Officers and Men Ch. 02


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"Goodnight Honey," said Andy, "dream the dreams of the pure at heart - for the time being at least."

"Goodnight Honey!" called the two Riflemen. I giggled watching the goings on from a distance but hearing the voices as clear as day.

"Goodnight boys!" I purred and there was a whoop I could hear through my open window and I laughed.

We were both back at work on the Saturday and Sunday and reading the same reports and checking the same messages as if the previous wonderful night hadn't happened, back to Officers and Men again and him calling me Mam and keeping his distance. That was how it went for the rest of that week, with just a just a couple of innocent 'briefings' in one of the interview rooms to keep us occupied.

One of those could have caused a bit of a problem; Andy was in plain clothes with a few days growth of beard and it wasn't until we had been smooching for a good few minutes that I felt a touch of soreness on my chin that I found a problem I had never encountered before. My chin was red and there could only have been one cause!

He left first and returned to his desk while I searched the room for something cold that might just take the redness down a touch to enable me to get to my desk, or the ladies or back to my room for some face powder. Andy sent me a text message saying the coast was clear and that I should run and do it now.

I did and chose the latter.

The following weekend we arranged to go back to his parents place using text messages and phone chats, him using the ear pieces so none of the discussion was shared with the other corporal that shared the four man room with him.

We were both driving and leaving an hour's gap between our departures. I reached the house first and Pam was delighted to see me, hugging me tight and kissing both cheeks, taking me and my bag straight up to Andy's room before taking me back to the kitchen and more of her fantastic coffee.

When Andy arrived we fell into each other's arms letting go of two weeks of frustrated affection, desire, and yes, love.

We had just the best time again; Pam ordered a huge Chinese meal and sat around the kitchen table talking about how we had managed to supress our emotions for two whole weeks. Pam just beamed at Andy and I all the time, it was so lovely. As the evening drew on and the chatter and the banter showed no sign of stopping, she grinned at me and winked,

"Oh Lin," she said with a maternal edge to her voice, "you look tired Darling, I think you should turn in. Andrew?" I soon found out she only called him 'Andrew' when she was cross, or at least feigning in, "I think it's about time you let your gorgeous girlfriend get her pretty head down." As if on cue, I felt a yawn coming on and stretched, "You see?"

"OK Mum," he said, I wasn't sure if he read my impatience to be back in his bed and more importantly, his arms again and he stood kissed his Mum and Dad goodnight, and reached out for my hand. I kissed and hugged Dave and Pam and wished them a goodnight.

"Sleep well Baby," she said, adding a whispered "eventually..." in my ear.

We walked up the stairs, and I could see that he wanted to get to his room a bit sharpish now as well. We both all but ran from the top of the stairs the few metres to his room, and he pulled me in.

He sat on the bed and pulled me down onto his lap, gently kissing me, and fondling my back, stroking his hands through my hair and generally turning me on to the point I was ready to tear my and his clothes off if he didn't start something soon.

I wasn't disappointed.

He started to unbutton my blouse kissing my face and neck with each button, then reaching behind me for the clip for my bra, raising me up to pop the button on my jeans and skin them down leaving me in just my fitted black lace shorts. Sat on his lap naked while he was dress was just the most fantastic turn on for me and I felt like I wanted to repay him for it. I kissed him and stood up pulling at his arms to make him stand up. He did.

Thinking back to some porn I'd read, I knelt before my boyfriend and undid his jeans, pulling them down to his knees, the pulling down his pants. I took his stonking erection into my mouth and sucked him long and hard and, in the words of the porn I'd read, fucked him with my mouth.

As he got close to his orgasm he pulled out from my mouth and raised me up to kiss me, and lay me back on the bed that he had loved me so well on just over two weeks before, he stepped out of his trousers at his knees, stepped on his socks to pull them off before finally dragging his still buttoned shirt over his head and lay down next to me as I dragged off my shorts.

"Condoms?" he asked looking around for my handbag.

I pulled him over me, putting hands either side of his face, and shaking my head, reaching my hand down into my bag and holding up the small foil covered packet with thirteen empty slots to show that we could now make love without protection at last.

And didn't we just.

He raised up from me and his erection just sprung naturally into place at the mouth of vagina and with just the gentlest thrust he was inside me and I cried out in pure pleasure.

Now I know that people that live together don't make love all of the time, but our separation made the end of this sexual fast all the sweeter and I cried as he loved me, gasping in delight when I felt the hot dash of his come in me after the two or three orgasms I'd had from the moment he started fucking me.

We slept well.

Pam brought us tea at a little after eight the next morning and there was breakfast again, and another day of just lounging around with another visit to his bedroom 'for a bit of a nap' in the afternoon, although the last thing we had on our minds was sleep, not until we'd made love again.

Saturday night saw us back in the village pub and another band. We even danced again, this time bopping to some great eighties and nineties tracks, with some further smooching at that last slow ones, then back home to bed and more of his wonderful lovemaking, this time he doing me from behind, as we progressed from passion to outright lust.

We were joined by Katy's family for Sunday lunch again with her going through the suitcase full of my new clothes I'd brought with me with further advice on things to add to enable me to make up outfits with some basics and I felt my confidence just grow.

But again, the party was over and we headed back to London, our barracks and another five days of celibacy to look forward to.

We had quite a routine going during the week.

Either one of us would drive out of the camp and head to the nearby railway station where we could park for free after 6 p.m. The driver would sit in their car and with a few minutes the pedestrian would arrive having taken a tube ride and one train.

A step through the barrier, into the car park and walk across to the car working very hard not to beam their pleasure to the rest of the world.

In the car, we'd have that few moments of excitement while we tried desperately to hide our excitement, before we let go of our pent up, days or weeks' worth of passion and we'd kiss.

Again, the waiting made it all the sweeter, and we'd go to the local pub or drive further out into the country for a restaurant, and sit and chat inconsequentialities to each other just like other couples did. Then a repeat of the outward journey in reverse.

Our weekends off coinciding most of the time, I beat a regular path to the West Country and Pam and Dave's place. On my third visit Pam even gave me a key.

The army even helped us out once, sending us north to an Army Reserve Centre with no accommodation.

"Ah Captain Major," said David the 2IC, "bit of an audit I need you to do up the country, want you to take Young Sargeant with you, that boy is quite the auditor I understand." Indeed he was, and I tried desperately not to let my body language announce my glee! Three days and nights working, eating and most importantly sleeping with Andy and all on the Army!

I told the Major, we'd leave the night before ready for an early start, and he was most impressed with my commitment. I fought so hard to control my breathing and body language feeling the surge and the urge that I could slake on my boyfriend.

I had an army credit card and booked two rooms, in one of the large chain hotels that are such good value these days, and walked out into the larger office.

"Andy," I said, happy that as an officer I could chose to use that epithet, "You need to pack a bag, I perched my uniform clad arse the corner of his desk, knowing that he knew the look, feel and touch of it extremely well, "Bit of a run out and an audit, three days, staying in the local Premier Inn."

"How many nights Mam?" he said tapping into his Outlook Calendar.

I folded my arms, and took a sneaky look around me,

"Four!" I said, beaming a smile at him.

"I shall pack accordingly Mam," he said.

We packed our bags and the notes and files we jumped into the car we'd been assigned. There were no guns on this trip of course, this was purely administrative. We arrived in the large Northern City and parked in the underground car park of the hotel. We walked upstairs and with the bags we had just looked like normal business people. The hotel rooms were next to each other, and to my delight I found out they were adjoining!

We went down to dinner, and were joined by a couple of officers from the reserve unit and I insisted that Andy join us, rather than have him sat on his own with a separate bill and everything. It soon became obvious that Andy wasn't just some hog soldier that couldn't write joined up, and he was soon taking part in the all-officer conversation.

He soon bored of their company though, and did the decent thing saying that he would see me in the morning and thanking the other two officers for their company.

He left and gave me a smile; shit but I just wanted to get in bed with him! I stayed for as long as I felt necessary and as Andy had, thanked the two reservists for their company and paid the bill and left the restaurant.

I drummed my fingers on my folded arms waiting for what seemed to be the slowest lift in the world. Eventually it reached our floor, and I all but ran to my room, and on closing the door I ripped off my clothes, thumping the adjoining door.

I heard his lock click and using my keycard I unlocked my side. I pushed the door open, and stepped in naked. Andy was laying on his bed as naked as me, his huge cock standing to perfect attention.

I all but jumped on the bed and onto him. Within minutes he was on top of me and pushing his erection into a pussy that had been wet for him since I discovered we had adjoining rooms. It was fantastic, and to add some pizazz on the third night I appeared at the adjoining door in a pair of green string panties and a multi-terrain pattern shirt tied across my midriff low enough to show my cleavaged tits and high enough to show my narrow waist and my belly button.

I walked into the room, turning to close the adjoining door and making a big play of dropping the swipe card and bending at the waist to show off my fine arse that he was such a fan of, even going as far to put a finger to my lip. Standing before him with my legs parted, I took that finger and ran it down my cleavage stopping at the slightly scrunched three stars on the slide that indicated my rank as captain that normally hung on the second button.

"I'm in uniform Corporal," I said, "I hope you're standing to attention?"

"Oh yeah," he said, and I could see that he was.

"Will it pass inspection?"

"You'd better come and check Mam," he said and I stalked towards him, throwing the duvet to one side exposing his fine tool, ready for action. I went down on him yet again, until he tired of my attention, and dragged me off of him.

"Why Corporal, how dare you!" I snapped. His response was just to drag me over him and to start kissing my neck, moving down to my chest and cleavage. "You stop that right now..." I gasped with all the conviction I could manage as I felt his hands grabbing my arse and mauling it as he saw fit. He proceeded to slide under me, dragging my MTP shirt over my head and pulling up my bra to feast on my nipples and I could only lay there and let him. Next, he went lower and as he slid under me I noticed that my panties were going down with him and I felt his warm breath on my vulva and knew I was in for a treat. His mouth was all over me down there and licking and tickling my clitoris, while his fingers strayed into my pussy. I found myself kneeling across his mouth while he sucked on me and before I knew it, his fingers and tongue had me coming in rents. It was amazing and just went to bring us closer.

We did our job during the day, dashing back to our rooms at night to do each other. One of the reserve officers asked me out, but I thanked him and said that I was in a relationship, Andy smiled across the room at me from the pile of paperwork he was sifting through.

Those four nights were another memorable note in our burgeoning relationship and I was beginning to begrudge the army for the time they kept us apart and even asked Andy if he'd ever thought about applying for a commission. He said that it was a cute idea but he lacked the educational qualifications the Intelligence Corps wanted, and said that it would be his luck to get posted to bloody Israel or Washington or Mozambique.

One of the more memorable moments was Andy telling me that he had just had a call on his mobile from his ex. She had chatted with him for a while and he, luckily, didn't quite tell her all the truth.

She was in London for the evening she said, and asked if she could see him. He said No, and that we was working, he didn't say that he was working on screwing his girlfriend the hot, giant, brunette Captain as soon as she got back from the hotel swimming pool.

"But I really want to see you Andrew," she said, "I miss you, and I'd like to see..."

"Alice, I'm working," he said, "and besides..."

"You're fucking someone else aren't you," she said.

"Alice, I'm sorry but it's over; yes I am seeing someone else and that isn't going to change."

"What about us?"

"Alice, there isn't an 'us'," he said as I walked into the room, and as he saw me he turned on the speaker so I could hear. 'Ex' he hissed into my ear as I undid my towelling gown that I'd worn to the pool, and then peeled out of my costumer leaving me naked in front of him as he tried to talk down his former girlfriend.

"Oh, so everything we went through, everything we did was for nothing?"

"I'm sorry, but it's over. Six weeks ago you told me that you wanted no more to do with me, and I've moved on. Please," he said as kindly as he could, "please do the same Alice."

I knelt down next to him as he lay on the bed.

"Who is she?" came the furious voice.

"What difference does it make!" he replied.

"I'll find her, I'll find the fucking bitch and I'll tear her fucking hair out, rip out her eyeballs and piss in the sockets you ungrateful cu..."

Andy terminated the call.

"Fuck, Andy." I said, "Are you OK?"

"Yeah," he said, "I'm blocking her phone," he tapped some buttons until he'd achieved his aim, the phone ringing once before he silenced it. "Hopefully that's the last we'll hear from that mad bitch."

"Fuck her," I said, "Actually no, fuck me instead." I lay my still wet naked body on him squashing some of his paperwork between us.

Unfortunately it wasn't they last we would hear from her.

As we drove back down the A1 to London the next day, a Friday, she was already ringing people as we, blissfully unaware, discussed what we would get up to on that long weekend we would share at my parent's house the next weekend.

We got back to work, booked the car back in, and left for our own quarters. I hated it, but I did reflect on the wonderful four day holiday we'd had with only limited working. I'd snuck an extra night in a hotel and the beginning and the end of the job, so really couldn't complain.

With an agreement that we'd meet at my Mum and Dad's place in Oxford, I left for a course in Aldershot on Wednesday and we chatted that night on the phone.

I started to get a bit worried on the Friday evening when he hadn't shown up by six thirty. He absolutely should have done, he would have been out of the office by four at the latest, and the hour or so to Oxford was long gone.

He didn't answer his phone, but I didn't worry unduly. I checked the websites for road conditions and the police website for accidents and there were none. He was probably held up with army stuff in London and not able to call me. After all, it's not like he could ring me from an Int Cell in the same way that I couldn't ring the barracks and ask where he was.

I could see that both Mum and Dad were concerned because the boyfriend I had told them about so often didn't show up promised for the weekend at their place. I was a bit cross by Saturday tea time but was overjoyed when I got a text from him.

'Hey honey, you won't believe this but I've been arrested and detained while they carry out some investigations into me. I'm back in the fucking guardroom at the barracks. Mick the Rifles RP sergeant has just given me my phone for ten minutes, more soon.'

'Mick' was one of the Regimental Policemen he'd shared a joke with the other night I guessed.


Fucking what??

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

A wonderful story. Entertaining and satisfying.

rightbankrightbankalmost 7 years ago
Complications in the military

can have consequences

teedeedubteedeedubover 7 years ago

I guess you're going to make us wait....... ;~)

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticover 7 years ago
I can not believe it!

The relationship of this couple progresses with Andy's arrests!

A romantic and fun story.

I really like it a lot.

5 * for you.

I apologize for my English (yet and forever), isn't my native language.

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