Office Stress Therapist!

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A sexy "Secretary" is actually a stress therapist!
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This story contains scenes of extramarital sex and cheating. If readers don't prefer stories like that, please consider reading another story. Respectful comments are appreciated, many thanks and have a great day!

Ufff...huff....ufff....Steve panted, pumping his hips against his wife's prostrate body. Sandy was naked on her back in the couple's marital bed, her legs wrapped around her husband's waist.

"Mmmm...ooooo....mmmnnn...." Sandy cooed with the thrusting, her hubbie's stiff member prodding deeply into her belly. Her long, light brown hair splayed out across the pillows and rippled with Steve's short thrusts. They had been rutting for what seemed like a half an hour. "Ohhh....gawd.....honey...." she moaned, "I'm gonna.....I'm gonna go.....HhhhhaaaaAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Sandy screamed up at her man, her vaginal canal seizing up in a hot clench, juices erupting from her sated fold, and her body's musculature locking rigidly in the throes of a spasming orgasm.

The sight of his pretty wife peaking, the sound of her mewling, and the smell of her hot musk in his face finally brought Steve to some semblance of a finale. He clutched at his wife, curled his upper body down into hers and lurched his shaft more deeply into her before letting go.

"HHHHRRRRRNNNNN!!!" He grated into his wife's ear. A light pulse of semen gushed up into Sandy's thin frame as Steve shook atop her. Her hands ran up and down her husband's back and bare ass, coaxing him to empty himself into her.

"OOOhhhh, gawd, honey...." Sandy murmured. "Maybe we did it.....maybe you put a little baby in me this time...."

"Mmmm..." Steve smiled at his wife. "That'll be nice. Well, my new job comes with a higher pay, worries there...Sorry it took so long for me to, umm, finish."

"What's wrong?" Sandy asked, a worried look on her face. "I don't turn you on anymore..." she smiled coyly.

"What!! How could you say that, beautiful!!" Steve admonished her. "No, it''s the stress, you know that. This new job comes with a higher pay grade, but a lot higher stress grade too. I'm on this probation status, I've gotta make this sales quota by the next quarter or I may lose the job!!"

"Well, you just started there last week!!! Give it some time..." Sandy encouraged.

Steve slipped out of his wife and cuddled beside her, drifting off to sleep listening to her deep breathing while she held her knees to her chest, coaxing Steve's load to melt deeply into her body.

The next day, Steve arrived at the office building and passed the security check at the front doors. Walking through the small desk area with a red cross on it, he rolled up his sleeve, as he had done each day he reported to work since last week.

"Hi Pete!" Steve greeted the receptionist in the lab coat behind the desk.

"Steve!" Pete responded. "You settling in here ok?" And with that, Pete swiped an alcohol-swab on Steve's arm, then jabbed it with a tiny needle and collected a small sample of his blood.

"Ahhh, you know, so far so good....stressful, but yeah..." Steve winced after the pinprick. "I hope I made the right choice enrolling in the BB Health program. My old job didn't have any health program!"

Pete smiled knowingly and nodded a goodbye as Steve passed on through the checkpoint.

Around 3:00 that afternoon, almost done another stressful day of trying to wrestle sales contracts out of clients, Steve found his voice rising while in his small office. He was to share his office with another employee, but the person in question had not yet been hired, and a second, empty desk sat just beside the door to the office. Steve was speaking on the phone with one of his more important potential clients.

"Wait...Richard....wait!!" Steve implored. "Don't give up on this contract....Our firm....we can make arrangements to sell at our competitor's price...just...give me a day or two to verify it with the guys upstairs!"

Steve's face darkened while listening to Richard's abrupt response, right before the line went dead as Richard hung up to seek greener pastures in the business deal.

Steve had slammed the landline phone down into the receiver and sat fuming for a while. [What an asshole] he thought of the client who had backed out of their deal. [Fuckwad just cost me some serious commission!]

He tried to forget his stress and was about to work on another account. About 5 minutes later, a gentle knock on the door to his office caused him to look up. "Come on in!!" he called.

The door opened slowly. A pretty blond woman peeked around the door and smiled in at Steve.

"Well hello..." she said softly. " now a good time for me to come in?"

[Holy shit....she's stunning!!] Steve thought to himself. [She's smoking hot!] It was only then that he realized he was sitting with his mouth open and not answering the gorgeous woman, so he stammered, "Uh....of...of course, come on in....Miss....?"

"Tanya..." she said, still softly. "You can call me Tanya." She slinked into the office and shut the door behind her, locking the door and leaning her back up against it and smiling across the small room at Steve. Her long blond hair fanned down over a simple, tight white top, which was tucked into her short black skirt. Black stockings ran down her supple legs to her black stilettos.

"I came a bit early since it's our first time, and, uh, well, there are a few extra things to go over about the program..." Tanya smiled.

"Oh...right...." Steve stammered. "Yeah, they told me someone from the program would come by. I've got to, uh, take this shirt off for the stress-relief program, right? Well, that will be nice. A good, deep massage will help after that asshole reneged on our sales deal! Um...where's your massage table?" Steve's face lit up at the thought of this blond goddess's hands running up and down his back.

"Oh, thought I was gonna give you a back massage? Tanya giggled. "Oh, honey....that's so cute.....I like you!!...This will be fun!" she chirped. "But yes, your clothes will have to come off," she smirked.

" clothes?" Steve said quizzically. "All of them? Um...I didn't think this would be a full body massage!"

"Oh, honey...." Tanya murmured. "This will be a lot more full-body than a massage....but you got the "deep" part of it right..."

"You don't mean what I think you do...?" Steve asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oooo, honey..." Tanya whispered. "Trust me....I'm gonna take allllll your stress away, and you're gonna put it alllll right here, inside me..." she smiled, rubbing her toned lower abdomen.

"I thought "BB" stood for "Best Blood test"?" he explained.

"Ohhh, baby...that's too funny, you're new here...Best Blood" is for the public. "BB" actually stands for "bareback." When you pay a bit extra to the BB program, you don't have to use condoms when we, you know, empty all your stress..." one of Tanya's hands slithered up her belly again. "The "Best Blood" thing is just a front for outsiders and spouses."

"With no protection? No condom? Um...I'm not sure about that..." Steve shook his head.

"It's ok, baby..." Tanya cooed. "You know that little blood test they took from you this morning? The lab in the basement ran it through for STDs with that new instant medical technology. You're clean!! You have to be clean, and, you know, pay a little more into the stress program to merit the bareback plan. Every day we have a session booked, the lab will check you, just like they check me! No one wants to bring home a nasty bug to their spouses..."

"Uh....well...speaking about spouses, sorry to kind of be a downer here, but...I'm, you know...married..." Steve said, holding up his left hand, displaying the gold band around his third finger. Tanya glanced at him with a baleful gaze and a coy grin. "You're serious?" she asked without a hint of a joke. "Where do you think we are?" she winked. "Like, 90 percent of the....clients....I visit in the building are married!" And with that, she displayed her own left hand, emphasizing the two gold bands on her own third finger, one of them holding a sparkling diamond.

"Cripes!" Steve almost yelled. "YOU'RE married!!??? What....what does your husband think of your.....job....?"

Tanya again shot Steve a baleful glance. "Come on, now...." She murmured. "You don't think he knows about my....role you?" she giggled again. "He thinks I'm a real secretary for one of the bosses upstairs! Of course I'd never tell him what I do, he'd flip! But let's just say my salary kicks those secretary salaries' asses."

"Um...." Steve stammered, "What if....what if you end up getting pregnant?"

Tanya smiled shyly. "Well, as to I guess it's happened twice since I've been working here! husband Bob and I have 2 kids."

"Ahh, the kids are your husbands!" Steve confirmed. His eyebrows climbed his forehead when Tanya started to shake her head "no" with a smile.

"Don't be silly!" she teased. "With the number of times I'm getting filled up by the boys here at the office, there's like, zero chance my kids are my husband's. In fact...." She stared off deep in thought. "My daughter Mylie looks a lot like the accounts receivable guy downstairs, and my son is definitely Mr. Wagner's, you know, the head honcho upstairs in the top office? Right before I got pregnant with Ryan, Mr. Wagner had me almost exclusively for a few weeks...something about his wife going to the Bahamas with her friends or something..."

"Shit!!" Steve smirked. "So if we....if I.....I could impregnate you too? You're not on the pill or anything, with, you know, what you do here?"

"We-lllll," Tanya smirked back, "yes, I'd basically ALWAYS be pregnant with the number of clients I see here every day, so, I've snuck in a diaphragm in the times I don't really want to risk another kid, but, you know, right now??? Totally unprotected" she winked. "My, uh, "husband and I"" she smiled, making air quotes with her fingers, "are uh, trying for another kid, so, you know, if I bring another one home from work..." she grinned, "he'll never know...My husband won't suspect, and, you know, if I'm being honest..." she dropped her voice, "I kinda find it thrilling, getting tended to by all the boys in the stress program here, and wondering if this is the time one of you boys' swimmers will get past my goalposts! It's kinda a turn on!!"

Tanya's spicy talk was eroding Steve's sense of fidelity to his wife. As the blond temptress spoke and moved slowly, languidly, he could more and more imagine himself buried to the hilt inside the vixen, thrusting with abandon into her fertile body. Still...nagging, cloying thoughts of his wife, crying tears at his betrayal, infiltrated his mind.

Tanya seemed to sense Steve's reluctance. She slowly, tantalizingly, teasingly, unbuttoned her white blouse and shrugged her shoulders, so that the garment slid down her upper arms. The woman's white bra peeked out at Steve, straining to enclose the large globes that heaved with every slow breath the woman took. Tanya gazed at Steve like a cobra at a bird, the bird, transfixed, had no other choice but to gaze into the compelling eyes of the hunter about to enjoy taking its prey. The blouse hit the floor in front of the empty desk beside the locked door. Tanya, smiling a lazy smile, suddenly flipped open the button that sealed her black miniskirt around her lithe frame. It too slid down her body, pooling on the floor.

"You''re actually re-thinking this!!???" Tanya asked him, a hurt look sneaking onto her pretty face. "Baby....I'm....I'm a therapeutic professional! It''s not like we're cheating or anything! This is my JOB description! This is your HEALTH plan! the company's therapeutic health consultant, I'm....I'm ORDERING you to have fun, safe fun, secret fun, getting rid of all the stress that's holding you back. I have....tricks....that someone in my position uses to, you know, take allllllll your stress away......" she whispered, trailing her last words into a drawl. She continued her so-slow movements, slipping her long, red fingernails into the waistband of her tight, skimpy white panties, and carefully bent over at the hips, sliding the panties to join her blouse and skirt. Clad now only in her bra, stockings and stiletto heels, she gracefully rose to gaze again into Steve's eyes.

"I.....I shouldn't..." Steve struggled, but the rising lump in his pants betrayed his resolve. "I....I could find another way to get rid of stress? Work out more?" he grasped in futility.

"You've paid into the program, honey!! Don't waste this!" Tanya smiled and shook her head, sitting up on the empty desk, spreading her legs and kicking her feet back and forth. Steve saw that her feet were still encased in the black "fuck me" stilettos. "You can't just stop now!!" Come on, I'll....I'll be really gentle and you you along here. NOW..." she ordered with a grin, "Come here. Nooooo...." She admonished as Steve took a short step back. "Over HERE," she crooked a finger at him.

Grinning like a schoolboy, Steve came to stand in front of the half-dressed vixen and looked into her baby blue eyes.

"Heh...well, you know since I'm married, I've had sex before, I'm no virgin." Steve laughed.

"Oh, honey...." Tanya shot him an imploring look. "No...not like this you haven't. This isn't just some hooker-fuck in a hotel. I'm not a prostitute and I'm not here for a pump-and-dump. I'm your stress relief. I'm a therapeutic professional," Tanya traced her long fingernails up Steve's arms, creating a tingly feeling through his dress shirt. "I'm going to make sure allllllll that stress and tension in you from your job is, you know, pumped right into me....released right into me...." Tanya's voice took on an almost hypnotic drone. "By the time our session is done, you can go back to your sales plan all fresh, back to your clients all rejuvenated, and go back to your wife a few ounces lighter!!" she smiled.

Steve fought a losing battle with the thought of his wife, an outraged expression on her face in his mind as if she could see her husband getting cozy with the corporate "stress therapist." He wasn't normally the type to go seeking out an affair. But here was a sex goddess, in his locked office, no one around to know what he did behind closed doors, and a willing, gorgeous woman who had even more vested interest than Steve did in keeping this secret. He supposed he could get naked with her for a little bit....he supposed he could just try it out for a few minutes, and if it felt too awkward or wrong, he could pull out and pretend nothing ever happened. He supposed he could run his hands up and down her pert breasts, just to feel what large breasts were like. He supposed.....he supposed he wanted to fuck this beauty's brains out!

"Hmmmm..." Tanya cooed with a smirk. "Still struggling with this? It's often like this, a man's first time seeing me through the BB program...I'm gonna just get you going then, handsome..." and with that, she slipped gracefully to her knees in front of Steve. Smiling up at him with a naughty glimmer in her eye, she slowly traced her fingers across Steve's stomach, running them up and down his thighs, and then stopped at his belt buckle. With practised ease, she undid the belt and popped his pants open, slowly and teasingly lowering his zipper while biting her lower lip.

[Shit,] Steve thought to himself, beginning to enjoy the ministrations of another woman causing his blood to flow faster, [She's GOOD at this! It's as if she really wants to fuck!]

His pants now loose, Tanya hooked her long thumbnails into his underwear and, inch by inch, slid them down to Steve's ankles. His member now free, Steve gasped and felt like he needed to hold on to something.

"Can I..." he asked quietly, "Can I uh, hold your head?"

"Hmmmm..." Tanya purred again, tilting her head left and right. "Well, since you're on the BB program, I'm allowed to get you started....and, um, yeah, hold on, baby...I'm gonna take allllll the stress from you and suck it up into me!"

No sooner had Steve gently laid his hands on each side of the blonde's head than he felt her hot tongue probe forward and hook under his half-mast shaft. Picking him up with her tongue, Tanya moved her head forward and pulled her tongue in, bringing Steve's cock into the warm confines of her soft mouth. She hummed a vibrating "MMMMMMmmmmmmMMMmmmmm...." As she started to slowly bob her head, using the gentle grip of her teeth to push Steve's foreskin back and grasp his shaft with the hot, sopping insides of her cheeks. Still humming, Tanya worked up some spit to lubricate the rapidly-hardening pole in her mouth.

As the siren gulped at his shaft with increasing force, Steve felt life throb into his cock, his heart pumping it up to rigid proportions. He carefully held the bobbing head, probing his cock forward and back to maximize the hot, wet sensations tantalizing the length of his shaft. [Gawd.....] he thought to himself, losing the battle for self control [I....I wanna come in her so bad....I guess....I guess it's too late now anyway. Even if I pull out now, I've cheated on my wife....I'm gonna.....I'm gonna ENJOY this! Paying....paying into the program anyway....]

And with that, Steve grunted loudly, jamming his cock deep into the vixen's throat. A hard "Gluuuukkkk" sound filled the room, and Tanya popped off Steve's now-throbbing member.

"'t get too rough with me, now! You know....get really rough when this nice power tool is, ah, inside me here..." Tanya whispered, running a hand down her belly, inside her panties to her moist fold. "You, um....want me down here still or can I, on you....up here?" She tilted her head back to indicate the empty desk she knelt in front of.

Surrendering himself to the exciting feeling of fucking a new woman without getting caught, Steve lifted Tanya by the arms, and the lithe beauty rose up, smiling, and sat up on the desk. Her hands briefly snaked around her back and her bra popped open. Tanya shrugged out of it and sat back, proudly showing off her taught, shaved mound of Venus. Large breasts swung free, bouncing to find their new centre of gravity. Large, dark areolae surrounded pert nipples as Tanya's breasts seemed to float in front of her. Now clad only in her high heels and black lacy stockings, Tanya slowly spread her legs wide, reached her right hand down to Steve's erect pole, and with a gentle grip, pulled him close to her.

"You've gotta come here now, baby...." She said in a low voice. "You've gotta put allll that stress right here, up deep inside me..."

Her hands slithered around Steve's neck as he moved to a dominant position in front of her. He ran his hands up her toned midriff,

Tanya gazed up at Steve as he moved in. "Be...before we start here, babe, I've got assignment for you, mmmm'k?....When this nice power tool here..." She reached down to gently caress Steve's burgeoning member and line it up to the moistening fold between her thighs. "When you push it into me,'re to think of it like plugging in!" she grinned playfully. "You're not just fucking me, you know..." Tanya winked. "You're going to plug yourself into your stress coach. You're going to plug yourself in to my little stress-eating kitty, and..." she broke down into a fit of cute giggles, "get ready to upload that annoying lump of stress in your stomach!"

"Ha....ok, milady," Steve grinned back, not yet buying into the 'stress-relief' thing. [A fuck is a fuck, right?], he thought. He felt like giving Tanya a playful salute, but instead, he wrapped his hands around her toned, narrow waist. She dutifully spread her legs wider to allow Steve full access, and her client immediately gave a little push with his hips, the broad head of his shaft parting and piercing the outer lips of the therapist's sex. Tanya closed her eyes and lolled her head back.