NSFW Ch. 02: Not Suffering from Waiting?!


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Skylar sighed as she replied:I forgive you, you know I do. I just want things to be good with us again, things just feel weird now. I know nothing has changed between us, but it's like we have to start over and I don't like that.

Jay: Yeah, I feel the same way and I want to do everything I can to make it right. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm pushing this on you, I'm just so tired of hiding this from you and the only way I'm ever going to feel okay about it is if I just show you everything.

Skylar stared at her screen for a long moment before replying: Send me a comic, Jay.

Jay:What kind of comic?

Skylar bit her lip: Something naughty that you've made, I want to see it.

Jay:You sure? I know you said you wanted to wait and I don't want you to feel like you have to rush into this.

Sky: Yes, I'm sure. I've been thinking about it a lot and it's not fair for me to write off your work just because I'm uncomfortable with some of it. I'm still upset at having been lied to, even if you weren't lying, you were still withholding the truth and you're just going to have to deal with my attitude until I get over it, but I can't judge you for it if I haven't even taken the time to read it.

Jay:Okay, one sec.

Skylar popped herself up from the bed and walked over to the door. She locked it nervously and wondered why she was being so paranoid as she went back to her bed. Even as she pulled up the link that Jay sent her, she felt guilty and scared, and she wondered where those feelings were coming from. It was silly to get so worked up over a little hand drawn comic, even if it was depicting sex, and she realized that most of her anxiety was coming from the way she was raised. The thing that scared her the most was what her parents would think if they new that Jay drew erotic art, and she pursed her lips as she realized that she herself didn't really have a problem with it.

"It's time to grow up a little," she told herself almost defiantly as she clicked the link.

Her confidence disappeared almost immediately as the link opened up a drive share. The first page of the comic loaded brightly onto her phone screen, and she took a deep breath and read the title, "Winter Solace," she snickered. "Not bad, Jay, not bad... for someone who almost flunked English in high school."

She hit the next button and looked over the first illustration. There was a beautifully drawn forest with colors that were so realistic they almost jumped off the surface of her screen, and Skylar smiled as she continued. There was a dark skinned elf that lived alone in the forest, and she had gone out to pick some berries for herself. The woman was well drawn and realistically proportioned, and despite her pointed ears she looked like a very believable character. Skylar read on with increasing interest as the elf found a dying man in the middle of the forest. She dragged him back to her home and cleaned him up, then tended to him as he slept. Skylar was impressed with the mellow colors that Jay had used and she was especially taken by how well the flames in the fireplace had been drawn.

Soon enough, the man woke up and the two exchanged a bit of dialogue. It seemed that the man had been sent there to kill her by someone who wanted her property. On the way, he'd been attacked by wolves, and though he'd managed to drive them away, he'd nearly lost his life in the process. The woman was so taken by his honesty that she surprised him with her reply, "When you are well enough to kill again, I won't resist you if you still want to take my life," Skylar mouthed the words in rapt interest as she hit the next button. Against anything she might have thought, the simple story was as engaging as it was well drawn.

The assassin, of course, was taken back, but told the elf that he would take her up on the offer. Several days passed in the comic as the elf tended to the injured man. The sexual tension between the two increased, and Skylar appreciated the small ways that Jay had managed to depict it: A brush of their hands, secretive glances and short, nearly imperceivable smiles. The most interesting thing about the story was that neither of the characters had exchanged names, and it added an element of mystery and erotic suspense that Skylar hadn't even considered. She herself was an avid writer, and she'd had some success as a member of the journalism club for the college she'd graduated from. She wrote mostly non-fiction, but she'd dabbled in short stories and she preferred to read fiction if it was just for pleasure, but she had to admit that if she had to write something erotic she would be at a woeful disadvantage.

Finally, in a somewhat dramatic scene, the elven woman had just finished throwing a fresh log into the fire when the assassin stood and faced her, 'I'm feeling well enough to kill you,' his dialogue was marked by a hyphen as the frame depicted his face. He still looked plenty beat up, but the drawing was so vivid that Skylar could almost feel the emotion behind his gaze.

The elven woman turned and held her head up high, 'I'm ready,' she answered him with a stoic look.

The assassin drew a knife and approached her, and Skylar's eyes widened, "Don't do it!" She hissed at her phone screen as she hit the next button.

The assassin stood in front of the elf and held the knife to her throat. A wide frame showed their eyes locked into each other's, and for a moment Skylar really thought that the assassin might kill her.

In the next frame, however, the assassin dropped the knife, leaned forward, and pressed his lips against the elven woman's.

"About time," Skylar complained as she took a deep breath and hit the next button.

The pair continued to kiss as the assassin put his hands on her. Skylar frowned and felt her stomach fill with butterflies, but she repressed it immediately, "It's just a comic, calm down," she chastised herself as she adjusted her position on the bed.

Although she'd never really seen porn, she'd seen plenty of sex scenes in movies, and once more she felt ridiculous for getting so worked up. She bolstered her confidence for a second time and forged ahead, but, like before, her confidence was quickly shattered as the scene unfolded.

Within a few frames, the elven woman was topless. Her breasts were well drawn, Jay had even added a bit of shading around her nipples. Skylar gulped as the woman was ravished, but she was determined to see it through till the end.

Her eyes glazed over a bit as she fell into a somewhat retracted state of mind. She wanted hate it, but she didn't, and she hated herself for liking it, and she hated herself more for not admitting to herself that she did. The assassin kissed her everywhere, and though there was no dialogue, she could almost feel the pleasure the lonely woman was feeling by her expression. The killer pulled her to the ground in front of the fire and pulled off her trousers, and Skylar giggled as she looked over the elf's delicately drawn vagina. It wasn't bad, not really, but there were certain things that were a bit off about it. For one, the woman's clitoris was way too high, and though the curves were well drawn it looked a bit too cartoonish. She reminded herself that Jay hadn't been as up close and personal with a woman's plumbing as she'd thought he had, and she decided to forgive him for the slight distraction and break in quality.

"Oh..." she forgot about the small details as the assassin began to lick at his unlikely lover. For the first time since she'd begun to read, she began to feel a slight, familiar tingle in her crotch, but she ignored it easily. As he continued to lick her, the elf closed her eyes and placed her hands on his head, and Skylar's breath quickened without her even realizing it.

the assassin declothed at some point after another page and Skylar exhaled sharply, "Damn," she said out loud as her eyes widened, "Really subtle, Jay..." her voice quivered suddenly as she stared at the frame directly under the point where the killer took his pants off. She wouldn't have been able to tell from experience if the drawn penis was realistic or not, but it looked real enough to her.

She sped through the next few frames as she swallowed hard, her eyes darting about wildly as a sick mixture of excitement and guilt coursed through her. The couple was finally having sex, and it wasn't nearly as dirty as she thought it was going to be. In fact, much of it seemed...sweet, just like Jay had told her, and she felt a bit of guilt for a different reason.

Regardless, she had to acknowledge that she was enjoying it as she fawned over every frame. Most of it wasn't focusing on the actual intercourse, but on the character's expressions and the placement of their hands. It was far more romantic than it was raunchy, and it made Skylar lonely in a very certain, unmistakable kind of way. The warmth between her legs began to spread as she breathed more quickly, and she pushed her screen impatiently to see the next page.

'Please,' the woman spoke with her eyes closed and her head thrown back. It was the only piece of dialogue she'd seen since they'd started making love, and it was so painfully honest in it's simplicity that it resonated terribly with her.

Skylar was suddenly feeling very emotional. The comic was hitting something that was too close to home for her, and even as her arousal grew, she grew more upset.

It wasn't just the sex that she craved, it was the intimacy. She'd been holding herself back from Jay for such a long time that she'd inadvertently isolated her own desire from herself, which had led to some emotional distance between them. Every time she masturbated, she felt guilty afterwards, yet Jay was creating erotica without a single shred of self doubt or guilt. It was his confidence that had always attracted her the most, and his gentle way of getting things done, and though she was still angry with him for lying to her, she regretted pushing him away so much.

She closed out of the comic and sent a text message to Jay: Hey, why do you love me so much?

Jay responded a moment later: Another loaded question?

Sky: No, I'm really asking, It's not like there's a wrong answer.

Jay: Mostly cause you're everything I'm not. You know how to get things done, and you're not afraid to voice your opinion. You drive me to want more for myself. Before you, I really thought that the right thing to do was to get my degree and get some job that I'd hate for the rest of my life, but you changed my mind so quickly just by being yourself. I don't have a lot of gumption on my own, you know that, and I'm always second guessing myself. You are, iono, decisive in a way that I'm not sure I can ever be, and I respect the hell out of you for that.

Skylar smiled widely when she read the text: Send me another comic. This one was really good. I feel like you're treating me with kid gloves though, send me something really bad.

Jay:?? what constitutes really bad? How nasty do you think my stuff gets??

Skylar giggled: Dunno, just send me something else.

A minute later, she received a link and opened it excitedly. Immediately, her eyes were met with a series of full colored pictures, and her eyes widened.

It wasn't a comic, exactly, but a series of pictures that showed one of the characters she'd seen while intruding Jay's computer. There was a full bodied, purple haired woman posing in all sorts of lewd positions, and she wasn't alone. Soon, she was on her knees in front of thick, drawn cock, and her mouth was open widely.

Skylar didn't know what to think. When she was in her teens, she'd picked up a fashion magazine that was entirely inappropriate for her age. There was an article there that dealt with what the author referred to as 'swallowing', and that was the first time Skylar had even heard of oral sex, let alone swallowing. The thought of actually letting a man put his penis in her mouth terrified her, and she assumed that if there were articles written about how to swallow their semen, it couldn't be a very pleasant experience. In the end, she was mortified, and she vowed to never swallow for anyone, regardless of who it was.

She took a deep breath as she stared at the static illustration, "Hm," she mumbled to herself as she continued to scroll through the pictures. The fictional woman looked like she was having fun as she sucked off her partner, and soon her tongue was lolling out to catch his white stuff (as she mentally referred to it as).

Skylar felt ridiculous for being so introspective about porn, but as she looked at the pictures she came to a conclusion. She'd gotten excited from seeing the assassin lick at the elf, and it made her think of Jay. "Would he do that for me?" She whispered to herself as she finally slipped her hand into her pajama pants.

She thought that he would, and if he was willing to do it for her, how unfair would it be if she wasn't willing to do it for him?

The images of the purple haired deviant were getting a little raunchier, and she sighed softly as she began to rub herself.

She realized what she was doing several seconds in, and for the briefest of moments she felt a pang of guilt.

Jay texted her then, and she almost yelped as the phone buzzed in her hand: So, whatcha think?

She kept her hand beneath her pants and pursed her lips. "What do I think?" She asked herself as she absently touched her clit. Obviously, she was enjoying it, but she was still having doubts. She texted him back with one hand as she frowned: I don't know... I'm still deciding.

Jay: Is it over the top?

Skylar sighed as she watched the woman getting fucked doggy style: Why are you rushing me?

She'd sent the text impatiently, and it was already gone before she rethink the context.

Jay: Rushing you? I'm sorry, I'm just terrified that you're going to hate it.

She sighed: I don't hate it.

Jay: Then why didn't you say so?! I'm dying with worry over here, Sky.

She took a deep breath and set her phone down. She was horny as hell and frustrated with herself for closing herself off to him. She wanted to take a chance, even if it was just a small one, and she was tired of feeling like a sheltered child.

If the comics had repulsed her, there was a very real possibility that their relationship wouldn't work out. He really was taking a risk for her, and she wanted to do something risky in return. She opened her nightstand drawer and pulled out the electric toothbrush before turning it on and stuffing it down her pants.

She sighed softly as the tiny vibrating head pulsed gently against her clit. It wasn't a powerful vibration, but it was enough to bring her around within a few minutes, and anytime she used it she was already most of the way there on her own. She took up her phone with her free hand and stared at Jay's text for a long moment before she texted him.

Sky: I'm masturbating.

She took a deep breath and hit send, and a wave of nervous excitement tingled over her body.

Jay responded several moments later: O.o?! Seriously?

Skylar giggled as she responded: Yes, seriously. Using the toothbrush.

Jay: You're messing with me.

Skylar leaned back as the tiny electric motor worked against her sensitive nub: I'm not. Your stupid comics turned me on, are you happy?

Jay: Am I in the twilight zone? Now you're just being cruel to me Xo!

Skylar bit her lip and grinned: Don't believe me?

Jay: Will you kill me if I say I don't?

The conversation alone was turning her on more than the comics had, and she shoved aside her reasoning as she thumbed over his name and hit the call button.

It rang once before she heard Jay's voice, "H,hello?"

"Don't say anything, just stay on the line with me," she said softly as held the phone to her ear.

Jay did as he was asked, and she heard nothing but the sound of his breathing as she pressed down harder on her makeshift vibrator.

She imagined the look on his face as she allowed several small sighs to escape her lips. She very rarely flirted with him, especially in public, and she always knew that he secretly wanted that from her.

Just knowing that he was listening to her was driving her toward the edge faster than she'd anticipated, and within moments her sighs turned to quiet gasps, "I'm sorry, Jay," she breathed as she closed her eyes.

She heard nothing from him, but she knew he was listening, "I'm sorry that you felt like you had to hide from me... just...ease me into it... okay?"

Again, he gave her no reply, but that didn't stop her from moaning, "I'm so glad we're getting married... I can't wait anymore. I need to feel you inside of me... please," she whimpered as she swallowed hard. "I bet you're so hard right now, listening to me..." she squeezed her eyes shut tightly as the beginnings of her climax crept into her limbs, "I promise I'll help you with that... just wait for me a little bit... oh... longer. Mmm, geez, you and your stupid, damn comics," she gasped, "Mmf!"

She rolled over and pressed her face into the pillow as her orgasm took her. It was much stronger than she thought it would be, and as it rocked through her she panted into the phone. She tried to keep her voice down, but a small, pitchy moan escaped, and she shoved her face further into the pillow before she turned the toothbrush off and took up her phone.

"I love you, Jay," she whispered weakly into the phone. "Call me tomorrow."

"I love you too, baby," Jay replied, sounding fairly weak himself. "I will... goodnight."

She ended the call and sighed as she allowed the phone to slip from her hand. As her senses returned to her, so did her reason, and she began to self reflect once more.

For once in her adult life, coming down from a particularly good orgasm actually felt, well, good. She rolled onto her back and blinked tiredly as she realized why that was, and a wide smile broke out over her face.

Skylar didn't feel one shred of guilt, in fact, she was thinking about doing it again.

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googliciousgoogliciousabout 6 years ago
Sweet and romantic

Just what the Romance section needs. A young couple in love and sex is an element of their love. Not the be all and end all. Keep going down the path.

Dick43Dick43about 6 years ago

An imaginative story which engaged me with the protagonists and leaves me wanting more!

HaydenDLinderHaydenDLinderabout 6 years ago
I really liked that one.

It started out as a steady 4 but slowly climbed to a 5 Star.

I like these two kids and their story.

Very well done.:)

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