Office Hours

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English instructor has surprise tutoring with his student!
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Author's note: The story has three chapters. The first and second chapters set the stage for the two characters. The third chapter is the "action." If you want a quality read, start from the beginning. If you want to get right to it, start from chapter 3. Thank you!



"Professor, just so that I'm clear, you want us to write an argumentative essay in support of a bad guy's actions in our favorite television show?"

Lana's hand was still skyward, gesturing as if to be called upon but speaking out of turn anyway. In a month of classes, it was her voice that spoke up the most often. It wasn't melodic, but confident and questioning, the sort of style that suggests a sharper intellect than her peers.

September had come and gone before Daniel could appreciate it. The beginning of every fall semester trended that way. He'd been teaching for 3 years now, and being on the low end of the instructional totem pole relegated him to the first-year English courses. This class, an English 101, had the same range of focus that most introductory courses had - 24 students between the ages of 18 to 21, most of which were only there because it was required and not because they appreciated the subject at all. Amidst them were the one or two students who were clearly beyond their colleagues in skill and interest, stuck in a first-year course because a placement exam scored below the ability to test out of the class.

Lana was the one student who was both more interested and more driven to do well. To Daniel, it was these few students that helped motivate him to keep teaching when there were days that made him want to quit. She was fresh out of high school, and though probably not the valedictorian in her alma mater, she was certainly regarded as one of the nerdier kids while there. A desire to both learn and do well in school? It didn't matter too much if she was attractive, it still labeled you as outside the popular zone.

"Yes," Daniel responded, gesturing for her to lower her hand before she pulled a muscle. He redirected his answer to the entire assembly. "Everyone has or does watch a TV show. Whatever one you watch - and I'm referring to a fictional, story-driven show, not 'Cops' or 'Big Brother,' okay? - look at one of the bad guys, the antagonists, and write a short essay explaining his or her reasoning for doing the things he or she does. Then explain why it's a good thing that he or she does these things."

There was general murmur in the classroom. Two dozen individual opinions of characters they would analyze started sprouting around the room, a dull roar rose.

"So, like," Lana continued, "I could write how I am in support of Tyrion Lannister's defense of King's Landing using Wildfire, despite it being essentially chemical warfare?" Already considering a political angle. Lana's short writing assignments so far have been pleasant to read, and Daniel expected this assignment to return looking unique and polished. She looked at him with wide, blue eyes, head tilted slightly askew, her dirty blond hair in a low ponytail, cascading down the length of her back. He enjoyed her presence in class, not the least of which being that she was catnip to his cravings.

He nodded slowly as he answered, "Yes, that's one way to go. But remember that in the 'Game of Thrones' time period, chemical warfare was not unexpected." Daniel's eyes met hers, and he couldn't stop his mind from flashing a fantasy of her bent over his desk in his small office, those little pale blue jean shorts at her ankles, his cock buried deep inside...and then his libido let go as he finished his explanation. "So that's one perspective you can have. And remember, you don't have to like or agree with the opinion you write, but you have to show reasons to support your position. This essay is a practice one for a more directed research essay later in the semester, so I'll be far more lenient about your writing here. The assignment's requirements are on the syllabus, and this is due a week from tomorrow.

"Okay, since there's all of 5 minutes left and I have nothing else to torture you all with" - his class laughed in response - "have a good day! And by the way, office hours are also in the syllabus, so if you need an suggestion or a little guidance, feel free to visit me there. Don't forget to check out the Writing Center also! They can help direct your path when you can't meet me in my office!"

The students began gathering and shuffling, a cacophony of papers being rustled and bags being lifted, footsteps echoing into the hall. Daniel busily gathered his laptop and projector, stuffing his equipment into the bags, and one student stood beside the lectern.

"Lana, what can I do for you?"

Her red tee-shirt with the university logo on the front, was snug to her slender frame. She wasn't a model, but definitely eye catching. It was clear that parts of the logo bulged out closer to him than others portions. Her legs were pale below her round hips, and her ass was...

"I didn't know if you thought the Tyrion idea was a good one. Should I choose another character? Like maybe Walter White from 'Breaking Bad'? I mean, he was the good guy, but he did some bad stuff..."

Daniel chuckled. "Yeah, they're both complex characters. But remember, this isn't a major assignment! I'm not going to mark you lower for having a difficult character to support and defend. It's about presenting a solid argument in support of whomever, and giving some evidence to back it up, okay?"

"Okay, Professor. Thank you! See you next week!"

He watched as she turned, picked up her bag, and walked her rounded ass out of the room. The fantasy returned, her bare ass sticking out as she bent over the desk, resting on her shoulders, and his cock filled her young pussy.

At 32, Daniel was just old enough to know that 18 year olds are more about drama than stability, but just young enough to be able to enjoy the fantasy of being the teacher giving a lesson using his tongue on one of his students. He was single, and during a semester he spent a great amount of time grading rather than dating, so his recent dry spell was wreaking havoc on his attention span some days. He had never actually attempted such a relationship - if fucking a student was what you would call a "relationship" - but the fantasy still dazzled him.

And Lana's ass dazzled him as well.

He shuffled out of the room with his heavy electronics bags in tow, ready to camp out in his office for a couple of hours before calling it a day.

And though he knew that Lana wouldn't require it, Daniel's libido teased him with the dream of her visiting during his office hours for guidance on her paper, only to receive a second lesson in biology later...


Thursday at 4:30 in the afternoon is a dead zone on campus. Daniel's office on the 3rd floor was hardly more than a broom closet with a table and chair, but it was a nice home away from home. Behind him sat a bookshelf that was filled with textbooks, novels, and a few writing tomes about style and punctuation. The clock on the wall ticked quietly, the only sound to break the silence in the room. In the hall, really, as the door was opened wide but no one else was around.

He sat at his desk, responding to emails in a mechanical way. He saw an email for Plenty of Fish, which suggested he had new possible connections in his area. Daniel sighed and deleted the message. It was a tease, really, and nothing more. He wasn't unattractive. He had that much confidence going for him. His thinning brown hair was parted to the side, green eyes skimming the screen with efficiency. He was average in build and height, and he knew his looks wasn't what got any girl's attention in his dating back story. He was honest and kind and intellectual, and while he couldn't advertise it as an opener, he had given every girl he had been with the best orgasm they had ever had. It was that detail that he prided himself most on.

He was a giver. He spent far more time teasing and playing with his dates than he did getting himself off. His fingers, after typing studiously the essays and stories and articles for classes year after year after year, had become agile, strong digits capable of inspiring orgasmic bliss from every pussy they went inside. And he learned. Every girl he was with he found the best way to pleasure them, remembering the position or the depth or the speed or whatever required to set them off. Eventually he used this to learn ways to make a girl squirt, and suddenly he entered a new zone of popularity, with his dates begging to be made to squirt before they were done.

But he had been single for six months already, and after his last relationship fell apart - as he learned, no amount of hot sex can fix a distance between them - he was starting to forget the bliss of the feeling of wet pussy wrapped tightly around his member. He wasn't into one-night stands or the bar scene, which meant his interactions were limited to the middle-aged and married colleagues in his department and the barely-legal students.

He was composing an email response to a student who had sent him an explanation for having missed class that week, giving an opportunity to do a make-up assignment, when he heard the sound of footsteps down the hall. His office hours ended at 5:00, so he figured it was a student coming to ask a question about the assignment due tomorrow, probably some lazy straggler who had not even started working on the short essay. The footsteps sped up, a brief jog, and Daniel was already looking at his doorway when the girl came into view.

Lana stood there, a binder pressed against her chest, her arms folded around it, and a worried look dressed her face in despair. The ponytail was there, dark shorts instead of pale blues, and a lavender tee-shirt now. Her eyes were red and puffy. She bit her lip as she stood. There was no way her intent was to look sexy and vulnerable, but Daniel logged that as an addition to his future masturbation fantasy stash.

"Is everything okay? Can I-"

"It's all gone!" She blurted. Her eyes squinched, her lips drawn. "My laptop shorted out in my dorm and I've lost all my work on the assignment!"

He stared at her, trying to understand the new situation before him. "Uh, okay," he said, "Do you have anything from your first draft?"

"NO! It's gone! All my work! I don't know what to do! I've never failed an assignment before, and I came right here as soon as it happened!"

Daniel gestured for her to have a seat. She took her backpack off and sat. Her whole body wore the look of defeat, and he pitied her. "You know, Lana, this is a small portion of your grade. Like, hardly anything. And it's not like this has a long page requirement..."

"But I can't do badly! What will my parents think? I have to get straight A's!"

He put his arms up, waving her anxiety down. "Take a deep breath, Lana. C'mon...just relax. In, then out...In, and out." She inhaled, and he watched as her breasts pushed out, rose and fell beneath the cotton top. Two, three times, and he pulled himself back to the present. "Now, you have until tomorrow at noon to get the assignment together. Have you checked on the Writing Center?"

"I just came from there," Lana answered. "They closed at 3:30. I remembered you still had office hours, so I ran over here first. I figured you might be able to help me? I mean, please?" She looked up at Daniel, the sad puppy dog-eyed look, and he melted. He knew what it was like when he first entered college. There was so much pressure to do exceptionally well. And yet, there really wasn't. He had a home-life that emphasized studying hard and getting perfect scores, but in college it was more about striving for survival and longevity through the semester, rather than excelling at every task. It took almost three semesters for him to understand that concept, and could relate to Lana's fears.

"Okay. No problem! Let's work on this together, okay? But you need to promise me something first."

She looked at him eagerly, once again biting her lip. If given a chance, Daniel would inspire many new reasons for her to bite her lip, most of them in orgasmic bliss.

"Don't beat yourself up! You're lucky your laptop died on a smaller assignment, sure, but in most cases a professor would work with you to get your assignment turned in later if a problem you couldn't control arises, okay?"

She nodded her head vigorously, the ponytail swinging and the strands of blond hair framing her face dancing. She was adorable. And forbidden fruit.

"Trade places with me and jump on my computer. I'll walk you through your original plans and see if we can type this up."

"But it's like 4:45. It took me four hours to write what I had!"

"Don't worry about it. I'll stay later to help. And I doubt it'll take us four hours! Do you have enough time to stay and get it done?"

Lana nodded again. "I don't have any other plans tonight besides eating dinner and reading my other class work."

"Alright then! Let's get started! Did you stick with your Tyrion Lannister idea?"


By 7:00, the essay had found its end. Lana and Daniel had discussed not only the outline on this assignment, but a little about themselves. He learned that she was in many ways similar to himself, with the added pressure of being the first of her family to go to college. He shared his own experiences, little stories about his successes and failures, and believed that it would rub off on her a bit, allowing her to ease into college with less stress and rigidity and not end up becoming brittle and succumbing to the pressure a year or two down the road.

And he treasured every little gesture she tossed him. He didn't think it was intentional. More subconscious. She'd touch his hand in the midst of a laugh, flick her hair out of her face as she giggled. It was flirtatious, and he was about the details.

The paper was fully written by her, but with his guidance it required no polish.

"Thank you so much! I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't helped me." Again a touch, this time on his leg. It was so tantalizing, and with his dry spell all to present, a warmth enveloped his member. He didn't even realize how risky what he did next was. He placed his own hand on hers, her dainty fingers under his warm hand, her soft skin covered by his own. "You're very welcome, Lana. Don't ever feel uncomfortable coming by if you need help. Or even if you just need to vent! I don't get many visitors, except when the semester's ending and someone wants to try to make up for a bunch of missed classes or assignments!" He gave her hand another squeeze and she just stared at him.

Without a warning, she leaned forward and kissed him. It wasn't passionate, tongues entwined, or seductive. It was stolen and quick, lips to lips, her aroma dancing around him for but a moment. And it was broken. Daniel stared at her, surprised. She smiled coyly and then leaned in closer, taking advantage of his shock. Lana placed her other hand on his cheek and drew him in, softly pressing her lips on his, a current of tension lighting his face with delight. He returned the action, closing his eyes and parting his lips, and their tongues met midway, wet and fierce and hot.

He put his hand on her neck, driving his mouth into hers, and their kiss woke both of them. Their libidos battled, their flames burning. Lana felt panties against her sex, and shifting position allowed her the sensation of moisture between her legs. She was soaked, she knew. She always got that way when she was turned on, and spending the last few hours being tutored was like candy on diet. Sweet and sinful. He broke the embrace to her disappointment, stood and walked to the door. He peered down the halls and, looking content, closed his office door. With a click, she saw his thumb pushing the lock on the handle. He turned to her and she stood to meet him.

She stood a head shorter than him. At 5'5", she was neither tall nor short, but a pleasant medium height. His 5'10" dwarfed her by comparison, and at the same time the feeling of dominance over her was an aphrodisiac. She grabbed him and kissed him again, and the passion was intense. He pulled her close, arms wrapped around her, rubbing her back and moving down to the rise of her buttocks. The curve was distinct and his hands moved further down, squeezing her ass and pressing her tightly against him. She could feel his hard cock through his jeans, the firmness punctuating her abdomen, and imagined her mouth taking it in. She then realized she didn't have to imagine it.

She broke the kiss this time, placing small pecks along his neck and over his chest, on his shirt. Her own hands grabbed his ass, which was firm and delighted her. She relocated her fingers to the front of his jeans and quickly unbuttoned his fly. She pulled the pants down, releasing some pressure on his cock and allowing it to jut out, tenting his boxers and coming close to her face through the cotton. As his pants hit the floor, her hands found the ribbing on his boxers and guided them down as well, carefully untangling his member from the lip of the material before freeing him completely.

He was mostly hardened, throbbing, and the head of his cock was wet with precum. A bead of it teased the slit, and she took one hand to steady his heat as her tongue lapped the droplet. She looked up at him, his servant, as she licked, and he groaned while the sensation sent sparks of radiant enjoyment through his body. She took the head of his cock in her mouth, sucking and encircling the cap with her tongue. He gritted his teeth in a rush of excitement.

She took the length further and further in, sucking as she bobbed his cock into her throat. The saliva glistened and thickened on his penis, and he gently took her head in his hands, guiding rather than forcing. He had moments of doubt as to whether this was right, this situation, this moment, but he couldn't prevent his desires from screaming those doubts away. He closed his eyes and languished in the pleasure she was giving.

Her hand found the button on her shorts, unsnapped it without thinking, and dropped the fly. The widened access allowed her to snake her hand into her panties and find her sensitive nub. Her clit was raw and hard and hot, and the moment she touched it she flinched and moaned as well. Her pussy was boiling, the juices soaked her panties completely, and she rubbed her clit in circles as she sucked on him. The duality of giving him and herself pleasure clouded her, and she came quickly without expecting to, a small pleasure that rewarded her with more encouragement as she heard.

"Oh my God, Lana. That feels so good..."

She bobbed more quickly, wanting to give him the same surges of erotica she was feeling. She was in a zone. But he wanted to give back. He rubbed her head and called to her. He answered the look she gave him, questioning. "It's my turn to please you, baby." She removed his cock from her mouth, spittle coating it from all over, her hand still gently stroking its firmness. She stood and he knelt, trading positions as he hooked his thumbs into her pants and panties, drawing them from her hips with some difficulty. Her round ass gave a tightness to the material, yet he succeeded, exposing her body to the cool air and letting him view her privacy without limit. She stepped out of the shorts completely, widening her stance and spreading her legs to give him a better sight.

The lips of her pussy were swollen, pale and pink and red, shiny with her pussy juice, a drop rounding her entrance. He placed his hands on her bare as and pulled her to his face, and he knew exactly where to go first. His tongue started at her lowest point, in one long draw he lapped a streak from her hole to the tip of her clit, inspiring shudders that she could hardly control. His mouth found and sealed around her clit, his tongue flicking the bud roughly and making her chirp squeals of pleasure.