsea. Finally, as the 90 days were coming to an end, I called my Dad for an update.

"Davy, how are you and my granddaughter doing?"

"Great Dad, but I think she is ready to come back. She misses her friends and being spoiled by her grandparents. Bring me up to date."

"Well son, you missed a lot of fireworks. Evidently, Derrick lied to his father about what you observed him and your wife doing. He convinced him that you totally overacted. George went into action. He closed the bank to stop the run on its deposits. He had a lawsuit filed against you and the radio station for slander. His staff called most of our advertisers and said the bank would have difficulty granting any loans to them if they kept advertising with us. As owner of the station, I got sent the lawsuit.

"George and I go way back. I guess his loyalty to his son overrode his common sense like I thought it would. I tried calling him. He refused to take my call. I counter-sued stating that we had iron-clad evidence that you told the truth on the air. I suggested he call me if he wanted to avoid a lot of embarrassment and the loss of a substantial amount of money. He agreed to meet with me and our lawyers.

"We were sitting in the conference room. Derrick was there and sweating bullets. George demanded to see the 'iron-clad' evidence. I first asked George if he had seen the video.

"He said no. By the time he tried to look, it had been pulled off the website due to its pornographic nature. Derrick assured him that you couldn't tell who the people were in the video and that it was probably a deep fake anyway.

"I said, 'George, you know me. I'm telling you that you better look at it before you do anything else.'

"Derrick interjected, 'There's no reason to look at their lies Dad. David, junior is super paranoid about someone stealing his wife. He made it all up to destroy me. Otherwise, why would he have run away?'

"George looked worried, probably because his son looked so frightened. 'Let me see it.' We showed him the video until he asked me to stop.

"He turned to me. 'David, how do I know that it's not a deep fake?'

"I handed him a certificate from a reputable photo analysis firm that said the video was 100% valid as far as they were concerned.

"George looked at his son and said, 'Son, you have one chance and one chance only to tell me the truth. Your job and future inheritance depends on it. Now tell me the truth.'

"'Dad, it wasn't my fault. She seduced me one night on a business trip after we had had a few drinks. The next day she showed me pictures and blackmailed me. She said she would tell my wife and you if I didn't continue the affair. I swear that's the truth."

"I grinned. At that moment, Kristen came barging into the room. She had been listening in next door. 'You son-of-a-bitch! How dare you accuse me of seducing and blackmailing you. I fought you off for months before you convinced me that you would divorce your wife and marry me if I would let you fuck me. My husband wasn't ever going to make the kind of money that you were already making. I saw my way out of paycheck-to-paycheck living and I took it. We're both at fault, you asshole.'

"'Dad, you're not going to believe her, are you?'

"George had the reddest, angry face I had ever seen. 'Yep son, I am. As of this moment, you are fired. In addition, I will tell your wife I will cover all of her legal expenses should she wish to divorce you and/or sue your lover. Kristen, you are fired also. I will promise your husband that I will cover his legal expenses for divorcing you. David what else would you and Dave like to see?'

"I want a full-page ad in the local paper apologizing to my son and admitting that your son and Dave's wife were at fault. You can also buy some advertising time on our radio station to do the same."

"'What about financial retribution?'

"Dave has lost money over the last few months, but I'm not sure how much he would call as fair."

"'Tell him that I will give him what he wants, within reason of course.'

"I'll do that."

"'And David, thanks for keeping me making a bigger fool of myself. I sincerely apologize on behalf of my family for the harm caused by mine. Good luck.'

"Soon there were just me, my lawyer and Kristen left in the room."

"Kristen timidly asked me, 'Mr. Longstreet, do you know what Dave wants from me? I would really like to talk to him, at least to apologize to him.'

"I have no idea, but from what he told me you said after Derrick beat him up, I think you need to be looking for somewhere else to live."

"'I figured that much. Is there any way I can see my daughter? I have missed her terribly. I hope she hasn't been harmed by this mess too badly.'"


Dave had Kristen served at her parents' house. They had reluctantly agreed to let her stay there until at least they ascertained their future visitation rights as Chelsea's grandparents. The petition let her keep all the money she had already taken in exchange for forfeiting her share of equity in the house. The main issue was giving him total custody of their daughter with liberal visitation promised to Kristen. She did not even have a lawyer look at it before she made a proposal.

"I will sign the papers after Dave gives me a chance to explain and apologize." He agreed.

They sat at a conference room in his attorney's law office. Kristen thanked him for seeing her and commented on how good he looked from his stay in Costa Rica. "I have an impossible task, Dave. I want to ask you to forgive me for the unforgiveable way I treated you and our marriage. My explanation was that I was selfish, greedy, arrogant and a few other expletive deleted adjectives. My mind already had me living in luxury with a new husband. I was so sure that I had everything figured out that I came up with that ridiculous statement about you not being able to do something about it. Boy, did you prove me wrong. I couldn't believe it, but Mr. Prescott agreed to pay for counseling for me as part of my severance, 'promise no to sue' parting package. I think the therapy is going surprisingly well. I'm finding out things about myself I didn't know. Unfortunately, I'm learning a lot of things I didn't want to know.

"Dave, you may think this is weird, but I was actually proud of the way you fought back against me and Derrick. It took a lot of courage for you to do that. It was a big risk on your part. I guess Derrick and I had stereotyped you as a wimp, a reluctant but submissive cuckold. Instead, you acted like I would have wanted a husband of mine to act. Too bad I didn't act like the way I would have wanted a wife to act.

"I appreciate you letting me have access to Chelsea. We have spoken and I see I have a lot of making up to do with her. I just hope she lets me stay as part of her life after she becomes an adult.

"If you want to know what I see as my future, I can tell you that a lot of what I will be doing is kicking myself for trashing the most wonderful marriage I could ever have hoped for. I honestly think I have changed enough that I could be the kind of woman you thought you had married in the first place. Too bad, I didn't make that change before I fucked up our lives. I can honestly say that you deserve a better wife than I became.

"I will cherish the opportunities to be around you because of Chelsea and future grandchildren, but I will say this one time and one time only: If you were to give me a second chance, I would do anything just to be near you again, married or not. My offer will not expire.

"I will move on. I don't plan on dating but that may change after being horny for a long time. I may fuck other men, but I will never make love to another man other than you.

"I love you." She signed the divorce papers and left.

I still loved her in spite of all she did betraying and disrespecting me. Her offer to do anything did cause a growth below my belt. She was a very attractive female, but so are some snakes. My temptation to grab her in my arms and forgive her was fleeting. I could still see her in our bedroom standing over me naked, detailing the new terms of our marriage and my cuckoldery.

Kristen was able to get a new job in the next town over. She and Chelsea gradually built back a relationship. It was over six months before Chelsea told me that she believed that her mom had changed for the better. Kristen was allowed to join us at Thanksgiving and Christmas, along with her mother and father who doted on Chelsea. It stayed that way until I started dating someone seriously. I had Chelsea to thank for that.

Chelsea was in her junior year in college when she announced she had found her man. She had told him of how her mother had betrayed me and that she was very wary of extra-marital relationships. Their engagement was unusually long because of that. They lived together after both graduated and had jobs before they agreed on getting married. In the process, I was introduced to her fiancé's mother, Valerie, a widow about my age. We were together at functions with the kids but then decided to be together without the kids. It was not a 'whiz-bang, fireworks, love-at-first sight' thing. It was more like a 'I like you so why not' kind of thing.

Neither of us mentioned marriage, but soon we realized that it would be more convenient and economical to move in together. Our love making was very satisfying although not earth-moving. We were a couple not seeing the need to define ourselves otherwise.

Kristen stayed single but Chelsea said she had a fuckbuddy. She had been proposed to but didn't want to risk marriage again. She was still not confident she was not totally trustworthy. She eagerly moved into being a grandmother and we saw each other in that capacity a lot. Sometimes, I caught her looking like 'I could have had this all if I hadn't screwed up.' Kristen was seen to sniffle and wipe a tear away before going back to being Nana.

I stayed at WAMB until I retired. By that time, I had inherited the station and sold it as part of retiring. Valerie and I moved to Costa Rica where our meager retirement funds allowed us to live a good life. Chelsea didn't mind visiting us and kept 'threatening' to move there too as life in the United States got crazier and crazier. We told her that we were ready to help if she ever made that choice.

Now I have finished my little story and looking back on my life, I was glad of one thing in my life more than any other: I had done something about it.

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bacchant2bacchant24 days ago

Liked the story but why ohh why would he get married again.

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Some of the commentators seem really confused or to have missed part of this, like 26thnc and Finn below, and we're commenting positively. But the writer gave her all the money she'd already stolen into her account. And and traded that off against partial ownership of the house. That's just enabling bad behavior. As an author, that's encouraging bad behavior and thinking in people. You're promoting these narcissistic women running around out there thinking they can do what they want and not have consequences. That's just kind of pathetic.

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Could have been a great story, but got completely unrealistic at the end. The idiot so-called wife is not going to flip and be cured from the evilness that she showed during the confrontation. Doesn't matter how you try to spin that, that shows what she really was. And contrary to the big lie, no amount of psychology and therapy is going to change that kind of problem. The problem is a selfish and evil heart, and it takes much more than that to be changed.

RuttweilerRuttweiler15 days ago

I’ve read the story about 100 times already under various names. Snooze.

nixroxnixrox15 days ago

4 stars and Yes, Costa Rica is a wonderful place to retire and so are the Bahamas Islands.

All of North America is just so fucked up, I can hardly wait to leave.

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

Great read. Never give a threatening ultimatum to a proud man. Hercounseling came too lste to save her regrefull life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

"The sooner you realize that there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT, the better off you will be. I will still play your wife and Chelsea's mother as far as anyone else knows. Now that you know, however, you will no longer be getting the pity sex I've been giving you. Go back to work, Derrick and I are not done yet.""" THIS is a decent take on BTB, but the author should keep an eye on details as in the above statement in the story. Who is speaking in this dialog? 5* even if the proofreader was not up to snuff.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Geezus, if there's one thing I hate in these stories, it's the 'I still love her, but...' bullshit.

No one, who is treated so badly, with such contempt and scorn, could look at the cheater and say that.

I'm amazed you didn't have him vomiting in the doorway. That's another load of shit reaction that authors have men doing. It's BS.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuy5 months ago

Mow that is a solid confrontation

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Good story, but a somewhat weak ending.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

It's okay, I guess.

Doubtful that any court in America would go for it, but whatever.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

How can you not like a story where the bitch of a greedy cheating wife ges just what she deserved? Great story.

inka2222inka222210 months ago

Very good story. I personally would have preferred far more burning (at the VERY least, she told him he'd lose access to daughter - she deserved THE SAME, but I won't take off points for that since the daughter kinda deserves a shitty mother-equivalent better than no mother at all, even if as a free babysitter later).

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

First half is good second half after the divorse is lukewarm.

tonyneatotonyneato11 months ago

I'm glad he didn't take the traitorous bitch back. Find a true woman to love.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

“ I still loved her in spite of all she did betraying and disrespecting me” why?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This was written as if it was a small town 100 years ago, and the banker had total control of the law and media. If it’s supposed to be any recent year, then the story of a local radio personality calling for a run on a bank, and the reason why, would hit the internet within a day, major national media within 2, and global within 3.

The French would wonder what the problem was, and why didn’t he have his own mistress. The Chinese would wonder why the political officer allowed it to go to air. The Taliban would wonder if they could get back in the news by beheading the famous American whore!

The idea that the idiot villain’s father could even attempt to contain the situation, or do damage control, is absurd. It would be the political/cultural flash point in America for weeks. Feminists would try to justify her actions. Decent people would be howling for blood at the abuse of a good man. Everyone would project their own biases onto the situation. The local prosecutor, just to save himself, would file every charge he could find against both the wife and the other man.


Finn80561Finn80561over 1 year ago

Liked it tremendously! The cheater got what was coming.

Elias1Elias1over 1 year ago

You are a talented writer ...many of your stories are however lacking a final page or two .... just my opinion. Please keep writing.

servant111servant111over 1 year ago

No real pathos whatsoever...thus reader remains uninvolved in your tale...

3 disappointed stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A decent little story where the two main characters end up behaving like reasonable adults. A bit a a shock to the system for a literotica story - but not an unpleasant one.


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