Now and Forever Ch. 01


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I went shopping with your mother the other day and I realized we are closing in on Valentine's Day. Yet another holiday that we will miss. I know I shouldn't dwell on it, but I can't help it. We had such plans.

Well, we'll just have to make up for lost time once you come home. I'm making plans in anticipation of that day. No, don't ask. They are a surprise.

Kathy came to see me. It appears that my family is concerned about my health, so they've mounted an intervention. One of them will kidnap me every Saturday until you come home and take me to points undisclosed. This coming Saturday will be the first and Kathy is claiming the 'honor'. She says it's her 'sisterly duty' to see that I'm taken care of, since she's the oldest. To be honest, I'm looking forward to it and I can't wait to see what she has in store. Kathy's always had one hell of an imagination.

I love you!

Now and forever,


Brogan smiled. It sounded like his wife was in good hands, and that alleviated some of his guilt. Thank God for family. Opening his notebook, knowing he was limited on time, he began to write.


I don't have much time to write, honey. My unit has orders to clear a minefield located by accident.

It sounds like Kathy has some adventure in store for you. I'm glad to hear it. You need something to take your mind off what's going on here.

Have you told her about your suggestion yet? I'd rather you didn't until I decide what I want to do, but if it's too late don't worry about it.

I wanted to tell you about something I saw this morning that had me thinking of you, but I have to be quick. In the early hours, while I was taking my turn on patrol, I saw a buck. Not just any buck, though, this one had two babies and a doe following him. The doe was limping and when I looked at her through my binoculars, she had blood running down her back leg. The buck kept looking over his shoulder at her, appearing to be checking on her progress.

When she stumbled, he stopped and made a noise, causing the babies stop as well. The doe fell and the buck rushed to her side, licking her wound and nudging her rump. I can only assume he was trying to make her stand.

I watched them for a while, but I also didn't shirk my duty. When the sun came up, however, I noticed something I hadn't seen in the dark. The doe also had a wound in the center of her chest. Baby, she didn't make it. A short time after I saw the chest wound, I saw her take her last breath. The buck let out a mournful wail and dropped his head to hers. He stayed that way for a few minutes, but then he called to the babies. They came running to his side and appeared to hug him, in an animal way, of course. He started away from her and the babies followed him. I didn't know bucks would do that. I figured the babies would stay with her, and would die themselves, but I guess not. What will happen to them, I don't know. But, for now, Daddy is taking care of them.

That has been the only time, so far, that I wished you were here with me. God, that sounds wrong, but I know you will understand. Even though I want to be in your arms, things are so bad here I don't want you here, don't want you to experience this. Hell, I don't want to experience this. I would have loved sharing the moment of the deer family with you, though. As sad as it was, it was beautiful.

I have to go now, love. I'll write again as soon as I can.

I love you!

Now and forever,




What a wonderful thing to see, in the midst of all that horror! Thank you for sharing it with me. I only wish I'd been able to see it with you. I still walk our trail. I talk to the squirrels and the birds about you. They seem to answer back and tell me not to worry; you'll be home soon enough. It's comforting to me to be in what I consider 'our places'.

I hadn't planned on mentioning anything to Kathy until we had decided what to do. First, I didn't want to get my hopes up. Second, I didn't want to add more pressure to you, and she would do that if she knew how much it meant to me. So, she's still in the dark. Honey, I want you to understand something. As important to me as this is, it's more important for us to be happy. If it's something you don't want to do, I understand, and it's fine with me. I swear.

Well, Kathy didn't let me down. On our first outing, we went to the spa and got the works. The man who gave me my massage was quite yummy. He was a dark, muscle-bound behemoth with hands of velvet steel. Under his skillful ministrations, I forgot where I was... more than that-- I forgot who I was.

The next Saturday, we went on a dinner train trip. One of those that have the mystery to solve. I don't see how she comes up with this stuff, but I had fun. Turns out it was the conductor. I was way off base. I thought it was the old geezer. Figured he offed his wife because she nagged him to no end. The conductor killed her because she overheard him planning a diamond heist.

My parents took me to Atlantic City one weekend. Don't worry I didn't lose the house. As a matter of fact, we'll be able to take that honeymoon in the Bahamas after all.

Last Saturday, Kathy took me to The Wine Room. Wonderful place. We began making our own barrel of wine. I believe it's safe to say we won't have to buy any for a long long time. A barrel makes 240 bottles, for goodness sake. We have to go back three more times to complete the process, and we'll have to rent a truck for the last session. I don't believe we'll be able to fit all that wine in the trunk of either car.

I pray for you every night. I know you told me not to worry, but when I read about the minefield my heart dropped like a stone. I'm awaiting word from you, to let me know you are safe and sound.

I love you, my darling!

Now and forever,



It's been almost two months with no word, my love. Are you okay? God, what a stupid question. If you answered that, I'd know you were okay wouldn't I? I'm just worried as hell. I've never gone so long without something from you. I miss you so much, baby. The Saturday adventures are distracting, but...

I've sent you some pictures. It's not the same, but at least it's something. Kathy said to tell you hello. She also said, 'Hurry and shoot the enemy leader so you can come home.' She's tired of watching me mope.

I love you!

Now and forever,


Brogan read the letters, which were waiting for him when he returned to the base, and laughed aloud at his wife's escapades. He dashed off a quick note saying he was fine, had just gotten back from the minefield assignment and was off again on a demolition raid. He dropped the addressed letter on the company clerk's desk and went to join the men.



Thank you for the note, however brief. I had gnawed my nails to the quick with worry. After more than two months who could blame me?

We celebrated July 4th with a barbeque and watched the fireworks from your parents' roof. It was an interesting night. There was only one casualty-- the Richardson's house burned to the ground. A stray firework caught their roof on fire. As dry as it's been this summer, it went up fast and there was nothing the fire department could do. Everyone got out okay though, so thank God for that.

Kathy has gotten your family involved in my kidnapping now. I think your mother needs it more than I do at this point. We went shopping last weekend. Your mother has quite the collection of shoes.

I miss you. I can't even begin to express how empty I feel without you here. I have some hope though, however false it turns out to be. Rumors abound that the war is almost over. Is that true? Could you be coming home so soon? Wouldn't that be wonderful, if it were true? I've dreamed of your homecoming, my life. A welcome banner stretched across the front of the house; a limousine to meet you at the base and drive you home; you coming up the walk with a dozen red roses. My arms ache to hold you, my lips to kiss you.

I love you!

Now and forever,


Brogan read the letter from his bed in the hospital ward. It was October and he'd been away from home for more than a year.

"Hey there, Sleeping Beauty," the nurse said as she came into the room. "How you feeling today?"

"Better. Much better than yesterday. When can I go home?" Brogan touched the bandage on his chest and winced in pain.

"Doc says sometime in the next two weeks you'll be shipped stateside."

"Two weeks? Damn."

"You were in a coma for a month, soldier, and you've only been out of it for a few days. Two weeks is soon enough. You need to regain your strength."

"Has anyone notified my family?"

"I believe someone called and mentioned what happened, yes."

"God, I bet Kit's going nuts."


"My wife."

"I didn't know you were married, sir. I would imagine she is going nuts."

"Does Kit know I'm coming home?"

"I don't believe so. It hasn't been decided yet, so there was no point in making that call."

"May I make the call myself?"

"I'll ask the doc, but I don't see any reason why you couldn't."

"Thank you."

Brogan waited for the doctor to arrive, growing more impatient with every passing hour. Thinking of his wife, he cursed the unknown man who'd shot him. In the same breath he thanked God for his life. When the doctor arrived, Brogan began bombarding him with questions in rapid-fire succession.

"Whoa, slow down there, soldier. One at a time."

"May I call my wife?"

"I don't see why not. Next question?"

"When can I go home?"

"Well, that depends on you, doesn't it?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you have to regain your strength before I'll send you home."

"I can't just recover at home?"

"Nope. You can't get out of bed now. There's no way I'm going to take that risk. Son, you were shot in the chest and slipped into a coma for a month."

"I know all that. I just want to go home."

"Then cooperate and we'll get you there in the next couple of weeks."

"What happened to the rest of my unit?"

"Private Hamilton died, but I believe the rest of them were unharmed."

Brogan dropped his head. "Damn." Hamilton was only twenty and had a two-year-old daughter at home with his young wife.

"Any other questions?"

Brogan looked up at the doctor. "Hmm?"

"Any other questions?"

"Oh. No. No, sir."

"I'll get the nurse to bring you a phone. Don't worry about paying for the call; the military owes you. You saved a lot of lives, soldier."

"Thank you, Doc."

The doctor left the room and the nurse came back in carrying a phone, a huge smile on her face.

"Doc says you can call, so here you are. Take your time. I'll be back in an hour to take you to therapy." The nurse left.

With shaking fingers, Brogan dialed the number, remembering at the last moment to dial the country code first. The phone rang three times and he began to lose hope.

Just as the fourth ring ended he heard his wife's sleepy voice say, "Hello? Please don't hang up. I'm here."

"Hi honey," Brogan said. He heard a loud clatter and grinned.

A few moments later he heard, "Brogan?! Oh my God! Is that really you?"

"Yep, it's really me, babe." He chuckled, tears creating a slow trail down his cheeks.

"Jesus! Are you okay? They wouldn't tell me anything, other than you were wounded and in a coma. I've been worried sick!" The words tumbled out so fast he was hard pressed to understand them.

"Slow down, sweetheart. I can barely understand you."

"I'm sorry, honey. I'm just excited. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. At least I will be, or so the doc says."

"What happened?"

"I can't get into that right now, my love, but I'll tell you when I get home."

"Home? Oh my God..." The whisper trailed of into silence.

"Honey? Are you all right? You don't mind if I come home, do you?" Brogan smiled, picturing the reaction his words would get. He wasn't disappointed.

"Mind? Mind! Fuck no I don't 'mind'! I'm just..."

"Shocked? Awed? Discombobulated?"

Laughter. Music to his ears.

"So, anyway, the doc says I'll be shipped stateside in a couple of weeks."

The disappointment in his wife's voice was thick. "That long, huh?" A heavy sigh filled his ears.

"That's what I said. Look on the bright side, though. I'm coming home, and it's three years earlier than we expected, Kitty Kat."

"Kitty Kat. I've missed hearing you call me that. I love you, Brogan."

"I love you too, Kit."

They chatted until the nurse came back. When he hung up the phone, he caressed the receiver and smiled. Brogan looked at the nurse and said, "Let's get me home early."


Six days later, Brogan landed at Philadelphia International Airport and looked for the driver of the limousine he had hired. Spotting a man in a chauffer uniform standing near baggage claim, he walked toward him.

"You here for Daniels?"

The chauffer looked at him. "Brogan Daniels?"

"That's me. Let me get my bag." Brogan shifted the roses to his left hand and reached for his duffle bag.

"Here, sir, allow me." The chauffer picked up the heavy bag and turned toward the door. "This way, sir."

Brogan followed him to the limousine and slid into the back while the chauffer put his duffle bag in the trunk. When they pulled up outside his home a quarter of an hour later, he sat for a moment and stared. A banner covered the front of the house. 'Welcome home, Private First Class Daniels!'

The chauffer opened his door and indicated the house. "That's a nice thing to come home to."

"Yeah, Kit's always prepared for anything."

"Your wife, sir?"

"The one and only." He tipped the chauffer and said, "If you would, bring my bag to the porch?"

"Not a problem, sir."

"Thank you." Brogan made his way down the walk, trying to decide if he should knock or just use his key. The door burst open as he stepped onto the porch.

"Brogan!" Kit ran toward him and started to fling his arms around him, but stopped short. "Can I?"

"God yes. Please?" Brogan hugged his wife hard, raining kisses all over his face. "I've missed you so much, baby."

The chauffer came up in that moment and said, "This man is your wife?"

Brogan glanced over at the chauffer, laughing when he saw the shock and disbelief on the man's face.

"I sure am!" Kit stated and held his hand out to the chauffer. The chauffer shook Kit's hand. "Kristopher Daniels, pleased to make your acquaintance. Thank you for bringing him home."

"Um, you're welcome. Welcome home, soldier." The chauffer shook Brogan's hand. Brogan thanked him and watched him walk back to the limousine. The chauffer was smiling, shaking his head and muttering under his breath.

Brogan and Kit turned their attention back to each other and smiled. Brogan handed the roses to Kit, who looked at him in awe. "Roses..." Kit's eyes sparkled with moisture. He reached up and placed a gentle kiss on Brogan's lips.

"Thank you." Kit reached down to grab Brogan's bag, but Brogan stopped him.

"No, love, that's my job."


"No buts, babe. I can handle it. How do you think it got to the airport in the first place, hmm? Lead the way, darling, I believe we've given the neighbors enough to talk about for one day."

Brogan followed Kit inside the house and dropped his bag in the foyer before closing the door. Kit turned, a twinkle in his eyes, and reached for Brogan.

To be continued...

I hope you enjoyed the tale and could feel the love between Brogan and Kit. I also hope you aren't too upset with me for the subterfuge, but I wanted give the story a different kind of twist. Please, leave a public comment, send feedback and, most important, vote. Thank you! ~Minx

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
An underserved topic

Absolutely one of the best stories I've read. Love and lust indeed.

Stella_OmegaStella_Omegaabout 17 years ago
Sweet and romantic and hot long distance sex

thank you, Minx! *smooch*

indigo_bootsindigo_bootsabout 17 years ago
Amazing, thank you so much!

That story was amazing, I was so captivated, and I absolutely adored the twist!! My fiance is a Doc, and deployed, so I cried over how realistic some of the feelings were portrayed. I miss him so much, and K and B's story was so perfect. Please continue it soon!!

<3, Indi

tanyachrstanyachrsover 17 years ago
definitely devious

Not sure where you're going next with this but it'll be fun to find out. I had to go back and re-read everything to see if I could catch you out. Good job. :)

sacksackover 17 years ago
offbeat yet compelling...

and I wish you the best of luck in the contest.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
You're sick

and twisted! I love it, lol. Great twist, wasn't expecting it. So, what happens next? Is Kathy really a man too? Or is 'she' his mother? :D Just kidding. Great job, keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

I don't usually go for the 'gay thing', but this was an exceptional piece. You sure tricked me, lol. I can't wait to see what happens next.

MunachiMunachiover 17 years ago
great story!

very well written, very good story... and interesting twist... enjoyed reading it!

My Erotic TrailMy Erotic Trailover 17 years ago

Very well written, considering there were so many obstacles in writing this way. You really had to stay in the saddle (not a Brokeback pun) to keep up with who's who and then find out in the end that Pa. is not that far from Montana <grin (~_~) ... good luck and merry christmas

"I didn't know bucks would do that."

(they don't but... it worked very well in this story)

I enjoyed your write...



Selena_KittSelena_Kittover 17 years ago
It's a Brokeback Xmas!

Minxie, wow... you got me! Totally! Great job, sweetie, loved it! :)

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