Office Wives Rule


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The next time they were alone in his office she screwed up the courage to ask him "Boss, like you've been telling me, most of the PA's in this establishment are having sex with their bosses. So why am I not treated like that? Am I too homely?

Derrick snorted a loud laugh. "Oh my God angel. You surely can't believe that! It is the absolute consensus among the execs around here that you would wear the crown if we ever held a beauty contest."

"Then why, my dear Derrick, are we not having this conversation on the cot in your inner office?"

"We can go do that any time you wish, me lovely. But there is a reason why I have not pressed the issue. I consider the perfect Exec-PA relationship to be like a good marriage. That's the way the old man described it to me, and I am fully on board with that concept.

"It IS your office marriage as least as far as the company is concerned. The day you sat down at your desk outside my office, one could say we became 'engaged'. In former, more conservative days, being engaged meant boyfriend and girlfriend were promised to each other but would not jump the gun and go right away to marriage...the baby-making stage in the relationship. I didn't say that very eloquently, did you follow me, sweetheart?"

"So, if I understand you correctly, you do intend to be my office husband soon, but just don't want to seem to be in a rush about it. Is that right?

"You've got it, love. You are my office fiancé, and we will be married very soon, if it is up to me."

"Well, just so you know, I full well understand about the culture you warned me about. I very much approve of it, and I am patiently looking forward to engaging with you in a connubial way, whenever, however, and as often as you wish." Beaming smile. "So don't waste too much time, boss man. There are several good looking men around here who have made me attractive offers and I always just tell them 'I belong to EVP Manson', which cools them off pretty quickly."

"O.K. hon, I guess I have been stupid in overthinking this thing." He takes her hands and draws her gently to him, kissing her deeply but gently on those full lips, with rather little tongue. He gets down on one knee, "Will you take me to be your office husband, to love honor and obey, 'til death do us part?"

She hugged him closer and responded "I thought you would never ask, Derrick Manson. I do!"

Always one to want to have the last word, he said, "My darling, I am a single man, no wife at home, so you may expect me to be much more demanding of time with my office wife than the other execs are with theirs."


"Tell you what, let me close down my email and you do the same. Put the 'OUT' sign on our door and we will go shopping. I suppose you have heard about the community apartment arrangement?"

Her face was consumed by her eager smile. She vigorously nodded her head.

"Well sweetie, I am not about to subject the love of my life to any such cattle call; we will get our own, private love nest."

They walked out, unashamedly hand in hand, like newlyweds going to church, and headed over to the mid-range apartment complex on the next block. There was only one apartment currently available and, after obtaining Rosalynn's agreement, he made a deposit on that on the spot. Then they went to the mega-grocery for a cart full of near term necessities, like a case of wine, a small wheel of soft cheese, bread, salami and a dozen other comestibles.

At her reminder, they went to the pharmacy department and she picked out 2 family size boxes of plain-Jane condoms. She blushed a deep red and quietly said "lover, I don't even have any idea what size you wear?"

He gave her a hug and a really big smile. "Pussycakes, the regular 'comfort fit' and length will suffice." He didn't seem embarrassed at all.

"Maybe only 1 box will do husband. I don't like to even use them except at high danger times of my cycle and frankly we really don't know how many times a week we are going to want them. That will probably be OFTEN at first." Smile.

"Jesus, girl. Too many variables to deal with. How long can we stretch our lunch hours? How much later can you stay after work? Will you be able to come in on Saturdays? How often will we be doing only oral and not need any protection? I enjoy that a LOT, but I have no clue what our sex life is going to look like. Will we need any at all on your period days? My preference would be to do your butt on those days, but I don't know if you even want a cock in your ass, with or without a condom on it; I really love butt fucking and, personally, I prefer au naturelle.

"I have to tell you that I have never ever been butt fucked! And I also want to confirm that I am absolutely tingling at the opportunity of working your 'comfort fit' dick up my exhaust pipe. Or does the guy do all the working? So much to learn with you Derrick."

He laughed happily at that intimate exchange. "Also, since we are both new on the job, we don't even have a clue how many condoms you will need for visiting dignitaries."

She interjected, "We haven't even talked much about visiting rights in any detail. I want to tell you that I am rather piggish about variety in my sex life so I will be encouraging you to make very liberal use of your PA for any reasonably presentable visitors. Hopefully, most of those can be scheduled for my low risk days as it doesn't seem like a good optic for you to present them with your beautiful PA and the key to our apartment and then hand them a box of rubbers."

"Not a good look, I agree. On the other hand, they will NOT be unhappy men."


In the housewares section they purchased a single air-mattress and some basic kitchen utensils. That would have to do until they could get some real furnishings in their love nest.

They drove back to their new condo and quickly blew a minimum of air into the air-mattress and then christened it together with their very first fuck. The all-too-brief coupling happened under way less than ideal circumstances. They had each hastily undressed themselves and jumped on the double air mattress that was then christened as their temporary marital bed, not the most romantic scenario ever.

There were few love words and no oral-genital preliminaries at all. Never-the-less, this missionary quickie blew them both away. They were simply kids with a new game to play. Notwithstanding the crude beginning, they were both to remember this as one of the most memorable days of their lives.

"So, this is how it's going to be Derrick. Whew, I am falling in love."

He countered, "I already am in love Rosalynn. I haven't the slightest doubt it is the real thing for me." She simply beamed.

With that they quickly started a second lovemaking session, with a passionate rhythm. That lasted a good half an hour, with some intensive explorations of each other's anatomies, which they both understood were now community property.

They followed that rather quickly with a very sweet and loving 69, which, of course, did not require that he have a fully recovered hard-on. That slowly produced a 3rd orgasm for each of them, before it was official office closing hour. Those later couplings felt so very much more like two people in love than just fucking.

"Oh, Jesus, husband. I can't believe this! I totally can't believe it. Today I have had the sweetest lovemaking in my entire life. Way beyond anything with my home husband, or with any other lover I ever had. And I can look forward to almost daily repeats, is that correct, honey?"

"No, no, dearest, we can't have sex...make love...all afternoon if we are going to get any work done for the company. But we might be able to find a way to cum for each other 3 times a day if you want to sign up for some after-work hours."

"Where do I sign, my love?"

Then he drove her back to her car and passionately kissed her goodnight and let her head home to her ingrate, at-home husband for the weekend. A key to their new love nest was safely tucked in her clutch purse.


Rosalyn got to the office a bit on the early side Monday morning, but Derrick appeared to be there ahead of her. She swaggered into his office with her chipper on with a big loving smile. He swung the door behind her as she came in and put his big arms around her with a deep tongue kiss for a greeting. She made sure that lasted a long, loving time while his hands reacquainted themselves with her chest and derriere.

"Oh my God, I've missed you so much, woman. Don't ever go away from me for 60 whole hours again!" He pulled his hand out from under her blouse and crudely shoved it down into the waist of her skirt. She kissed him intensely while he fingered her. She giggled and managed to respond, "You can't fuck me, you can't fuck me, the boss says not on company time!" With a saucy grin.

"Fine", he said. "No one said I wanted to fuck you now anyway."

"I know you do, boss, you want to fuck me, you want to fuck me."

"O.K. fine miss smarty pants. So, what if I did want to fuck you? You are MY PA and I'll fuck you when I want to. I'll fuck you when I want to, he reprised in a sing-song way.

"Rosalynn," he said, sounding more matter of fact, "The chairman of the board himself talked to me last week and we spoke about fraternization with my PA. He had some pretty strong feelings on that topic."

She didn't know if he was being serious or not but was listening intently.

"Old man Whitcomb is extremely proud of the open sex culture he instigated in this company so many years ago. And he still takes an active hand in preserving it. He literally told me that you, Ros, are so fucking beautiful that he is holding me responsible for 'breaking you in' for the good of the company, I believe is how he put it.

"So, he continues, "what we did Friday at our new apartment was on my boss's instruction and not something I just did for the fun of it." He had a hard time keeping a straight face with this line.

She just had to play along. "So, you mean you fucked me, not once, but three fucking times, boss, not because it was something enjoyable that you wanted to do, but because the Chairman ordered you to do that? Bull shit!" Grin.

"It's true, it's true Ms. Swain. It's all true. And Whitcomb even told me to get you broken in soon, so he can fuck you himself. And I, for one, believe he meant it."

That put a halt to their banter as she soaked up his words. "Really? The old fart says he plans to screw me? Gross!!"

He grabbed her close and buried his face in her tits. "Don't worry about it, honey. He is mostly bluff and bluster. You can politely avoid him. Even if he did somehow pin you down, just shut your eyes and it would be all over within a couple of minutes." Smirk.

Fortunately, their workload was light that week, as they had a lot to talk about. Derrick had to explain to her how the new round of annuities worked and why they were so important to the company, and she had to explain to him how she really needed to regularly have some cock up her butt along with the more romantical sex they would be expected to share in the future. He promised to deliver on that, particularly on days she was on her period.

But he reiterated to Ros that with no wife at home, his office wife was going to have to put up with more coital demands from him, certainly some relief almost daily and more than once on many days. She just kept nodding her head enthusiastically and almost drooling from her smiling mouth.

Several times she reached over to squeeze his obvious bulge, but he stopped her. "Wife 0' Mine, you do know the strict rule against sex in the office place? I will have to ask Whitcomb if tweaking my bulge is considered unacceptable behavior on the part of my PA."

Then, following some very sweet lunch-hour sex at their new apartment, the two returned to the office and had some details to agree upon.


Derrick just flat out asked Ros if she terribly minded getting her privates waxed. He very much wanted that.

"And will you explain that to my household husband? He will eventually notice you know."

"It's not up to me, my dear. You know him best. You will figure out a way to 'splain it to him. Maybe just say it is best for you to be cleanly shaven when you have to spend some time with important clients. Something like that." Snicker.

"Ohhh, fine idea, boss! That won't require any further explanation."

"But you don't necessarily have to explain, just leave him wondering. You know, Ros, you should talk to those other PAs again. There are a couple of things I don't think they bothered to fill you in on."

"Such as...?"

"Well, I'm the newbie here, lover. But it seems to me there are some things that would have to be permanently explained back home. Why does a PA have to take out of town trips with her boss? Maybe on short notice? Why does she have to come in early or stay late or even work some weekend hours? Why IN HELL does the boss get to dictate that she has a shaved muff under her skirt!?

"Ros, my love. You have signed up to be my companion. That will not work well if you have to tiptoe around your at home husband's schedule, and on a short leash. You need to find some way to establish a greater degree of independence from his protective instincts."

"Jesus, boss. Even if I DO tiptoe, he will still just possibly notice that I have a naked cunt which I have never had before.

"Sort it." was all he said.

That night she was unusually playful with her husband, Half-Nelson. Horsing around on the bed he began going down on her. Just as she planned. "Sweety, I have been thinking about having that hairy thing trimmed down for you. Anything to induce you to spend a little more time down there." Big smiling giggle.

"Whatever." Was his flat response. One might almost deduce that he didn't much give a shit, nor plan to spend much time between his wife's legs. Hence, the next morning she made an appointment with Angelina. She was one of the PA's in Personnel, and she held the responsibility for Employee Personal Care. She was a Registered Nurse and held a number of degrees and skills, one of which was the ability to do vaginal hair removal. Although it was not widely publicized, waxing was the one thing she spent the most time doing, what with the large number of Personal Assistants that had that at the top of their grooming agenda.

Angelina was delighted to welcome a new client to her bosom, greeting her with over the top enthusiasm. She gave Rosalynn a hug to welcome her to the inner sanctum of PA's Who Care (a non-existent group, a figment of Angelina's creativity). Ros decided to share her dilemma and it was an old story to Angelina. She had dealt with more than a few employees whose boss felt the need for them to present a clean look to clients and whose old-fashioned husbands thought it was little short of sinful to mess with God's adornment.

"So, what did they do?" Ros wanted to know.

"We always start with the clipping and waxing first. Once the pussy is slick enough to eat off of, then the wax-no wax decision becomes much more cleanly defined." Smirk.

Ros had to laugh, despite her insecure feeling. 'Surely, she could get her work husband to relent, and give her a bye' she thought. Maybe. Perhaps. But she had heard of one new PA who left the company over this very-issue.

'Did Roz herself want to stick with the old ways?' She asked herself. 'Fuck NO' was her firm reply. The company provides the necessary weekly grooming for free, as Angelina had proudly explained. She had boasted that she was 'the caregiver of the 15 prettiest pussies in town.'

"O.K." she said to Angelina. "You start taking it off, while I make up my mind whether to obey my company husband or the one at home." She felt more comfortable making the choice since her home husband had voted a cop-out 'whatever' to her polite suggestion.

As the clean-up progressed, she was already envisioning how she would cheerfully show off her crowning new achievement to Nelson and thank him for giving the clean look his blessing. She thought she would get away with that and wouldn't even have to resort to telling him that her boss wanted her to do it for visiting dignitaries.

She also thought ahead to showing off for the top brass from City Corp who were week. Her first hosting for visiting dignitaries and she was excitedly looking forward to demonstrating her slick new look. God, it felt good to be alive!


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 hours ago

As an experienced trial attorney, just my firm's contingency from the lawsuits against this company, its officers, and its board of directors would set me for life. Then, once the company is nearly bankrupt, the shareholders' lawsuits would effectively secure the corporate entity for that injured group, and we would claim our share. That's why stories like this are beyond ridiculous.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What liabilities this company has! I do hope that she divorces her real husband & marries her boss

& stops being a company whore. Although well written, I dislike the scenario.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

My Uncle Pete had owned controlling interest in a local factory unknown to most. No I didn't work there. It was off book rule that a family member had to work elsewhere 7 years before they could even apply. My beautiful wife Valerie had started working there before we were married. I was at over6 years and had talked to my dad Leo and Uncle Pete about starting to work for my Uncle. We had 3 children and I thought we were happy. But I was starting to see something different about Valerie. I asked if there was something bothering her and she said no just work stuff.I said if there was anything I could do let me know. I had a couple of friends that worked there and they didn't know about my Uncle. I knew they would be a good chance for them to be having a beer on there way home Friday so I was waiting for them to show and they did. After a few beersi questioned them and found out 2 of the board of directors were putting a lot of pressure on Valerie. So far the assholes hadn't gotten anywhere with her to their knowledge. That night I asked her again and she still just said that it would pass it was just some problems at work. The next day I talked to dad and Uncle. Uncle Pete said them SOBS will pay HR has been watching their expense reports and they were already in deep enough to go forward prosecution. I made tender love to Valerie that night. Things were better than normal. I had to ask what was up. She told me that she was going to quit her job and the reason being the 2 assholes. I said don't quit and I explained why. She asked why I had told her? I said I had just found out today. That was the truth. Then I made her swear to secrets and told her about my Uncle Pete. Those 2 and 3 others were served and let go. Then I was put in the position of the one in the highest position. My wife is my PA.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 2 years ago

I don't see a future for this story. There is no where for it to go other than to depict all of her corporate liaisons. That will become redundant quickly. This author has fallen short in graphic detail as a story of this nature needs. All of the characters are flawed and deserve on another. The dialogue is sophomoric. I think it is supposed to be tongue in cheek, but

comes off rather childish. I could only give it three stars for structure and content.

62276227over 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sorry to say this but this was very poorly written

I couldn't get into it. The style was very rigid and formal somehow. It lacked emotion and was very impersonal.

GarySmith69GarySmith69over 2 years ago

Why is this woman married? She cares nothing for her cuckolded husband. If there was another chapter let the husband get divorced from the wife let the wife be with her boss. There is no need for him to be humiliated this way unless he wants to be of course.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Yes please continue.

john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooterover 2 years ago
This has potential!

This story could go anywhere. Yes, please, continue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The title sounded interesting, then I saw the authors name and skipped right on by.

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