Off Campus 04 Pt. 08

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Harem girl in trouble. Show of support is loving and sexy.
8.5k words

Part 17 of the 23 part series

Updated 01/05/2023
Created 11/06/2021
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Things have been steadily winding down since yesterday's blowup resulting from the viral social media video clip of the crew being sexy -- but not lewd -- in the hotel's café. Steve and the crew are having their usual chill session in the bar.

Steven is still closely monitoring Hannah's situation and is on edge. He is about to find out it is with good reason.


Jessica is sitting in my lap, and the others are all giggly because, as usual, we're surreptitiously screwing. I had declared "no fuck table" yesterday during the media panic, but since there are no strangers in the bar I've executed my boss's privilege, waiving the new rule for the moment.

I compelled Amber and Ally to tell the crew that we discovered Ally's secret hideaway. We got unanimous approval along the lines of "Ohgawd, yes!" about the potential project. I told them I certainly agree with the idea, but had to remind them they're not the ones who pay the bills. I also conveyed my concerns about the safety problems, and that if they were going to sunbathe any time soon, Phil, Ally or myself would have to know when they're up there. Also, they could not have guests. Hotel employees only. And board members, too, who are also covered under our insurance policy. Don't want to leave Hannah and Thad out of this bit of sexy fun.

About halfway through my beer my phone rings. It's Hannah's burner. I answer with trepidation because this is right about the time she should be experiencing the effects of the second medication regimen.

"Hi. You still okay?"

"I don't know, Steven. Bleeding is awfully heavy."

"It should be. How heavy? How many pads?"

"Three in the past, oh, 45 minutes?"

"TOO MANY!!! Call Bethany right now! You're hemorrhaging! I'm hanging up! Go!!!"

"Steven! You're scaring me!"

"Damn it, Hannah. This is serious! Call her! Have her call me when you're stabilized!"

I hang up, and take a deep breath; I have to pause to contain myself. Jessica has jumped out of my lap; the group is totally silent, waiting for my assessment.

"Sweetheart?" Cyan quietly queries.

"What I was afraid of. She's lost too much uterine lining and is bleeding uncontrollably. Rare, but it happens. I have to call the clinic."

Fortunately, I was prepared for something like this and had the clinic's emergency number in my phone, hoping I didn't have to use it. I call.

"Rocky Mountain Women's Health" the voice answers.

"This is Steven Albertson, Hannah Griffith's emergency contact. She's hemorrhaging!"

"Oh, yes! An ambulance has been called, Mr. Albertson! Ms. Simmons is on her way to be with her."

"Thank you. Bethany knows to call me, right?!"

"Yes. She'll call you from the hospital."

"Ohmygawd, thank you. We're on our way."

I end the call.

"Everybody?" I summon. "Thank goodness you're all here. Phil, Jen and Amber? You're in charge. The rest of you, go get enough stuff for two or three days in a hotel. Meet you in the lobby in half an hour. We're going to Colorado Springs."

Everybody scrambles. On my way to the passageway, I call to Elliott, "El, do the best you can. Overtime is authorized, obviously."

"Yes sir, Mr. A! Sending good vibes your way! Kisses and hugs for her from me. Good luck!"

"Thanks!" as I duck through the opening.

On my way to the elevators I catch Don's attention, "Don, we have an emergency. Please have one of the guys fetch my SUV, make sure it has a full tank, and park it out front for us. It'll be me and four of the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are in charge, Ms. Haverty is their assistant. I'll call Gail."

I dial Gail's number.

"Good evening, Steven."

"Hi, Gail. Hannah's in trouble. She's hemorrhaging after the last procedure. I'm taking Cyan, Cheyenne, Ally and Jess to Colorado Springs with me. Phil and Jen are in charge, Amber is their helper. Any and all overtime is authorized."

"Oh my! She going to be okay?"

"I don't know, and probably won't know until I see her at the hospital. I had to tell her to get help during our last call. She didn't understand how severe her bleeding was."

"Keep me informed, Steven. I worry about you all sometimes."

"I know, Gail. About this morning..."

"Oh. I got caught checking on you guys."

"No worries. Thank you. Thank you for understanding us."

"I still think you're all nuts, but really happy nuts. What a breath of fresh air. Wish Hannah my best. Good luck, Steven!"

"Thanks. Talk to you tomorrow morning."


I make it up to our suite in time for Cyan to come running out with our suitcase.

"I think I packed the right stuff for you, honey. Suit and tie, too, in case you need to pull rank on somebody."

"Thank you, sweetheart. You're so good to me. Ally ready?"

No sooner did those words come out of my mouth than Ally stepped into the hallway pulling her overnight bag.

"Let's go!" she urges. "It's a long drive."

We walk briskly to the elevator and find our way to the lobby. Cheyenne is waiting for us.

"How? You have a fifteen minute drive home, at least!" I ask.

"I keep a jump kit in my office. Old habits die hard. Clothes may be a little formal for sitting with a friend, but it's what I've got."

"Cheyenne, you're my co-pilot. Cyan can't handle night driving. We need to switch off when we stop for gas around Oakley. You okay with late driving?"

"No problem. I'll nap during the first leg."

Jessica walks in the front door. "My bag is in the car, Steven. We're all here, then. Ready?"

Bell staff is holding doors for all of us to move quickly. They see the panic and concern in our faces.

"Godspeed, Mr. Albertson. We're all wishing the best for you and your friend. Be careful!"

"Thank you, Jeremy," as he closes my door.

With all secure in their seats, I motor off, working hard to not to let my emotions push me into driving too fast. The girls try to relax as best they can. Like Ally said, it's a long drive, so they lean into each other to catch a few winks. I glance into the rearview and see Jessica leaning into my wife, both asleep, wearing subtle smiles in their comfort with each other.

Just past Topeka my phone rings. I fish it out of my pocket and hand it to Cheyenne to answer.

"Colorado Springs area code," she tells me. She answers.

"Steven Albertson's phone. This is Cheyenne Morris."

"Ms. Morris, his attorney?" asks the female voice on the other end.


"Good. Can you put him on?"

"Speaker okay? Three of the girls are with us. We're on our way there," as she enables the speaker. "You're on."

"Mr. Albertson, this is Bethany Simmons, Hannah's counselor."

"Hi, Bethany. Thank you for calling. How is she doing?"

"My God, thanks to you she is going to be okay. The doctors were able to get to her in time to control the bleeding. If you hadn't..."

"I know. I had to be firm with her to make her understand she was in big trouble. Where is she now?"

"Intensive care at Midtown. You know where it is?"

"On Boulder west of Union."

"Yes. Mr. Albertson?"


"You are some sort of God-sent miracle. Hannah and I have spent hours together, mostly talking about you and your ladies and how wonderful you are with all of them, how you are joined emotionally so deeply with every one, to the exclusion of none."

"Gosh, Bethany. Thank you. It's who I am. I can't attest to the 'exclusion' thing, though. Right, dear?"

"This is Cyan, his wife. Yeah, sometimes I have to take a number, too."

Everybody cracks up.

Bethany continues, "Why am I not surprised by that response? You all are funny as heck, even in a crisis. I saw you guys on TV last night. Like I said, a miracle."


"Thank you for being so supportive of Hannah. Somehow you broke through the hard shell she built around herself. She really loves you, and based on what we talked about you are the only man she feels she could truly love."

"We'll talk about that after we get there. Not that I can't right now, Cheyenne and Ally had opportunity to counsel me about that very thing this morning, and her primary lover is sitting behind me. Right, Jess?"


"But it's all a little deep to handle while in the car. Everybody in our group is open with everyone else, which is part of what makes it work."

"Okay. Yes, I need to let you concentrate on driving. One bit of caution. When you walk into the hospital, be prepared to sign autographs. Word got out that Hannah was one of 'Superstud's' girlfriends when she put your name as her emergency contact and next-of-kin. You should think about traveling with a security detail."

"Appreciate the warning," I chuckle. "Thank you, Bethany. Hey, is there a nice hotel close to the hospital?"

"'The Pike's Peak'. CanAm and Pikes Peak. I think it's a lot like your hotel, Mr. Albertson."

"Oh, yes! I should have remembered that! Thank you!"

"Drive safe! See you then."

Cheyenne hangs up with Bethany. Huge, huge load off my chest. It's still a long drive ahead of us, but at least there won't be indentations in the steering wheel from gripping it so hard.

I pause to gather myself after that little revelation from Bethany.

"Next-of-kin, Steven?" Cheyenne softly queries.

"I'm just as surprised. You remember from this morning?"

"Yes. You were sort of upset that she declared her exclusive love for you."

"She really meant it. She's told the hospital I'm her husband, basically."

"You mean like the rest of us would do, Steven?"

"Never thought about it, but yeah."

Cyan reaches to me from the back seat with a handful of tissues. She knows where I'm at with this.

"We all love you, Steven," Ally comforts. "Forever."

I avail myself of the tissues. Another pause to regain composure, and I prompt Cheyenne for the next task. Take a deep breath, Steven.

"Calling the hotel now," Cheyenne informs.

"Thanks. Put it on the speaker. I have a hunch they'll go crazy when they hear it's me. Just a hunch."

I hear the line ring. Somebody picks up.

"Pike's Peak Lodgings, This is Terry Walters. How may I help you tonight?"

"Good evening, Ms. Walters. This is Steven Albertson. We have a personal emergency in the Springs, and need a place to stay through Wednesday morning. Do you have something with two kings?"

"Sir? Is this the Mr. Albertson? From 'The Abercrombie'?"

"Yes it is." There are giggles from the back seat. "(Shush!)" I chuckle.

"You are our hero, sir. You cannot believe what you and your friends have done for old-school luxury hotels. Our bookings have been going crazy all day. Hang on a second and I'll see if we can do something special for you."

I hear chatter in the background. "Centennial?" is heard in the back and forth.

"Mr. Albertson, our largest suite is available. It will be our pleasure to host you and your friends, at trade comp. Is that satisfactory?"

"Oh my goodness, yes, Ms. Walters. Thank you. Thank you very much!"

"When can we expect you?"

"We are barely on the road. We have one important stop to make. I estimate we will be there around six a.m."

"Looking forward to your visit, sir. See you then. Drive safe!"

"Thank you again."

Cheyenne terminates the call.

"Told you!" I smirk.

"You're so bad, Steven," as Ally thumps the back of my seat with her foot.

More giggles.

Cheyenne feels obligated to quash our momentary euphoria. Lawyers are good for that. Having one with a personal stake in protecting me is even better.

"You know, Steven, this is the first time you have traded on our celebrity. Yes, it's a perk, but there is a definite downside, too. Bethany is right about a security detail. As you found out yesterday, there are people who object to what you stand for, and there are zealots and crazies out there itching for the opportunity to knock you down. Online threats hiding behind a keyboard are one thing, but these idiots want to get in your face and cause you, and us, considerable harm."

I sigh, "Yes. It's been in the back of my mind. You have anybody in mind we can use for on-call? We don't travel all that much."

"Not directly. I'm sure that Jack or Paul will know of someone. We'll work on it when we get back. You're hiring more for the hotel, right?"

"Yes. Ally, Phil and I created two more positions. Ally?"

"I put-up the hire notice on three sites as we were battening the hatches yesterday. A couple of responses, but I do expect more over the weekend."

"Pay for quality and training, Steven," Cheyenne advises. "Former cops if you can. This isn't running around naked in the hallways any more."

"Expensive!" I protest.

"I know. But you can't cut corners here. Not now."

"Okay," I sigh again. "You're right. Now go back to your nap. Only two hours before it's your turn."

"Yes! Sir!" as she smiles, gives my leg a loving squeeze, and leans into the seat to snooze.

The girls in back each reach to touch me, secure in the knowledge that Hannah is being taken care of. They relax into their own catnaps.

Getting gas at the Oakley truck stop is uneventful. The bladder parade is sort of fun to watch. A couple of "Ewww!" protests on their return. I chuckle, but understand fully.

Cheyenne takes the helm and I am secure in my confidence in her to be a most careful and aware driver. I can nap in peace. Sadly, Cyan has difficulties with driving in general and tends toward slow reactions. I can rarely relax when she's at the wheel.

It being midnight, traffic on the Interstate in the middle of nowhere was sparse. This last leg on the state highways as we cross into Colorado is even less traveled at this hour. We don't see another vehicle for fifteen or twenty minutes, or more. It's a warm night, too. Under better circumstances I would be highly likely to catch motion in the back seat and beside me as the girls would undress, ready to prod me into a totally-teasing nude "Chinese fire drill" in the middle of the road. But not tonight, not the time for sexy fun.

The journey near its end, Cheyenne pulls into the hospital drive. We expect the only open entrance at this hour to be the emergency room, so she finds a spot in the nearby patient parking lot. We all get out, everyone straightens themselves as best we can, and we quick-march to the entrance.

The triage nurse is expecting us. Bethany was seated in the waiting area and quickly rises to greet our entourage.

Bethany is relieved we are safely here, "Mr. Albertson, thank you so much for being here for Hannah. She is asking for you."

"Thank you, Bethany. And it's Steve. We're in this together," I reassure.

I direct my attention to the triage nurse, "Thank you so much. Can you direct us, please?"

"Through those doors, turn right, elevator up one floor."

"Thanks! Let's go, guys."

I lead the parade with Bethany taking up the rear. Following the directions, we now find our troupe at the ICU nurses' station.

"We've been expecting you, Mr. Albertson. Sign here."

She hands me a pen... and a blank notepad. I smile. She grins back.

"You do realize this is my very first autograph, don't you? Who do I have the honor of making it to?"

"Janet Wilson. We all love you."

"Here you go."

"To Janet W. Thank you so much for taking care of my Hannah. With heartfelt love and appreciation, Steve A., a/k/a 'Superstud'."

"Oh, gosh! Thank you, sir!"

"Steve. Please!"

I glance over to one of the ICU bays and my eyes meet with Hannah's. She is weakly beaming as she anticipates my presence with her.

"Oh, I see you found her. Just two in the room at a time," Janet directs.

I motion Bethany to come with me. We carefully slide the door open and gently step in. Hannah reaches for a hug.

"Is it safe?" I ask the attending nurse.

"Yes. Gently. Watch the lines."

I lean in for a soft hug and kiss. Hannah greets me with a weakened, "Thank you, Steven. You saved me yet again. You gotta cut that shit out. I have a reputation to uphold."

"Your cred is safe with us, girlie."

Bethany interrupts, "You two are nuts, Steve. Are you like this with all of the ladies?"

"Hell, yes!" Hannah interjects, fading a little.

I caution, "Save your strength for the others, sweetheart. You've been through a lot."

"Steven?" Hannah weakly prompts. "I am so sorry to put you through this. I'm better than that. I let my guard down and got myself into this trouble."

"No, Hannah. You were being you. I would not have it any other way. I love you as you are. We all want 'the real Hannah'. Don't change a thing. Your own sheer strength saved you, too. It was all truly an accident. Regret nothing."

"Thank you, Steven. I love you."

"I love you too, Hannah."

Bethany has moved a chair over so I can sit and hold Hannah's hand. I glance at the IV stand with two bags hanging, one apparently of blood.

I look to Bethany, "How many?"

"That's her third. It was really close. This is a one in ten-thousand situation. We've never lost one, but this got our attention. If this happened in spite of Hannah's outstanding physical condition, it's crystal clear we're going to have to adjust our procedures."

I comment, "Closer post-treatment monitoring, for sure. Glad you were here for her, though. Imagine if she medicated at home."

Bethany responds, "I shudder at the thought, which is why we've been resisting a telemedicine approach. If something goes wrong like this, as rare as it is, will there be support? The new law where you guys are makes it so much more difficult, too."

"Any estimate on when she'll be able to come home?"

"Doctors said two days, at least. They do not expect a relapse. Things were cleaned up with the emergency D&C, and they cauterized the bleed."

"Will she...?"

"You're asking if she will still be able to have children, aren't you?" as Bethany gives me a slight, knowing smile.

"That is her wish. But don't discuss around the others. All but two don't know yet."

"Yes, Steven," Hannah softly interrupts. "In due time. You know that."

I squeeze her hand, "Sweetie, the others want to see you. You okay with that? Jess is here, too."

"Oh, Steven. Thank you. Yes. Send them in. When will I see you again?"

"Shortly. We are staying nearby. We need to cleanup, get something to eat, and maybe rest from the drive. After that I would like to stay here with you if you're okay with that."

"I would like that. I love you, Steven."

"Right back atcha, Hannah!" as I give her a soft peck on the lips. She smiles as she closes her eyes for a moment to gather strength.

Bethany and I slide the door open and motion to Jess and Ally that it's their turn.

"How is she?" Jess quietly asks.

"Weak, but her spirit is good," I answer. "She got in a good dig."

"That's our Hannah!" Ally adds. "Thank you, Steven."

I smile as we pass through the door to let them take their turn.

"Let's go sit with Cyan and Cheyenne, Bethany. They need to share in anything you and I discuss."

Bethany and I take our seats for a short huddle with the others. She goes straight for the jugular.

"Steven, how in the hell do you manage to maintain meaningful relationships with -- my God -- seven women? It's impossible. At least in my world it's impossible."

"From that I can suppose in the clinical context there's nothing significant in the available formal literature about polyamory."

"A little. Most are old studies about Mormon polygamy practices. There have been recent academic writings recognizing that poly relationships have been in Western societies for a long while, just mostly underground primarily due to religion-based social strictures. Nothing I'm current on, however."

"In my view, prevailing Judeo-Christian constructs frame if not outright define what constitutes 'a relationship'. I would think that with LGBTQ+ accommodation dominating social thought these days there would be more serious examination of other non-traditional relationship structures."
