Of Leaf and Lust - Arc 01


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"That's right. A feeding succubus' horns are extremely sensitive."

My orgasm petered out after eight voluminous blasts. I stayed hard. So very hard. How could I not? Mom was right. As ridiculous as it sounded, my sister's mouth was made for fucking. If I closed my eyes I don't even know if I could immediately tell the difference between her throat and Esmera's pussy.

I wanted more. Locking eyes with Esmera, I slowly retreated my hips, extracting my fat cock from my sister. I could feel her esophagus tighten back up immediately without my cock to stretch it out. I hadn't damaged her. This wasn't some fragile human woman who would cough and choke and gag and cry from having a dick where it didn't belong. No, this was a succubus. My succubus. Always ready, willing, and able to take me.

Esmera perked up as my cock nearly left Amerys' mouth. While I came down her twin's throat, Esmera's hand increased speed between her thighs. Her body position carefully blocked what she was doing from view. Even I could figure out what her slender little fingers were up to.

When my cock left her throat, Amerys took deep breaths through her nose. Her hot exhales tickled my groin. Her tongue started swirling around the tip of my cock still left inside her, bringing my attention back. She looked up with eyes that asked why I stopped. One last powerful suction and my cock left her mouth.

"More," Amerys demanded.

I took one last glance back to Esmera before plunging my cock back down where it belonged. Amerys moaned in satisfaction up until the point where my fat head lodged itself back in her throat, silencing her. This was my throat pussy. I wasn't done using it yet.

Mom pressed herself into me. Her hot thick nipples seared into me. Lithe hands never stopped trailing delight. Between kisses on my neck and back her sultry whisper continued. "That's it, Arden, fuck my daughter. Take your pleasure."

I thrust forward. My unrelenting hardness cored out a path straight to her stomach. It rumbled in hunger at my arrival.

"She's starving for you. Your cock. Your cum. Your lust. She craves only you. Her bonded. Her mate. Her master."

I gripped Amerys' skull, forefingers and thumbs wrapped around her tiny horns. My hips rocked back, giving her time for a single breath. I plunged back in to the root. I let out a curse. Her throat was even tighter and wetter than the first thrust.

"Yes, teach her how to please you. It's all she wants right now. Feed her. Help her grow. Cum for her. Fill that empty stomach."

My thrusts were urgent now. Constant. My pendulous balls swung heavy and low as they repeatedly thwapped Amerys' throat. She triggered my point of no return when she gripped my butt and used her incredible strength to match my thrusts by slamming her head forward. Three claps of her cock-stuffed face meeting my abs tipped me over. Bliss bubbled up my spine. My thighs trembled, toes became numb when I came down her throat and made it mine. As soon as my sperm hit her stomach, Amerys was lost to the world again.

Mom reached around and cupped my balls. Her words rose into a fevered pitch. "Yes, Arden. Fuck her into a pleasure coma. Claim her for your pleasure."

She massaged my nuts. "You're weak now. Too scrawny and impotent. You need to work hard and grow. Bigger. Stronger. Become the stud who conquers three succubi."

Another eight spurts of cum disappeared into my eldest sister's bottomless stomach. Mom shoved a tit into my mouth and ambrosia filled it. I instinctively swallowed.

"Drink! Fuel your ascension! Become worthy!"

The pure lust hit my blood stream, destroying any coherent thought, There was no family. There was no me. There was only pleasure. White hot pleasure. Insistent pulses. Extreme flows between tiny ebbs. On and on through time uncountable.


Holy shit that is one kinky bitch, Rhea thought as she listened in on the bug she planted.

Rhea appreciated all the neat little toys the mundane humans made. The tiny listening device spying on the suburban family was barely bigger than a fingernail. All it took was a moment to adhere it to the bottom of the couch. Its small profile and matte black coloring made it likely never be found. Then it transmitted sound to her until its batteries ran out. The device didn't even use magic. How absurd.

She was glad she went with her gut. The kid on the couch didn't calm down like she Voiced him to do. He still talked of fear while explaining what happened. But to be able to resist her while being so young? That was the kind of power her bosses really wanted to know about. Bosses that would become largely irrelevant if what that succubus said was true.

The succubus could be off her rocker though, treating the kid like the Second Coming. Her unending zealous praise continued to babble in her earpiece, alongside lurid moans and screams. Rhea hadn't met a succubus before, but damn were they horny. The salaciousness was getting even to her.

Rhea had lucked out here. She had sloppily only added a single bug to their living room. If it wasn't for the succubus' loud exhaltations projecting through their home, she would have never known something was awry. They had pretended quite well to fall under control of her Voice after she left.

Did she resist, too? Not one, but two powerhouses hidden away in bumfuck nowhere? Soon to be four if the succubus could be believed. All outside the purview of the Great Houses?

Rhea had a choice to make. The bugs she used were a side-hustle for her, an under-the-table way to gain blackmail. Her partner didn't know about her little hobby, nor did her bosses as far as she knew. So it was completely up to her what to do with this juicy bit of intel.

She could report it to her bosses, of course. It would rile them up like a hornet nest and their 'justice' would stamp out the new players to the world of magic. She expected them to give her a pittiance in return. Maybe a hearty 'good job' and a pat on the back, if that. Because that would be what they saw it as -- simply part of her job. She hadn't gone above and beyond. To them she was just a cog in the giant machine that was the Great Houses and their complete oligarchy over magic. They thought that they deserved her best just for existing, the arrogant pricks. Like it was an honor to be little more than a slave.

Or she could put her lot in with the kid and get in on the ground floor of something new. Something exciting. With her help, this family would completely fall under the Great Houses' radar, free to accrue power. The Houses hadn't had a true challenge to their rule in ages.

She supposed it came down to which one of the groups benefited her the most. The newcomers would have almost no resources to offer, but the old curmudgeons wouldn't give up the resources they had. A pensive hum reverberated in her throat.

Vandis moved his eyes off the road to glance at her in the passenger seat, "Something wrong?"

She muted her ear buds. "Just remembering that fish fry we had for dinner the other day."

"Liked it, huh? I told you Mikey's has the best fish fry around."

There's always playing both sides.


My lustful frenzy receded enough for coherent thought. Hazy memories flitted through my mind's eye. Like a dream they slipped through my mental fingers to be lost forevermore. The only impressions left were a lot of milk and fucking.

I was lying in bed on my side, sandwiched between two warm bodies. Hot, wet, insistent tugs drew upon my dick. My erection had yet to flag and I was on the edge of bursting once more. But a new sensation made the stimulus upon my cock pale in comparison. Something had engulfed my entire ball sack. It felt like thousands of tiny tongues massaging every bit of surface area.

I opened my eyes to a face full of Esmera's black hair. At some point I must have started to spoon her. My arm was snugly tucked under her neck and she hugged my forearm to her chest.

The light in the room was dim. Just how many hours was I out?

In the edges of my peripheral vision I spied Amerys' arm hugging me tight. Even relaxed, her muscles stood out in stark relief. She looked strong, like she had been working out constantly for years. I expected more hard muscle pressed into me from behind, but only firm breasts with stiff nipples and... is that an outie belly button? Just how much did I cum?

My other hand draped over Esmera's belly. I slowly smoothed my hand over its domed surface. But as my hand traveled it just kept going. And going. While lying on her side it projected not only outward but all directions, including down towards knees. From my position my hand couldn't even reach the bottom of her belly.

I did this.

The realization tipped me over. I swallowed my grunt as I unloaded yet another salvo of cum into my sister. Her pussy fluttered around me, encouraging me to give my all. The field of tongues pressed harder into my balls only to all pull away simultaneously, suctioned on. Every thunderous clenching release of my balls was met with an equal suck from numerous tiny suction cups.

Mom's soothing voice cut through the silence, "That's it, Arden, cum for mommy."

Esmera's body, already so swollen with my seed, expanded further with every glorp of spunk I gave. Her satisfied sigh turned into a throaty groan. My cock head was suspended in the swirling sea of warm cum known as my sister's womb. Yet with every pulse of cream I added to her meal, her cervix engulfed more of my cock. Her cervix tightened but my orgasmic release would not be denied. The pressure in her womb rose until a whining wordless cry escaped Esmera's lips. Her claws dug into the arm she hugged.

She scissored her thighs together, trying to stop it. The inevitable consequences came. Esmera's womb reached maximum capacity. Each of my monumental releases, having nowhere else to go, splashed back out of her pussy. Thick spooge splattered all over my abs and thighs, joining her succu-cum's tingling slickness.

Is this my life now? Release after release flooded the bed with my semen. The sucking sensation on my balls kept pace. A hyper-virile breeding bull to three insatiable women? That wasn't true though. Mom and Esmera called me impotent and puny. It was a long way to go until I could keep up with their demands. And that was just my sisters. I completely neglected my third bonded.

When I at last unloaded the entirety of my orgasm, a tiny nagging blip in my psyche finally quieted. The bond was happy, Esmera completely sated.

While I pulled my cum-slick cock from its very inviting home I pushed my senses towards my bonds. Amerys wasn't quite fully content, some pinprick of dissatisfaction nagged her. But based on her gentle breath ruffling my hair, I figured she was sleeping off the latest meal I shot down her throat.

Did this nuance always exist across the bond? These emotions? Or have I just gotten better at interpretation? Is the bond strengthening? Maybe I've lost my mind and all this insanity over the last day is me in my seizure-induced coma.

One last connection pinged against my brain, one that had been silent before I lost myself to the lust frenzy. Or perhaps I simply could not hear it over the constant din of the others. The intangible voice was quiet, a kind of suppressed murmur. It was not the wordy babble of my sisters. It was cutting in and out like it had been forcefully snipped apart and mangled. The remaining fragments confused me. How am I supposed to interpret a fraction of an emotion? Slowly my mind seemed to figure out this confusing new type of information. It pieced together the puzzle into a melancholic sense of longing mixed with conflicted desire. Mom's sad?

"Now, aren't you a naughty boy. Spilling your precious seed like that." The suction on my balls stopped, replaced once more with the field of tongues that sought out every drop of semen. "It's supposed to all go in your sisters."

The tongues slurped everywhere, getting into every crack and crevice to find every morsel. Soft moans came from Esmera as they plumbed her stuffed pussy for my spend. My cock, contently sandwiched between Esmera's plush thighs and pressing into her enormously gravid cum belly, got its own spit shine. The tongues were methodical in their semen seeking. No spot hid from their delightful touch. And when every bit of my semen had been licked up, a sound like a huge throat repeatedly gulping met my ears.

Mom made the tiniest of squeaks. For just a fraction of an instant across the bond a complete stream of consciousness hit me. Desire. A desire so deep and dense and all-consuming. I nearly lost myself in that blip of time on the event horizon of a black hole made from pure desire. My sisters' had been born of months of abstinence. This was born of a lifetime. But I was saved. Just as fast and overwhelming as it came, so too did it disappear.

"Even now your sisters' bodies are changing, transforming into even more perfected versions of themselves. Their instincts combined with their desires and your lessons through the bond are making them grow into women better able to drain you dry. They'll only get hungrier as they approach adulthood."

Mom's words slid off me. Without the orgasmic endorphins clouding my mind, soreness crept back to fore. I felt like I had completed an Iron Man race then fucked my way through all the women competing. My everything was sore. Muscles I didn't even know existed ached.

Part of me wanted to pass out for the next week to recover. Yet my core had more to give. Odd. I expected it to be a shriveled husk after Esmera and Amerys had their way with me. But it's coiled potential thrummed in my chest with a sensation I had a hard time parsing. An absurd thought came to me. I wanted to describe my core with the term "more yes." Before it had been a maybe. Now it was solidly a yes. Yet the notion made sense in a strange way. Mom called the core my metaphysical self. Now that meta-self was stronger so I was more... me?

I had so many questions. It took a moment to pick one from the ever-growing pile of confusion. The carpet of tongues returned to my testicles. That decided for me. "Mom?"

"Yes?" Her voice came from behind me. I suspected she was spooning Amerys, but I was trapped and couldn't see.

"What's that touching me?"


The tongues completely ensconsed my balls in their wet, licking stimulation. My flagging erection surged back to steely hardness. "Yes," I hissed between clenched teeth, trying to hold off my release.

"It's my tail. A succubus tail isn't just for show. It's the most adept part of us when it comes to transformation magic."

The licking tongues paused their writhing. Negative pressure sucked on my entire sack at once. The suction stopped and licking returned. The stimulation quickly brought me to the precipice. Right when I was about to tumble over into orgasm the movement stopped. My denied balls felt heavy. I wanted to empty them.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

Cavernous starvation hit me through the bond before it was unceremoniously crushed. "No, no. That would be a waste of the milk I fed you. My daughters need food more than me."

I became acutely aware of the pair of huge bellies with which I burdened my sisters. "I think they're full."

"And that's a problem, isn't it?"

It felt bed hearing those words from my mom. I was causing problems? I didn't know what I was doing at all. Or even what I did. Her lust-infused milk drowned my sense of self.

"What's a problem? I fed them."

The tongues returned, attacking my sensitive skin. They settled into a gentle massage, keeping me hard but not giving me release.

"While cumming this much is impressive, that's not what my daughters need. They need lust. Your nature attunement keeps making these balls bigger and refilling them, but we don't have time for half-day orgies just to squeeze a proper meal out of you. Fun? Yes. Practical? No. Imagine if the DMA attacked right now. Could you protect Esmera?"

Esmera's bloated belly defied all the physics and anatomy I knew. How did that much mass come out of me? How is she still alive after being blown up to such proportions? I lacked the towering musculature of my father, so moving Esmera in her current state seemed impossible.

"No, but I was just following Esmera's first step!" Ugh, I hate how whiny I sound.

"I know. It's okay. You didn't do anything wrong. You simply need to progress to the second step sooner, rather than later. All that milk you drank today? I'd been saving up that much essence for years. Yet you burned through it in a single day. I can't feed you that much anymore. So efficiency is paramount or else you won't be able to sustain our family."

"What happens if I can't?"

"Then my daughters' growth will be stunted. I won't let that happen. We'd be forced to seek lust from other people."

"Mine," the word grumbled out from deep in my throat before I could even think of it. I hugged Esmera closer and reached behind me to place a palm on Amerys' belly. The thought of anyone else having my bondmates was like nails down a chalkboard.

"Only if you succeed in fulfilling their needs."


"I'll teach you."


I led my son to his room, away from the distracting debauched mess of my own bedroom. I remembered to duck through the low doorway. It felt great to be in my own body again, not that pale human fascimile of my true self. Even the minor inconvenience of everything being too short to comfortably use didn't detract from the sense of freedom I felt. It was like I had been wearing a corset strung too tight and finally got to take it off. Besides, it just gave me the excuse of having to bend over to get to everything. I loved the spike of desire every time I presented my butt to Arden.

Being in this form reminded me of the last time I truly used it. Back when my first beloved and bonded one blessed me with my two beautiful daughters. So many years ago, almost two decades now. I missed him dearly. If only it had worked out.

But that was enough rumination. My new bonded walked beside me. A little greenhorn mage who I'd raised as my own. He was a tiny boy in most ways, except for the one that truly mattered to a succubus. Far from his timid self from this morning, Arden strutted naked through our home. I suppose an orgy would grant him confidence. Maybe the bonds are guiding him towards being the dominant man we all crave.

His truly enormous endowment led the way. Even to the mundane eye it impressed. I still couldn't believe Esmera called him puny. But once she shared the plan, I understood my crafty daughter. Deceit came second nature to us. And what were more lies on top of the ones I'd already given? They were for the good of the family. For Arden and for us, his bonded succubi. Especially for us.

Overnight Arden surpassed his father. A single night and he eclipsed the former North American seat to the House of Leaves. Not in magical prowess, stature, or power, but sheer succubus-feeding endowment. The illusion I'd shown him in the dining room had been carefully crafted to be much more endowed than the truth. What caused his enormous cock and balls? Was it growing up with my daughters constantly feeding on him? My milk? Did my seal on his core have some strange reaction? Do succubi bonds always do this to fledgling mages? Multiple bonds? Was he always destined for this greatness? The situation baffled me. But I couldn't deny I liked the results.

During the orgy he grew even more. For hours he sucked down my lust-laden milk, metabolizing it faster than a succubus, and pumping his never-ending ball batter into whichever hole wanted it. The whole time he wielded his essence and affinity like an archmage. Yet he did it without an iota of training. A true natural savant. No incantations. No specialized movements. No exercises. No enchanted focuses.
