Officer Sweeney - BBC Patrol

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The year is 2437 in a dystopian Seattle.
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The hovercar grinded to a halt in the escalating rain. It was a cool evening in late September just before the strike of midnight. The target under suspicion was just ahead, obscured mostly by the rain and darkness as he walked through the alley. The officer flashed the LED lights of the squad car, then turned them on completely with the high-beams and cherry lights. The perpetrator paused and slowly turned around to face the car.

The officer was a petite blonde, her hair in a tight bun behind her head. At twenty three, she was the youngest female in her unit, and as such, constantly felt the necessity to prove herself. A takedown like this would be risky but the upside that came with it in the form of respect and admiration was worth it.

She grabbed her service weapon from the front passenger seat, activated the non-lethal, stun rounds, and disembarked from the vehicle. She drew her weapon, gun aimed straight to his head, and stalked forward slowly. The downpour was unforgiving in its intensity, soaking her within moments of disembarking "Hands against the wall," she yelled authoritatively.

The man did as he was told with little apparent hesitation. She continued to approach slowly. At twenty feet, he could turn and run at her quicker than most individuals would expect, especially if he was jazzed with the appropriate hardware and software. Her own ocular implants detected none of this, however, and he seemed largely un-modded. The darkness and increasing rain would also complicate things if the situation got physical.

But the officer did expect such a scenario, and she played the situation accordingly.

"My name is officer Sweeney, and you are under arrest. Hands behind your back!" She quickly closed the distance.

"I didn't do shit," the black man replied assisting her by moving his hands behind his back. He felt the cold metal of the metal binders clasp harshly around his wrists. "But I know how you pigs are, so I'm not going to resist, trust me."

"Bullshit. You meet the exact description we were given," the blonde officer replied. "Stop talking. I'm taking you in. Do you have any weapons on you?"

He chuckled. "No."

"Any modifications I should know about?"

"Again, no."

The young officer began to frisk the tall, muscular man. Starting with his chest, her ran down his upper torso, every contour of muscle noted. She raised an eyebrow and kept moving. His belt band showed no signs of a knife or firearm. Sydney relaxed slightly at this but proceeded cautiously. Unarmed or not, he was at least 6'5 and muscular and could pose a problem even in handcuffs. Next, she thoroughly patted his side and back pockets. Again, no weapons. Patting his thighs proved different. Inside his jeans and running down his left was a large hard rod.

"Is that a...Maglite?" Sydney said, reaching for the flashlight. The words had barely left her lips when she jerked her hand back. The man began to laugh.

"Can't blame a pig for trying to cop a feel," he said wryly.

"You fucking pervert! Why are you hard?!" she yelled, shoving him into the concrete wall. "I'm a fucking cop!"

She grabbed him by the cuffs, directing him towards the parked car behind them. The white and blue lights of the car flickered and danced on the alley walls as they illuminated the scene.

Roughly, and accounting poorly for his height, she pushed him into the backseat of the vehicle. She slammed the door after him and surveyed the area. To her knowledge, no one saw the encounter, and no surveillance cams or drones seemed to be nearby, either. Straightening out her uniform, she ducked into the driver's seat.

Sydney punched some commands into the car's center console. "How are you doing back there?" She asked tauntingly with a smile after turning around in her seat to face him.

"Amazing. Just amazing," Jason responded, looking out the window and not making eye contact. "I didn't do shit and I don't even know why I'm here."

"You will soon enough," Sydney replied cryptically as she turned back around.

She flipped on her radio console and grabbed the mic. "Unit 347 to Unit 288. Over."

"This is Unit 288. Over," a female voice responded.

Sydney smiled. "Move to our private channel. Over." She adjusted the dial on the radio to the appropriate number.

"Well?" the female voice was heard again. It was deeper than that of the officer holding him hostage. Sultry and inviting.

"I have one, Brittany," She turned around to look at the man behind her and smiled again. "He's perfect."


The car whipped out of the alley and into the street. The road was poorly lit and, due to the rain, difficult to navigate as the rain began to fall at a torrential pace. Sydney flicked the cherry lights off but kept the high-beams on. They were on the outskirts of a large industrial park. It was poorly marked but well known to the locals in the area as many in the region worked there.

"You still haven't told me what's going," Jason said, breaking the silence.

"You'll see soon enough," Sydney replied without taking her eyes off the road. She downshifted into a low gear. The rain was making visibility difficult and she didn't want to miss her turn.

Sydney entered the right-hand lane and turned at the light. The industrial park was on the right, a large unmissable gate at the forefront. It was open and they entered through it.

Factories, oil refineries, mechanic shops, chemical plants, and beverage manufacturers flanked both sides of the road. It was a rough part of town; working class people doing working class jobs. Some buildings were lit, others looked abandoned or dilapidated. Many turns later, Jason noticed the already slow speed of the vehicle drop further. Sydney strained her eyes looking through the driver side window for their destination.

"I think this is it..." Sydney said slowly. By the expression on her face, she wasn't too sure. "Does that say 'Auto-Worx and Repair'?"

Jason didn't answer.

"Oh shit, that's right." She rummaged through the glove box, pulling stuff out of it and setting it on the front passenger seat. "Ah hah! Here it is!" she exclaimed.

Jason could see her holding up a key fob. He winced slightly. They were going inside.


The garage door groaned and began to lift, the sound of tortured metal still quite audible through the cascading rain.

Sydney drove the car though the large garage door that would have ample room for two cars to fit side by side. Motion-sensor lights flicked on as the car moved forward, illuminating the warehouse bay. It was completely devoid of cars. Auto-lifts, equipment, engine oil, and other various tools littered the bay. It looked unused but generally well-organized.

She popped her door open and exited the vehicle. The air was surprisingly fresh. The smell of oil, engine grease, and solvents permeated the air. A cool draft wisped through poorly insulated warehouse.

The blonde officer fixed her bun and grabbed her utility belt and firearm from the front passenger seat. She knocked on the window by Jason. "I'm going to have a look around." He nodded in response. She clicked the key fob again and watch the garage door groan again as it closed.

A satisfactory search around the small warehouse took around twenty minutes. Brittany had told her the shop hadn't been used in weeks. There would be little reason for any employee to be there. She reasoned that an overnight custodian *could *be there, but they likely stopped coming weeks ago.

The first floor had several back hallways behind the main bay. Offices, a couple conference rooms, and a male locker room branched off of them. The halls looked clean but you could tell it was weeks since the last time, and dust was beginning to accumulate.

Sydney huffed under her breath about the lack of female locker room. She was still soaked from their encounter in the rain and was becoming increasingly uncomfortable in her wet uniform.

Making her way back into the bay, the last piece of real estate to check was the supervisor's office. It was elevated off the ground; a type of loft enclosed by large paned windows. Industrial metal stairs zig-zagged up to the office in mountain switchback fashion.

She activated her Maglite, cracked the door, and peered in. It was completely dark. The switch was immediately to the right of door, she quickly found, as she groped around the wall in the near total darkness.

The room lit up with warm incandescent light provided scattered lamps through the office. Interestingly, the switch was wired to the lamps. No overhead lighting of any sort could be seen.

The walls were cabin-styled wood paneling. Shelves of books, knickknacks, an artificial plants adorned the walls in a sporadic but organized manner. Immediately upon entering, two couches lay perpendicular to one another in the right corner. In the far right corner was a large L-shaped Oak desk that was mostly clean of any paper or items. The far left corner had a couple doors. She peaked in the first one; a closet mostly made up of cleaning products, hygiene products, and linen. A mattress lay upright against the wall inside. *Perfect*, she muttered to herself.

The door adjacent to the closet was a small full bathroom with a toilet and a standing shower. Also ideal considering the lack of female locker room.

She flicked the light on.

Clean towels laid on shelves, and toiletries could be found under the sink in the cabinet. Tooth paste, toilet paper, packaged toothbrushes, condoms, shampoo, and body wash. She was rummaging around the cabinet when it hit her that a man was still being held in her squad.

She uncrouched, flicked the light back off, and ambled out of the bathroom. As she exited, she realized the loft's windows provided full view of the bay below. The curtains were pulled open. On the off chance someone were to come by, she closed them. It was 12:45 am, but why leave it to chance.

The blonde officer glided quickly down the stairs, running her fingers down the cold steel rail. She strode quickly across the bay as she beelined towards the car.

Unlocking the car with her key fob, she opened the rear passenger seat. "Get out," she said curtly. Jason paused for a moment, shook his head faintly, then clambered out of the vehicle.

He walked up to the young blonde officer. His shoes were a mere inch away from hers. The height difference was absurdly comical. The young officer, much to her credit, did not even flinch. Hands cuffed or not, he could still give her a fight, and she remained cognizant of that fact.

"You going to finally fucking tell me why I'm here?" he growled. It was more of a statement than a question. He was find himself becoming increasingly impatient.

Sydney smiled. A big, wide effervescent smile. "Yes," she replied as she reached around him and unlocked the cuffs. Her large breasts pressed against his toned stomach. "But first I need you to know you are free to go. I won't keep you here unless you want to be."

His left eyebrow raised slightly. "I'm not sure I follow," he said.

She responded in blushing, not even trying to hide it. "This warehouse, you see..." she said as she gestured around her and took a few steps back. "It's my sergeant's father's. He doesn't use it at the moment as you can probably tell."

"That still doesn't answer my question why I'm here."

"What's your name, sir?" she said teasingly. "Jason," he replied.

"Well, Jason, you're here to hopefully fuck me." Sydney stare at him unblinkingly with her piercing blue eyes. Jason felt the chill of her unrelenting gaze. She closed the distance with slow deliberate steps. "That's what we use this place for." She ran a single finger up his still soaked shirt. "To be fucked by black men."

Jason stood there impassively. A grin slowly spread across his face. "Is that so?"

She began to unbutton her still drenched blouse as he stood transfixed. Starting at the top, her fingers moved slowly but deftly as button by button was unfastened. Grasping the lapels of the blouse she pulled them apart quickly. It was the first good look Jason had of her body. Her petite body was accented by her large, generous breasts. They were covered in a navy blue bra that supported their considerable size in an aesthetic way.

Unyielding from his eye contact, he stepped forward, his posture changing slightly with the intent to embrace her.

She took a small step back. "Not so fast, sir," she stated with a smirk and a giggle. "I think we're both in the need of a shower first." She winked.

"I suppose that couldn't hurt. There any showers here?"

"Yeah, just through that door down a couple halls. You'll see them; place isn't that big. I didn't look too much but should be some towels and soap in there somewhere."

"All my shit is wet. Think there's any clothes?"

"Maybe...? Let's worry about the important shit first." She stepped forward and was inches in front of him again. She looked up at him, his muscular and imposing body towering over her, meeting his eyes and smiling. "Like breeding this tight, young, white pussy."

Jason utilized every bit of self-restraint. Every primal urge to throw her to the

ground, find a nearby workbench, or put her against the wall and take her. Take her holes until he's had his fill and is satisfied.

But he resisted. That time would come shortly.

The two parted ways. Jason retreated through the door leading to the back hallways. Sydney opted for shower in the office upstairs.


The blow dryer broke the chill silence of the office loft. She was expecting to hear the office door open at any moment, so she moved hastily. Sydney grabbed a towel off the rack and wrapped it around her body. It felt comically unnecessary in the context of the situation. She knew she was

minutes away from having every hole stuffed with big black cock. Yet, the desire to present what she had to offer seemed like the thing to do.

Sydney finished blow drying her hair. It was adequately dry and would likely be wet again soon after what he was about to put her through.

She stepped out into the office and began to idly thumb the books on the shelf absent-mindedly. The door was still closed and she found herself glancing at it periodically.

Suddenly, the thought of the mattress in the closet crossed her mind. She handled it the best she could but it was a queen and therefore quite the struggle for someone of her petite stature. She dragged it clumsily toward the middle of the office, successfully keeping her towel on, and dropped it haphazardly. Rummaging through the shelves and floor boxes produced clean sheets and pillows. She put the fitted sheet on the mattress first, then returned to the closet to retrieve two pillows and pillowcases. She fluffed them and dropped them on the bed.

Her ears perked up at the soft sound of feet on the metal stairs outside. They creaked and groaned quietly as the person approached. The door knob turned and the door opened slowly. He had a white towel wrapped around his waist, and carried his shoes and wet clothes in his left arm.

"Can I come in?" he asked with a grin.

"Shut the fuck up," she relied laughing.

"And lock the door behind you."

Sydney examined him thoroughly as he entered. He was jacked and covered in tattoos. A prominent outline could he seen through the towel that was unmistakable. She involuntarily bit her lip as she watched.

"Did you find any condoms?" She asked coyly.

He shot her a concerned look as he placed his stuff by the couches.

Sydney began to laugh. She walked over and sat on the large desk. "It was a joke---you won't need them."

"Ahhhh," he said slowly. "That's good. I know little white girls like yourself love it raw." He walked closer to her.

If she wasn't dripping wet, she was close. The closeness of his masculine body and clean smell was tantalizing.

Jason put his right index and middle finger together and put them to her lips on her pouty face. He slowly circled them around her mouth. Sydney began to kiss and suckle the tip of them softly. Then he inserted them, slowly mouth fucking her. She sucked greedily and deep. She felt her nipples begin to harden.

He withdrew his fingers quickly. Sydney's mouth began to follow them at first like she wanted to continue sucking.

"Greedy, are we?" Jason asked suggestively.

She nodded her head up and down slightly. "Yes, daddy."

He looked and reached down to the towel wrapped around her. He ran his fingers gently up the length of it with both hands before violently ripping it open. Her large tits spilled out and bounced as she was thrown backwards. She landed on her back on the desk behind her. Jason followed her, kissing her as he crawled on top.

They kissed deeply. Passionately. Hungrily.

She arched her back and neck, prompting him to kiss it as he worked his way down.

The assault of his kisses and touching began to work her into a frenzy. He cupped both of her large, supple breasts, alternating from one to another as he sucked. The room filled with sounds of

Sydney's moans and lip smacking as he sucked intensely. He gorged on them as one would dying of thirst.

"Please don't stop sucking on my tits, daddy," Sydney cooed.

She didn't know she could get so wet. Her body writhed and shook as her hands wandered, gripping his back tightly and digging her nails in.

A stiff prominence vied for her attention as she felt his substantial member running along her stomach. It was hard, rigid, velvet soft, and exceptional in length in girth. Their movements as they kissed and he worshipped her body made it move up and down her stomach in subtle gliding motions. It was smooth against her supple belly. She couldn't take it much longer.

"I need you inside me. Please, I need you inside me," Sydney moaned. She sounded insistent---desperate.

Jason worked his way down from her tits to her stomach, kissing and caressing her soft skin. It tickled as he descended.

His tongue entered her pussy with an enthusiasm that reflected his lust and hunger for the young officer. She writhed and turned as he tongue fucked her eager hole.

"We...have a...perfectly good...bed down there," she choked out. Her first orgasm came, and she shuddered violently as it overtook her.

"Shut the fuck up," Jason said curtly,

meeting his lips to hers to silence her pitiful whimpering.

He entered her without further preamble.

"Fuck..." She gasped, barely able to breath or process thought as he split her open. "You're so fucking big. God--I love black cock." She dug her nails into his large muscular back.

Emboldened, Jason took long, greedy strokes inside the young girl's pussy. Pussy was pussy to Jason, but in his experience, white pussy was the most grateful. And he loved to give young white women what they needed.

It was immaculate when the thing Sydney loved most in life was being taken by large black men. More than succeeding in a career. More than settling down to start a

family. What Sydney loved most was being fucked and used in an unused warehouse by the biggest black cock she had ever had.

She felt his already throbbing and engorged cock begin to stiffen further. Four orgasms and another on it's way. She bit into his arm to stifle her squeal as she came again.

But this time it would be his. This was his orgasm to have. His strokes began to quicken as he approached it. He bit into her neck as he fucked her pussy, his hips like a piston as his cock pumped her.

She was in ecstasy. Unbridled ecstasy. She came again but this time instead screamed, filling the office and warehouse with the sound of her cumming.

He was close. Gripping her petite hips with his large hands, he used her like a sex doll. "I'm going to breed that pussy. Put a baby in you," he growled. It was primal and near feral in its gruffness and intensity.